Kalmar Code DRF-DRT

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DEnorcodes, 1 Table of Contents D Error codes Error codes ses nnn serine Error codes, explanation 3 Error code menu, description 4 Reading out errr code 7 Engine 9 Error codes ngine, general 9 Error codes engine (engine alternative Valve) 10 Engine error codes (engine alternative Cummins QSMt 1) 27 Transmission.. Error codes, transmission 39 Control system Enror codes machine a1 Workshop manual DRF 400-450 ‘vorFoa.c2ae 2 DEttorcodes ‘orFos.c2ce Workshop manual DRF 400-450 D Error codes ~ D Error codes 3 ror code number ror cause (symbal) EE. Function (symbol) D Error codes Error codes, explanation The error codes are explained in table form for Engine, Transmission as well as Control system. They are sorted according o error code ‘The error code table has the fllowing information: + Code, error code's ruber, shown in fold C on display. + Description, explanation ofthe error code and when its generated, + Limitation, in ease of certain error codes certain functions are im Paired or limited to protect the machine and operator. + Action, information of what should be checked to find the cause of the error code. + Diagnostic menu, reference to suitable dlagnostic menu to fx the problem, read signal value or check the function In adaition tothe explanation of the display figure, the description ofthe diagnostic menus contains reference to crcut diagrams that are found in section E Schematic and relerence to function {rou for further information about functions and components, + Function group isa reference to which function group the error code is connected. This field is used to seareh for more informa- tion as necessary, The function group can be used tofind ctfrent 'ypes of information Sections 0-12 contain a description of the function and its compo rents, component postion and work instructions for diferent work. Workshop manual DRF 400-450 ‘oR. 0238 D Error codes~ D Error codes Error code menu, description ‘The contol system's cisplay is divided ino our fields that show infor Imation (see figure tothe let + Field 8: Error code level shown with a symbol + Field C: Indicates eror code. + Field 0: Indicates type of ero. + Field E: Indicates which function i afected by error code ‘+The book symbol means thatthe manual Information inthe operator's Field B: Error code level ‘The control system gives error code information in three levels which are indicated with a symbol in the lower lft comer (B) on the cisplay unit + Stop Indicates a serious malfunction that may affect operator safety or ceause machine breakdown, The error code mustbe taken care of immediately. Stop working with the machine and contact service immesiately. The ortor code is shown automatically on the display. + Warning Indicates machine malfunction that should be taken care of as soon as possible. fer finished work shift wth the machine, con- tact service as soon as possible. ‘The error code is shown automatically on the display. + Information Information to the operator that something should be fixed, ¢. broken bulb. Fix he cause ofthe eror code as soon as possible. ‘See section 6 Inspection and maintenance in the Operators manual ‘The ertor code is stored inthe ror code list under operating menu for service. Workshop manual DRF 400450, D Error codes ~ D Error codes 5 Error code number ol system gives error codes trom three sub-systems: + Machine: ‘Shown with ertor code number XXX on display. + Engine: ‘Shown with ertor code number XXX/YY on isplay. NOTE It several error cades come from the engine, the error cade level is shown for the most serious error code. + Transmission: ‘Shown with ertor code number XXIVY on display. ge: Incorrect signal, for example, open circuit Workshop manual DRF 400-450 ‘oR. 0238 D Error codes~ D Error codes G ut ya 2 yt ty . Pratl b a 18 (Oke 16 19 22, IOS (a 25 SUoed | 4 m Q 3 28 L o® Id E: Affected function Attachment Rotation of attachment Side shift of attachment Length adjustment attachment Leveling atachment Twistlock Tilt attachment Bottom i-attachment Bottom it .chment, clamping position Bottom it-attachment, jacks up/down Boom usidown Boom inout Pressure senor it eylinde (overload system, OP) No avetload system ‘Support jacks uprdown Hydraulic functions Brake system Steering Engine Transmission Central Librication Control unit Hardware-related e cab Air conditioning system Fuel system Headlights Windsereen wipers Battery votage Bulb for lighting Workshop manual DRF 400450, D Error codes ~ D Error codes 7 (kalmar af cS Reading out error code NOTE Incase ofan error code, perform the actions recommended inthe ‘error code table to find the problem. Error codes ara stored as activo and inactive, Active errors are shown in the error cade menu, ‘Always use error code menus for reading out error codes, other: wise there i a risk of missing eror codes, 1. Tum the star key to positon A WARNING Risk of machine damage. case of error codes of level “WARNING” and ‘STOP", serious machine damage may result i engine is started. the Do not start the engine until the cause of the error code has been identified or repaired. 2. Navigate to the service menu and press Enter. 3. Salely menu is shown, Hold Enter depressed fora least two seconds, 4 The error code ists shown on the display. Active error code is shown on display where field C shows error code number togeth- ‘or with X(V].X shows sequence number for shown error code ‘and (Y) shows number of actve error codes, Scroll between error codes with key 1 and 2 (arrow function) Error codes disappear trom the list when the cause has been remedied. Workshop manual DRF 400-450 ‘vorFoa.c2ae D Error codes~ D Error codes Note error code number (eld) to not forget + Error code level is shown with a symbol in feld B + Error code is shown infield © ‘+ Error cause is shown with a symbol in fald D Function affected by the rors shown with a symbol in field “The book symbols an instruction forthe operator to read the ‘operator's manual Use the error code tables to find more information about the error code. Attraction, check that no active error codes remain forthe func ion in question Workshop manual DRF 400450, 1 codes - 1 Engine 9 1 Engine Error codes engine, general When contacting engine supplies, use Volvo/Gurnmins codes. + Display indicates eror code according to SAE J1939 SPNIEM! + J1587 indicates error code according to SAE J1587 (for Volo: Vodia), PID, PPID. SID, PSII Table 1. Specification FMI FMI | Description SAB+toxt ° Too high value. Valid data, but higher than normal operating range. 1 Too low value Valid data, but lower than normal operating range. 2 Incorrect data Intemmitent or incorrect data, 3 Electical problem, ‘Abnormally high votage or short-ircuitng o higher voltage [a Electrical problem, ‘Abnormally low voltage or short-oeculting fo lower voltage. 5 Electrical problem, ‘Abnormally Iow current or open circuit 6 Electical problem, ‘Abnormally high currant o shor-cirulting t frame ground: 7 Mechanical problem Incorrect response (rom mechanical system. 8 Mechanical problem or lectcal problem. | Abnormal requency. ° (Commurication enor ‘Abnormal update rate [10 | Mechanical protiem or electrical problem. | Abnormally wide variations. 11 | Unknown matfunction Nom-identifiable oror [12 | Component eror. Detective unt or component [13 | incorrect catiration Values outside calibration values. 14 | Unknown matunction Special instructions [15 | Unknown mattuntion Reserved for future use. Workshop manual DRF 400-450 ‘oR. 0238 10 D Error codes ~1 Engine Error codes engine (engine alternative Volvo) Change ol iter. ‘Check the system pros- sure valves and the safe 'y val inthe lubrication system, Check the sensor. Description | Limitation | Action Connee- | Diagnos- tions and | tie menu components Code | 41587 aarm | Pibea | Fuelpressure | Nonfation. | Checkeabing between | Volvo : eur | sensor, short control unit and compo- | TWDY240VE: ciruted to vole nent Deas age, ground, or Check he sensor, valve open circuit, “Tab: 250VE: D7s4ia:16 oaemt | Pisa | LowWelpressure | Nolaton. | Change Welter. - > Fut | (ea Change vel preter CCheckit pressure canbe bul up with the hand pump, a7 Piv97” | Waterintuel, | Notiitation. | Orainwater separator. | = - Clean metal iter inthe fuel feed's nose connec- ton onthe engine. Check ue ter an fuel presi. a7 | Pivaza | Watersmvel er- | Nolimtation. | Check cabing between | Volvo - sor short circuited contol uit and compo- | TWD1240VE: to ground or open nent. reas rout Check the sensor. Volvo “TAD 1250VE: o7e4aie aera | Pibee | Lowollevel. | Nonaion. | Check oll evel ENGINE, eM menu é ear | PI0%8 | Oiievelsensor, | Noinlalon. | Check abing between | Volvo ENGINE, Fur | short ccuted to control unt and compo- | TaDY2sove: | menu votage, ground nent 794/09, 8:4 or open eu chock he sonsor Kat voor | PiDr00r | Low engine ot | Engine wi shut | Check aleve! > ENGINE, pressure down, menu 6 Workshop manual DRF 400450, (Check thermostat. (Check the sensor. rrcodes~ 1 Engine " Deseription | Limitation | Action Connee- | Diagnos- tions and | tie menu components Code | s1587 70078 | P0100 | Sensor oilpres. | Nolimiation | Check cabling Bewoen | Volvo sure, cable short contol unt and twor2sove: | menu 6 cireuitedtosupoly component Dread votage Check he sensor. valve -ADI250VE: D7eaia:t1 10074 | PIDt004 | Ol pressure sen- | Noliniation | Check cabling between | Valvo 01, open circuit contol unt and Twor2d0ve: | menu 6 or short cet o component. Deane ground. Check the sensor. Volvo TAD I250VE o7eaa:s1 0270 | PIDT02I0 | Boost pressure | Notimiation, | Checkthe turbocharger. | = (ONE, thigh. ‘Check the sensor. menu 6 Check uel quality and injectors wo2n | ProT02i | Boost pressure | Reduced en- | Checkiheairfiter 5 ENGINE tow. ‘gine power. Check the turbocharger. mon 6 Check the sensor. Check the fue feos pressure 10278 | PID102%5 | Sensorboost | Theenginojerks | Check cabing between | Volvo ENGINE, pressure, cable | more than nor. | controlunt ana compo- | TWO1240vE: | mena 7 shortcruited to | mal duing ac- | nent. prea votage eeteratonor | check the sensor valve under load TAo1250VE D7s4ia22 70214 | pibt0214 | Boost pressure | Theenginejerks | Check cabing beween | Valo ENGINE, sensor, cable | more thannor- | contol unt and compo | TWD1240vE: | menu 7 shor circuited © | malauring ac- | nent prea ground or open Coleratior Check the sensor. Volvo creut under load Abe 250VE o7eaiaze 10570 | PIDT0SIO | High charge-air_ | Engine wilshut | Check coolantievel | = ENGINE, ‘temperature. down. Check that the charge-air menu 7 cooler is clean. Workshop manual DRF 400-450, 2 D Error codes ~1 Engine Description | Limitation | Action onnec- | Diagnos tions and | tie menu components Code | 1587 1053 | PID108/3 | Charge airtom- | Nolimtation. | Check cabling beween | Volo ENGINE, perature sensor, control unt and compo- | TWD1240vE: | menu7 cable short rent Droste cirouitedto sup Check the sensor Volvo voltage or open “AD 25OVE: eat Drea 105% | PIb105%4 | Charge airtom- | Notimitation. | Check cabling between | Volvo ENGINE, perature senscr control unit and compo- | TWD1240vE: | menu? cable short nent Drea:2 rood to Check the sensor. Volvo ‘ground or open TAD 250VE: circu Droaiaa7 tosiFmi | PID108/ | Boostpressure | Theenainejerks | Check cabling between | Valvo ENGINE, Fut | sensor, short ci- | morethan nor | contol unit and compo- | Tworz40ve: | menué cuittoveltage, | mal during ac- | nent Drea groundor open | celeration or | Check the sensor. Valve cireuit Under toad. “ADA 25OVE: Dreaaze rosie | PiD106/ | Boost pressure | No imitation. | Checkeabling veween | - ENGINE, Ful | too high control unit and compo- menus nent Check the sensor. 11010 | PrDT1000 | High coolant tem- | Volvo Check coolantievel, | - ENGINE, perature TWO1240VE: | Check tat radiator is menu? Engine wil shut | Clean, down (Check thermostat. Volvo TaDr250VE:No | Cheek the cap on the ex limitation. pansion tank. (Check if there's air in coolant system. Check the sensor. 