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ISSN 1998-0124 CN 11-5974/O4

Polarization-controlled dual resonant lattice Kerker effects

Lei Xiong1,2,§, Xueqian Zhao2,3,§, Xiang Du2,4,§, Shuai Chen5, Yuanfu Lu2, Hongwei Ding1(*) and Guangyuan Li2,6 (*)

Nano Res., Just Accepted Manuscript • on Aug. 31, 2022

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Polarization-controlled dual resonant lattice
Kerker effects

Lei Xiong, Xueqian Zhao, Xiang Du, Shuai Chen,

Yuanfu Lu, Hongwei Ding* and Guangyuan Li*
Yunnan University, China.
Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese
Academy of Sciences

This work demonstrates polarization-controlled dual resonant lattice Kerker

effects, of which the Kerker angles for the s- and p-polarizations can be
differently tuned over large ranges.
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ISSN 1998-0124 CN 11-5974/O4
2 inserted by the publisher)

Polarization-controlled dual resonant lattice Kerker effects

Lei Xiong1,2,§, Xueqian Zhao2,3,§, Xiang Du2,4,§, Shuai Chen5, Yuanfu Lu2, Hongwei Ding1() and Guangyuan Li2,6 ()

Review Article/Research Article

School of Information Science and Engineering, Yunnan University, Kunming 650500, China
CAS Key Laboratory of Human-Machine Intelligence-Synergy Systems, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Shenzhen 518055, China
School of Computer, Electronic and Information, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China
College of Physics and Electronic Technology, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241000, China
Tianjin H-Chip Technology Group Corporation, Tianjin 300467, China
SIAT Branch, Shenzhen Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics for Society, Shenzhen 518055 China
Lei Xiong, Xueqian Zhao and Xiang Du contributed equally to this work

© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018
Received: day month year / Revised: day month year / Accepted: day month year (automatically inserted by the publisher)

The generalized Kerker effects have attracted increasing interest in recent years due to their abilities to manipulate the far-field properties of
metasurfaces. However, the dual-polarized generalized Kerker effect enabling different tailoring of orthogonally-polarized electromagnetic
waves has not yet been reported. Here, we demonstrate polarization-controlled dual resonant lattice Kerker effects in periodic silicon
nanodisks. By varying the incident angle, the electric dipole and magnetic dipole surface lattice resonances can spectrally overlap, causing
zero reflectance and unitary transmittance, i.e., the resonant lattice Kerker effect. The incident angle for achieving this effect can be tuned
differently for s- and p-polarizations over large regions by varying the nanodisk size or the lattice periods. The proposed dual-polarized
resonant lattice Kerker effects open up avenues for polarization-controlled manipulation of the phase and wavefront of light with

Kerker effect, surface lattice resonances, dual-polarized, silicon metasurface

1 Introduction of single nanoparticles, and thus are usually

polarization-independent. In metasurfaces supporting electric
With the rapid development of metasurfaces, especially
or magnetic dipole surface lattice resonances (ED-SLR and
high-index all-dielectric metasurfaces with Mie resonances, the
MD-SLR), the spectral overlap between the ED-SLR (or MD-SLR)
Kerker effect [1] has been significantly generalized [2]. Since
of the array and the magnetic (or electric) dipole Mie
the first two experimental demonstrations of directional
resonance (MDR or EDR) of single nanoparticles, or between
scattering in silicon nanoparticles [3,4], generalized Kerker
the ED-SLR and the MD-SLR, can result in the so-called
effects have been realized utilizing different particle shapes [5]
resonant lattice Kerker effect [23,24]. Compared with other
or materials [6,7] through spectrally overlapping multipoles of
generalized Kerker effects that are based on Mie resonances,
different natures (electric or magnetic) and orders [2]. Taking
the resonant lattice Kerker effect gains one more degree of
advantage of the generalized Kerker effects, a variety of
freedom, the lattice periods, to tune the resonances as well as
unprecedented functionalities have been demonstrated with
their spectral overlap [25], and thus is regarded as the most
metasurfaces, ranging from directional scattering such as
interesting generalization [2]. However, most studies on the
perfect transmittance, reflectance or absorption [4,8-10], to
resonant lattice Kerker effect are based on the ED-SLR and
Huygens’ sources with high transmittance efficiency and full
MDR overlap [7,26–31], and showed that it occurs only for one
phase coverage [11,12], and the generalized Brewster effect
specific polarization. This is because if the linear polarization
[13,14], polarization conversion [15-17], and
of incident light changes to the orthogonal direction, the
high-performance photodetectors [18].
resulted MD-SLR and EDR cannot spectrally overlap [23].
In order to achieve generalized Kerker effects, electric or
Besides the periodicity, the incident angle provides another
magnetic multipoles need to be tuned into spectral overlapping
degree of freedom to tune the phase and amplitude of the
by varying the nanoparticle’s geometric size [3,4,11,12] or
electric and magnetic responses [23,32,33]. Generalized Kerker
material properties [19–22]. For single nanoparticles or
effects under oblique incidence have received increasing
metasurfaces with negligible interactions between periodic
interest [34]. Although the resonant lattice Kerker effect
elements, the reported generalized Kerker effects are obtained
enabled by varying the incident angle has long been sought
by spectrally overlapping electric and magnetic Mie resonances

