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DAV ADMISSION TEST(DATCSP) for PRIME 40/SUPER 40/XI SCIENCE (2016-17) (PAPER-1) IDNO. SET A TIME : 3 HOURS (0.30 A.M. TO 12.30 P.M.) Guidelines to the Candidates : This Booklet contains 24 pages including 4 paginated blank pages for rough work. Any defect found should be brought to the notice of the invigilator immediately. 2. Fill in the particulars in the OMR Sheet given to you separately as per the directions given therein, 3. Use Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only for writing particulars/marking responses in OMR Sheet. Use of Pencil is strietly prohibited. 4, This testis of THREE hours duration, 5. There are four choices in every question as A, B, C and D. There is only one correct response for each question. Fach question carries 4 marks. 6. (i) The test consists of 100 multiple choice questions comprising Mental Ability(20), General English(20), Physics(10), Chemistry(10), Mathematics(30) and Biology(10) carrying maximum of 400 marks (i) -1 mark will be awarded for each wrong answerfmultiple answer. (iii) No mark will be awarded for any overwriting/scratching answer. 7. Noccandidate shall leave his/her seat during the examination. 8. Donot tear/remove any page of this booklet. : 9. Calculation, if any, may be done at the blank pages of this booklet provided at the end for rough work. 10. Calculator and other electronic gadgets are not allowed. 1. After finishing the test the OMR Sheet is to be handed over to the invigilator before leaving the Examination Hall. . FASCIMILE STAMP lof 24 SEAL MENTAL ABILITY Ais father of C and D is son of B. Eis brother of A. If C is sister of D, how is B related toE? (@) Daughter (6) Brother-in-law (© Husband @ — Sister-in-Law Ina certain code language, ‘nee muk pic’ means ‘grave and concern’; ‘ill dic so’ means ‘every body else’; and ‘turmuk so’ means ‘body and soul’. Which of the following ‘would mean ‘every concern’ ? (@ — dicpic (bo) illnee © picnee (@ Can't be determined In a certain code, PAPER is written as SCTGW. How is MOTHER written in that code 2 (@) — ORVLGW (b) PQVIGT © PQXJIT (@) — PQXKIV A letter series is given with one term missing as shown by (2). Choose the missing term out of the given alternatives. A,C\F,H,?,M @) L ) K © J @ 1 A number series is given with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative that will continue the same pattern and fill in the blank spaces. 3, 12, 27, 48, 75, 108, (.....) @ 147 (b) 162 © 183 @ 192 Pairs of words are given out of which the words in all pairs except one, bear a certain common relationship. Choose the pair in which the words are differently related. (@) Book : Page (b) Table : Drawer (©) Loom: Cloth (®) Car: Wheel Four words have been given, out of which three are alike in some manner and the fourth one is different. Choose out the odd one. (@) Resume (6) Admit (©) Confess (d)_—- Depend Choose out the odd one. @ Bromine (6) Mercury (©). Copper @ Silver 2of 2a 10. WL 12. Accident is related to Carefulness in the same way as Disease is related to... (a) Sanitation (b) Treatment. = (¢)_—- Medicine (d)_—‘Doctor Six roads lead to a country. They may be indicated by letters X, Y, Z and digits 1, 2, 3. ‘When there is storm, Y is blocked. When there are floods, X, 1 and 2 will be affected. ‘When road 1 is blocked, Z also is blocked. At a time when there are floods and a storm also blows, which road(s) can be used ? @) Only (bd) OnlyZ © — Only3 (@) ~— Zand2 In the given figure, P is 300 km eastward of O and Q is 400 km north of O. R is exactly in the middle of Q and P. The distance between Q and R is North East P (a) -250km (&) 250V2km (©) 300km @ — 350km ‘The diagram below represents the students who study Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Study the diagram and identify the region which represents the students ‘who study Physics and Mathematics but not Chemistry. (a) ft (be) P+T+S © v @ = P+T+S+R+U+V How many even numbers are there in the following sequence of numbers which are immediately followed by an odd number as well as immediately preceded by an even number ? 