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The Self from the Perspective of Sociology

I. Answer the following questions cogently but honestly.

1. What are the influences of family in your development as an individual?

A child seeks its development on society’s influence on them but in which a family is
their primary learning. Although there happened to be an exception. When a child grew
up with good environment, they will develop to be good adults and the same but its
opposition, bad environment influence child to have bad behavior as well. The exception
is that, even with two good adults could offspring a bad influenced child or a good child.
My parents have good parenting to my siblings and there are outcomes that resulted some
of my siblings to have an unpreferable behaviors.

2. What social pressures help shape yourself? Would you have wanted it otherwise?
For me, what shapes me is what the society had influenced me like my culture. My
culture is what layer myself, a social pressure in which I have thrash my shape that
defines me. For instance, I am a wit my tribe because the environment in my place
influenced my personality, living in an religious region depicts my religion. Thus,
Culture portrays our understanding ourselves and derive what is the hidden on our belief.

3. What aspects of yourself do you think may be changed or you would like to change?
Aspects that I likely want to change are those that how my relationship with people that
surrounds me or people who are close to me (e.g. classmates, family, friends, etc.) that
sees some of my personality which they are uncomfortable with them. Apparently, there
are aspects that requires no changes because it reflects or define us well from the others
and most of it were actual be to a conditioned personality and rarely to be selected with
its parallel. Change changes people as well, it can be you or the society.

II. Do a research and list ten (10) things to boost your self-esteem or improve your
self-concept. Cite your sources. Analyze which of those tips/statements are more
likely helpful both to the individual as well as society in general.
10 things to boost your self-esteem
1. Identify and Challenge Your Negative Beliefs.
2. Identify the Positive About Yourself.
3. Build Positive Relationships and Avoid Negative Ones.
4. Give Yourself a Break.
5. Become More Assertive and Learn to Say No.
6. Improve Your Physical Health.
7. Affirm your real worth.
8. Focus on what you can change.
9. Be creative.
10. Take On Challenges.


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