NH Màn Hình 2022-10-26 Lúc 17.49.24

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DIAGRAMS HYSTER SAFETY PRECAUTIONS MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR The Service Manuals are updated on a regular basis, but may not reflect recent design changes to the product. Updated technical service information may be available from your local authorized Hyster® dealer. Service Manuals provide general guidelines for maintenance and service and are intended for ‘use by trained and experienced technicians. Failure to properly maintain equipment or to follow instructions contained in the Service Manual could result in damage to the products. personal injury, property damage or death. When lifting parts or assemblies, make sure all slings. chains. or cables are correctly fastened and that the load being lifted is balanced Make sure the crane. cables, and chains have the capacity to support the weight of the load. Do not lift heavy parts by hand. use a lifting mechanism. Wear safety glasses DISCONNECT THE BATTERY CONNECTOR before doing any maintenance or repair on electric lift trucks. Disconnect the battery ground cable on internal combustion lift trucks Always use correct blocks to prevent the unit from rolling or falling. See HOW TO PUT THE LIFT TRUCK ON BLOCKS in the Operating Manual or the Periodic Maintenance section. ‘Keep the unit clean and the working area clean and orderly. Use the correct tools for the job Keep the tools clean and in good condition. Always use HYSTER APPROVED parts when making repairs. Replacement parts must meet or exceed the specifications of the original equipment manufecturer ‘Make sure all nuts, bolts, snap rings, and other fastening devices are removed before using force to remove parts, Always fasten a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the controls of the unit when making repairs, or if the unit needs repairs. Be sure to follow the WARNING and CAUTION notes in the instructions. Gasoline. Liguid Petroleum Gas (LPG). Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). and Diesel fuel are flammable. Be sure to follow the necessary safety precautions when handling these fuels and when ‘working on these fuel systems. Batteries generate flammable gas when they are being charged. Keep fire and sparks away from the area Make sure the areais well ventilated. NOTE: The following symbols and words indicate safety information in this manual: A warnns Indicates a hazardous situation which, i not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. ES caution Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor (oF moderate injury and property damage. On the lift truck, the WARNING symbol and word are on orange back- ground. The CAUTION symbol and word are on yellow background. TABLE OF CONTENTS Series Code / Model Designation Reference Table Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic Table of Contents ‘This section is for the following models ©2018 HYSTER COMPANY “THE QUALITY KEEPERS" HYSTER APPROVED PARTS 8000 SRM 2071 Series Code / Model Designation Reference Table Series Code / Model Designation Reference Table This section is forthe following models Series Code European Model ‘Americas Model Eat HSXMEC6, HSXMEGT HOXMECT, IHOXMEC8. HOXM-ECD7. HOXM-ECDS. |HoXM-ECD8, H11KMECD8. H11XM. lEcD9 |HIS0HD-EC6, HIS0HD.ECT, HO00HD. IECT, HQ0OHD-EC8, H200HD-ECD7, |H190HD-ECD8, H10HD-ECD8 |H9230HD-ECD8, H230HD-ECD9 8000 SRM 2071, Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic XSQNI AVISY / BSNS - 9z ASI SYIM- Sz ASI SuIM- ¥z ASI SHIM - &z ASI SUIM - 2 LSI SYIM - Lz MAINA YOLOANNOD - 61 AMLSWSTSVY3WIL ONS/ONISVSHO - 8b OWAH- LL NYOH/OIGVY - 91 ‘SHAdIM - SL SNOLLONN4 ANWIXNY - PL V9 STOMLNOD OFINVYGAH - Eb BVESHYVd/SdO - ZL ONINOLINOW = LE dN di OLAW/LTIL BVO - OL SLHONM- 60 SLHON SWS - 80 SLHOMEVO - 40 NSIXX - 90 430 - $0 SVB rL- 0 €1 8 NOWNOD ANIONS - £0 €BMOd NIVIN - ZO XZQNI- LO eweU Figure 1. Electrical Schematic T3/T4 Final ECH (Sheet 1 of 25) 8000 SRM 2071 Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic Figure 1. Electrical Schematic T3/T4 Final ECH (Sheet 2 of 25) 8000 SRM 2071, Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic buono pews 2) aseorir EL WOS SNIDNS) ig ‘EL NORNOD BNIONS £0] Figure 1. Electrical Schematic