86768932753422355228119 @ One (b) Three (© Five (@) None of these 30f24 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. If the numbers from 1 to 45 which are exactly divisible by 3 are arranged in ascending order, minimum number being on the top, which would come at the ninth place from the top ? @ 18 (b) 21 © 2 @ 27 Ina queue, Amrita is 10" from the front while Mukul is 25" from behind and Mamta is just in the middle of the two. If there be 50 persons in the queue, what position does ‘Mamta occupy from the front ? (a) 20 (b) 19" ©@ 18" @ 1% 1.12.91 is the first Sunday. Which is the fourth Tuesday of December 91 ? @® 171291) 24.12.91) 26.1291) 31.12.91 Study the following figure carefully and answer the questions that follow : ‘What is the number of squares ? @ 10 o 2 © 14 @ 16 What is the minimum number of colours required to paint the given figure so that no two adjacent sides have the same colour ? (a) 2 (bo) 3 © 4 @ 5s 40f24 Directions : Each of the following questions consists of two sets of figures. Figures 1, 2, 3 and 4 constitute the Problem Set while figures a, b, cand d constitute the Answer Set. There is a definite relationship between figures 1 and 2. Establish a similar relationship between figures 3 and 4 by choosing a suitable figure (4) from the Answer Set. A a “AW IAL?) BUA (a) (0) (o) @) MATHEMATICS 21. Itis said that you can only fold a piece of paper in half 7 times. Harold folds a sheet of paper in half 5 times and then makes a hole in the folded paper. How many holes does the sheet of paper have after it is unfolded again? a) 32 b) 36 © 81 4) 64 22. If.a/b means the value of ab +a +b, and 5 / x = 35, the value of x must be a)7 b) 5 9 d) 12 23. A ABC is right-angled at A, and A ABP is equilateral with AB = 2. The length of AC is a) V6 A b) 8 c) V0 d) VI2 8 P = Sof 24 24. ABCD is a square. M is the midpoint ofBC, and of AP. . What is the measure of ZBAD? g a) 30° b) 45° D ©) 15 a) 25° 27. Remainder when (-2016) divided by 5 a) +1 1 4 d)-4 28. If x,y, z are real numbers such that x? + y*+ 2? -6x -8y-10z + 50=0. Findx+y +z. a) 10 b) 15 co) Il d) 12 6 of 24 29. When 10” — 99 is evaluated, the sum of the digits is a) 512 b) 728 c) 865 @) 874 30. If ‘a’ and ‘b’ are positive integers such that a=x°y” and b =xy°, where x,y are prime numbers, then HCF(a,b)= a)xy b) xy? oxy adxy 31. The zeroes of the quadratic polynomial x"+88x+125 are a)Both positive b) Both negative ©) One positive and one negative 4) Both equal 32. The sum and product of the zeroes of a quadratic polynomial are 3 and -10 respective quadratic polynomial is a) 3410 1b) x743x-10 6) x7-3x-10 A) 743x410 33. If a pair of linear equations is consistent, then their graph lines will be a)parallel byalways coincident always intersecting intersecting or coincident 7of 24 37. 34, The measures of three angles of a triangle are in the ratio 1:2:3.Then,the triangle is a) Right-angled b) Equilateral ©) Isosceles 4) Obtuse-angled 35. In a rhombus of side 10cm, one of the diagonals is 12 cm long.The length of the second diagonal is a) 20cm b) 18m c) 16cm d) 22cm 36, The area of a triangle is 1176 cm2. Ifthe base and height of the triangle are in the ratio 3:4,then the height of triangle is a)42cm b)52cm, ©)S4em d)S6em Which of the following is a false statement? a)If the areas of two similar triangles are equal, then the triangles are congruent. b)The ratio of the areas of two similar triangles is equal to the ratio of their corresponding sides. ©The ratio of the areas of two similar triangles is equal to the ratio of squares of their corresponding medians. 4)The ratio of the areas of two similar triangles is equal to the ratio of squares of their corresponding altitudes. Bof24 38. If 3cot=4, then (Ssin@+3cosO )/(Ssin@-3cos) a 1B b)3 ous do 39. ‘The cumulative frequency table is useful in determining the a) mean b) median c) mode 4) all of these 40. The median of a frequency distribution is obtained graphically from a) A frequency curve b)A frequency polygon ©) A histogram a)Anogive 41. A positive integer is called a palindrome if it reads the same forward and backwards. ‘The number of six-digit palindrome divisible by 5 is a) 100 b) 200 ©) 400 ) 1000 42. If (sec A + tan A) (sec B + tan B) (sec C + tan C) = k = (sec A — tan A) (sec B — tan B) (see C - tan C), then k = a) 42 bal o)t1N2 d+v2 9 of 24 43. Solve for x : 4*+2**! = 80 aus b4 o)2 a3 44, If the circumference of a circle and the perimeter of a square are equal, then