11013 | PIOt10/3 | Coolant temeera- | Preheatingis ac- | Check cabling between | Volvo ENGINE, ture sensor.cable | tivated evenit | contol unit and compe- | TwO1240vE: | menu7 short circuited to | engine is warm. | nent Drean2s suppl votage or Check ne sensor. | Valo open circuit “AD 1250VE: D7eaB:27 Workshop manual DRF 400450, (Check the alternator. ‘Check the battery ca- bles. ror codes ~ 1 Engine 3 Description | Limitation —_| Action Connec- Diagnos- tions and | tie menu ‘components Code | 1587 s10/4 | PID110/4 | Coolant tompera- | Preheatingis ac- | Check cabling botwoen | Volvo) ture sensor, cable | tivated event | contrlunit ana compo- | TWDT240VE: | menu 7 ‘short circuited to | engine is warm. | nent D7e4it:25 ground. Check the sensor. Volvo ‘AD 1250VE: DreaiB27 sii | Piot44t | Low coolant evel. | Volvo (Check the coolant level, | = : TADI250VE: | top up itneeded Engine wil shut | check the sensor. own Vows TAD1250VE:No Imitation, tiem [101117 | Coolant ievel sen- | Volvo ‘Check cabling between | Volvo - FM sor, hort Two1240ve: | control unitand compo- | TWD1240VE: circuited to Engine will shut | nent D7eai2:7 voltage, own, Check the sensor. Volvo Vowwe ‘TADI250VE: TAD1250VE:No D7eaiB:23 Iitation, TSa/FMI | PID1S3/ | Crankoase venti | Nolimitation, | Cleanthe crankcase | - - eM lation pressure ventilation 10 high. (Check for wear on the cylinder tiner, piston and piston rings TSa/FMI | P1D153/ | Crankcase venti | Nolimitation. | Check cabling between | Volvo - PM lation pressure contol unit and compo- | TAD1250VE: ‘sensor, short c= rent D74iB:28 cuit to voltage, Check the sensor. ground or open rout. 1sa/FMi | 10158 | Low battery Engine maybe | Check and charge the | - : FM voltage aificutto star. | batteres. Workshop manual DRF 400-450, 14 D Error codes ~1 Engine Description | Limitation | Action onnec- | Diagnos tions and | tie menu components Code | 1587 tram | PID172/ | Intake airtomper | No initation. | Chock cabling between | Volvo ENGINE, Fu ature sensor. control unt and compo- | TWD1240vE: | menu7 short circuit to rent Droste voltage, ground Check the sensor. Volvo ‘or open circuit “AD 25OVE: Drea 17510 | P10175/0 | High engine of | Aeduceden- | Check oll evel ENGINE, temperature. gine power. | check the lubrication menu? system's thermostat Check the sensor. 1753 | PI0178/3 | Oiltemperature | Nolimitation. | Check cabling between | Volvo ENGINE, sensor, cable control unit and compo- | TWD1240vE: | menu 7 short circuited to rent Drag supply voltage or (Check the sensor. Volvo ‘open circuit TADI2SOVE: Drews 83,84 17514 | PI0175%4 | Oiltemperature | Nolimitation. | Check cabling between | Volvo ENGINE, sensor, cable control unit and compo- | TWDt240vE: | menu’? short circuited to rent Drea ground Check the sensor. Volvo TADI250VE: 79431 83,84 voor | PID1907 | Engine ymioo | No tinitation, | Ease offthrotte orselect | - - Fl high higher gear oar | PPID987 | Signateror‘or | Nolimitaion. | Check the CAN bus dr | - ‘CAN Ful | startand stop. tran POWER, menu «20/3 | si0232/3 | Votage teedto | Severaleror | Check cabling between | Volvo - so702 sensor, cable | codesforsensor | control unit and compo- | TWD1240VE: short circuited to | error. rent Dress voltage. Reduced ene Volvo gine power. TADI250VE: Incorrect instru Dreae.17 ment values. Workshop manual DRF 400450, ror codes ~ 1 Engine 18 Description | Limitation —_| Action Connec- Diagnos- tions and | tie menu ‘components Code | 1587 2014 | SiD292/4 | Votage teodto | Several ror | Check cabling betwoon | Volvo - 107918 sersor,cable | codestorsensor | control unit and compo- | TWD1240VE: short cireuited to | ero. nent Dreaits ground. Reduced en- Volvo gine power. “AD T250VE. Incorrect instru DreaiB7 ment value. 26/8 | PID4s/a | Preheating relay. | Preheating can- | Check cabling between | Volvo cable short rot be activated. | control unitandcompo- | TwD12a0ve: | menu 5 rculted to vor nent Dre4i2:36 age. (Check the relay Volvo ‘AD 1250VE: D7e4iB:25 e264 | PiD45/4 | Proheating relay, | Preheating is | Check cabling between | Volvo (GINE, cable shor continually acti- | control unit and compo- | TWD1240vE: | menu 5 circuited to vated. rent D704i2:96 ground. (Check the relay Volvo ‘TADI250VE: D7e4ia:25 6265 | PID4SI5 | Proheating olay, | Proheating can- | Check cabling between | Volvo opencircuitonea- | netbe activated. | control unit and compo- | TWD1240VE: ble or defective rent D7e4i2:96 ‘component Check the relay Volvo ‘TADI250VE: D7e4/B:25 620/FMI | $10254 | Engine control | The engine wil | Change the control unt. | = : FM unit (0794), inter- | not sta. nal faut Engine runs roughly. a0irmt | Si0253° | Engine contro! | The engine wil | Re-program the contrat | - - FM unt (0794), mem- | not sta. unit ory error, e263 | sib2vs | Sensorrpmcam- | Engine takes | Check cabling between | Volvo : shatt,no signal, | longertime to | controlunit and compo- | TWD1240VE: startthan nore | nent Drain, 118 ‘mal-Engineruns | check the sensor. Volvo normally when it TAD 2S0VE: has stared, brea, ave Workshop manual DRF 400-450, 16 D Error codes ~1 Engine ing the em gency stop. Description | Limitation | Action Connes- | Diagnos tions and | tic menu components Code | v1587 waa | SiD2178 | Sensor engine | Engino takes | Checkeabing between | Volvo 5 rpm, camshat, | longertimeto | controlunt and eompo- | TWD1240VE: abnormal tre: | stat than nor | nent Drea. 118 quency, mal.Engineruns | Check the sensor. Volvo rommally when it DSO: ras started croames aus war _| sio2a2 | Engne speed | Engineis ec | Checkcabing between | Volvo ENGINE sensor. fywnest, | romalyiticut | conel unit and compo: | TwOt240ve: | menu? inegular signa, | tostar and ane | nent rear, rough, fit starts. | Check the sensor, m avo TaDt2s0VE: o7eae.a7, ase wa7ia | sib22% | Sensorengine | Engines ec | Check eabing between | Volvo ENGINE rpm flywheel b- | tremely cfeut | conrolunt and eompo- | TWD1240VE: | menu? romal frequency. | tostan andruns | nent D7e4r20, rough, Hitstans. | Check the senso, 131 Valve TaD1250VE: o7ee27 ae wa7ie | Sibz01 | Sensor engine | Engines oc | Checkcabing between | Volvo ENGINE rpm tywheel, a | tremely deat | conrolunit and eompo- | TWD1240VE: | menu 2 romal frequency. | tostar andrans | nent D7earo, rough. ifitstarts. | chock that the sensoris | 1°91 connected corecty. | Volvo TaDt2s0vE: o7eae:97, a8 SaerFMI | SIDZ—17 | Communication | Engine of en- | Use ciagneate mens to | Velvo cA FM | erorwith Engine | gine cannot be | tndincorect segment. | TWOr240ve: | POWER, contclunt | stated heck cating beween | 07042%.2:2 | menua (078), confou- | Engine on en- | conrl unt andcompo- | Volvo ration error, gine goes to idle | nent. ‘TAD1250VE: andcan only Be | Check the cont unk, | 7988551 stopped oy vs iss Workshop manual DRF 400450, ror codes ~ 1 Engine 7 Description | Limitation | Action Connec- | Diagnos- tions and | tie menu components Code | 1587 e3e/FMi | Si0231 | Communication | Instruments and | Use diagnostic menuto | - CAN eM error with Engine | controls do nat | find incorrect segment POWER, control unit work, Check cabling between Liane (0794), configu control unt and compe- ration error. font (Check the control uit eseirmi | Sioz4a” | Engine control | Rmayroibe | Re-programthe control | - - FM unit, memory er- | possible to start_| unt ror the engine. e512 | SIDU2 | Elecrc failure, im | EnginerunsonS | Check cabling between | Volvo - jector cylinder 1. | eyinders, control unit and compo- | TWD1240VE: sounds rough | nent Drea andhasreduced | check the injector sa power. Volvo TADI250VE D794ia20, 28 6518 | SIDVS | Electric faire, i. | EnginerunsonS | Check cabling between | Volvo - jector cylinder 1. | eyinders, control unt and compo- | TWD1240VE: sounds rough | nent Drea andhasreduced | check the injector 12 power Volvo TADI250VE D794ia20, 28 e514 | Sio1%# | Electc fare, in- | Engine wunsons | Check cabling between | Volvo jector cylinder 1. | cylinders, control unit and compo- | TWD1240VE: sounds rough | nent Drea andhas reduced | check the injector. we power Volvo TADI250VE D794ia20. 24 e518 | SIDS | Electric fature, m- | EnginerunsonS | Check cabling between | Volvo - jector cylinder 1. | eyinders, contol unt and compo- | TWD1240VE: sounds rough | nent Drea andhas reduced | check the injector 12 owas Volvo TADI250VE: D79aia20, 24 Workshop manual DRF 400-450, 8 D Error codes ~1 Engine Description | Limitation | Action onnec- | Diagnos tions and | tie menu components Code | 1587 e517 | sio17 | Incorectoom- | Runs rough at | Chockivel pressure. | Volvo - pression or detec- | low tpmandiow | check valve clearance, | TWOT240VE: te injector load. Dreatt coer Check cabling between | 5 49 conte unit and compo- font Volvo TAD1250VE: Check the injector. breaao Pertorm compression | A:24 test and check oylinder 1 e511 | SIDIT | Elecrcfature in- | EnginerunsonS | Check cabling between | Volvo - jectoroylinder 1. | cylinders, control unit and compo- | TWD1240VE: sounds rough} nent Dreaitt andnasreduced | check tne injector 12 ower. Volvo TAD1250VE: D79aia20, 28 522 | sib2i2 | Elestic faire, n- | Engineunsons | Check cabling between | Valvo jector cylinder 1. | cylinders, control unit and compo- | TWD1240VE: sounds rough} nent Dreaze andnasreduced | check the injector. 12 ower. Volvo TADI250VE: D79aia20, 28 652 | sib2i3 | Electric faire, in- | Engineuns ons | Check cabling between | Valvo - Jector cylinder 1. | cylinders, control unit and compo- | TWD1240VE: sounds rough | nent Dreanze, andnasreduced | check the injector. 12 power Volvo TADI250VE: Draaiat2 Ane 52/4 | si02%4 | Electric fature n- | Enginerunsons | Check cabling between | Volvo - jector cylinder 1. | cylinders, control unit and compo- | TWD1240VE: sounds rough | nent Drean:ee, anahasreduced | check the injector te ower. Volvo TADI250VE: Drown, Ane Workshop manual DRF 400450, ror codes ~ 1 Engine 9 Description | Limitation | Action Connec- | Diagnos- tions and | tie menu components Code | 1587 6528 | SID2I5 | Elecricfature, im | Enginerunsons | Chock cabling between | Volvo - jector cylinder 1. | eyinders, control unit and compo- | TWD1240VE: sounds rough | nent oreaize andhasreduced | check the injector saa power Volvo TADI250VE brain a6 6527 | sio2i7 | incorectcom | Runs ough at | Check uel pressure. | Volvo : pression or defec- | low pmandiow | check valve clearance, | TWOT240VE: ‘we injector load. Drean:ze cylinder 2, Gracesing between | te control unit and compo- font Volvo TADI250VE: Check the injector. brea? Perforncompression | até and check liner 2 52/17 | 5102/11 | Eleciefature,n- | Enginerunson8 | Check cabling between | Volvo jector cylinder 2. | eyinders, contol unit and compo- | TWD1240VE: sounds rough | nent orpaize andhasreduced | check the injector 12 power Volvo TADI250VE: D79ia12, aI6 6502 | Si03i2 | Electie faire, in- | Engine unsons | Check cabling between | Volvo - Jector cylinder 3. | eyinders, contol unit and compo- | TWD1240VE: sounds rough | nent o7eai:2s, andhas reduced | check the injector saa power. Volvo TADI250VE D79ia28, ax, 50/3 | 5103/3 | Eleotrefature, m- | Engine runson8 | Check cabling between | Volvo : jector cylinder 3. | eyinders, contol unit and compo- | TWD1240VE. sounds rough | nent orean:23 andhasreduced | check the injector 2 power Volvo TADI250VE: D79aia28, ax Workshop manual DRF 400-450, 20 D Error codes ~1 Engine Description | Limitation | Action onnec- | Diagnos tions and | tie menu components Code | 1587 e584 | Sibs'¢ | Elecrcfature im: | Enginorunsons | Chock cabling between | Volvo - jector cylinder 3. | cylinders, control unit and compo- | TWD1240VE: sounds rough} nent Drean:2a, andnasreduced | check tne injector. 12 Power Volvo TAD1250VE: o794K28, ae 2508 | S103 | Electric fature, im: | Enginerunsons | Check cabling between | Valvo : jector cylinder 3. | eyinders, control unit and compo- | TWD1240VE: sounds rough | nent Drean:2a, andhasreduced | check the injector 12 Power. Volvo TADI250VE: radia, ae 6537 | i037 | tncorectcom- | Auns rough at | Checkivel pressure. | Valvo - pression or detec: | low pmandiow | check valve clearance, | TWOT240VE: te injector load. Dress, coxlnder 3 Check cabling between | S40 control unit and compc- font Volvo TAD1250VE: Check the injector. browne Perform compression | A:32 testand check oyinder 3 e531 | SiDant | Electric failure, in- | EnginerunsonS | Check cabling between | Volvo - Jector cylinder 3. | cylinders, control unit and compo- | TWD1240VE: sounds rough | nent Dress, andnasreduced | check the injector. 