Address correspondence to Guangyuan Li,; Hongwei Ding,

2 Nano Res.

after [23], it remains challenging to realize. To date, only two Here we numerically and experimentally demonstrate, for
related experimental demonstrations [35,36] have been the first time, dual-polarized resonant lattice Kerker effects.
reported. However, these resonant lattice Kerker effects are Specifically, based on the ED-SLR and MD-SLR overlap we show
also based on the MD-SLR and EDR overlap, and thus were that the incident angle enabling the spectral overlap can be
achieved only for the TM-polarization under oblique incidence tuned to different values within large regions for s- and
[35,36]. To resolve this problem, quite recently some of the p-polarizations. This is achieved by utilizing periodic silicon
authors realized polarization-independent resonant lattice nanodisks with rectangle lattice of unequal periods. We will
Kerker effect based on the ED-SLR and MD-SLR overlap under show that the polarization-controlled dual resonant lattice
normal incidence [37]. Compared with the ED-SLR and MDR Kerker effects originate from the different dispersion
overlap, or the MD-SLR and EDR overlap [32], the ED-SLR and relationships of the MD-SLR for the s-polarization and of the
MD-SLR overlap can be tuned by varying lattice periods in both ED-SLR for the p-polarization. Multipole decomposition will
orthogonal directions, and equivalently, as will be also be performed to reveal the underlying physics.
demonstrated in this work, can be realized for both
polarizations by varying the incident angle. 2 Results and discussion
Recently, dual-polarized metasurfaces that enable different Figures 1(a) and 1(b) illustrate the resonant lattice Kerker
controls of orthogonal-polarized electromagnetic waves for effects in a silicon metasurface under oblique incidence with s-
diverse functionalities, including resonances with high quality and p-polarizations, respectively. For the s- or p-polarization,
factors [38], beaming antenna [39,40], optical modulation [41], the electric field is polarized in the x-z plane or along the y axis.
hologram [42], and absorber [43], have been a focus since they The metasurface is composed of periodic silicon nanodisks
can improve the information processing efficiency and embedded in homogeneous medium with refractive index
multitasking capability. However, all the reported generalized ͳ Ǥ . As a specific example, each nanodisk has diameter
Kerker effects in metasurfaces are single-polarized, because ǤǤ nm and height nm, and the lattice periods in
these effects are either polarization-independent or can be and directions are t nm and ㌳ nm ,
achieved only for a specific polarization. respectively.

Figure 1: (a)(b) Schematics of periodic silicon nanodisks under oblique illumination of s- or p-polarized plane wave. ED-SLR or
MD-SLR arises from diffractive coupling (indicated by the luminous stripes) of localized Mie EDR or MDR in individual nanodisks, as
indicated by blue or red double-headed arrows. The spectral overlap of ED-SLR and MD-SLR causes resonant lattice Kerker effect.
(c)–(f) Simulated angular-resolved zeroth-order (c)(d) reflectance and (e)(f) transmittance spectra for (c)(e) s-polarization and
(d)(f) p-polarization. The white and red dashed curves denote ͳ䁖 RA and 䁖 ͳ RA + nm ), respectively. Red circles indicate
the occurrence of the resonant lattice Kerker effect.

