Practice Quiz - Carotid Sheath, Pharynx, & Larynx

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Practice Quiz - Carotid

Sheath, Pharynx, & Larynx

Below are written questions from previous quizzes and exams. Click here for
a Practical Quiz - old format or Practical Quiz - new format.

1. Following thyroid surgery, it was noted that a patient frequently aspirated

fluid into her lungs. Upon examination it was determined that the area of the
piriform recess above the vocal fold of the larynx was numb. What nerve may
have been injured?

External branch of the superior laryngeal


Internal branch of the superior laryngeal


Recurrent laryngeal
2. The laryngeal muscle most responsible for stretching (elongating) the vocal
ligament is the :

Posterior cricoarytenoid

Lateral cricoarytenoid



3. The muscle most responsible for the abduction of the vocal folds is the :



Lateral cricoarytenoid

Posterior cricoarytenoid

4. The nerve that innervates all but one muscle of larynx is the:

Glossopharyngeal nerve, pharyngeal branch

Inferior laryngeal nerve

Superior laryngeal nerve, external branch

Superior laryngeal nerve, internal branch

Thyrohyoid nerve
5. The vocalis muscle is most responsible for the fine control of phonation
because of its attachment into the:

Arytenoid cartilage

Cricoid cartilage

Thyroid cartilage

Vestibular ligament

Vocal ligament
6. The constrictor muscles of the pharynx receive their motor nerve supply from

Glossopharyngeal nerve

Hypoglossal nerve

Spinal accessory nerve

Sympathetic trunk

Vagus nerve
7. Twenty-four hours following a partial thyroidectomy where the inferior thyroid
artery was also ligated (tied off), the patient now spoke with a hoarse voice
(whisper), and had difficulty in breathing. Which nerve was injured?

Internal branch of superior laryngeal

Ansa cervicalis

Ansa subclavia

Recurrent laryngeal

External branch of superior laryngeal

8. In performing a thyroidectomy, caution should be exercised when ligating
(tying) the inferior thyroid artery, as it lies in a very close relationship to which

ansa cervicalis


recurrent laryngeal

9. A 60-year-old man has occasional blackouts and light-headedness. Studies
reveal atherosclerotic plaques within the common carotid arteries and the
bifurcation of the vessels. A carotid endartectomy is undertaken. Which
nerve bundle running vertically within the carotid sheath must the surgeon be
careful not to injure?

Cervical sympathetic trunk



10. A 55-year-old woman has difficulty swallowing and frequently aspirates fluids
while drinking. She is diagnosed as having a skull base tumor occupying the
space behind the jugular foramen. Involvement of which structure is
responsible for the findings?

Ansa cervicalis

Cervical sympathetic trunk

Accessory nerve

Hypoglossal nerve

11. While doing a postoperative physical on a patient who has undergone carotid
endarterectomy on the right side, it was noted that the tongue deviated
toward the right when the patient was asked to point the tongue outward.
What nerve crossing the carotid artery must have been injured?



Inferior alveolar


12. Any manipulation of the superior thyroid artery must be undertaken with care
not to damage its small companion nerve, the:

Cervical sympathetic trunk

External branch of the superior laryngeal

Inferior root of the ansa cervicalis

Internal branch of the superior laryngeal

Recurrent laryngeal
13. The carotid body is innervated by a branch of the:

Glossopharyngeal nerve

Hypoglossal nerve

Spinal accessory nerve

Sympathetic trunk

Vagus nerve

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