12 power Volvo TADI250VE: radia, ae 5472 | sioa2 | Electric fature,m- | Engine runsons | Check cabling between | Volvo - jector cylinder 4. | cylinders, control unit and compo- | TWD1240VE: sounds rough | nent Dre4n:34 anahasreduced | check the injector 24 ower. Volvo TADI250VE: roan, 86 Workshop manual DRF 400450, ror codes ~ 1 Engine a Description | Limitation | Action Connec- | Diagnos- tions and | tie menu components Code | 1587 6548 | SID4’S_| Elecric fare, im | EnginerunsonS | Check cabling between | Volvo - jector cylinder 4. | eyinders, control unit and compo- | TWD1240VE: sounds rough | nent D7eal:34 andhasreduced | check the injector 124 power Volvo TADI250VE oradins2 56 54/4 | SiDaié | Electric fare m- | Enginerunson& | Check cabling Between | Volvo : jector eyinder 4. | eytinders, control unit and compo- | TWD1240VE: sounds rough | nent oreai:34 andhas reduced | check the injector 24 power. Volvo TADI250VE: Drains, A868 2545 | SIDA | Electric fature, im. | EnginerunsonS | Check cabling between | Volvo - jector cylinder 4. | eyinders, control unt and compo- | TWD1240VE: sounds rough | nent o7ean:34 andhas reduced | check the injector 24 power Volvo TAD1250VE: Drains, AS6 2547 | SID47 | corectcom- | Runs ough at | Checkivel pressure. | Volvo - pression or detec: | low pmandiow | check valve clearance, | TWOt240VE: ‘we injoctor load. D7eai:34 covlnder 4 Ghackeaing batons | 24 control unit and compo- rent Volvo TADI250VE: Check the injector. browne Perform compression | A:s6 and check elinder 4 e541 | SiD47 | Electric fature.n- | Enginerunsons | Check cabling between | Volvo : jector cylinder 4. | eyinders, contol unit and compo- | TWD1240VE: sounds rough | nent o7eai:34 andhasreduced | check the injector 124 power Volvo TADI250VE: Drains, 86 Workshop manual DRF 400-450, 2 D Error codes ~1 Engine test and check oylinder Description | Limitation | Action onnec- | Diagnos tions and | tie menu components Code | 1587 6552 | SIDS | Electric fature,im- | Enginorunsons | Chock cabling between | Volvo - Jectoroyinder s. | cylinders, control unit and compo- | TWD1240VE: sounds rough} nent Drean:38, andnasreduced | check tne injector. 1:24 Power Volvo TAD1250VE: D7eaiaa, Aa, 655/ | Si08% | Electric fature, im» | Enginerunsons | Check cabling between | Volvo : jector cylinder s. | cylinders, control unit and compo- | TWID1240VE: sounds rough | nent Drean:3s, andhasreduced | check the injector 124 Power. Volvo TADI250VE: radia, aa, 255% | si05%4 | Electric fature, im: | Enginerunson8 | Check cabling between | Valvo - jector cylinder 8. | cylinders, control unit and compo- | TWD1240VE: sounds rough} nent Drea: andhasreduced | check the injector 124 Power. Volvo TADT250VE: radia, Aa 255 | SiD8S | Eleatriefature, in: | Enginerunsoné | Check cabling between | Volvo - jector cylinders. | cylinders, control unit and compo | TWD1240VE: sounds rough | nent Drea: andhasreduced | check the injector 24 power Vow TADI250VE: Draaiae, Aa 6557 | i087 | incorectcom- | Enginerunson& | Checkthat cabing tothe | Volvo - pression or defec- | cylinders, Injectors isnot damaged. | TWD1240VE: tive injoctor sounds rough | checkcabling between | 0784/35, oylinder, andnasreduced | Convelunt nd compos | 124 ovat rent Volvo Check the injector TADY250VE: : Draaiae, reform compression | gi4g Workshop manual DRF 400450, ror codes ~ 1 Engine 23 Description | Limitation | Action Connec- | Diagnos- tions and | tie menu components Code | 1587 658/11 | SIDSMT | Electric failure, in- | EnginerunsonS | Check cabling betwoon | Volvo - jector cylinders. | eyinders, control unt and compo- | TWD1240VE: sounds rough | nent D7eal:36, andhasreduced | check the injector 124 power Volvo TADI250VE D7eaia, a, 56/2 | SD6/2 | Elecricfature,m- | Engine runson& | Check cabling Between | Volvo : jector eyinder 6. | eyinders, control unit and compo- | TWD1240VE: sounds rough | nent o7e4i:36, andhasreduced | check the component. | 124 power. Volvo TADI250VE: D79aia36, ado 56/3 | S106 | Electric fature, im: | Enginerunson& | Check cabling between | Volvo - jector cylinder 6. | eyinders, control unt and compo- | TWD1240VE: sounds rough | nent D7eal:36 andhas reduced | check the injector 24 power Volvo TADT250VE: D79aia36, ao 2567 | SiD6/4 | Electric fature, in: | Enginerunson& | Check cabling between | Volvo jector cylinder 6. | cylinders, contol unit and compo | TWD1240VE: sounds rough | nent 79436, andhas reduced | check the injector 124 power Volvo TADI250VE: D793, re) 6565 | SiD65 | Electric faiture n- | EnginerunsonS | Checkeabling between | Volvo - jector cylinder 6. | cylinders, control unt and compo- | TWD1240VE: sounds rough | nent D7eit:36 andhasreduced | Check the injector 124 owas Volvo TAD1250VE: D794ia36, Ado Workshop manual DRF 400-450, 24 D Error codes ~1 Engine Description | Limitation | Action onnec- | Diagnos tions and | tie menu components Code | 1587 6567 | SiD67 | Incorrectcom- | Runs rough at | Chockivel pressure. | Volvo - pression or detec- | low tpmandiow | check valve clearance, | TWOT240VE: te injector load. Dreal:a6, oisber® Gheskeangbamesn | 24 conte unit and compo- font Volvo TAD1250VE: Check the injector. Dredage Perform compression | Ado test and check oylinder 6 656/11 | SID6/IT | Electric failure. in- | EnginerunsonS | Check cabling between | Volvo - jester cylinder. | cylinders, control unit and compo- | TWD1240VE: sounds rough} nent Drean:36, andnasreduced | check tne injector 1:24 ower. Volvo TADI250VE D79aia36, ao e7IFMI | PPIDG | Starermetorre- | The engine wil | Check cabling between | Valve ENGINE, Fu lay, shorteircuitto | not sta. control unt and compo- | Tworzaove: | menu singe | vetagersround. | engine startin | POM Dreaest Fu mediately when | Check the motor. Volvo ignition is tuned ‘TADT250VE on, D794i6:28 1485/3 | PPIDSIS | Mainselay, cable | The instument | Check cabling bewween | Volvo : short circuited to | panelloses vot- | contol unit and compo- | TWD1240VE: voltage. ‘age when the ig- | nent oraain:s2 rion Key's | heck the relay Volvo tumed to the ‘TADI2SOVE: start poston, prea The engine will rot start 20177 | PsiD201 | Communication | Engine oft en- | Use diagnostic menu to | Valve CAN FMI | erorwith Engine | gine cannot be | tnd incorect segment. | TWOr240vE: | POWER, contol unit started Check cating between | O784/2:1.2:2 | menu (0704), configu: | Engine on:en- | controlunit and compo- | Volvo Fallon error gine goes to idle | nent TADI250VE: and.can only be | check the control unt. | 0784/8:51 stopped by us 8:55 ing the emer gency stop. Workshop manual DRF 400450, voltage, ground, or open circuit Check the sensor. rorcodes— 1 Engine 25 Description | Limitation | Action Connec- | Diagnos- tions and | tie menu components Code | 1587 2047 Undetostabie or | - Contact the engine sup- | 0794 : ror code from the plier for further informa- engine Yon Error codes above 2047 can. not be show in the display. Possible enor codes: 2791 520192, 520194, 520195, zreiia | PPIDIG | IntemalEGA: | The engine on. | Check he wirng (boost | Volvo : Wiring enor | tolunitliitser- | pressure sensor TADI250VE: (voost pressure | ine output. | Contact an authorised | D794/B:90 sensor. IEGA cannot be. | Valvo Penta workshop Mechanical eror | *=tvated Check the component on EGR. (EGR. 270114 | PPIDI9 | IntemalEGA: | The engine con- | Check the wirng (boost | Volvo - ‘Wiring ror trolunitiimts en- | pressure sensor) “AD 1250VE: (boost pressure | gine output. Contact an authorised | 2784/B:90 sensor. IEGR cannot be | Volvo Penta workshop Mechanical eror | a2tvated. Chock the component on EGR. (EGR. 279115 | PPIDI9 | IntemalEGA: | The engine con- | Checkthe wing (Boost | Volvo : Wiring enor | tolunitiitsen- | pressure senso, TADI250VE: (boost pressure | ine output. — | Contact an authorised | O794/8:30 sensor) IEGR cannot be | Volvo Penta workshon. Mochanical eror_| aetvated. ‘Check the component on EGR. (EGR. 27ei7 | PPIDI8 | IntemalEGA: | Coulddamage | Check the wing (boost | Valvo : Mechanical evor | the turbine | pressure sensor. TADI250VE: on EGR. wheel otthe tur- | contact an authorised | 0794/8:20 Bechara’ and | lve Penta workshon aoe ret tre, | Check he component (EGR). 520102) | PPIDB | Piston cooing | Nolimiation | Check cabling between | Volvo : 1 pressure sensor control unitand compo | TAD1260VE shor circuited 0 nent. o7eaie:14 Workshop manual DRF 400-450, 26 D Error codes ~1 Engine Description | Limitation —_| Action Connec- | Diagnos tions and | tie menu ‘components Code | 1587 5201821 | PPID8 | Lowpiston cook | Nolimitation | Check that engine oit | = - a ing pressure, pressures over 175 kPa, saoiea’ | PPiD4 | StartinputCiU: | Engine cannot | Check that star key con- | D794 - a Short circuited wo | be started nections are not dam- minus () Engine startsim- | 29°¢ ‘Activatedtoo | mediately when | Check thatthe start key tong. the lantion is] wiring is not damaged, switened on, szoted) | PPID4 | StartinputclU: | Engine cannot | Check that start key con- | 0704 - 4 Short circuited to | Be started nections are not dam- minus (). Engine startsim- | 89° ‘Activatedtoo | mediately when | Check thatthe start key tong. the ignition is | wiring is not damages. switched on, 20188) | PPIDe | Stopinputoncon- | The engine can | Check that the connec | Volvo - 4 trol unit: conly be stopped | tions and wirng are not | TADT250VE: Short circuited to | Withthe auxilary | damaged. Dresa27 minus (9. stop. Volvo Activated too FWD 1240VE: tong. Dresi26 Workshop manual DRF 400450, ror codes ~ 1 Engine 7 Engine error codes (engine alternative Cummins QSM11) Description Limitation ‘Action Connee- | Diagnos- tionsand | tic menu ‘compo- nents Code | J1587 84/2 | PIDOBA/2 | Electrical enor, Engine speedis | Check cabling beiween | - - speedsensor invalid | limitedto maxi- | control unit and compo- data mum rpm without | nent gear Check the sensor. 84/10 | PiDoBa’ | Electrical error, Engine speedis | Check cabling bewoen | - : 10 ‘speed sensor, signal | limited to maxi- | control unt and compo- manipulation detec- | mum pm without | nent ed oar Check the sensor. ewa | Piboet/3 | Electrical error, ac | Engne does not | Check cabling between | - : celerator pedal. ca- | respond to trot | control unit and compo- ble shor circuted 0 te rent. supply voltage Check the component. eva | Pibost/4 | Electrical error ac. | Engine does not | Check cabling between | - : celerator pedal.ca- | respond to trot | control unit and compo- ble shor circuted to te rent ground CCheck the component. eve | Pipoot/e | Electrical error, ac. | Engine does not | Check cabling between | - - colerator pedal,tow | respond to trot | control unt and compo- ‘reauency. tle, rent Check the component 91/8 | PIDO81/B | Electrical error, ac | Engine does not | Check cabling between | - - celerator pedal. high | respond to throt- | control unit and compo- ‘reauency. tle nent. Check the component, 91719 | SID001/2 | Communication er | Engine wil only | Use diagnostic menu to | - CAN ror with cab control | idle find incorrect segment POWER, unit (0790-1), elect: menu 3 cal ror, accalorator pedal 97/3 | PIDO87/3 | Electrical enor, wa- | No limitation, Check cabling between | D794/Sen- | - tern-fuel sensor, control unit and compo- | son09 cable shor circuited nent to supply voltage. Check the component Workshop manual DRF 400-450 ‘oR. 0238 28 D Error codes ~1 Engine Description Limitation ‘Action Connee- | Diagnos- tionsand | tie menu compe- ents Code | 1587 e7ie | PID087H4 | Eloctical eror, wa | Noliitaion. | Oheckcabing between | D784/Sen- tersintuel sensor, contol unit and compo- | sor09 cable short ereuited nent to ground. Check the component @75 | PID087/ | Waerinfvel Risk of write ex | Drain water fromthe tuel | ~ 8 aust smoke and_| titer reduced engine output Toot | PIDI0OIT | Low engine ollpres- | Engine ouputis | Check the engine oilaw- | ~ ENGINE sure. redveodgradualy, | ol il as necessary onus “The engine is switched of alter 30 seconds “o0i2 | PID TOO | Ot pressure sensor, | Nowamningaflow | Check he sensor D7eaiSen- | ENGINE data oro. ‘engine ol prs sontt | menus 00/3 | PIDT0OIS | Sensor ol pressure, | Nowamningoflow | Check cabing bewween | D794/Sen- | ENGIN cable shortcrcuited | engine ollpres- | contolunitand.compo- | sores | menu 6 tosupply volage. sure, ert. Check the sensor. ‘ooie | PIDT00% | Ollpressure sensor, | Nowamningaflow | Check cabling bewween | O794/ | ENGIN open cicuitor short engine olpres- | contoluntand compo- | Black:t4 | menu cireitte ground, | sure, nent. Check the sensor oo! | PIDTOOM | Low engine oi pres- | Nolimitatin | Oheckelllevelin ne em | - ENGINE. sure. gine, top up as needed Check he sensor 1022 | PiD102/2 | Boost pressure ser- | Reduced engine | Check cabling between | O794/Ser- | ENGINE. sorindcates high | power. conirolunt and compo- | sor39 | menu7 boost pressure but nent ‘other engine data in Chock the sensor. sicatesthat pressure should be norma 0218 | PIDTO2IS | Sensorboostpres- | Reduced engine | Check cabing beween | 0784/Sen- | ENGINE. sure, cable shor | power. controlunt andcompo- | s0r39 | menu7 cireuited to voltage. nent. Check he sensor, Workshop manual DRF 400450, ror codes ~ 1 Engine 29 Description Limitation ‘Action Connee- | Diagnos- tionsand | tic menu compo- nents Code | 1587 Yo2e | PiDt02r4 | Boost pressure ser | Reducod engine | Check eabing beeen | 0784 | ENGINE sor. cable short | power control unt and compo- | lack: | menu7 creuitedto groundor rent open circuit Check the boost pres- oats | PIDT0a/0 | Overrev protection, | Reduced engine | Check the component. | = : turbo. power. 