Figures 1(c)–(f) depict the simulated zeroth-order the ED-SLR, the reason for which will be explained later. When
reflectance and transmittance spectra under different incident the MD-SLR and the ED-SLR are spectrally overlapped at
angles for both s- and p-polarizations. Throughout this work, Kerker䁖s h and Kerker䁖s ͳ μm, as indicated by the red
and mean the incident angle and wavelength in the free circle, zero reflectance and unitary transmittance occur,
space, respectively. Figs. 1(c)(e) show that, for the corresponding to the resonant lattice Kerker effect. Similarly,
s-polarization, two branches of reflectance peaks (or for the p-polarization, Figs. 1(d)(f) show that, the two branches
transmittance dips) locating between wavelengths of 1.15 µm of reflectance peaks (or transmittance dips) locating also
and 1.3 µm get crossed as increases to a specific value. We between 1.15 µm and 1.3 µm, which are assigned to the ED-SLR
assign these two branches of resonances as the MD-SLR and and the MD-SLR, respectively, also get crossed at

Nano Res. 3

Kerker䁖p t and Kerker䁖p ͳ μm . The resonant lattice that of the MD-SLR for the s-polarization, especially for large
Kerker effect is also realized in there, as evidenced by the zero incident angles. As a result, the ED-SLR and the MD-SLR get
reflectance and unitary transmittance. crossed at different incident angles and wavelengths for the s-
For the s-polarization, we find in Figs. 1(c)(e) that as and p-polarizations. These behaviors are distinct from the
increases, the spectral position of the MD-SLR becomes more scenario of normal incidence, under which the spectral
parallel to the (1, 0) Rayleigh anomaly (RA) with decreasing positions of the MD-SLR and the ED-SLR swap if the incident
spectral separation above 100 nm. Meanwhile, the linewidth linear polarization changes to the orthogonal direction [23].
decreases dramatically, suggesting dispersive and increasing For both the s- and p-polarizations, lattice effects are
quality factors, consistent with the plasmonic SLRs supported included in the electric and magnetic resonances as the
by metallic metasurface under oblique incidence [44]. On the incident angle varies. This finding is new and is beyond the
other hand, for small incident angles the spectral position of conclusions summarized in the literature (Table 1 in [32]),
the ED-SLR is also more or less parallel to the (0, ±1) RA with a where lattice effects can be involved only in one resonance. As a
separation around 200 nm. Here, the (1, 0) and the (0, ±1) RA consequence,
wavelengths are expressed as one would question our previous assignment of the ED-SLR
ͳ䁖 RA x + sin ), (1) and the MD-SLR. In order to clarify this problem and
and understand the underlying physics, hereafter we will turn to
sin , (2) the near-field optical pictures, the multipole decomposition,
䁖 ͳ)RA y
and the tunability of the resonant lattice Kerker effect via the
respectively. The (0, ±1) RA adding the spectral separation of
lattice periods.
200 nm, that is 䁖 ͳ)RA + nm ) , is denoted the red
Figure 2 depicts the reflectance spectra of the silicon
dashed curve. We note that the spectral separation between the
nanodisk array under normal incidence (θ=0˚) with s- and
ED-SLR for small incident angles and (1, 0) RA, or between the
p-polarizations, and the near-field electric field distributions at
MD-SLR and the (0, ±1) RA is relatively large. This is because
resonances, which correspond to the reflectance peaks in Figs.
here the localized nature dominates over the delocalized
2(a)(b). Fig. 2(c) shows that for s-polarized light, the electric
nature for the MD-SLR or the ED-SLR in periodic silicon
field at the wavelength of ͳ ͳ㌳t μm, which is indicated by a
nanodisks of relatively large size, consistent with the literature
blue circle in Fig. 2(a), forms a circulation in the silicon
on Mie [24] or plasmonic [45] SLRs. The decreasing separation
nanodisk with strong enhancement extending over large
between the MD-SLR and the (0, ±1) RA as the incident angle
volumes. These are typical features of the MD-SLR [37,46,47].
increases can be explained similarly: the delocalized nature
At ͳ t μm as indicated by a red square in Fig. 2(a), the
becomes more important for larger incident angles, consistent
electric field is aligned with the incidence with strong
with the plasmonic SLRs [44].
enhancement extending over large volumes, suggesting the
For the p-polarization, however, Figs. 1(d)(f) show that the
excitation of the ED-SLR [37,46,47]. For the p-polarization, Figs.
MD-SLR is also parallel to the (0, ±1) RA for small incident
2(e)(f) show that the electric fields at the left and right
angles, whereas the ED-SLR is no longer parallel to the (1, 0)
resonances feature the ED-SLR and the MD-SLR, respectively.
RA. Comparing with the s-polarization, we find that the
For the top branches of reflectance peaks under large incident
dispersion of the MD-SLR for the p-polarization is more or less
angles, the electric field distributions (Fig. S1 in the ESM) show
similar to that of the ED-SLR for the s-polarization, whereas
that the spectral positions of the ED-SLR and the MD-SLR are
that of the ED-SLR for the p-polarization differs greatly from
flipped compared with the bottom branches.

