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Read the case carefully and answer the questions that follow. State your answers in short essay.


Mona is a type of “Y” generation or millennial generation which uses and familiar with
communications, media, and digital technologies. All day at work she loves to surf the web,
email, chat and connect her friends through face book and twitter. If you check her status
atsocial network always stays online. Sometimes during the lunch break she also loves to play
online games. The big problem arises when one of her Boss get annoyed with her habits
because she often misses the deadline to do the job because of it. Her denial reasons she gave
when the HR Manager called are no one told her about the company rules related to surfing
policies and she also used to worked at retailing company for video gaming which is requiring
her to stay online all day. As a result, the HR Manager gives “a hard warning” to her. She is
unsatisfied with the decision and complaining all the time. Mona does not realize that she is in
the different environment. It cannot be deny that nowadays, practically everyone uses the
internet at work, the rules of what is and is not acceptable are harder to police in the workplace.
The company never prohibits their employees to surf the internet as long as have a correlation
with the jobs and it is common sense to realize that offensive sites should not be accessed at

Answer the following questions comprehensively:

1. Given the situation what is wrong with Mona personality and habits? (Minimum of 5
sentences)(10 points)

 Mona is currently addicted to social media and online gaming. This has had a
significant influence on her career because internet programs such as Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, and others are popular nowadays. It is tough to get individuals
to utilize social media on a regular basis. We are also influenced by our usage of
social media since, aside from the large number of users, we might see a lot there
that can entice us. We may also communicate to individuals we don't know
because each social media app has its own photo on each of our accounts and our
faces are visible to a large number of people. As a result, social media is being
used. We must understand how to limit its use.

2. What will be the solution of this problem for her? (Minimum of 5 sentences)(10 points)

 Mona should exercise self-control when using social media. She had to give up her
gaming interests as well. Working is more essential than her participation in online
gaming. She continues to make money through internet gaming. If she continues to use
social media, she will induce headaches. Excessive usage of social media, or electronics,
is detrimental to our health. She will be able to concentrate more on his assigned task.

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