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Expansion of an Idea

Important Points
1- Knowledge is power
2.Beginning: normal
3. develop the idea:
4. give examples in support of your idea
5. bring the idea to concluding point.

Example: 1
Knowledge is Power
On this earth when humans were just animals and stayed with other animals in
jungle, muscle power was real power. But with socialization a different social
structure came in existence and muscle power became secondary, and brain
power/intellect, and wisdom became more important.
Earlier when humans were in developing stage knowledge was not so
important. For survival physical strength was important. Later on, with the help
of knowledge humans developed the world. And thereafter knowledge became
Man is an intelligent animal. With the help of his brain he developed
today’s society. In this society and in its functioning knowledge has played a
crucial role. Man had knowledge and that is why he could reach to where he is
now. In this sense it is said that knowledge is power.
Knowledge makes a man resourceful. With knowledge, when he is faced
with a difficult situation, he is able to tackle it better. His mind is able to come up
with many ways to solve a problem. He is not bogged down by paucity of
thoughts. He can even think up new ways of doing things. The world is moving
faster each day. No one can afford to remain illiterate. Everyone has to keep up
with the knowledge of the times. Thus ultimately knowledge is power, and in
future the importance of it will be greater.

Example: 2- Experience is the best teacher

Human beings have developed with the method of trial and error. We were not
perfect right from beginning. We went on becoming perfect or good with the help
of experience. Now also we are experimenting each day. ….
Child: Child learns to speak through experience, learns everything through
experience (expand the example)
If you warn a child not to put his hand near the fire, he or she may not listen to
you. But if the child actually touches the flame out of curiosity, he or she will get
burnt. By actual experience the child will learn that putting one’s hand in fire can
actually cause a lot of pain and physical damage.

Businessmen: Dhirubhai (connect the example)

Chef: If somebody just reads books of cookery he is not going to become a good
cook. One should take experience of cooking. The lessons of life which we learn
through our own experiences are long lasting. We remember them for longer
time. Knowledge through books or gurus is fine but every time ground realities
are different
Most of our study is based on books. But only by actually making a visit to the Taj
Mahal will one actually experience its grandeur. Direct knowledge gives personal
experience. There are so many skills that mere theoretical knowledge cannot
supply complete information. Practical knowledge gives us complete, impartial
and permanent information of the thing we are studying. We learn through our
mistakes more than we learn from bookish knowledge. Learning by doing is the
most effective way of education. Human being takes the help from the past and
from their experiences so that they can cope up with the various situations in the
present and in the upcoming future of their lives.

Thus it can be said that experience is the best teacher. It provides you a sense how
to move ahead when you are faced with difficulties.
Example: 3- An Apple a day, keeps the doctor away
In today’s world- when there are so many health problems, a doctor assumes/(is
of) utmost importance in our daily lives and is an indispensable part of healthy
living. Yet the proverbial message: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away, holds
good importance. It is commonly believed that, the apple has curative
and amazing healing powers and so consuming an apple as part of one's daily
diet, is the best way to keep in good health.

The apple is symbolic of all fruits which play an important role in good and
healthy living and so including fruits, especially an apple in one's daily meal is
strongly recommended and thus one can avoid the need to consult a doctor on
health issues. Besides, these are commonly available in variety and at affordable
prices thus eliminating the financial burden that one may have to go through with
visits to a doctor.

“An apple a day, keeps the doctor away" is an old English proverb that basically
means that eating nutritious food will make and keep you healthier.
Consequently, you won’t require any medical care. In simple words you won’t
have to see a doctor quite often. Here apple signifies the totality of nutritious and
healthy food including vegetables, fruits, nuts, dairy products, etc.
We must not forget the fact that the food we eat must be balanced having all the
nutrients such as vitamins and minerals that are so vital for the healthy metabolic
process of our body. Vegetables contain important nutrients, including potassium,
fibre, folic acid, and vitamins A, E and, C. Potassium maintains healthy blood
pressure; and dietary fibre reduces blood cholesterol levels thus ensuring health
of the heart.
Similarly, vitamin A and C are so essential in maintaining the health of skin, teeth
and gums. In conclusion it can be said that in order to enjoy perfect health, eating
vegetables is indispensable. Children must be taught their value in the diet plan.
Elders and parents must ensure vegetables of all sorts are included in their diet
plan. Ignoring eating vegetables might lead to serious health deficiencies and
diseases. So, in order to live every moment healthily year after year, do eat
vegetables and fruits.
Example: 4- A little learning is a dangerous thing.
When we have good knowledge of something, then only things become easier to
handle, otherwise the task becomes difficult, and sometimes dangerous. Little
learning is a dangerous thing. For example, when we are sick, we search for
expert doctors and not inexperienced and less expert ones. We have seen that
sometimes when people go to Quacks, they get cheated and their health does not
recover. On the contrary it worsens.
Sometimes children try to imitate dangerous scenes from films, little realising the
danger they could lead to. Learning Yoga from someone who is not an expert at
it could be dangerous. Certain Asanas should not be tried unless the trainer is an
expert. Listening to the advice of someone who is less educated than you, can

lead to wrong choices in life. Remember Lord Buddha’s teaching: Travel not with
a fool. He further goes on to say that if the people you are travelling with are less
clever than you or equal in cleverness to you, it is better to travel alone. In other
words, it is better to have no friends than to have one who has little knowledge.

Example: 5- Thirst for knowledge is never quenched

The span of human life is very short and it comes to an end too quickly. During
this short span of life, human beings experience many a thing. But these manifold
experiences lead to a new thirst for knowledge. It is never quenching.
Man wants to know more and more. His soul yearns for new and newer
experiences. That makes his life lively and interesting. Ulysses was a great Greek
hero. He travelled a lot, visited many places and still felt an urge to travel more.
He was a traveller with a ‘hungry heart’. His thirst for knowing the new world
was never-quenching. It should happen with every human-being., which will lead
to a better kind of world-order, based on understanding and peace. In a story ‘Bet’
by Anton Chekhov, the young lawyer agrees to stay locked for fifteen years for
money, but when he reads many books there, he comes to know that money is of
less value than knowledge. The old sages in Indian tradition were knowledge-
thirsty. They did not give much value to physical prosperity, for them intellectual
prosperity was of utmost importance. Thus, it can be seen everywhere that people
give all their lives for knowledge because they experience a different kind of
freedom in the domain of knowledge.

Examples for practice:

Time is money
Where there is will, there is a way.
All that glitters, is not gold
Laughter is the best medicine
Look before you leap

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