ALPS 2318 Physics Assignment Solutions

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ALPS_Physics - 2318
---------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY-1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1.(C) Electric field lines due to a straight, infinite, uniformly charged wire have cylindrical symmetry.
Q h
A wire of length h will send out a total flux 0  
0 0
This flux will be distributed symmetrically over an angle of 360 around the
wire. Consider the top view of the given figure.
It is easy to see that side AB subtends an angle of 30 at the top point of charged
30 h
wire. Hence, flux through surface ABCD is :   0 
360 120
2.(D) It is common knowledge that electric field reduces r times if vacuum is replaced by a dielectric medium
of relative permittivity r . But the result is valid only in a specific case where the complete medium
between two equipotential surfaces is filled with the medium. It is NOT valid for any dielectric piece of any
general shape. Hence (B) is not correct. At the best, we can say that after placing the dielectric, the net
electric field at P will be somewhat less that E0, but its exact value will depend on the shape/size etc. of
3.(A) If an electric field line makes an angle  with x-axis, then,
dy Ey
tan   and tan  
dx Ex
Ey dy
Equating, tan   
Ex dx
This equation can be used to find the equation of electric field lines.

4.(CD) From the figure, it is clear that radius of curvature at P is smaller than Q.
R1  R2
Also, we know that for an isolated conductor, surface charge density is greater at points with lesser radius
of curvature. So, 1   2

Electric field just outside the surface of conductor is . Hence, E1  E2

VMC | Physics 1 ALPS -2318| Solution


Electrostatic pressure is P  Hence, (D) is correct.
2 0
Note that (A) is incorrect because relation 1R1  2 R2 is true only for case of two distant spheres,
connected by wire. It is not in general valid for a conductor of arbitrary shape. The case of two spheres is
often given in books to indicate that  decreases with R, but the exact relation R  const is not correct.

5.(AD) Some non-uniform charges will be induced on the dielectric medium as shown in figure.

By superposition principle, force of interaction between +1C and –1C will be independent of the presence
K (1)(1) 9 109
of any other charges. Hence this force will be: F  N
82 64
Net electrostatic force on one point charge will be altered due to the presence of charges induced on
dielectric. For example, net force acting on +1C will be:
(a) Attractive, due to induced negative charge (b) Repulsive, due to induced positive charge
9 109
(c) Attractive, due to –1C
Force in (a) will be somewhat greater than (b) because it is nearer.
9 109
Hence, Net electrostatic force on +1C will be somewhat greater than N.
6.(AC) (a) In CoM reference frame, K.E. +P.E. is conserved.
(b) Since net force acting on any one of the charges is non-zero, the reference frame attached to it is
not inertial.
(c) Electrostatic force will be along the line joining the charges. Also, pseudo force (applied since we
are using non-inertial frame) will also be along the joining line. Hence in reference frame of one
charge, torque on the other charge will be zero. Hence, L will be conserved.
(d) Due to work done by pseudo force, K.E. + P.E. will not be conserved .
7.(3) At a height y from the base, take a slice of thickness dy and side length x. Then, dR 
R  x2
y 0
Upon integration and solving, we get : R  3

VMC | Physics 2 ALPS -2318| Solution


8.(2) By symmetry, all branches lying in the plane perpendicular to side AB can be removed. Let the midpoints
of sides AD and BD be P and Q.
Then, If RAB  x , then RPQ 
Where RPQ  Equivalent resistance of infinite circuit that remains if
you remove the outermost tetrahedron.
So, replacing the infinite circuit after PQ by x/2
If resistance of one side is r, then,

Solving the above circuit and using RAB  x

gives RAB  2
9.(2) The circuit has transverse symmetry. Hence the current in various branches may be marked as shown,
The two resistors carrying i3 are in series and their combination is in parallel with right – side 2r.
Similarly, the two resistors carrying i4 are in series and their combination is in parallel with left-side 2r.

This reduces to:

i.e. rAB 

10.(5) All the elements of circuit are in parallel arrangement

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2
       
Req 40 40 40 40 20 20 40 40
Req  5

Power = V 2 /R  20W

VMC | Physics 3 ALPS -2318| Solution


---------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY-2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

(A) p. d . across each cell  VP  VQ
(B) If i is clockwise then E2 is source and for anti-clockwise current E1 is source.
(C) P.D.  E  ir (when battery supplies energy) ; E  ir (when battery consumes energy)
E1  E2
By KVL i (Anticlockwise)
r1  r2
E1R2  E2 r1
 VP  VQ  E1  ir1 
r1  r2
 x 
 
0  x  a : Vx    Ex dx   V 0  0 (As Ex  0 )
 0 
x  x   

x  a ; Vx   Ex dx  V a   
 0  
dx   V a     x  a  ; (As Va  0 )
a  a 
   

x  0 ; Vx   Ex dx  V 0     . x   V 0  . x ; (As V0  0 )
 0  0

13.(C) Force on B   3Q  EA
 9Q  27Q 2
 3Q 
2 A 0 2 A 0

14.(ABCD) 
V  x, y    ydx  xdy      ydx  xdy    d  xy     xy   C
V  0,0   0  C  0  V  x, y    xy