05/0 | PIDIO5(0 | Intake sirtoo hot. | Engine outputis | Checkthe cootantievelin | - ENGINE, reducedgradualy. | the engine, top up as menu? The engine's | needed. switched of ater | Check hat the charge-a 30 wacom. coolers clean, clean as needed. (Check thatthe fan bets aro intact. Check th in- take air temperature ser- 1053 | PIDIOSIS | Grargeairtempers- | Riskotwhte ex | Check cabing between | D794/Sen- | ENGINE ture sensor, cable | haustsmoke. No | controlunit and compo- | sor38 | menu7 short citcuited to | waming ot high | nent. ‘supply vltage or | coolant tempers | heck tat the charge ar open ecu ture. temperature sensors correctly installed and connected. Check the charge air temperature sensor 1085/4 | PIDI05/4 | Charge airtompera- | Fiskofwhite ex | Check cabling between | D794/Sen~ | ENGINE, ture sensor, cable | haustsmoke. No. | contolunit and compo- | sor38 | menu7 short circuited to | waming ot high | nent. aground or open cir | coolant tempera | check thatthe sensor is uit. ture. correctly installed and connected. Check the sensor ‘08/2 | PIDI08/2 | Electrical enor, air_| Reduced engine | Check the sonsor. - - pressure sensor, | power. data eror 08'S | PIDI08/S | Electrical enor, air | Reduced engne | Check cabingbeiween | O794iSen | - pressure sensor, ca- | power. control unt and compo- | s0:08 ble shor circuted to supply voltage. rent Check the sensor. Workshop manual DRF 400-450, D Error codes ~1 Engine between cylinders. ‘The error code could be generated i the fuel sys- tems opened, allowing Airto enter tho systor, Troubleshoct the engine, Description Limitation ‘Action Connee- | Diagnos- tionsand | tic menu compo- nents Code | J1587 08/4 | PIDT0B4 | Electrical error, ar | Reduced engine | Check cabling between | D794/Sen- pressure sensor, ca- | power. control unit and compo- | son06 ble shot circuited to rent round, Check the sensor. 11070 | PIDT1OV0 | High coolant temper- | Engine autputis | Check coolant level - ENGIN: ature. reduced gradually. | heck that radiator is menu 7, Theengine is | ciean switched off ater ‘a So seconas, Check there's alr in coolant system (Check the cap on the ex- pansion tank Check the sensor. Check thermostat 110i | PIDt1o/3 | Coolanttemperature | No indication of | Check cabling between | D794/Sen- | ENGIN ‘sensor, cable short | engine tempera- | control unit and sora2 | menu? circuited to supply | ture, ‘component voltage or open ckeult 1018 | PiD110/4 | Coolanttemperature | No indication of | Check cabling between | D794/Sen- | ENGINE, ‘sonsor.cabla short | engine tempera- | control unit and compo- | sord2 | menu7 circuited to ground. | ture rent. Check thatthe sensor is connected corecty Check the sensor. 1117 | PIDTIV | Low coolant level. | Engine auiputis | Checkthe coolant level, | - reduced gradually. | top up if needed. Theengineis | Check the sensor. ‘switched off after 30 seconds. 11472 | PIDIT1/2 | Electrical eror, cook | Nowaming otlow | Check cabling between | 0794/Sen- lantlevel sensor, | coolant level. control unit and compo- | son09 data error, ent. (Check the sensor. 166/2 | PIDIT6/2 | Outputimbalance | Uneven iding. | Checkthe fuel quality. | = Workshop manual DRF 400450, circuited to ground, ature, rent Check the sensor. ror codes ~ 1 Engine 31 Description Limitation ‘Action Connee- | Diagnos- tionsand | tic menu compo- nents Code | 1587 167! | PIDIG7/N | Low battery voltage. | Waming active | Checkbatteres andar | D784 | - until votage is cor | ternator. OEM, 8 rect 17,18, 28 167/16 | PIDT67/0 | Lowbattery voltage. | Waming active | Check/uses. Checkbat- | 0704 | - until votageiscor | teres and altemater. | OEM, 8 rect 17,18, 28 16718 | PIDt67/ | Highbattery voltage. | Waming active | Checkbatteries anda- | O74 | - until votageis cor | teratr. OEM, 8 rect. The engine 17,18, 28, runs at increased ile to increase voltage. 168/16 | PIDT6BIO | High voltage supply | No imitation. Check uses. Checkbat- | O7a4 | - to contro uit teres and altemator, | OEM, 17,18, 28 168/18 | PIDT6E | Low voltage supply | Uneveniding. | Checktuses. Checkbat- | 0794 | - tocontol unit teres and altemator, | OEM. 8, 17,18, 28 17510 | PIDI7SIO | High engine olltem- | Engine outputs | Checkthe engine coolant | - ENGINE, perature reducedgradualy. | and ol level. Top up as menu? Theengine's | necessary. switched off ater | check thatthe ol cooler 30 masons is clean; clean as need ed (Check thatthe fan bets axe intact Check the sensor. 17513 | PIDI7SIS | Oil temperature sen- | Noindication of | Check cabing between | 0794/Sen | ENGINE, sor, cable short | engine ol temper- | contol unitand compo- | sor42 | menu? circuited to supply | ature rent voltage or open cir Check thatthe sensor is out connected conectly, 17514 | PIDI75I& | Oil temperature sen- | Noindication of | Check cabing between | O794/Sen- | ENGINE, sor, cable short | engine ol temper- | contol unitand compo- | sor42 | menu? Workshop manual DRF 400-450, 2 D Error codes ~1 Engine data error. Check component Description Limitation ‘Action Connee- | Diagnos- tionsand | tie menu compe- ents Code | 1587 Ta8i4 | SID032%6 | Eleciical err, | Reduced engine | Check cabing bewoen | D794/Ac wastegate solenoid | power. contol unt and compo | tater: 24 valve 1 short nent circuited to ground Check the solenoid valve “9010 | PIDTeOIO | Engine rpm too igh. | Fuelsupply re: | Ease off hte orsatect | - sticted until — | higher gar. gine speedis below permite vate. 19072 | PIDIG0I2 | Electical evar, rpm! | Engine stops and | Check cabing bewween | D794/Sen- ignition mode sen- | carnotbe estar: | controlunt and compo- | soré7, 50 sor no signal fom ed nent. any sensors. Check the sensor 180/10 | PIDIe0/ | Electical evox rpm’ | Nolimitaion. | Check cabing between | O784/Sen- 10 igntion mode sen- controlunt and compo- | sor: 47, 50 s0r, one of two 8ig- nent nals missing Check the sensor. 81/76 | PIDIG1/0 | Speediimtation aa | Speedis reduced. | Reduce trate applica | ~ vated ton, 191/16 | PID191/1 | Speed wamingtor | Enginewillonly | Incase tote applica | - low speed, ide ton, 25172 | PID2S%/2 | Iniemal enor, Com | ~ > > trol unit, engine 44173 | PID#A1IS | Audliary tempore | Nowamingothign | Check cabing beeen | D794iSen- ture sensor short | temperature, Con- | controlunit and compo- | sor: 12 creuited to ground. | trotunt engine | nent. (0794) Chock the sensor «aria | PiDsati4 | Audliary tempers | Nowamingothigh | Check cabing beeen | D794/Sene ture sensor short temperature, Con- | contolunt and compo- | sor. 12 circuited to supply trol unt engine | nent votage (0704) Check the sensor 5582 | $10200/2 | Electical enor, ac | Nolmtalion. | Check cable beween | O794/ celeratr pedal sen- control unt and compo- | OEM: 0, ring contact, nent 13 Workshop manual DRF 400450, ror codes ~ 1 Engine 33 Description Limitation ‘Action Connee- | Diagnos- tionsand | tic menu compo- nents Code | J1587 98/4 | $1D230/4 | Electrical orror, ac- | Engine does not | Check cable bewoon | D784 | - Ccelerator pedal sen- | responditotnrot | control unt and compo- | OEM: 03, sor, idling contact | tle rent 13 ‘cable shor circuited Check component. to ground. ssait@ | SiD280/ | Electcal eror, ac | Engine willonly | Check cable between | D784 | - 13 ‘celerator pedal sen- | idle, control unit and compo- | OEM: 13 sr, idling contact, rent calloration errr. Check component. 08/2 | S1D250/2 | Communication er | No limitation. ‘Check the control unit. | D794 ror with Control unit OEM: 26, engine (0794) 27, 36, 37, 46 08/9 | S1D250/9 | Communication er- | No limitation. ‘Check the control unit. | O7e4/ ror with Control unit (OEM: 26, engine (0794). 27, 96.37, 46 62073 | $1028 | Electrical error, rofer- | Reduced engine | Check cabling between | D784/Sen- | - josars fence voltage to sen- | output, Nowamn- | conrolunit and compo- | sor 18,25, sor shor circuited to | ing flow el pres- | nent 48 ‘supply voltage, sure or low Check the control unit. coolant level. 6207 | s1D282/4 | Electcalerror.reter- | Reduced engine | Check cabling between | D794/Sen- | - 0814 ence voltage to sen- | output. Nowam- | control unit and compo- | sor 18.25, 40r short circuited to | ing of low of pres- | nent. 48 ground ‘sure or fone CCheck the component. coolant level. 626/11 | SiD297/ | Electrical erorto | Preheatingnot | Check cabling between | D794/Ac- | ENGINE, 1 control of preheating | working, Risk ot | contol unitand compo- | tuator: 34 | menu S relay. white smoke. ent Check the component. 27/2 | S1D2512 | Voltage supply to | Reduced engine | Check the fuses. pred |- control unit disap | output. Engine dt | Check batteries and al- | OEM. 8 pearsbutignitonnot | ficulttostartor | tomator 17, 18,28 oft dies 629/12 | $1D254/ | Internal error, Con- | Theengine wilinot | Checkthe control unit. | = - 2 trol unit, engine. | star. 629/12 | SID2547 | Internal error, Con- | No limitation (Check the control unit. | = : 7 trol unit, engine. Workshop manual DRF 400-450, D Error codes ~1 Engine ‘duced power (Check the injector. Description Limitation ‘Action Connec- | Diagnos- tionsand | tic menu compe- nents Code | 1587 63072 | $10258/2 | Sofware error, Con- | Reduced engine | Re-programihe software | - trol unit engine | output. Engine ait. | in Conirl unit. engine (0794) ficutto stat or | (0794), dies. 32/3 | SID017/5 | Electcal eror, fuel | No imitation, ‘Check cabling beiween | O734/Ac cutoff solenoid contrlunit and compo- | tuator 88 valve, cable short nent circuited to supply Check the solenoid voltage. vane 6324 | SID017#4 | Electrical enor, fuel | Engine wil hut | Check cabling between | D794/Ac cutoft solenoid | down, control unit and compo- | tuator: 88 valve, cable short nent ‘reuted to ground. (Check the solenoid valve. 