Figure 2: (a)(b) Simulated zeroth-order reflectance spectra under normal incidence for (a) s- and (b) p-polarizations. (c)-(f)
Near-field electric field distributions (color for amplitude and arrows for directions) in the radial planes aligned with the incident∣ | Nano Research

4 Nano Res.

electric fields. The MD-SLRs or ED-SLRs are indicated by blue circles or red squares, respectively.

To gain further insight into the nature of the interfering interfere destructively, result in near-zero reflectance [2].
modes, we replotted the simulated zeroth-order reflectance The involvement of the EQ and the MQ can be better
spectra for Kerker䁖s h and Kerker䁖p t in Figs. 3(a) and visualized by the near-field distributions under oblique
(b), respectively. Around the wavelengths of the resonant incidences. Comparing Figs. S1(c)-(f) in the ESM and Figs.
lattice Kerker effects, Kerker䁖s ͳ μm and Kerker䁖p 2(c)-(f), we find that for of the MD-SLRs excited by both
ͳ μm , which correspond to the reflectance dips, we polarizations and for the ED-SLR by the s-polarization, the
performed multipole decomposition following [48,49] and near-field distributions under the oblique incidence of
considered interfering multipolar modes up to quadrupoles. θ=40°are similar to those under normal incidence. However, for
Figures 3(c)–(f) depict the amplitude and phase spectra of of the ED-SLR excited by the p-polarization, the near-field
these multipoles, which determine how they interfere with distribution under the oblique incidence deviates greatly from
each other and contribute to the electric field reflectance that under normal incidence. This remarkable near-field
coefficient. Fig. 3(c) shows that for the s-polarization, the difference should originate from the relatively large
dominant contributing multipoles are the ED and the MD, and contributions of quadrupoles compared with the decreased
the contributions of the EQ and the MQ are relatively small. For contribution of the ED, as shown in Fig. 3(d). As a result, the
the p-polarization, Fig. 3(d) shows that although the ED and the reflectance peaks or transmittance dips of the ED-SLR are no
MD also have dominant contributions, their reflectance longer parallel to the (1, 0) RA curve, especially for large
coefficient amplitudes are reduced compared with the incident angles, as shown by Figs. 1(d)(f). In other words,
s-polarization, especially for the ED. At Kerker䁖s ͳ μm for because the ED-SLR for the p-polarization also contains
the s-polarization or Kerker䁖p ͳ μm for the p-polarization, relatively large contributions of quadrupoles under the oblique
the ED and the MD have comparable amplitudes and the same incidence, its dispersion becomes distinct from the MD-SLR for
phase of ~π, and meanwhile the EQ and the MQ also have the s-polarization, leading to the polarization-controlled dual
comparable amplitudes and the same phase of ~0. The resonant lattice Kerker effects with different Kerker angles and
overlapped multipoles, among which the in-phase ED and MD wavelengths.
interfere destructively and the in-phase EQ and MQ also

Figure 3: (a)(b) Simulated zeroth-order reflectance spectra under oblique incidence of Kerker angles: (a) Kerker䁖s h for
s-polarization and (b) Kerker䁖p t for p-polarization. (c)(d) Amplitude and (e)(f) phase spectra of the reflectance coefficients for
the multipole contributions. The gray vertical stripes indicate the wavelengths for the resonant lattice Kerker effects.