T3/T4 Final ECH (Sheet 3 of 25) Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic 8000 SRM 2071 Luopey Spr ieeus aecorie wo wo8 Sv 9H FO Figure 1. Electrical Schematic T3/T4 Final ECH (Sheet 4 of 25) 8000 SRM 2071, Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic Figure 1. Electrical Schematic T3/T4 Final ECH (Sheet 5 of 25) 8000 SRM 2071 Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic 4146998 ‘Shaet Got 25 eusten + Figure 1. Electrical Schematic T3/T4 Final ECH (Sheet 6 of 25) 8000 SRM 2071, Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic Luopey apres aecorr [SLHOREvO 20 Figure 1. Electrical Schematic T3/T4 Final ECH (Sheet 7 of 25) Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic 8000 SRM 2071 ee ‘SION 1Noals Figure 1. Electrical Schematic T3/T4 Final ECH (Sheet 8 of 25) Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic 8000 SRM 2071, Figure 1. Electrical Schematic T3/T4 Final ECH (Sheet 9 of 25) 8000 SRM 2071 Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic Figure 1. Electrical Schematic T3/T4 Final ECH (Sheet 10 of 25) 8000 SRM 2071, Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic Figure 1. Electrical Schematic 13/14 Final ECH (Sheet 11 of 25) R Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic 8000 SRM 2071 Luoeney apa aseoriy’ ous DRUDEVESIO- eh i Figure 1. Electrical Schematic T3/T4 Final ECH (Sheet 12 of 25) B 8000 SRM 2071, Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic Luoeney Aza ious scarey’ Figure 1. Electrical Schematic T3/T4 Final ECH (Sheet 13 of 25) “ 8000 SRM 2071 Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic 4146998 14 AUXILARY FUNCTIONS" Figure 1. Electrical Schematic T3/T4 Final ECH (Sheet 14 of 25) Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic 8000 SRM 2071, Figure 1. Electrical Schematic T3/T4 Final ECH (Sheet 15 of 25) Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic 8000 SRM 2071 Figure 1. Electrical Schematic T3/T4 Final ECH (Sheet 16 of 25) w Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic 8000 SRM 2071, af) Heated Top Window Option Figure 1. Electrical Schematic T3/T4 Final ECH (Sheet 17 of 25) Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic 8000 SRM 2071 | Uy (;eLSWETELONISVaED 8 Figure 1. Electrical Schematic T3/T4 Final ECH (Sheet 18 of 25) 9 Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic 8000 SRM 2071, Figure 1. Electrical Schematic T3/T4 Final ECH (Sheet 19 of 25) 8000 SRM 2071 Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic 20 - WIRE UST] Hy fy TT i tle (le B4agassgagsyagsayaggsaga: eS at enn Figure 1. Electrical Schematic T3/T4 Final ECH (Sheet 20 of 25) 2 Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic 8000 SRM 2071, at - WIRE UST] aagdgiaantatae: PRUETT CEA Ha PELE EELLELEELe Figure 1. Electrical Schematic T3/T4 Final ECH (Sheet 21 of 25) Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic 8000 SRM 2071 si au 2 aE Figure 1. Electrical Schematic T3/T4 Final ECH (Sheet 22 of 25) 23 Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic 8000 SRM 2071, 4346998 ‘Shoat 23 925 Fieuion 3 Fl 5 A ee ee ‘out ty ee an Ce itn i st Ta | libel ls ls Hu isu Figure 1. Electrical Schematic T3/T4 Final ECH (Sheet 23 of 25) 4 8000 SRM 2071 Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic 24 WIRE UST] Heel Un Bu Bt th ‘HHT frsssatssaezaizs i aaullll 89ESGESEE EEE hit ain Figure 1. Electrical Schematic T3/T4 Final ECH (Sheet 24 of 25) 25 8000 SRM 2071, Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic (xOBAUSLLVA) Wad SAVTEE /S3SN3 3aON ATBWAENI 2) sosNoozais sasn3 Figure 1. Electrical Schematic T3/T4 Final ECH (Sheet 25 of 25) 8000 SRM 2071 Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic 7 ome a] a, t- oe | | i | ° | : | | | oe Ld j bee : La re Sparse a Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic 8000 SRM 2071, 159025] ssnset 20] maton 9| Figure 3. ELME Spreader 584L.B, LD & 586, 588 TB Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic 8000 SRM 2071 158023, sheet @ of ousion 3 Figure 4, ELME Spreader 584LF 29 Electrical / Hydraulic Schematic 8000 SRM 2071, pms mt 158023, sheet @ of ousion 3 Figure 5. ELME Spreader 58918 HYSTER tecunicat PuBLicaTioNs 8000 SRM 2071 1148 (11/17)

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