63972 | S10281/2 | Communication er | Functions viaGAN | Use diagnostic menuto | - CAN? rorwith Control unit | bus not working. | find incorrect segment POWER, engine (0794) menu? {39/9 | 51023179 | Communication er | Functions via CAN | Use diagnostic menuto | - CAN, rorwith Control unit | bus not working. | find incorrect segment PoweR, engine (0704) menu? 39/9 | $10231/9 | Communication er | Functions viaGAN | Use diagnostic menu to | - CAN rorwith Contol unit, | bus not working. | find incorrect segment POWER, ‘engine (0794), tme- menu? 638/13 | SI2317 | Communication e- | FunctionsviaGAN | Use ciggnostic menu to | - CAN 3 rorwith Engine con- | bus not working. | find incorect segment PoweR, tro nit (0784), menu? configuration eror. e442 | Si0030/2 | Electrical ero, ac- | Engine wil shut | Check eabing between celerator pedal, sig-_ | down, control unit and compo- nal not within vai rent trtarvd Check the component 64714 | $1D083%4 | Electrical enor, fan | Cooling fan uns | Check cabling between | O794/Ac connection, cable | constantly control unt and compo- | tuator10, short circuited to rort Actuator: 8 ground Check the component 85115 | SID001/5 | Electcal eror. cylin | Engine runs on5 | Check cabing beeen | O794/Ac dor injector, open | cylinders, sounds | contol unt and compo | tuatort0, circuit on cable. rough and has re- | nont Actuator: 8 Workshop manual DRF 400450, ror codes ~ 1 Engine 35 Description Limitation ‘Action Connee- | Diagnos- tionsand | tic menu compo- nents Code | 1587 85116 | SID001/7 | Electrical err. cy | Engine runs on | Check cabling between | O784/Ac- | der injector, cable | cylinders, sounds. | contvolunt and compo- | tuator10, short citeuited to | rough and has re- | nent Actuator: 9 ground, duced power. | check the injector. 1652/5 | $10002%5 | Electrical ero. cylin: | Engine runs on | Check bing between | D794/Ac- | - der 2 injector open | cylinders, sounds. | controlunit and compo- | tuator 7, 8 rout on cable. rough and has re- | nent duced power. | check the injector. 65216 | $10002%6 | Electrical eror. cylin: | Engine runs on | Checkeabing between | D794/Ac- | - der? injector, cable | cylinders, sounds. | conivolunit and compo- | tuator7, shor creuited to | rough and has re- | nent. ground duced power. | check he injector. 1653/5 | S10003%5 | Electical ero. evi | Engine runs on | Checkeabing between | O794/Ac- | - dor 3 injector. open | cylinders, sounds. | control unit and compo- | tuators, circuit on cable. rough and has re- | nent 16 duced power. | check the injector. 53/6 | $10003%6 | Electrical ero. cylin | Engine runs on | Check cable between | O794/Ac | = der injector, cable | cylinders, sounds. | control unit and compo- | tuator8, short cieuited to | rough and has re- | nent 6 ground duced power. | check component. 54/5 | $10004%5 | Electrical ero. cylin. | Engine runs on | Check bing between | O794/Ac- | - der 4 injector open | cylinders, sounds. | control unt and compo- | tuator26 circuit on cable. rough and has re- | nont 36 duced power. | check the injector. 85416 | SID0046 | Electrical evor.cytir | Engine runs on | Check cabing Between | O794/Ac- | - der injector, cable | cylinders, sounds | controluni and compo- | tuator26, short circuited to | roughand has re- | nent 36 ground duced power. | check the injector 1655/5 | S1D00505 | Electrical ero. cy | Engine runs on | Check cabing between | D784/Ac- | - der S injector, open | cylinders, sounds. | control unt and compo- | tuator 3, 4 circuit on cable. rough and has re- | nent duced power. | check he injector 1855/6 | S1D008%6 | Electrical ero. cy | Engine runs on | Check cable between | D794/Ac- | tuator 3,4 der injector, cable short cieuited to ground cylinders, sounds rough and has re- duced power contol unit and compo- rent Check component, Workshop manual DRF 400-450, 36 D Error codes ~1 Engine Ccelerator pedal refer. ‘ence voltage, cable shor circuited to ground idle, contol unit and compo- rent, (Check the component Description Limitation ‘Action Connec- | Diagnos- tionsand | tic menu compe- nents Code | 1587 856/5 | S10006%5 | Electrical eror. cylin | Engine runs on | Check cable beween | O784/Ac der injector, open | cylinders, sounds | contol unit and compo- | tuator: 1, 2 circuit on cable. rough and has re- | nent duced power. | check component 85616 | S10006%6 | Electrical ero. cylin | Engine runs on | Check cabling between | D784/Ac der 6 injector, cable | cylinders, sounds | contol unit and compo- | tuator: 1, 2 shortcicuited to | rough and has re- | nent ‘round duced power. | check the injector. 7023 | SIDO40/3 | Electrical error. auxit | No limitation (Check cabling beiween | O734/Ac pipisaa | fay output 2, cable conirlunt and compo- | tuator: 14 short circuited 0 rent supply votage. (Check the component. 7o3/3 | $10051/3 | Electcal ero, aux | No imitation ‘Check cabling beiween | O734iAc iary ouput 2, cablo control unit and compo- | tustor 45 short circuited 10 rent supply voltage. Check the component. 74/3 | $10029/3 | Electrical ror, aux | Engine does not | Check abing between | D794 iaty accelerator ped- | respond to trot- | controlunit and compo- | OEM: 21 al, cable shor te, rent circuited to supply Check the component voltage. 974i4 | $10079/4 | Electrical ror, aux | Engine does not | Check abing between | O794/ iaty accelerator ped- | respond to tot- | controlunit and compo- | OEM: 21 ‘al. cable short te rent rcuited to ground Check the component 1974/18 | Si0020/2 | Communication er | Engine does not | Use ciagnostiemenuto | = CANT rorwith cab control | respond to trot- | find incorrect segment PoweR, unit(D780-1), elactr | te menu? caleror, accelerator pedal 1049/3 | PID221/8 | Electrical error, ac | Enginewillonly | Check cabling between | O7947 celerator pedal refer | ile. controlunit and compo- | OEM: 48 ‘ence voltage, cable rent short circuited to Check the component supply voltage. to4sié | PID22174 | Electrical eror,ac- | Engine wilonly | Check cabling between | 07947 Workshop manual DRF 400450, 1285/4 | siDoasr« valve 2 short ircuited to ground. Electrical enor, ol- bun solenoid valve, ‘cable shor circuited to ground, No imitation, rent (Check the solencid valve. (Check cabling between contol unit and compo- rent (Check the solenoid valve ror codes ~ 1 Engine a7 Description Limitation ‘Action Connee- | Diagnos- tionsand | tic menu compo- nents Code | 1587 1072/11 | S10070/ | Electrical err, sole- | Engine brako 1 | Check cabling bowoen | D7@s/Ac | - " noid vale engine | cannot be acivat- | controlunit and compo- | tuator: 44 brake 2 ed rent Check the solenoid valve. 1073/11 | SiD029/ | Elecial ear, sole | Engine brake 2 | Check cabling between | O794/Ac- | - " noid vale engine | cannot be actvat- | controluntand compo- | tuator 44 brake 2 ed nent. Check the solenoid valve. 107918 | $10232/3 | Elestical ero, refer | Reduced engine | Check cabling belween | O794iSen- | ~ ence voltage to sen- | power. control unit and compo- | sor 17, 37 ‘sor short circuited to nent supply vltege Check the sensor. to79ia | $10232%4 | Electrical ero, refer | Reduced engine | Check cabingbelween | O794/Sen- | ~ ence volage to sen- | power contr unit and compo- | sor 17, 37 ‘sor short circuited to nent. ground Check the sensor. $10092/6 | Electrical error, Reduced engine | Checkcabling between | D784/Ac- | - wastegate solenoid | power. control unit and compo- | tualor: 24 valve t short nent circuited to supply Check the solenoid votage. valve. 118013 | Si0088/3 | Electrical enor, Reduced engine | Checkeabling between | D704/Ae- wastegate solenoid | power. control unitand compo- | tuator 23 valve 2 short nent. ciruited to supply (Check the solenoid voltage. Cae ‘1189/4 | sib88/¢ | Electrical enor, Reduced engine | Check cabling between | D794/Ac- wastegate solenoid | power. conivl unit and compo- | tuator 28 Workshop manual DRF 400-450, 38 D Error codes ~1 Engine Description Limitation ‘Action Connee- | Diagnos- tionsand | tic menu compo- nents Code | J1587 13182 | PiDt2%2 | Electrical error, Reduced engine | Check cabling between | 0784/Sen- boost pressure sen- | power. control unit and compo- | sor: 9 sor, rent Check the sensor. ‘se80/t | PID017/1 | Low engine cillevel. | No limitation ‘Check the engine aillew- | ~ ot: fil as necessary 1388/31 | SIDIS1/ | Engine shutoff other | No limitation. ‘Switch ofthe engine with | ~ 1 than with star key, the stan key, causing load 1384i31 | S1D028/ | Engine shutoff other | No limitation ‘Switch ofthe engine with | ~ “ than with star key, the star key, causing load 1387/3 | Pib223/3 | Electrical evr, auxl- | Nopressureguard | Check cabling between | O794/Sen- larypressure sensor, | (customer-spect+ | control unit and compos | sor: 19 cable shor circuited | ie option) rent. to supply voltage. Check the sensor. 1987/4 | PID228/4 | Electrical ever, aux | Nopressureguard | Check cabling between | D794/Sen- larypressuressensor, | (customer-spect- | control unit and compo- | sor: 18 cable shor circuited | ie option) rent to ground. Check the sensor. 1484/31 | 810216) | Error codes in other | No limitation. Check errorcodes for | - n ‘contral units. other machine contal Unis, pariculaty the cab contol unit (0780-1) anc transmission control unit (0789) Workshop manual DRF 400450, D Error codes ~2 Transmission 39 2 Transmission Error codes, transmission The machine is available wth two transmission alternatives, transmis: sion alemative Dana and transmission alterative Dana full fow. Both alternatives use the same error codes, but some error codes ae relat ‘04 to aitferont components depending on the transmission alternative, Inthis case there are two cifferent descriptions marked ‘Dana’ and "Dana full low" respectively Control unit transmission can generate two modes with reduced func: tionality to protect the transmission in case of serious maltunctons: + *Limp-home" In this mode only 1-2 gear in both directions can be used. Ifthe ‘malfunction occurs in a higher gear then downshifing has to be performed manually to tst gear or 2nd, + "Shutdown In this mode, the transmission isin permanent neutral postion as there is no al pressure to enable selection of a goa. unit transmission, Connec- Diag- Description Limitation. Action tions and | nostic components | menu Code | SPN/FMI (00150 | 7FOBDIC | Memory error in contral_| Transmission : - : unit transmission, locked in neutral (Shut-down). (00151 | 7FOBDIC | Memory error in contral_| Transmission : - : unit transmission, locked in neutral (Shutdown). 0152 | 7FOBDIC | Memory error in control | Transmission - - - unit transmission, looked in neutral (Shut-down). 00153 | TFOSDIC | Memory errorin control | Transmission - 7 locked in neutral (Shut-down). Workshop manual DRF 400-450 ‘oR. 0238 ‘Save informa: tion aboutactual pressure when the problem oc- cured, 40 D Etror codes ~2 Transmission Description Action : components | menu Code | SPNFMI 20160 | 7FO8S1 | Dana Transmission ‘Check cabling | Dana TRANSM, Sensor oil pressure inei- | eked neutral | betweencontol | p7eqyaz menu 10 cates low oil pressure | (Shutdown) unitand sensor. | xpe3 hen there should be Check the ana full low Dana full low Sensor gear 1/3 D7eaia (26067) indicates low oi 136067 pressure when there should be pressure. 