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FULL NAME: COURSE: 801 – 802 - 803

TEACHER'S NAME: Clara Pardo T. DATE: September 15th – October 7th 2022

➢ Objective Fourth Term

• Identify relevant information on consumption needs and practices in medium-length spoken and written narrative texts.
(Identificar información relevante sobre necesidades y prácticas de consumo en textos narrativos orales y escritos de mediana

➢ TOPIC: Sensible Shopping (Compras sensatas)

• Describe present and past experiences.
• Justify points of view about shopping practices.
• Express opinions about shopping practices.

In this module we will be able to demonstrate the phenomenon of globalization, understood as a historical process, which has
made of global integration in the economic, political, technological, social and cultural fields, which has made the world an
increasingly interconnected place. Economic globalization has been and is a phenomenon that inevitably influences the different
areas of daily life of the inhabitants of a nation, presenting favorable and unfavorable effects.
(En este módulo podremos evidenciar el fenómeno de la globalización, entendida ésta como un proceso histórico de integración mundial en
los ámbitos económico, político, tecnológico, social y cultural, que ha convertido al mundo en un lugar cada vez más interconectado. La
globalización económica ha sido y es un fenómeno que influye inevitablemente en los distintos ámbitos de la vida diaria de los sujetos
habitantes de una nación, presentando efectos favorables y no favorables).

Thus, in this guide you will be able to recognize information about buying habits and traditions typical of Colombia and some
countries, consumption needs and practices. The above will allow you to value the Colombian culture, but at the same time
recognize that it is inevitable that, with the advent of new customs and new ideas of different parts of the world, the
characteristic culture of our country is influenced. The cultures of other countries may be different from ours, but it is important
to always respect other cultures.
(Así pues, en esta guía podrás reconocer información sobre hábitos y tradiciones de compra propias de Colombia y algunos países,
necesidades y prácticas de consumo. Lo anterior te permitirá valorar la cultura colombiana, pero a la vez reconocer que es inevitable que, al
advenir nuevas costumbres y nuevas ideas de diferentes partes del mundo, la cultura característica de nuestro país resulta influenciada. Las
culturas de otros países pueden ser diferentes a la nuestra, pero es importante respetar siempre las demás culturas).

1. The pictures below show experiences. Answer the following question. Choose the correct answer a-d.
(Las fotos debajo muestran experiencias. Responde la siguiente pregunta. Escoge la respuesta correcta a-d).

Which of these experiences have you tried?

a. I tried Skydiving. b. I have tried skateboarding. c. I have try sailing. d. I has tried fishing.

Skydiving Skateboarding Sailing Fishing

Now, that you have answered the question, I invite you to check your answer.
(Ahora, que ya respondiste la pregunta, te invito a verificar tu respuesta).

The Present Perfect Tense is a verbal tense that, as we saw in the third term, we use to talk about something that happened in the
past, but has relevance in the present, either because it happened very recently or because it is an action that has not yet finished.
(El Tiempo Presente Perfecto, es un tiempo verbal que como ya lo vimos en el tercer período, usamos para hablar de algo que sucedió en el
pasado, pero tiene relevancia en el presente, ya sea porque ocurrió hace muy poco tiempo o porque es una acción que aún no ha finalizado).

Look at the grammar chart on the formation of the Present Perfect and you will see that the correct Answer is b, since in this the
auxiliar have is being used followed by the past participle tried of the main verb.
(Observa el cuadro gramatical sobre la formación del Presente Perfecto y podrás comprobar que la respuesta correcta es la b, ya que en ésta
Se está utilizando el auxiliar have seguido del participio pasado tried del verbo principal).

Watch the video and take notes in your notebook. (Mira el video y toma apuntes en tu cuaderno).

Present Perfect Tense with Regular verbs. Present Perfect with Irregular verbs.
Complete the questions with the Past Participle of the verbs in brackets.
(Completa las preguntas con el Participio Pasado de los verbos entre paréntesis).
1. Label the photos with the names of the products. (Etiqueta las fotos con los nombres de los productos).

hoodie selfie stick sunglasses tent telescope bean bag chair

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Which of these items do you have and which ones would you like to buy?
(¿Cuáles de estos elementos tienes y cuáles te gustaría comprar?)

Describing products
Best Gifts for Teens is a webpage suggesting presents for teenagers.
(Best Gifts for Teens es una página web que sugiere regalos para adolescentes)

2. Listen and match the photos (a–f) with the radio advertisements for the products (1-6).
(Escucha y relaciona las fotos a-f con los anuncios de radio de los productos 1-6).

a. b. c. d. e. f.

1. It will help you take great photos for 2. It can resist extreme weather conditions
Facebook and Instagram. Get it for just in the forest and in the mountains. It is
£23. £120.

3. It is powerful enough to see the moons 4. They will be perfect for sunny summer
of Jupiter. Only £150. days. They only cost £95.