a) area of circle=area of square b) (area of circle) >(area of square) ©) (area of circle) <(area of square) d) none of these 48. If the points A(2,3),B(5,k) and C(6,7) are collinear, then a) k=4 +b) k=6 ©) k=-3/2 d) k=114 46, The point which lies on the perpendicular bisector of the line segment joining the points A(-2,-5) and BQ,5) is a) (0,0) b) (0,2) ©) (2,0) @) (-2,0) 47. Three classes, A, B and C, have a total of 100 students. The students of all the three classes wrote a test. The average marks of all the three classes was 84, of A and B was 73 and of B and C was 87.5. If the average marks of A and the average marks of C are 70 and 95 respectively, find the number of students in A. a) 25 »)30 50 420 10 of 24 48, NGC conducted a survey in a forest and found that 45% animals can fly and 57% animals can swim. They also found 10% animals can neither fly nor swim. What percentage of the animals can either fly or swim but not both? a) 68 b) 69 78 81 49. If log((x-2)/5)= log(12/(x-2)), then how many roots does the equation have? a4 bi 02 3 50. What is the maximum number of pieces into which a cube can be cut by making 27 cuts? a) 729 b) 1000 ©) 1331 4) 1728 General Science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) 51. A body starts from rest at t=0, the acceleration time graph is shown, ‘The distance travelled by the body from t=5s to t=10s will be a) Om ‘ b) 50m ©) 75m af a sa nee d) 100m 4 11 of 24 52. An object, moving with a speed of 6.25 ms, is decelerated at a rate given by : & = -25Vb where vis the instantaneous speed. The time taken by the object, to come to rest, would be : a) 2s b) 4s ©) 8s dis 53. A small object A slides down with zero initial velocity from position (1) as shown in the diagram, Height of the position (1) is SH. At position (2), track is horizontal and its height from the ground is H. After position (2), particle travels in air and strikes on the ground. A (1): (2) 5H Speed of the object at position (2) is a) Zero b) 2gh ) J4gh ® Bah 54, Two bodies of masses m and 4 m are placed at a distance r. The gravitational potential at a point on the line joining them where the gravitational field is zero is: a9 » 9 d) Zero 120f 24 55. An electric current is passed through a circuit containing two wires of the same material, connected in parallel. If the length and radii of the wires are in the ratio of 4/3 and 2/3, then the ratio of the currents passing through the wire will be a3 b) 3 ©) 8/9 2 56. The supply voltage to a room is 120 V. The resistance of the lead wires is 62. A 60 W bulb is already switched on. What is the decrease of voltage across the bulb, when a 240 W heater is switched on in parallel to the bulb? (Take Rated voltage=120V) a) 2.9 Volt b) 133 Volt ©) 10.04 Volt 4) zet0 volt 57. A dichromatic light of wavelength 5600 A and 6300 A pass through a prism of crown glass. Then: ) deviation for both wavelengths is same. b) both will emerge without deviation. ©) deviation for wavelength 5600 A is greater than deviation for wavelength 6300 A. 4) deviation for wavelength 6300 A is greater than deviation for wavelength 5600 A. 58. A charged particle enters a region of non-uniform field and eventually comes out of it. As it emerges, its 2) speed is greater as compared to the speed at entry point ) velocity remains unchanged ©) velocity may change but speed remain unchanged 4) speed cannot be estimated as data is insufficient 59. A positive charge is moving upwards in a magnetic field which is towards north. The particle will be deflected towards: a) east b) west ¢) north @) south 13 of 24 60. A proton moving in a straight line enters a strong magnetic field along the field direction. How will its path and velocity change? a) Path is circular but speed constant b) Path is same but velocity increase c) Path is same and velocity remains constant d) Path is same but motion is retarded 61.The number of possible orientations of ‘f* orbital in space is a) 14 b) 2 Ol 4) 10 62: The order of energy of the orbitals in which of the following options is correctly arranged? a) 3p>3s>3d>4f b) 3scipeddct ©) 4f>4d>Sp>6s d) 8s>7p>6d>5f 63. The colour changes observed in Methyl Orange, Phenolphthalein and Litmus when subjected to contact with a base is a) Yellow, Pink, Blue b) Yellow, Colourless, Blue ©) Orange, Pink, Blue 4) Orange, Pink, Red 64. Select the correct option ILP. 1 = First Ionisation Potential, LP. 2 = Second Ionisation Potential] [ N = Nitrogen; O = Oxygen] a) LP.1 (N)>LP.1 (0); LP.2 (N)> LP.2 (0) b) LP.1 (N)LP.1 (0); LP.2 (N)< LP.2 (0) 4) LP.1(N) LP.2 (0) 14 0f 24 65. The Standard Reduction Potential (SRP) of Potassium, Sodium and Lithium is -2.93V, 2.71 V and -3.04 V respectively. The worst reducing agent among the above elements is: a) K b) Na ce) Li 4) Data Insufficient 66. Which of the following compounds has a dative bond in it? a) CO b) BF; ©) AlCl 4) NH; 67.B(OH)3 is alan a) Base b) Lewis Base ©) Salt d) Lewis Acid 68. Which of the following is an example of Disproportionation reaction. a) NaCl + AgNOs—+ NaNOs+ AgCl b) 2HCOs — CO;? + H2CO3 ©) CioHs + 12 02 + 10 CO, +4 H,0 4) HyCOs+ NaOH —+ NaCOs + 220 69. The correct order of size is a) Si*>Al*>Mg">Na” b) Si*Mg’*>Na* ©) Si**AI*Nat 15 0f 24 70. The order of Melting Point(M.P.) and Boiling Point(B.P.) of Cis-2-Butene(A) and Trans- 2-Butene(B) is a) MP: ADB; BP: A>B b) MP: AcB; BP: AcB c) MP: A>B; BP: ACB d) MP: AB 71. A scientist crossed the F1 generation of pure breeding parents for round (dominant) and wrinkled (recessive) seed pea plants and obtained 7524 plants, What will be the number of round seeded plants he obtained? (@) 1881 (b) 22572 (©) 5643 (@ 7524 72. Which one of the following is not the advantage of tissue culture technique? (a) Itis very fast (b) Plants produced are diseased free (©) Can be done any time of the year (@) Creates genetic variations "73. What is the genotypic and phenotypic ratio obtained of the F2 generation of tall and dwarf plant respectively. 16 of 24 74, Which of the following gases was absent in early earth atmosphere? (a) Ammonia (b) Oxygen (©) Methane (@ Hydrogen sulphide 75. If the fossil of an organism is found in the deeper layers of the earth, then we can predict that (a) The extinction of organism has occurred recently (b) The extinetion of organism has occurred thousands of years ago (©) The fossil position in the layers of the earth is not related to its time of extinction (d) Time of extinction cannot be determined 76. While performing an experiment to demonstrate the release of CO2 during respiration by the teacher, a student asked what is the role of KOH in this experiment? The teacher replied (a) It provides O2 to seeds (b) Absorbs CO> released by germinating seeds (c) Absorbs water to keep seeds dry (@) Makes the environment alkaline for accelerating the reaction 71. How many ATPs are required to fix one CO molecule? (a) 2 ATP (b) 3 ATP (c) 12 ATP (@) 18 ATP 78, A man is on fasting for 24 hours. Which hormone level will be up regulated to maintain normal blood glucose level? (a) Insulin (b) Prolactin (©) Oxytocin (@ Glucagon 79, Organelle associated with the secretory activity of the cell is, (a) Golgi body (b) Mitochondria (c) Ribosome (@ Lysosome 80. In which colour of light photosynthetic rate is maximum? (a) Red (b) Violet (c) Green (@) blue 17 of 24 GENERAL ENGLISH The following sentences are labelled each with a letter. Four options of rearrangement of these sentences are given. Choose the most logical option to get a meaningful paragraph. 81. 82. bill, 84, hall. A. B. ic D. @) amp @) @) as ‘There is no shortcut in life but there is a path. ‘The path is based an principles revered throughout history. If there is one message to glean it is that a meaningful life is not a matter of speed or efficiency. It’s much more a matter of what you do it and why you do it, than how fast you get it done. ABCD ) —BCDA (© DBA @ DBA You would be very surprised indeed to find it hot. Cold, of course. ‘And yet that was what I found when I visited North Island, the northern part of New Zealand. When you go bathing in a river or a pond, do you expect the water to be hot or cold? ABDC (») ADBC (© DBAC (®) DBCA ‘The buyer, through his broker, undertakes the transaction without settling his by agreeing to pay interest to a lender who finances the transaction for a period of upto 70 days. The most common among the schemes which allow market players to carry forward their tmsactions without settlement is badla trading. Depending on the demand for badla trading in the stock concerned, the interest rates vary, In that scheme, the