 
Welectric field  q Vi  V f  2  1  6   10 J
V  0  x  0, y  0
 Equipotential surface  xy  C (Rectangular Hyperbola)  Electric field line
dy E y x
 
dx E x y
  ydy   xdx
y 2 x2
 C
2 2
Passing through (1, 2)
4 1 3
 C  C
2 2 2
y2  x2  3
16.(A) E   More at corner than at centre so it moves towards centre

VMC | Physics 4 ALPS -2318| Solution


 1 Q1Q2 
17.(7) From equilibrium of Q1   mg 
 40 h0
In COM frame Fp is pseudo force.
Resultant of mg and pseudo force is zero on each mass.
At closest distance velocity of each mass is zero in COM
frame. Let closest separation be x.
1 1 
1 v  1
(Loss in K.E.) 2  m  0   Q1Q2   
2  2 40  x h0 
(Gain in electrostatic P.E.)
On solving x  13.33 cm or cm
4  10
So, hence a  b  7
18.(3) For ' R1 '
500 103 R1  10
 R1  20 500 mA

V A  VC  10 V A R2 B R3 C
VA  VB  VB  VC  10
V A  VB    10
 500 103 10     10
  15V

So, 3
19.(5) I 
V  24  Potential difference across 1
 24 1 I
V  24 
 1 1
   1
 1/ R G 
1 24
For G     0 & V  20V  20  24   R  5
G R 1
20. A – p, r ; B – q, s ; C : p, r ; D – q, s
(A) Field zero so potential constant (p, r)
(B) Field  0 , hence potential will not be same (q, s)
Same applies to C and D as well

VMC | Physics 5 ALPS -2318| Solution


---------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY-3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

21.(C) 22.(A)
K1 closed i  .....…(i)
1000  G
i 2 100
K , K 2 closed,   ....….(ii)
2  100G  100  G
1000  
 100  G 
Solving G   111
i 2 1 A
Figure of merit     9  105
20 1000  111 20 div
23. A–s;B–r;C–p;D-q
(A) Effective resistance of the circuit  4 (s)
(B) Potential difference across 3  20V  8V  12V (r)
(C) Find currents in resistors using Ohm’s law and series parallel and then use Junction law to fin
current in ammeter. (p)
(D) Effective resistance of the circuit  10 (q)
 2 4T  2R
24.(99) The pressure inside and outside the charged soap bubble is same if  ;T 
2 0 R 8 0

Given:   2 105 C / m2 ,R  1.75 cm,

 
 2R 2 105 1.75 102 22
T   99 103 Nm1 (using   )
8 0  1 7
8 9
 4  9 10 
25.(2) The three balls are shown at the instant when C has maximum velocity
Let velocity of C  v  Velocity of A & B  (From conservation of momentum in y direction)
2 v
1 2 1 v KQ2 KQ2
mv  2m    
2 2 2 l 2l m A C m B m
3 2 KQ 2 2 KQ 2
 mv   v2   v  2m / s
4 2l 3ml v/2 v/2

VMC | Physics 6 ALPS -2318| Solution



So, eg. circuits diagrams

(a) I  3A
R eq

Heat produced in cell  I 2 r  9  (2/ 3)  6W


R1I 3 (35 / 8) 7
I2    1.4 A
R1  R2 35
5 5
So, (a) (b) are correct.

 1mA 
27.(BC) Here I g    150div  15mA
 10div 
 1mV 
Vg    (150 div)  75mV
 2div 
Vg 75 mV
G   5
Ig 15mA

 6A 
(a) I (current to be measured)    (150 div)  900 A
 div 
I 900 A 900 A
As n     6  104
I g 15mA 15  103 A

VMC | Physics 7 ALPS -2318| Solution


G 5 5
S    8.3  105 
(n 1) (6  10 1) 6  10
4 4

 1V 
(b) V (voltage to be measured)    (150 div) 150V
 div 
V 150V 150V
As n     2 103
Vg 75mV 75  103V

R  G(n 1)  5 (2  103  1)

28.(D) Resulting diagram will be as shown : C, D, F and E will be at the same potential.

29.(A) Potential difference between C and G will be half of the applied potential, i.e., VCG  30 / 2 15V

30.(D) (P)-2 ; (Q) - 1, 2, 3, 4 ; (R) - 2 ; (S) - 1, 2, 3, 4

Loop FEDCF :   6  RI1  4 I 2
Loop AFCB : 6  4  4 I 2  2( I1  I 2 ) = 2  2 I1  6 I 2
3 14 R 6 
Solving them we get: I1  , I2 
4  3R 4  3R
(P) I2  0    R  6
  6V ( R  0)
(Q) For current from F to C direction
I2  0  R  6     R 6
Possible for any finite value of  , because R is finite
(R) For current from C to F direction I 2  0    r  6
R  8  2
(S) For current in 2 from B to A direction I1  I 2  0
4  3R
R  8  2  0    4 
Depending upon the value of R,  can take any value from zero to infinity

VMC | Physics 8 ALPS -2318| Solution


---------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY-4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