5. We have designed it for your comfort 6. Your teenager will love it so much that he
and safety and you will feel like you are will never take it off. It is only £45.50.
sitting on a cloud. Just £69.99.

Copy the words in bold in your notebook and find their meaning.
(Copia las palabras en negrita en tu cuaderno y encuentra su significado)
3. Listen again and match the photos (a–f) with the prices (1–6). Notice the symbol for pounds: £.
(Escucha nuevamente y relaciona las fotos a-f con los precios 1-6). (Observa el símbolo de libras: £).

£45.50 Forty-five pounds fifty.

1. £69.99 2. £120 3. £45.50 4. £150 5. £23 6. £95 £23 Twenty-three pounds.

4. Complete the sentences with Positive adjectives from the Word Bank. Find the meaning of the adjectives
and write it in your notebook. (Completa las oraciones con adjetivos positivos del banco de palabras. Encuentra
el significado de los adjetivos y escríbelo en tu cuaderno).

5. Do the interactive activity and print it with the score. (Haz la actividad interactiva e imprímela con la nota).

The Present perfect with already and yet

Already is used in positive sentences, and yet is usually used in negative statements and questions.
Already usually goes between have or has and the main verb. Yet usually goes at the end of a sentence.
(Already se usa en oraciones positivas y yet generalmente se usa en frases negativas y preguntas. Already suele ir entre
have o has y el verbo principal. Yet por lo general va al final de una oración).

Watch the video and take notes in your notebook.

Look at the gift shopping list. Answer the questions with already and yet.
(Mira la lista de compras de regalos. Contesta las preguntas con already y yet).

The Present perfect with since and for

▪▪ since is used when we know the starting point of an event or we are referring to a specific time or date in the past
when an event started. (Since se usa cuando conocemos el punto de partida de un evento o nos referimos a una hora o
fecha específica en el pasado cuando comenzaba un evento).
▪▪ for is used when we refer to a period of time or the time or date in the past when an event started is not specified.
(For se usa cuando nos referimos a un período de tiempo o no se especifica la hora o fecha en el pasado cuando comenzó el
Watch the video and take notes in your notebook.

Use the timeline to complete the sentences with for or since . (Usa la línea de tiempo para completar las oraciones con for o since).
1. Read the introduction of a radio programme. What is the main subject of the programme? Choose a, b or c.
(Lee la introducción de un programa de radio. ¿Cuál es el tema principal del programa? Elige a, b o c).

Reporter: Hello. One of our favourite hobbies is shopping for clothes, music, and accessories.
Although some people spend sensibly, some buy things just to impress other people. We often
buy more than we need, and we often don’t use the things we buy. So, we interviewed some
shoppers in our nearest mall and asked them why they think we buy more things than we need.

2 . Read the rest of the report and write S1 (shopper 1), S2 (shopper 2) or S3 (shopper 3), as they answer the
question: Why do we buy more things than we need? There is an extra answer.
(Lee el resto del informe y escribe S1 (comprador 1), S2 (comprador 2) o S3 (comprador 3), según respondan a la pregunta:
¿Por qué compramos más cosas de las que necesitamos? Hay una respuesta adicional).

Interview 1 Interview 2
Reporter: Excuse me, sir. Can I ask you a question? Reporter: Excuse me, madam. Can I ask you a
Can you tell me why we buy more stuff than we question? How many things have you bought today?
need? Why do we like going shopping? Shopper 2: Well, I’ve already bought a pair of jeans
Shopper 1: Wow, that’s a good question. Well, I and a gorgeous necklace.
think that we buy more because it makes us happy. Reporter: Can you tell me, why you think we buy
We are happy when we own things. For example, I more stuff than we need?
have already bought a watch today and I feel happy. Shopper 2: What a question. I think there are two
Reporter: And do you really need a new watch? reasons. The first reason is that shopping makes us
Shopper 1: Not really. I already have a lot of feel safe and satisfied. We think that if we have
watches at home, but I just bought another one more things, we will have a more secure life and
because it makes me happy. It’s very strange, haha! future. The second is maybe that we want to impress
other people. We want to show off about our
Interview 3 possessions. People can see that we’re successful
Reporter: Excuse me, madam. Have you finished and have money to spend.
shopping for today?
Shopper 3: No, I haven’t. I’ve already bought some
perfume, but I still need to get a book.
Reporter: Can you tell me why you think we buy
more stuff than we need?
Shopper 3: Oh wow, what a difficult question. I
think that maybe advertising controls our minds.
Every day advertising on TV or the radio sends us
messages to buy things, and we believe what they
say and buy what they sell. I haven’t really thought
about this much, but I know I sometimes buy things
I don’t really need.

3. Read again and choose the correct option (a–c). (Lee de nuevo y elige la opción correcta a – c).
4. Choose the correct options to complete the text. (Elige las opciones correctas para completar el texto).