Besides the near-field distributions, the lattice characteristics that for both polarizations, Kerker keeps decreasing as x
of the above resonances can be further confirmed by the increases, but increasing as y increases, and that the values
behaviors of the incident angle for achieving the resonant of Kerker for the s- and p-polarizations are close to each other.
lattice Kerker effect, which will be referred to as the Kerker This is because as x increases, the MD-SLR for the
angle Kerker , when the lattice periods vary. Figs. 4(a)(b) show s-polarization and the ED-SLR for the p-polarization are

Nano Res. 5

red-shifted together with the (1, 0) RA, whereas as y (Figs. S2 and S3 in the ESM). These behaviors further confirm
increases, the ED-SLR for the s-polarization and the MD-SLR for our assignment of the ED-SLR and the MD-SLR in Figs. 1(c)–(f).
the p-polarization are red-shifted together with the (0, ±1) RA

Figure 4: (a)–(d) Incident angle and (e)–(h) wavelength for achieving the resonant lattice Kerker effect, Kerker and Kerker for both
polarizations as functions of (a)(e) lattice periods x and (b)(f) y , (c)(g) nanodisk diameter and (d)(h) height while fixing
other parameters.

In order to achieve full tuning of Kerker for the s- and coupled plasma etching (see Methods for more details on the
p-polarization, we further study the effects of the silicon fabrication). Fig. 5(a) presents the scanning electron
nanodisk diameter d and height h. Fig. 4(e) shows that, as d microscope image of the as-fabricated sample. We measured
increases, Kerker increases continuously for the s-polarization, the angle-resolved zeroth-order reflectance and transmittance
but keeps decreasing for the p-polarization. As h increases, spectra with a home-built experimental setup (Methods), as
however, these behaviors are reversed, as shown by Fig. 4(g). illustrated in Fig. 5(b). All optical measurements were
All these behaviors can also be explained by the red- or performed in index-matched conditions, where an oil
blue-shifts of the ED-SLR or the MD-SLR (Figs. S4 and S5 in the superstrate with refractive index of 1.45 covers the silicon
ESM). Therefore, by varying d or h, we can obtain three nanodisk arrays on quartz substrate.
different scenarios: (i) the s-polarization has larger Kerker Figures 5(c)–(f) depict the measured reflectance and
angle, i.e., Kerker䁖s Kerker䁖p , (ii) the p-polarization has larger transmittance spectra as functions of the incident angle. For the
Kerker angle, i.e., Kerker䁖p Kerker䁖s , and (iii) both polarizations transmittance spectra, varies between 0˚ and 45˚ in step of 1˚,
share the same Kerker angle, i.e., Kerker䁖p Kerker䁖s . By further whereas for the reflectance spectra, θ varies between 15˚ and
combining the tenability of Kerker through varying the lattice 45˚ in the same step. Comparing Figs. 1(c)–(f) and 5(c)–(f), we
periods, the Kerker angles for the s- and p-polarization can be find that the experimental data quantitatively agree well with
differently tuned over large ranges. the simulation results for both s- and p-polarizations. The
Interestingly, Figs. 4(e)(f)(g) show that, for different x , y , measured angle and wavelength for achieving the resonant
or d, both polarizations share almost the same operation lattice Kerker conditions are Kerker䁖s Ǥ and Kerker䁖s
wavelengths of the resonant lattice Kerker effect, Kerker ; for ͳ ㌳ μm for the s-polarization, and Kerker䁖p and
different h, Fig. 4(h) shows that the values of Kerker for both Kerker䁖p ͳ t μm for the p-polarization, which are very close
polarizations are close to each other. Additionally, Kerker is to their simulated counterparts. The small deviations may
almost independent from x , but linearly increases with y , d, originate from the inevitable fabrication imperfections on the
or h. These behaviors make the proposed angle-enabled silicon nanodisks’ shape and sizes.
polarization-controlled resonant lattice Kerker effect attractive The good agreement between the simulated results and the
in many applications. For example, making use of the different experimental data is further validated by another example,
Kerker angles for the s- and p-polarizations, we can extend the which has lattice periods of x t nm and y t nm
generalized Brewster effect by having dual Brewster angles of (Figs. S7 and S8 in the ESM). This validates another scenario of
Kerker䁖s and Kerker䁖p (Fig. S6 in the ESM). Kerker䁖s > Kerker䁖p . Therefore, we have experimentally
To verify our theoretical findings, we fabricated periodic demonstrated our simulation results.
silicon nanodisks using electron beam lithography and induced∣ | Nano Research

6 Nano Res.

Figure 5: (a) SEM image of the as-fabricated silicon metasurface. (b) Schematics of the home-built experimental setup for
angle-resolved linear optical characterization. (c)–(f) Measured angle-resolved zeroth-order (c)(d) reflectance ( from 15˚ to 45˚)
and (e)(f) transmittance ( from 0˚ to 45˚) spectra for (c)(e) s-polarization and (d)(f) p-polarization. The white and red dashed
curves denote ͳ䁖 RA and 䁖 ͳ RA + nm ), respectively.