For F to be along negative x-axis, q1 has to be negative while q2 has to be positive.
Also, F1 cos 53 = F2 cos 37° F 2
K .q1 q3 K.q2 q3 F
where F1 = and F2 = q3
(4cm) 2 (3cm)2 37°
on putting values q2 = C 37°
32 q2


Total charge = dt = Area under the curve = 10 C
 dt
Average current = = 5A
 dt
Total heat produced =   Rdt =  (5t  10)
2 2
. 1 . dt = J
Maximum Power =  R when I is maximum current. = 100 x 1 = 100 W
Charge on a 1 = ( r1)
Charge on a2 = (r2)
Ratio of charges = 1
K [ (r1  ) ] KQ 
E1, Field produced by a1 = =
r12 r1
KQ 
E2, Field produced by a2 =
as r2 > r1
Therefore E1 > E2
i.e. Net field at A is towards a2.
K .(r1)
V1 = = K
K .(r2 )
V2 = = K  V1 = V2 .
A = deformation in equilibrium state.

2KA  q

VMC | Physics 9 ALPS -2318| Solution


 A (B)
2K 0
Springs are connected in parallel Keq = 2K
Angular frequency = (A)
35.(B) & 36.(D)
i1 = 0.1A, E2 = 4V, i2 = 0
As; 0.1 R1 + 0.1 R2 – E1 = 0
0.1 R2 – 4 V = 0
R2 = 40 
Now; i2 = 0.3A, i1 = 0.1A, E2 = 8A
Now; 0.1 R1  E1  8 = 0
0.2 + 4 – E1 = 0
0.2 R1 – 4 = 0
0.2R1 – 4 = 0
 R1 =  20
E1 = 2 + 4 = 6 V

37.(10) E at AB = (  ) = 2a  F on AB = 2a

E at CD = (2  ) = 3a  F on CD = 3a

on BC & AD electric field is non-uniform x is not constant. But on BC & AD electric field will have the
same type of variation.
a  x 2  a  3 2 2
a 5
 FAD = FBC =  (dx)  ( x  ) =   x =    = a
x 
 2 
 
 2  2
5 
 Total force on the loop = 2a  3a + 2  a 
2 
F  10a 
38.(0) Solve dimensionally
 1 2 
[F] =  n
 2 0 r 
 Q2 
 [F] =  2 n
 2 0 r r 
1 q1q2
Comparing with coulmb's law, F =  n=0
40 r 2

VMC | Physics 10 ALPS -2318| Solution


Switch open
5k 1 …(1)
Switch closed
Terminal voltage   ir  3  k 2 …. (2)
So,  1
3 2
Hence 1
2 3
1 2 
 0.67
2 3
40.(6) The electric field E at any point P(x, y, z) is given by
 2
E=– = 3ax
The electric field at all points is along x-axis. Consider a cuboid of width dx, whose major surface of area S
being parallel to y-z plane as shown in figure.
z s

E + dE

x dx

Let the electric field at left and right surfaces of the cuboid be E and E + dE respectively.
Applying Gauss theorem to this cuboid surface.
( dx S )
– ES + (E + dE) S =
dE  dE
or = or    0 = 6a0 x
dx 0 dx

---------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY-5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------


C 2r B C r B
r A
2r C r D r 2r 2r r D
r r/2 r
r r r 2r r
r r
2r C r r 

 r = 600 Ohm (By wheat stone balanced bridge concept)

VMC | Physics 11 ALPS -2318| Solution

R1 40 R1 2
   …. (i)
R2 60 R2 3
R1 50 10 R2
  R1  …. (ii)
10R2 / ( R2  10) 50 R2  10
From (i) and (ii) R2  5 & R1  
43.(C) OP = 3R
K (3q ) Kq
V= =
3R R

K (3q ) K (q ) K (q )
44.(A) V0 = + +
2R R R/2
45.(B) All are wheatstone bridges. Only 4 is balanced as 
To find direction of current in BD find VB and VD.
20  10
46.(ABC) i  2 / 5 A when both switch are opened.
5  10  10
20 10 1
i  A when S1 is closed and S2 is opened.
10  10 2
and i   4 / 3 A when S1 is opened and S2 is closed.
5  10
&i  2 A when both S1 and S2 are closed

VMC | Physics 12 ALPS -2318| Solution


RCD :  RCD = 2R | | 2R = R
 RAB  R | | R  R / 2

48.(BCD) Current from cell =  2 A . Reading of A1 = reading or A2 = 1A
 3  5  2  || 1  5  4 
3Ω 4Ω 3Ω A1 4Ω
1Ω A2 1Ω
2Ω 2Ω

As A1 and A2 are now in parallel and they have equal resistances so their reading becomes equal.

49.(C) Here VC  VG
So the circuit can be redrawn as
R 2R R 7R
RAB    ; R AB 
2 5 2 5

7 15 A
RAB    3
5 7
n R
- R  1Ω

4A 4A

Let n resistances are connected in series and 4 series combination are connected in parallel.
 5  n = 20

VMC | Physics 13 ALPS -2318| Solution

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