5. Answer the questions. (Responde las preguntas).

6. Read the following text about Christmas shopping habits. Put the words a-g in the correct spaces 1- 6.
(Lee el siguiente texto sobre hábitos de compras navideñas. Pon las palabras a-g en los espacios correctos 1-6).
Extreme Consumers
1. Listen and complete the sentences (a -f) with the names and expressions in the box. WAY TO GO LEVEL 8
(Escucha y complete las frases a-f con los nombres y expresiones del recuadro). TRACK61.mp3

Adverbs of manner

Adverbs of manner tell us how someone behaves or does something,

and are usually formed by adding -ly to an adjective (e.g., foolish, foolishly).
They usually come either after the main verb or after the object in a sentence.
(Los adverbios de modo nos dicen cómo alguien se comporta o hace algo,
y generalmente se forman agregando-ly a un adjetivo. (Ejemplo: foolish=tonto
fooloshly=tontamente). Por lo general, vienen después del verbo principal o
después del objeto en una oración).

2. Read this Blog post about foolish shoppers. Focus attention on the adverbs of manner that appear in the
blog post (carelessly, extravagantly, irresponsibly and responsibly) and find their meaning.
(Lee esta publicación de blog sobre compradores tontos. Centra la atención en los adverbios de modo que aparecen en
la publicación de blog (carelessly, extravagantly, irresponsibly and responsibly) y encuentra su significado.

Translate the Blog post and the opinions, into Spanish. (Traduce la publicación de blog y las opiniones, al español).
Do you agree? Give your opinion about Justin Bieber, Beyoncé and Cristiano Ronaldo.
3. Use the questionnaire to interview a classmate and find out if he/she is a compulsive shopper.
(Utiliza el cuestionario para entrevistar a un compañero de clase y saber si es un comprador compulsivo).

4. Have you ever wasted your money? Use the expressions in the example and the Word Bank to justify your
spending to a partner. Then, as a class, discuss spending habits using information from exercises 2 and 3.
(¿Alguna vez has malgastado tu dinero? Utiliza las expresiones del ejemplo y del banco de palabras para justificar tu gasto
a un compañero. Luego, como clase, discute los hábitos de gasto utilizando la información de los ejercicios 2 y 3).

5. Look at the list of how Colombian teenagers spend their money. Now, make a list for yourself. Order it from 1
(the product you buy the most) to 5 (the product you buy the least).
Mira la lista de como gastan su dinero los adolescentes colombianos. Ahora, haz una lista para ti. Ordénalo del 1 (el producto
que más compras) al 5 (el producto que menos compras).

6. Look at the examples and write a self-reflection note about how you have spent your money during your life.
(Mira los ejemplos y escribe una nota de autorreflexión sobre cómo has gastado tu dinero durante tu vida).
Group work. (Trabajo en equipo)

1. In groups, design a questionnaire to ask students five questions about their shopping habits. (For an example
of a questionnaire, see exercise 2). Use these prompts:
(En grupos, diseña un cuestionario para hacer a los estudiantes cinco preguntas sobre sus hábitos
de compra. (Para un ejemplo de un cuestionario, ver ejercicio 2). Utiliza estas indicaciones):

a. you / ever / buy / useless items / in your life?

b. you / purchase clothes and articles because you want to impress others?
c. you / believe / you / be / a shopping addict or a careful shopper?
d. you / ever/ waste / your money on something?
e. you / ever / save / money to buy presents for your family?

2. Prepare the second part of the survey on adolescents’ needs and spending habits. Match the first column (a–e)
with the second column (1–5). Then, include the five questions you prepared in exercise 3, for the final version
of the survey.
(Elabora la segunda parte de la encuesta sobre necesidades y hábitos de gasto de los adolescentes. Haz coincidir la primera
columna (a-e) con la segunda columna (1-5). Luego incluye las 5 preguntas que preparaste en el ejercicio 3, para la versión
final de la encuesta).

3. Use both sets of questions and interview ten students in your school. Use your smart phone or a camera
to film five of the interviews. Save the videos for your presentation.
(Usa ambos conjuntos de preguntas y entrevista a cinco estudiantes en tu colegio. Usa tu teléfono inteligente o una cámara
para filmar dos de las entrevistas. Guarda los videos para tu presentación).
4. Design a bar chart using the answers to the survey in exercise 3. Then, present the results. Film your
presentation. Include examples of the students you filmed during the interview. Look at the example:
(Diseña un gráfico de barras con las respuestas de la encuesta del ejercicio 3. Luego, presenta los resultados. Filma tu
presentación. Incluye ejemplos de los estudiantes que filmaste durante la entrevista. Mira el ejemplo):

Ashcroft, S. (Ed). (2016). Way to go! 8th Grade. Student´s Book. (Module four) Editorial Richmond, Colombia
Ashcroft, S. (Ed). (2016). Way to go! 8th Grade. Workbook. (Module four) Editorial Richmond, Colombia
Digital materials Way to go! 8th Grade.

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