the wavelength-dependent refractive indices of silicon were

3 Conclusions taken from Palik [50]. The two-dimensional periodic silicon
To summarize, we have demonstrated dual resonant lattice nanodisks on fused silica substrate were fabricated with
Kerker effects of which the Kerker angle is controlled by the state-of-the-art nanofabrication techniques. We first deposited
incident polarization. We have found, for the first time, that for a 200 nm thickness film of amorphous silicon on the fused
both s- and p-polarizations, the ED-SLR and the MD-SLR can be silica using plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. An
excited simultaneously in silicon metasurfaces under oblique electron beam resist (ZEP520A) was then spin-coated on the
incident angles. This new phenomenon has been confirmed by top, and patterned with electron-beam lithography. A 40-nm
the near-field distributions and the tunability via the lattice film of chromium was deposited using the electron-beam
periods. The spectral overlap of these SLRs enabled by evaporation, followed by liftoff process. The obtained
changing the incident angle results in the resonant lattice chromium nanodisks serve as the hard mask for the etching of
Kerker effect. Near-field optical pictures and multipole silicon using inductively coupled plasma-reactive ion etching
decomposition have revealed that, for the ED-SLR launched (ICP-RIE). Finally, the chromium mask was removed by
under oblique incidence with the p-polarization, quadrupoles chromium wet-etching solution. The as-fabricated periodic
are also excited and have relatively large contributions to the silicon nanodisks cover a large area of 1.2 mm × 1.2 mm.
far field scattering, leading to a different dispersion The samples were mounted on a computer-controlled
relationship compared with the MD-SLR for the s-polarization. rotation stage with 0.02˚ accuracy for angle-resolved
As a results, polarization-controlled dual resonant lattice reflectance and transmittance measurements. Collimated white
Kerker angles and wavelengths can be obtained. Simulation light from a 100 W halogen source (HL100, Ideaoptics) was
results have also shown that the Kerker angles for the s- and incident on the sample surface with diameter of 1 mm, and the
p-polarizations can be tuned differently over large regions by reflected and the transmitted beams were directed to a
varying the structural size. These findings have been validated high-performance optical spectrum analyzer (AQ6380,
by the good agreement between experimental and simulation Yokogawa). The s- and p-polarization of the incident light is
results. We expect this work points to a new approach for controlled by rotating the polarizer.
realizing the generalized Kerker effect, and can find
applications in dual-polarized metasurfaces on actively Acknowledgements
manipulating the phase and polarization of light. This work was financially supported by the Natural Science
Foundation of Guangdong Province (2022A1515010086), the
Methods Shenzhen Research Foundation (JCYJ20180507182444250),
the Shenzhen Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics for
We utilized a home-built package based on rigorous Society, and the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Optical
coupled-wave analysis to model the zeroth-order reflectance Communication Systems and Networks, China (2020GZKF004).
and transmittance spectra, as well as the near-field
distributions of the silicon metasurfaces. In all the simulations, Electronic Supplementary Material:
Nano Res. 7

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Electronic Supplementary Material

Polarization-controlled dual resonant lattice kerker effects

Lei Xiong1,2,§, Xueqian Zhao2,3,§, Xiang Du2,4,§, Shuai Chen5, Yuanfu Lu2, Hongwei Ding1() and Guangyuan Li2,6 ()
School of Information Science and Engineering, Yunnan University, Kunming 650500, China
CAS Key Laboratory of Human-Machine Intelligence-Synergy Systems, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Shenzhen 518055, China
School of Computer, Electronic and Information, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China
College of Physics and Electronic Technology, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241000, China
Tianjin H-Chip Technology Group Corporation, Tianjin 300467, China
SIAT Branch, Shenzhen Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics for Society, Shenzhen 518055 China
Lei Xiong, Xueqian Zhao and Xiang Du contributed equally to this work

Supporting information to DOI 10.1007/s12274-****-****-*

Figure S1: (a)(b) Simulated zeroth-order reflectance spectra, and (c)-(f) near-field electric field distributions (color for amplitude
and arrows for directions) in the radial planes aligned with the incident electric fields. The calculations were performed with
oblique incidence of Ǥ and of (a)(c)(d) s-polarization or (b)(e)(f) p-polarization.