20161 | 7F088/0 | Dana Transmission Cheek cabling | Dana RANSM Sensor oil pressure inci | OtKedin neutral | berweencontol | p7eqyqp menu 10 cates oil pressure when | (Shutdown) unit and sensor. | ype3 there should not be Check the Dana full flow Dana full low Sensor gear 1/3 D793ia2 (8087) indicates oi 26067 pressure when there should not be oll pros: 2100 | 7F08=1 | Oilpressure sensor (1)_| Transmission ‘Check the feed | - - has too ow oil pressure. | locked in neutral | pressure to the (Shut-down). transmission ‘Save informa- tion aboutactual pressure when, the problem oc- curred, Dior | 7F089!0 | Oilpressure sensor (1) | Transmission ‘Check the feed | - - has too high oll pres- | lockedin neutral | pressure to the sure. (Shut-down). transmission Workshop manual DRF 400450, D ror codes ~2 Transmission 4 [cous | pneu Description Limitation Action Connec- fons and components 22100 7FOBAIT il pressure sensor (2) has too ow all pressure. Transmission locked in neutral (Shut-down). ‘Chock the food pressure to the transmission, Save informa tion about actual pressure when ‘ne problem oc- curred, 2201 7FOBAIO il pressure sensor (2) has too high ol pres Transmission locked in neutral (Shut-down). ‘Check the feed pressure to the transmission Save informa tionaboutactual pressure when the problem oc- curred, 2ai00 7FOSBIT il pressure sensor (3) has too ow oll pressure, Transmission locked in neutral (Shutdown). ‘Check the feed pressure to the transmission Save informa tionaboutactual pressure when the problem oc- cured, aioo 7FOSB/O TOSI (il pressure sensor (3) has too high oll press Ol pressure sensor (4) ‘Transmission locked in neutral (Shutdown). Transmission locked in neutral (Shutdown). ‘Check the feed pressure to the transmission Save informa tionaboutactual pressure when the problem oc- cured, ‘Check the feed preseure to the transmission Save informa tionaboutactual pressure when the problem oc- cured, Workshop manual DRF 400-450, 2 D Etror codes ~2 Transmission Description Action : components | menu Code | SPNFMI zaior | 7FOeCI | Oilpressure sensor (4) | Transmission ‘Check the food | - - has too high oll pres- | lockedin neutral | pressure to the sure. (Shut-down) transmission ‘Save informa: tion about actual pressure when. the problem oc- cured, ‘30/08 | 7F090/1 | Lowbattery voltage. | Controlunitsaves | Check cabling | - ‘CAN! stored information | te contol unt. POWER, totlash memory | Check alterna menu 18 and estartstoclear | to, battery and memory cablingbotwoen battery and al ternator 30105 | 7F080I0 | High battery votage. | Controlunitre- | Check voltage | - ‘CANT ceives reduced pro- | feed POWER, portional control — | faux menu 15 auxiliary start precsion depend- | Sovipment is ing on reduced — | Cpnarted, ds- Pw work cyele, | Conmectit ‘2100 | 7F093" | Relerence votlage sen- | Controlunitre- | Check vattage | - ‘CAN! 801 8 V, too low. ceives reduced sen. | feed, POWER, sor signals. ‘Check the con- menu 15 trol unit ‘31/01 | 7F099/0 | Reference volage sen- | Controlunitre- | Check voltage | - ‘CAN! 80F8 V, oo high ceives reduced sen- | feed, POWER, sor signals. ‘Check the con- menu 15 trol unit ‘34100 | 7FOBBIIF | Sensor, drum mm Transmission ‘Check cabling | - TRANSM (752) incorrect lockedin gear and | between gear menu 6 2 (Limp-home). | control and sem ‘Check the sen- Workshop manual DRF 400450, D ror codes ~2 Transmission 43 with regards to forward and e- verse signal Connec- Description Limitation Action ions and | : components | menu Code | SPN/FMI 34101 | 7FOBCI | Measuredturbine speed | Transmission ‘Check cabling | - - during start-up is too | locked in neutral | between gear low. (Shutdown) control and se Check the Check the feed pressure tothe transmission 34102 | 7FOBDIO | Measuredturbine speed | Transmission ‘Check cabling | ~ - during start-up is too | locked inneutral | between the nigh (Shutdown) gearcontrl and ddeum pm ‘Check the [swoa | 7F0Bei | Transmission ndisates | Transmission Checkdeum | = : tat system pressure is | locked inneutral | rpm sensor. absent whenit should | (Shutdown). Check Solenoid ba preeant valve RSP Drive (76086) Feed pressure to tansmission to0 ow. ‘34104 | 7FOBEIO | Transmission indicates. | Transmission ‘Check cabling | ~ - tat system pressure is | locked inneutral | between the present when it should | (Shutdown). gear control and be absent. drum rpm ‘Check the ‘Check Solenoid valve RSP Drive (76066) 40108 | 7FOSE2 | Incorrect direction rom | Gontrol unit locks | Check cabing | - TRANSM, sear select. transmissionin | to gear selector menu 2 Workshop manual DRF 400-450, D Etror codes ~2 Transmission Description Action : components | menu Code | SPNFMI 40108 | 7FOaI/IF | Seat direction was Transmission ‘Chock seat di | - - ‘changed when the park- | locked in neutral | rection or show ing brake was not act- | (Shutdown) the driver how vated andlor the gear the seat is control was notin neu tured as per tral position, andior the the correct pro- machine was not sta cedure. tionary. 410s | 7F0SF2 | incorrect gear selection | Control unitdoesnt | Check cabling | - TRANSM ‘om gear selector allow change ot | to gear selector menu 2 range, however, op- | with regards to eration of machine | signal range. is possible, 42104 | 7080/1 | Actualgearratioto | Convoluntind- | Check vansmis- | - TRANSM, row, cates that one or | sion with pur mona 6 severalclutches are | pose to slipping understand i ‘and, itthat isthe case, which clutch is slp ping Check the set {gear ratio forthe contol unit 42105 | 708010 | Actualgoarratioto | Convroluntind- | Check vansmis- | = TRANSM, high. cates that one or | sion with pur menu 6 severalclutchesare | pose to slipoing understand if ‘and, itthat isthe .cas0, which clutch is slp ping, Check the set {gear ratio forthe contol uni. Workshop manual DRF 400450, D ror codes ~2 Transmission 4s Connec- Description Limitation Action fons and . components | menu Code | SPN/FMI 49103 | 7FO610 | Dana Control unitinai- | Check cabling | Dana TRANSM, Signal trom Sensor n= | 225 the ero. petweencontial | p7aania- menu 10 gine rpm and oiltermper- unitand compe | B75qi766 ature transmission nent, (87581768) outside valid ‘Check the sen: interval sor. Dana full flow ana full flow ‘The signal from Sensor D79siH3- oil lemperature (87860) B7660 outside valid interval 48107 | 7F063/10 | Torque convertertem- | Contral unitind | Check tansmis- | Dana TRANSM, perature exceeds cates the errorto | sion oilcocter. | p7agnig- menu 10 100°, make operator | cleanas need | preaire6 aware ofthe warn- | ed. ing's level chock the ther. | Dane ful flow mostat inthe | O799M3- transmission oil | 87660 cooler. 43/08 | 7F063/0 | Torque converter tem- | The controlunitpro- | Check tansmis- | Dana TRANSM, porature exceeds tocts the tansmis- | sion oilcooler. | p7agnig.- menu 10 120°C, sion and does not | cleanasreed- | greairae allow the tempera- | ed. tureinthe toraue | Check the ther | Dans ful flow convertrtoexceed | meta inthe | D79S3- ‘the timit valu. transmission oil | 87660 The control unit | cooler. locks the transmis- sion in neutral pos! tion, the engine is restricted to 50% of max. rpm, 44/10 | 7FOCBI | Faully signal for acceler- Use diagnostic | - ‘CAN! ‘ator pedal position from menu to find in POWER, ‘engine control unit correct sox: menu 3 (0794) ment 48106 | 7F048/2 | Invalid combination for | The control unit im- | Check the : : redundant digtal speed | its machine speed | speed sensors. inputs. tothe reduced speed 46105 | 7FOS6IF | Max torque for inching : has been exceeded. Workshop manual DRF 400-450, 46 D Etror codes ~2 Transmission Description Action _ components | menu Code | SPN/FMI 47101 | 7FO7BNIO | Thetransmission has | Control untindi- | Rolease tho ac- | - - ‘exceeded thetimitvaiue | cates the en celerator pedal {or top speed and slow down the machine, 4aioo | 7F083%0 | Disengaged 4wo/2W | Contlunitind- | Check the 4WD/ | - - selector stuckin on: | cates the error. | 2WD selector. ‘gaged mode, or he Check whether sedback signals incor- tigi teecark root switched on and connected to the control ait 4aiot | 7r0Bar1 | Engaged 4WOv2WO se- | Convo unit ind | Check the 4WDy | - - lector stuckin engaged | catesthe errr, | 2WD selector mode, or the raturn sig Check whether fal In ntact digital feedback 's switched on ‘and connected to the control ait 49100 | 7F0B4+0 | Disengaged Lowihigh | Contoluntind- | Check the Low! | - - selector stuckin en» | cates the error. | High gear slec- gaged mode, or the ter sedback signals incor~ Check whether reat digital feedback s switched on ‘and connected to the conta unit 49/01 | 7F0Ba/ | Engaged LowhHigh se- | Control unit ind | Check the Low? | - - lector stuckin engaged | cates the er High gear mode, or the return si selector. nal is incorrect Check whether digital feedback 's switched on and connected to the control anit Workshop manual DRF 400450, D ror codes ~2 Transmission a Connec- Description Limitation Action ions and L™ components | menu Code | SPNIFMI 30900 | 7FOTO | Dana Transmission Choskeabing | Dana TRANSM, Sensor ollpwessure, | ekedingeartand | setweenconital | pyaqiqg- | man 10 show seated te 2iLimp-name). | untand sensor. | eg round (Check he sen Dana full flow sor Dana full flow Sensor gear 1/2 orauiaa- (86067), short circuited Be0s7 te ground, soot | 7010 | Dana Transmission ‘Cheskcabing | Dana TRANS sor ollpressure, not | loekedingeartand | seweencenttol | pragiap. | manv 10 Gomoctedorepenare, | 2(Limp-reme). | unit and compe- | eq nent. cuit Dana full low Shesk'he se0- Dana full low Sensor gear 1/9 o7esia2 - (26087), not connected 36067 or open eeu s0ie4 | 7FOTOMT | Sensor gear 12 The contol unt | Checkeablng | O7aaia2- | TRANSM (86067), the value is be- | identifies the error | between control | B6O67 menu 10 lowthelowestealbrated | anduse the owest | unt and compo- vale value in is setings, | nent Check ne sen 30105 | 7FOTOIF | Sensor gear 13 Tho contol unit | Checkeabing | O799/A2- (86087), the vale is | dentites the error_| between control | 86067 above the highest cal- | anduse the highest | unit and compe- brated vale value ints settings. | nent. Check he sen 51/00 | 7FoT1e | Dana The conta unit im- | Checkcabling | Dana TRANSW. Sensorengne mm and | t#thettansmis- | veweencontal | page. | menu 10 Slrempersture rane. | sionstemperature | unitand sensor. | prsairee mission (B758/766) | Measurementtothe | Check the sen- short-circuited to lowes vai nis | soy era settings, whch r- x sults in poor tem- Dana full ow perature Dana fll flow Ot temperature sensor | compensation. breanla- (87660) short circuited B7660 to ground, Workshop manual DRF 400-450, 48 D Etror codes ~2 Transmission Description Action ; components | menu Code | SPNIFM sve | 7Fo11@ | Bana Tne coro anitim- | Check cabling | Dana TRANS, Sensor engine mand | tsretanams: | bemeencontal | pyggng | mens 10 sere engine mat | sions temperature | untand sensor. | pyse/ree mission (B758r769) nt_| Measurementtothe | check ine sen Connected or open cr. | Piahestvatuein ts | gop on setings, which sults in poor tem Dana fll iow rere ana tll Tow Sensor ol temperature | crmpensaton o7eania- (7680), notcomecteder reso open creat S1fo¢ | 7Fo11/11 | Sensor aliemperatvre | The cont unkim- | Checkeabing | Ovoame- | TRANSM (27660), the vale is be: | is the transmis: | between contol | 87660 menu 10 lowihetwesteatbraed | sions temperature | untand compo- value rrmasurmenttathe | nent fewest value Init | Cher the som setings se 31/05 | 7FOHTIF | Sensor alemperature | Tne contol unt im- | Checkeeabing | O7aamia- | TRANSM (27660), thevaleis | tetetanemis- | beweencontol | 87660 menu 10 above tre highest cat | slor'stomperature_ | unt and compo- brated va. mmessurementotne | nent Fighest value nis | Choc the en setings. sre se00 | 7Fo12M | Dana The convalunitam | Check caning | Dana TRANG Sensoroitenporaure | the tanemis: | beeen conta | oppqisg-gzas | menu 10 Raoonecpeateats | stnstemperature | antand senor sound rreasurernenttathe | chock the sen Highest vale ints | Dana fll fiow sotings which r= Dana ful low Temperature switch | sul in poor tem- o7ea1a- torque converter perature S210 ($2210) shor circuited | compensation te ground samt | 7012 | Dana Tne conv unit im- | Check cabling | Dana TRANG Serworoltenpernure | the transmis: | bemeencontl | pppaiyg-szas | menu 10 feel ceoncpeat® | sins temperatire | ant and senor rmeasuramenttathe | chock the sen Dana full tow tighest value nas | Sneek Dana full flow Temperature switch | setings, which re peas torque converter sults in poor tem seato (52210) isnot perature connected compensation Workshop manual DRF 400450, D ror codes ~2 Transmission 49 Connec- Description Limitation Action fons and . components | menu Code | SPN/FMI 52/04 | 7FOI2/11 | Temperature switen | The-contvol unit im- | Check cabling | 0793438- | TRANSM, torque converter itsthetransmis- | between contro! | $2210 menu 10 ($2210), the value isbe- | sion's temperature | unit and compo- lowthe lowestealbrated | measurementtothe | nent value, lowest value inits | Check the sen. settings, which re- | Soy sults in poor tem- perature ‘compensation 52105 | 7FOI2IF | Temperature switcn | The-contral unit im- | Check cabing | 0793\38- | TRANSM, torque converter ts thetransmis- | between control | $2210 manu 10 (82210), the value is | sion's temperature | unit and compo= above the highest cal- | measurementtothe | nent. brated value highest value in its | Check the sen- settings, which | sop sus in poor tom- perature ‘compensation. 