stock exchange acts as an intermediary for loan finance at variable interest rates provided to those making share purchases. without outlaying the required capital. ABDC () BACD (© BDAC @ =~ BOCA ‘The chief guest visited science exhibition before proceeding to the assembly ‘At 6.30 pm the car of the chief guest arrived at the school premises. Alll the students and parents gathered in the assembly hall rose and welcomed them. He along with the principal arrived at the entrance of the assembly hall for the function. ‘The prize distribution ceremony was scheduled to begin at 7.00 p.m. He was warmly received by the school Principal at the gate. BFAEDC (b) BEFDCA (ce) BAFEDC () _BFEADC 18 0f 24 Out of the given alternatives (a), (b), (c), (d) ete. Choose the correct word which serves as the single word substitute of the expression. 85. A person who hates women : (a) Misogamist (b) — Masochist_ (c)_— Misogynist (4) Misanthropist 86, _Disbeliever in God : (@ Agnostic (b)_— Atheist (©) Theologist. (4) Altruist 87. Amimaginary name assumed by an author for disguise : (@) Nickname (b) —Pseudonym (c) Anonymous (d) Namesake 88. A person who is womanish in his habits : (@) Feminist. (b)_~—‘Effeminate (c) —Philanderer (4) ~—_Philogynist Complete the sentences with the correct alternative from the options given after each sentence. 89. Sita is beautiful but. i (a) kind (b) — anexpert in music © proud (@)— agreat dancer 90. Hari died ‘cancer @ in (b) by © of @ ~~ with 91. Can you tell me 2 7 (@) Where your uncle does live (b) whether your uncle does live (©) where your uncle lives (@) where lives your uncle 92, Finding fault with others is the business of those who (@) are nothing to do elsewhere (b) have nothing else to do (©) donot have nothing else to do (@) had nothing to be done Pick out the correct alternative as the synonym of the word given below 93. VINDICTIVE: (@) revengeful (b) triumphant () strategic += (d)_—sébigoted 94, ERSTWHILE : (a) non-existing (6) banished (c) formerly (d) present Choose the most suitable antonym of the given word. 95. PRETENTIOUS : (@) unassuming (b) calm (©) cowardly (d)_— real 96. DIMINUTIVE (@) enlarged = (b)_—_bright (©) admonitory (4) small 19 of 24 Read the following passage carefully and mark out the correct answers from among the alternatives given after each question. ‘When the Chinese began to develop their public health services in 1949, they decided that their main aim would be to prevent disease from occurring. One part of their public health programme was to teach the people simple health rules such as the importance of drinking pure water and of getting rid of household rubbish. Chairman Mao’s war on flies, mosquitoes and rats may have been regarded by the rest of the world as a joke, but the fact is that it is difficult to find a housefly in China these days. As a result, it is now possible to control the spread of some of the diseases which twenty-five years ago they carried from house to house and from village to village. Unlike the rest of the world, China now seems to have enough doctors. Neither the city nor the village hospitals seem to be overcrowded. The explanation is that medical care in China is. provided by the ‘barefoot doctors’. Consequently, only the difficult cases find their way to the local hospitals and even fewer are passed on to the specialist hospitals for treatment. The barefoot doctors seem to have caught the imagination of people in the west. But they are not doctors, not do they generally go barefoot. They are simply health workers at the lowest level of the medical organisation. 97. Barefoot doctors are (@) doctors without hospitals (b) —_lowest-level health workers (©) doctors working in villages (@) doctors who wear no footwear 98. In China most of the health services is provided by (a) medical agencies (b) barefoot doctors (©) doctors in hospitals (4) private medical practitioners 99. The last para refers to the (a) doctors’ profession () doctors’ plight (©) health workers (@ medical organisation 100. The main objective of the public health programme in China was to (a) provide medicines to people (b) remove rubbist, mosquitoes, flies etc. (©) teach people health rules (d) stop people getting diseases 200f 24

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