Address correspondence to Guangyuan Li,; Hongwei Ding,

Nano Res.

Figure S2: (a)-(d) Simulated angular-resolved zeroth-order reflectance spectra of the periodic silicon nanodisks with different
lattice periods , (a)(b) nm, (c)(d) ㌳ nm. (e)(f) Sketch of the redshifts of the MD-SLR for the s-polarization or
the ED-SLR for the p-polarization as increases. The white dashed lines denote (1,0) RA. The red dashed curves in (a)(b)
denotes 䁖 ͳ RA + nm ) , whereas those in (c)(d) denote 䁖 ͳ RA + ͳt nm ) . Red circles indicate the occurrence of the
resonant lattice Kerker effect.

Nano Res.

Figure S3: (a)-(d) Simulated angular-resolved zeroth-order reflectance spectra of the periodic silicon nanodisks with different
lattice periods , (a)(b) ㌳ nm, (c)(d) t nm. (e)(f) Sketch of the redshifts of the ED-SLR for the s-polarization or
the MD-SLR for the p-polarization as increases. The white dashed curves denote the (1,0) RA. Red circles indicate the
occurrence of the resonant lattice Kerker effect. The red dashed curves in (a)(b) denote 䁖 ͳ RA + ͳ㌳ nm ) , whereas those in
(c)(d) denote the (0,±1) RA.∣ | Nano Research

Nano Res.

Figure S4: (a)-(d) Simulated angular-resolved zeroth-order reflectance spectra of the periodic silicon nanodisks with different
nanodisk diameters , (a)(b) Ǥ nm, (c)(d) nm. (e)(f) Sketch of the redshifts of the ED-SLR and the MD-SLR as
increases. The white dashed curves denote the (1,0) RA. Red circles indicate the occurrence of the resonant lattice Kerker effect.
The red dashed curves in (a)(b) denote 䁖 ͳ RA + ͳ㌳ nm ) , whereas that in (c) denotes 䁖 ͳ RA + h nm ) and in (d)
䁖 ͳ RA + h nm ).

Nano Res.

Figure S5: (a)-(d) Simulated angular-resolved zeroth-order reflectance spectra of the periodic silicon nanodisks with different
nanodisk heights , (a)(b) ͳ㌳ nm, (c)(d) ͳ nm. (e)(f) Sketch of the redshifts of the ED-SLR and the MD-SLR as
increases. The white dashed curves denote the (1,0) RA. Red circles indicate the occurrence of the resonant lattice Kerker effect.
The red dashed curve in (a) denotes 䁖 ͳ RA + nm ) , in (b) 䁖 ͳ RA + ͳh nm ) , in (c) 䁖 ͳ RA + nm ) and in (d)
䁖 ͳ RA + ͳ nm ).∣ | Nano Research

Nano Res.

Figure S6: Reflectance as a function of the incident angle illustrating the generalized Brewster effects with dual Brewster angles. (a)
Kerker䁖s h at the wavelength of Kerker䁖s ͳ μm for the s-polarization, and Kerker䁖p t at the wavelength of Kerker䁖p
ͳ μm for the p-polarization. (b) Kerker䁖s h at the wavelength of 1.33 μm for the s-polarization, Kerker䁖p ͳ㌳ at the
wavelength of 1.322 μm for the p-polarization. The calculations were performed with t nm , ㌳ nm , nm ,
and (a) ǤǤ nm, (b) nm.

Nano Res.

Figure S7: The simulated angle-resolved zeroth-order (a)(c) reflectance and (b)(d) transmittance spectra with x t nm and
y t nm for the (a)(b) s- and (c)(d) p-polarizations. The white and red dashed curves denote the (1,0) RA and the (0,±1) RA,
respectively. Red circles indicate the occurrence of the dual-polarized resonant lattice Kerker effects: Kerker䁖s h and Kerker䁖s
ͳ hͳ μm for the s-polarization, and Kerker䁖p hh and Kerker䁖p ͳ Ǥ μm for the p-polarization.∣ | Nano Research

Nano Res.

Figure S8: (a) SEM image of the as-fabricated sample with x t nm and y t nm . (b)-(e) Measured angle-resolved
zeroth-order reflectance and transmittance spectra for the s- and p-polarizations: Kerker䁖s h and Kerker䁖s ͳ hͳǤ μm , and
Kerker䁖p hh and Kerker䁖p ͳ h t μm.


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