58100 | 7FOTS/4 | Analogueinputsignal3, | Depending on the | Check cabting | - - shot circuited to ground function thats as- ‘signed to the pin Pressure feedback Transmission lockedin gear 1 and 2 (Limp-nome) Ollpressure sensor The control unit locks the tranemis- sion in neutral position. Other: The control Unit uses the lowest value ints settings between control unit and compo- nent ‘Check the com: ponent Workshop manual DRF 400-450, 50 D Etror codes ~2 Transmission Description Action : components | menu Code | SPNFMI 53/01 | 7F018/3 | Analogue inputsignal3, | Depending on func- | Check cabling | - - is not connected tion assigned te the | between contro! pins unit and compe Pressure feedback: | "6% Transmission ‘Check the com: lockedin gear 1 and | ponent 2 {Limp-home) Ollpressure sensor The control unit locks the transmis- sion in neutral Position. Other: The control unit uses the lowest value in its settings. 52108 | 7FO13/11 | Analogueinputsignal3, | Tae controlunt | Checkeabling | - - the value is below the | identifies the error | between control lowest calibrated value, | and.use the lowest. | unit and compo- value in its settings. | nent ‘Check the com: ponent 58/05 | 7FOT3IF | Analogue inputsignal3, | Tne controtunt | Checkeabling | - - the value is above the | identifies the error | between control highest calibrated value, | and.use the highest | unit and compo- value ints settings. | nent ‘Check the com: ponent ‘54100 | 7FO14/4 | Reference vohage sen- ‘Check cabling | D793/M1 ‘CAN! sor5 V shor-icuiting between contro! | $2210, 87667, | POWER, to frame ground, unit nd compe | 86069 menu 15 nent Check the ‘54/01 | 7FO1AIS | Reference votage sen- ‘Check cabling | D793IM1 ‘CAN! 0r5 V short circuited to between contral | $2210, 87667, | POWER, voltage unit and compo- | B6069 menu 15 nent. ‘Check the sen Workshop manual DRF 400450, D ror codes ~2 Transmission 51 Connec- Description Limitation Action fons and . components | menu Code | SPN/FMI 55100 | 7FO1S/4 | AnalogueinputsignalS. | Depending on tre | Check cabling | - - short circuited to function thatis as- | petween contro! ground signed tothe pin: | unit and compo Pressure feedback: | "67% Transmission ‘Check the com. lockedin gear and | ponent 2 (Limp-nome). Ollpressure sensor The control unit locks the transmis- sion in neutral pos: tion Other: The control nit uses the lowest value in ts settings. 58101 | 7FO15I3 | AnalogueinputsignalS, | Depending on tre | Check cabling | - - ‘snot connected, function thats as- | petween control signed tothe pin: | unit and compo- Pressure feedback: | "6" Transmission (Check the com: lockedin gear t and | ponent 2 (Limp-nome) Ollpressure sensor The control unit locks the transmis- sion in neutral pos tion Other: The control unit uses the lowest value ints settings 85104 | 7FOIS/11 | AnalogueinputsignalS, | The control unt | Checkeabting | = : ‘tho value is below the | identifies the error | between control lowest calibrated value. | and.se the lowest | unit and compo- value in its settings. | nent ‘Check the com: ponent 55105 | TFOISIF | AnslogueinputsignalS, | The-controlunt | Checkcabing | - - the value is above the | identifies the error | between control highest calibrated value. | anduse the highest | unit and compo value inits settings, | nent ‘Cheek the com: ponent Workshop manual DRF 400-450, 52 D Etror codes ~2 Transmission Description Action : components | menu Code | SPNFMI '36/00 | 7FO16/4 | Prossure sonsor gear 2/ | Depending on the | Check cabling | 079/81 TRANSM, 4 (86080), short function that's as- | between contro! | 6069 menu 10 croulted to ground. signed to the pin: | unit and compo- Pressure feedback: | "6% Transmission ‘Check the com: lockedin gear and | ponent 2 {Limp-home) Ollpressure sensor The control unit locks the transmis- sion in neutral post tion, Other: The control unit uses the lowest value in its settings. 56/01 | 7FO16I3 | Prossure sensor gear 2/ | Depending on the | Check cabling | D79a/S1 TRANSM, 4 (86068), is not con- | function thats as- | between control | 86069 menu 10 nected. signed tothe pin: | unit and compo- Pressure feedback: | "@n Transmission ‘Check the com: lockedin gear 1 and | ponent 2 (Limp-home) Oilpressure sonsor The control unit locks the transmis- sion in neutral pos tion, Other: The control Unit uses the lowest value ints stings. 6/08 | 7F016/11 | Pressure sensor gear 2/ | The control unit | Check cabling | O79a/St« TRANSM, 4 (86068) the valuo is | identiios tho orror | between control | B6069 mon 10 Below the lowest cal | and use the lowest. | unt and compo- brated value, value in its settings. | nent ‘Check the com: ponent 56105 | 7FOIGIF | Pressure sensor gear 2/ | The controlunt | Check cabling | 0783/81 TRANSM, 4 (86060), the value is | identiies the error | between control | 86069 menu 10 ‘above the highest cal- | and use the highest | unit and compor brated value, value ints settings. | nent ‘Check the com: ponent Workshop manual DRF 400450, D ror codes ~2 Transmission 53 Connec- Description Limitation Action ions and | : components | menu Code | SPN/FMI 57100 | 7FO17i4 | Analogue input signal7. | Depending on the | Check abing | - : short srcuited to function thatis as- | between contol ground signed tothe pin: | unitand compo Pressure feedback: |e Transmission (Check the com. lockedingear1 and | ponent 2 (Limp-nome). Oiipressure sensor: The contol unit locks the transmis- sion in neutral posi tion. Other: The contol unituses the lowest value nits settings. 57101 | 7FO17I3 | Analogue input signal7. | Depending onthe | Check cabing | - : ' not connected function that is as- | etwen contr signed tothe pin: | unit and compo- Pressure feedback: | "ent Transmission (Check the com: lockedingear 1 and | ponent 2 (Limp-nome), Oilpressure sensor: The contol unit locks the transmis- sion in neutral pos tion. Other: The conto! unituses the lowest value in its settings, 7104 | 7FO17/11 | Analogue input signal7. | The controlunt | Check ating | - : tho values below the | identiies tho error_| between contol lowest caibrated value. | anduse the lowest | unit and compo- value nits settings. | nent ‘check the com- ponent 57105 | 7FOY7IF | Analogue input signal7. | The controlunt | Checkcabing | - - the value is above the highest calibrated value, Identities tne error and.use the highest value ints settings between control unit and compo nent ‘Cheek the com: ponent Workshop manual DRF 400-450, 54 D Etror codes ~2 Transmission Description Action : components | menu Code | SPNFMI 58/00 | 7F018/4 | Analogueinputsignal8, | Depending on the | Check cabling | - - short circuited to function that is as- | between contro! ground: signed to the pin: | unit and compo- Pressure feedback: | "6% Transmission ‘Check the com: lockedin gear 1 and | ponent 2 {Limp-home) Ollpressure sensor The control unit locks the transmis- sion in neutral post tion, Other: The control unit uses the lowest value in its settings. 58/01 | 7F018/3 | Analogueinputsignals, | Depending on the | Check cabling | - - is not connected function that's as- | between contro! signed tothe pin: | unit and compo- Pressure feedback: | "@n Transmission ‘Check the com: lockedin gear 1 and | ponent 2 (Limp-home) Oilpressure sonsor The control unit locks the transmis- sion in neutral pos tion, Other: The control Unit uses the lowest value ints stings. 58/0 | 7FO18/17 | Analogueinputsignale, | The contralunt | Checkeabling | = : ‘tho value is below the | identifies the error | betwoen control lowest calibrated value. | and.use the lowest. | unt and compo- value in its settings. | nent ‘Check the com: ponent 58/05 | 7FOIBIF | Analogueinputsignal8, | Tae controlunt | Checkcabling | - - the value is above the | identities the ertor | between control highest calibrated value, | and use the highest | unit and compo value ints settings. | nent ‘Check the com: ponent Workshop manual DRF 400450, D ror codes ~2 Transmission 55 Connee- Description Limitation | Aetion ions and | Dw components | menu Code | SPNIFM so00 | 7FOTAE | Dana ‘When any oe pm | Chest cab | Dane TANS, ce pmaum | souiatenarne | troncont” | precy. | mene Sensor tum. | sndnerpmstnala | untendconer. | O73 (er imnrect wecor- | oreceneres Dane flow the masng Dane ul ow seraxpmaum | weer pray omeaes- (e720 enorarcuted | tas teoene 7520 sooreind ‘peed sal ae settee cor vararisgnnconol unt gear 2 ‘inp oe coor | 7FOTAS | ane When ony one pm | Chest cae | Dana TRANS cerrpmdum | soraittienette | tweonconte | pesygg | manu Crepes, | ermepmanmte | nts | Bre Dane ul ow cere ee | heck sen acne attow Sensorpmaum | ta msing pm oriacs- (erszn ratcomected. | sever! pm ag oe ‘peed sia te serve te cor vararisganconel unt gear 2 (Limp-home). a0 | 7FOTAA | Sensarr>marum | convo untina | Check cab e-|07ea003- | TRANGH, (e752, waue cue | eaentherer” | waen con | B7520 menue unit and compo nent ‘Cheek compo- nent Workshop manual DRF 400-450, 56 D Etror codes ~2 Transmission to ground. als ori the engine speed signal are defective, the con- trol unit ocks the transmissioncontvol unit to gear 1-2 (immp-home) Description Action : components | menu Code | SPNFMI 0/0 | 7FOA | Sensor rpm cram This messageis | Checkthotrans- | D78aiC3- | TRANSM, (87520), pulse counttoo | proviied as supple- | missionto ind | 87520 menu 6 low. rantaryinformation | out if, and forerrorsinthe | which, clutch is transmission slipping ‘Check the trans- mission's set tings orthe ratio inthe control uit 60/05 | 7FOTAIO | Sensor rpm drum This message is | Checkthotvans- | D7ea/cs- | TRANSM (87520), pulse courttoo | proviied as supple- | missiontoind | 87520 menu 6 high mentaryinformation | aut if, and Torerrorsinthe | which, clutch e transmission, slipping. Check the trans mission's sot tings orthe ratio. in the contrl uit. e100 | 7F0O1B/e | Dana ‘When only one rpm | Check cable be- | Dana TRANSM, Sensorspm ouput shat | signalthatisnotthe | tween control | prage9 menu 6 (e758) shorscreutedto | enginerpmsignalis | unitandsensor. | g75g ground incorrect the con | Chock the sen- twol uniteateulates | Soe ana fll low the missing pm. Dana f Sensor mpm outputshaft | 1 several rpm sige D793 (87580) snor-crcuted 87580 Workshop manual DRF 400450, D ror codes ~2 Transmission 57 connec Description | Limitation | Acton —_| ono ana | Awe comperents | menu ede | SPN fey {87580}, pulse counttoo | provided as supple- | mission tofind | B7580 menu 6 {87580}, pulse counttoo | provided as supple- | mission tofind | B7580_ menu 6 high. rmantaryinformation for errors inthe transmission. cur it, ana whieh, clutch is slipping ‘Chock the trans- mission's se tings tor inthe control unit, Workshop manual DRF 400-450, 58 D Etror codes ~2 Transmission {or errors in the transmission. which, clutch is slipping. ‘Check the trans- mission's se tings forthe ratio. inthe contro! anit. Description Action _ components | menu Code | SPN/FMI 2100 | 7Fo1GI6 | Dana ‘When only one pm | Check cable be- | Dana TRANSM, Sensor engine pm | signalthatisnottne | tween control | pyggyey- | menus (prone), shor engine pm signalis | unitandsensor. | syserreg circuited to ground. _ | ineorect. the con- | Check the sen: ‘rol uniteatcuiates | Soy Dana full low the missing ‘pm Dane full low Sensor engine speed | i several rpm sig- reais. (7530), shor circuited. nals ori the engine 87530 toground, speed signal are detective, the con- trol unit tocks the transmissioncontol unit to gear 1-2 (Cimp-home). e201 | 7rotorS | Dana ‘When only one rpm | Check cable be- | Dana TRANSM, Sensor engine pm | Signalthatisnotthe | tween control | preqye3. | menus {brserrés) noteone | engine rpmsignalis | unttand sensor. | pysa/766 nected or has open ci. | IneaHect the con- | Check the sen oe ‘rolunitcateuates | soy the missing pm. Dana full flow ‘Dane full low It several rpm sig- Sensor engine speed | nals ofthe engine D7ear3- (87530), notconnected | speed signal are 87530 corhas open itu | detective, the con- trol unit tocks the transmissioncontol unit to gear 1-2 (imp-home) 62103 | 7FO1GIA | Engine speed intorma- | Transmission in| Use diagnostic | - : tion's net avaiabe. | Limg-home. meni to find n> correct seg- ment. 62104 | 7F01/ | Sensorengine speed | Tris messageis | Checktthetrans- | O793/F3- RANSM, (7530), pulse count is. provided as supple- | missionto find | 87530 menu 6 toolow. mentaryinformation | outit, and Workshop manual DRF 400450, D ror codes ~2 Transmission 59 Connec- Description Limitation Action ions and | : components | menu Code | SPN/FMI 62105 | 7FOTGIO | Sensorengine speed | Thismossageis | Checkthetrans- | D78QF3- | TRANSM, (87530), pulse count is | provided as supple- | mission tofind | 87530 menus 100 high meniaryinformation | out, and forertors inthe | which, clutch transmission. sipping ‘Check the trans- mission's set tingstorthe ratio. inthe contol anit 2108 | 7FO7AN | Incowrectengine speed | Transmissionin | Checksensor | O7933- | TRANSM information when tur- | Limp-home forengine rpm | 87530 menu 8 bine speeds calculated speed. ‘Check the com: ponents post tion 300 | 7FOIDIe | Dana ‘When only one pm | Check cable be- | Dana TRANSM, Sensorromturbine | sisnalthatisnotthe | tweenconttol | praqiaa- | menus (erstysnarercutedto | enainerpmsignalis | unitand sensor. | prey ground incorect. the con- | Check the sen trol unit caleuates | Soy Dana ful fow the missing rpm ane full flow Sensorromtutbine | i several pm sige oreaiea- (87510) short-circuited 7510 to ground. nals or ithe engine speed signal are defective the con- trol unit locks the transmissioncontrol Unit to gear 1-2 (Limp-home). Workshop manual DRF 400-450, 60 D Etror codes ~2 Transmission Description Action ‘ components | man ode | sPwrT sat | 7orD | Dane Woo ownn | Ouceniebe [ome | ANS ss pmutine | soravatararre | weencont” | prema. | menos owes | Stewed | mace | Dantutsow | Mame msor | onekne se sara sewrpmurine | temueng om renee. Grereintcomeces, | vast oa ie nario Ses inal ae vest recor teruntbste verwmedoncan cnetoger 2 tinea eee | OTDM | Sows nine | Conciente | Orckeiobe | OTRNGE” | TRANG irstoyravesvde | execna rer’ [encom | 87510" | menos trvakes tread compe Chockesnoe tate | TOTO | Sewer mura | Themesepe® | Chektherane OTeNGE” | TRANG (87510), pulsecounttoo | provided as supple- | mission to find | B7510 menu 6 tw tomar stort | ot rd varumeson | tote Sretorerao eco Gas | FOTO | Sour mire | Taemesepes | Chere | OIG” | TAN vem trenantomaon | cl nd Crore | wc chi trowmastn | Spo Checeta ve mec Workshop manual DRF 400450, D ror codes ~2 Transmission 6 Connee- Description Limitation Action ions and I . components | menu Code | SPNIFMT 7oi00 | 7FO207 | Dana Transmission ‘Check cabling | Dana TRANSM, Soleroidvahe VES | Wckedingeart and | setween cont! | p7gqps- | menue front (Y630), short 2 (Limp-home}, unit and sol ‘Y@30, D793/C1 circuited to each other, noid valve = 630 signal eable shor Check the sole- cireuited to voltage, or noid valve. plus-catle shor- cuit to frame ground Dana full flow Dana full low | TRANSW, Servo valve gear for Dream. | menue ward and reverse ‘e200, 070a/ (6200), shor-eeuited c1- Yea00 to each other, signal oa- ble shor-scuited to votage, or plus-cable shortlruited to trame round, Toot | 7F020% | Dana Tranemission ‘Check cabling | Dana TRANSW, Solenoid vale VES for- | lckedingeart and | setweencontl | pega; | menu ward (¥630} open cieut | 2(Limp-nome). | unitandsole- | vego, o7ea/01 for shor-citcuited volt poids ~¥630 age Check the sole- Dana full flow noidvale ana full flow Servo valve gear for Drea - ward and reverse Yy6300, 0789! (¥6300} open circuit or ct Yes00 shortcruited voltage. 7oi02 | 7FO20/6 | Dana “Transmission Check easing | Dana TRANSM, Solenoid vahe VES for: | lckedingeart and | setween cont! | p7gqps- | mena ward (¥820), contol | 2(Limp-ame). | unitand sole | Yeap, c4 currenthigherthan 1400 noid valve Yea0 mA, Check the sole- noid valve. Dane full low Servo valve gear for- ward and reverse (6300), control curent ‘over 1400 mA. Dana full flow 793061 - ‘6300, D793! ct Y6a00 Workshop manual DRF 400-450, 2 D Etror codes ~2 Transmission ‘other, signal cable short-circuited to vol age, or plus-cable shor- routed to frame ground Description ‘Action - components | menu Code | SPNIFM 7oi03 | 7F0207 | Dana Transmission ‘Check eating | Dana TRANSM, Solenoid valve VES for. | lckedingear1 and | between contol | preset menu ward (¥630}, control | 2 (Limp-home) unit and sol ‘Y630, D78a/C1 current outside ap- noid valve, -¥630 proved interval. Incor Check the sole: rectimpedance nid valve. Dana full ow “Transmission ans ful flow Servo valve geartor. | lorkedin neutral reais Ward and reverse (Shut-down. ‘e300, 07931 (¥6300), control current C1- 6300 curse the approved in- terval, Incorrect imped 70108 | 7FO20/S | Serve valve gear for. | Transmission Checkcabiing | 0700781 TRANSM, ward and reverse lockedingear1 and | between control | Y6300, 0793/ | menu 9 {¥6300), not connected. | 2 (Limp-home). unit and compo- | C1 - ¥6300 nent Check the sole- noid valve. Tio | 70204 | Dana Transmission ‘check cabling | Dana TRANSM Solenoid vane ves 2/4 | lekedingeartand | berween contol | yryqjoq. | menu 8 (6069), short-circuited | 2 (Limp-home). unit and sote- | yeog9, o793/ to-each other, signal ca- noid valve 1 Yeo69 ble short circuited to Check the sole- votage, or usable noid valve. shortelruited to frame round Dana full flow ana full fow Solenoid valve gear se- reat - lection 1/3 (¥6067) ‘Y6067, D789! short-circuited to each Et - Ye067 Workshop manual DRF 400450, D ror codes ~2 Transmission 63 Connec- Description Limitation Action ions and | : components | menu Code | SPN/FMI Tot | 7F021/3 | Dana Transmission Checkeabing | Dana TRANSM, Solenoid vave VES 214 | lOckedingeartand | betweencontrol | gygqo1- | menu8 (¥6069) open circuit or | 2(Ump-rome}. | unitandsole- | vgog9, D799) short-circuited vo nid va. £1. Ye069 Dana full flow Check ne $16 | Dana fll low Solenoid vake gear se- breaio1 - lection 1 (¥6087) ‘e087, D783! ‘open circuit or shor- &1- Y6087 circuited voage. Tiio2 | 7FO216 | Dana Transmission ‘Checking | Dana TRANSM, Solenoid vale VES 214 | lockedingear and | between control | grgqo1. | menud (76069), control current | 2(imp:home). | unitandsole- | ygoge, pyear higher than 1400 mA, noid va. £1. Ye069 ‘Check the sol Dana full low cone Dane full ow Solenoid vahe gear se- prea - lection 1/8 (Y6067), com ‘y6087, D783! ‘rol current higher than Et - Yeos7 1400 ma. Tii03 | 7F021/8 | Dana Transmission ‘heck cabling | Dana TRANSM, Solenoid vane VES 218 | lockedingear and | betweencontrol | gygqo1- | menud (¥6069), control current | 2(Ump-Rome}. | unit andsole- | vgog9, D729) outside approved inter- nid vale. £1. Ye069 val (ncorect imped: ‘Check the sole ance), noid vahe. Dana full low ana full low Solenoid valve gear se- 793101 - lection 1/3 (Y6087), con- ‘ye0s7, 07931 trol currant ouside E1- Y6087 approved interval ncor- rect impedance 7108 | 7FO21IS | Solenoid valve gearse- | Transmission ‘Check cabling | 0790D1- | TRANSM tection 1/3 (¥087), not | lockedingear and | between contro! | Y6087,0703 | menu connected. 2 (Limpshome). | unitand compe- | €1 - 067 nent. ‘Check the sole. noid valve, Workshop manual DRF 400-450, 68 D Etror codes ~2 Transmission 1400 ma, Deseription Action ‘ components | meen Code | SPNFMH 7a100 | 7Fo22I4 | Bana Traremission | Oheokeabing | Dana TRANSM, Scenodvahe ves | eteangeert and | beweencontel | pregey. | menus verse (V691) cables | 2/Ump-nome). | anitandsole- | Yeay,o7eaa1 short-circuited to each noid valve. ~~ Y631 ‘ther, ina abe Check ne sale Store seated to vot noid vahe tg, oF pu-able shot creuites to ame round Dana ful fow Dana tatnow | - Solenoid vave gear s- orem - lection 2 (¥6069) vo, b799/ Shortoruted to each Gt Yeoes thor, signal cable stort ceuted to vt age, orphircabl short- Giotto rane around vaiot | rro2e | Dana Tranomission | Oheckeabing | Dana TRANS Solonoidvane VES e. | lSekedingeart and | between contol | prea, | menu 8 verse et) opencre | 2(improme). | untandscle- | Var ovearct cuit or shor-ircuites noid valve -¥631 voltage Check ihe sole ana full flow noid valve Dana fulltiow | - Solenoid vave goa s- ores - lection 24 (¥6089) Yys06e, D799! yen cater hat Gt 068 cuted volage Tene | 7F022I6 | Dana Transmission | Checkeabing | Dana TRANS Sconodvaho ves | letedngeert and | beteencontel | oregey. | menus verse ¥631), contol | 2(Ump-nome). | anitand sole | Ygay,o7eaa1 ‘current higher han 1400 noid valve, -Y63t ma Check ne sole Dana full flow noid valve, Dana full flow | - Solnoia valve goa e- orem - lection 24 (Y6088).con- vyeo6e, D709! trolcurent higher than Gt e069 Workshop manual DRF 400450, D Error codes ~2 Transmission 65 Connec- Description Limitation Action ions and | : components | menu Code | SPN/FMI 720s | 7F022/8 | Dana Transmission ‘Check cabling | Dana TRANSM, Solenoid vae VES re- | lOckedingeartand | betweencontrol | pyaqr1- | menud verse (Vest) contro. | 2(Ump-rome). | unitand sle- | Year gy current outside ap. nid va. yest proved interval (incor (Check the sole- rect impedance) noid vahe. Dana full low Dana fulltlow | - Solenoid valve gear se- Drea - tection 24 (Y6068), con- ‘e069, D793) trol current outside Gt - Ye08s approved interval incor- rect impedance) 72I08 | 7F022I5 | Solenoid valve gearse- | Transmission ‘Check cabling | Dana full ow | - tection 2/4 (¥6080),not | lockedingeart and | between cont! | pyar - connected. 2 (Limp-home). | unitandcompe- | yeoge, Drea! nent 1 - Ye089 (Check the com: ponent Tatoo | 7F0254 | Dana Transmission Check cabling | Dana TRANSN, Solenoid valve VES 1/3. | !ekedingeart and | betwoonconttal | ypgqqyy- | menus (¥6067), cables shor. | 2(Limp-rome). | unit andsele- | yo67, p73) circuited to each other nei valve. t= 6087 signal cable shot ‘Check he sole- circuited to voltage, or noid va. plus-cable shor circuited to frame ground 7100 Dana full flow Dane full ow Analogue output signal : 3, cables short-circuited to each other, signal co be short-cecuited to votage or plus cable short-circuited to frame ground Workshop manual DRF 400-450 ‘oR. 0238 66 D Etror codes ~2 Transmission Description Action ‘ components | man ode | sPwrT rat | 72a | Dane Tassnisin | Greocating [me —*| TRANS aarsavanaves a | eewangeriané [beweencones | prann. {menos (76067) open circuit or | 2 (Limp-home). unit and sole Y6067, J1- short-circuited voltage. noid valve, ‘Ye0s7 Dane tl fow Checkin tog alow png cpa sa : open cieutor de sited eg rave | 786] Oe Teansmisin | Gfeocating [Dane TRANS ceneavaveves 9 | ketedmgenriant | Semeencort | pant | mene ® SemroavaeS V3 | prone). | untenssae” | OTS higher than 1400 mA. noid valve, ‘Yeos7 Dana ow Chest tog alow Araequ cuts : Sowelounon err whoo Tans | Tt | bane Tensmisin | Gfeocating [bana TRANS crmriivaveves x | Howedmgea'tand | bomeencontal | prey, | mana® Soenoavabe YES 9 | tiptoe: | wntanceane | OS outside approved inter- noid valve, ‘Yeos7 valiconect imp Checkin sole Dana ow Dae iow Anteqv cpu sa : Sorel caretos sen aprove intr valiant inet) Tae | 7m | arson opts | Taraitaon | Chocaing | : Smotcimesed | eckedmgeartand | pomeen conta Zune | eran cong Chock se von Tage | Trea Rags oaprsral | Conel nthe | chewing | > Chotciadeate,” | canctworer | temencont cron cmtand cones check com nt Workshop manual DRF 400450, D ror codes ~2 Transmission 7 6, control current over 1400 ma, ‘cates the exor. between control unit and compo- nent ‘Check the com: ponent Connec- Description Limitation Action fons and . components | menu Code | SPN/FMI 7al0t | 7FORAS | Analogue output signal | Control untind- | Check cabling | - - ‘4Aroteonnected or | cates the error. between control short-circuited voltage. unit and compo nent ‘Check the com. ponent. 7si00 | 7F028/4 | Analogue output signal | Control unitindl- | Checkeablng | - : 5, short circuited to | cates the error. between control ‘ground unit and compo nent ‘Check the com: ponent 75101 | 7F025/3 | Analogue output signal | Control untind- | Check eating | - - Srotconnected or | cates the error. between control short-circuited veltage. unit and compo nent ‘Check the com- ponent 7ai00 | 7F026%4 | Analogue output signal | Control unt indl- | Checkeablng | - : 6, short circuited to | cates the oor. between control ground, anit and compo- nent ‘Check the com: ponent 7101 | 7F026*3 | Analogue output signal | Control untind- | Checkeabing | - - S,not connected or | cates the error. Between control short-circuited veltage. unit and compo nent ‘Check the com: ponent 7eio2 | 7F026%6 | Analogue output signal | Control unitindl- | Checkeabing | - : Workshop manual DRF 400-450,

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