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Academic integrity means practicing the values held to be essential in your academic work.
It integrates the values of honesty, fairness, respect, and trustworthiness.
Your education in the University is significant. Any form of cheating like copying and
presenting someone else work is not learning!
The University of Baguio- School of Nursing safeguards the quality of its teaching and
learning and will not tolerate any form of dishonesty.
To avoid misconduct during quizzes or examinations, it is your responsibility to adhere to
the following guidelines.

You as the student must:

1. Complete all homework, projects, journals, case studies, and other activities required by
the teacher to the best of student's ability and will not copy any work or document, in part
or in whole, from other individuals, groups, or internet sites and claim it as student's
personal accomplishment.

2. Take the quizzes and/ or examinations face-to-face/online.

If quizzes/ examinations will be taken via the learning platform (Canvas), the student must
open the camera 5-10 minutes before the conduct of the quiz/exam and must maintain it
in an active mode during the entire period of quiz/examination.

3. Use two gadgets during the quiz/exam or per instruction.

Device with video cam will be used for proctoring and the other for answering the exam.
In the event that only one device is available, a mirror will be used. You will need to place
the mirror on its holder and put the mirror nearby so that the teacher will be able to view
the student during the online exams.

4. Answer quizzes and examinations based on the student's particular knowledge of the
concept and will not open and copy from references (hard: books, notebooks, or digital
copies: web/ internet sites, pdf, epub, and/or any saved electronic documents).

5. Must answer 100 board-type or multiple-choice questions within 1.5 hours (1 question
within 54 seconds) or as per teacher’s instruction.

6. NOT view other internet sites/ windows.

If the activity log records "Stopped viewing the Canvas quiz-taking page" and "resumed",
the student will receive a corresponding sanction. The student must NOT take a screenshot/
picture/ video of the said activity and or presentation without the knowledge and
permission of the teacher.

7. NOT use or open ANOTHER device like desktop, Laptop, Smartphone, tablet (iPad,
android/Window tablets), smart watch/tv or other devices without the consent of the
instructor. Will not mirror or cast your device. All kinds of headphones are also prohibited.

8. Remain silent and not converse with other people all throughout the examination. Respect
other members who are taking the quiz/exam.
9. NOT share the completed school activities (projects, homework, journals, etc. as required
by a specific course) with classmates. However, in small group activities, files may be
shared as instructed or permitted by the teacher.

10. NOT discuss examination questions and answers with students who have not taken the
examinations/ activities. If proven to have committed academic dishonesty, in whatever
form, the student will be suspended or there will be no credit to the activity (1st offense)
and exclusion (2nd offense) as stated in Section 1. (B) (c), Article XIII of the Student
Handbook, to state: c. Cheating or any dishonest behavior in but not limited to
examinations, quizzes, seat works, assignments, and role-plays.

In addition, parents will be informed, and the student will be subject to

disciplinary action as per the University of Baguio policy.

Instruction: Handwrite the pledge below in the text box, affix your name and signature.
“I pledge on my honor that I understand the guidelines above and the work that I will submit for
my quiz, exams and other requirements will be entirely my own. I will not receive or utilize any
unauthorized assistance from any source, nor will I provide such assistance to others. I understand
and accept that any violation of integrity on my part will result in a disciplinary hearing and may
lead to severe penalties.”


Signature: Date signed: August 12, 2022

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