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First Semester Study Guide N0.


Period: Week 11 October -12th - 15th (Deadline to upload this evidence

document: October 15th).


1. Talk about towns.

STUDENTS LEARNING OUTCOMES 2. Describe rooms and furniture in
SLOs your home.
3. Ask for and give directions.
4. Write a description of your
Session No 1

1. Look at the picture above. Which ideas you think are true?
A. A lot of people live in there.
B. There are a lot of things to do in this place.
C. You can spend your holidays in a hotel there.
2. Answer the questions below.
2.1 Who may live in a place like this?
Maybe people who like the sea and nature a lot, also people with a lot of money since
being a small place and in the middle of the sea, everything is probably more
2.2 Is this a good place to live?
For me no, I wouldn´t like to live in the middle of the sea, but it would be a good place
to vacation.
2.3 Where do you think this island is located?
I don´t know maybe in China, for its development.

Reading section
Read the following magazine article.

The LEGO House

A few years ago, in August, there was a very long line of people in the countryside near
London, England. Some people started waiting in line at 4:30 in the morning. Why were
they there? They wanted to help James may, a YV host, build a house. But this was not an
ordinary house. This was a LEGO house.
Together, 1,200 people used 3,3 million (yes, 3,300,000) LEGOs to make a real house.
It was part of a TV show called Toy Stories. On the show, James May used traditional toys
to make real things. Why LEGOs? Well, when he was young, James May loved LEGOs
and played with them all the time.
The people finished the house on September 17th, almost 7 weeks after they started.
Everything was LEGOs. All the walls, doors and windows were LEGO. There was a LEGO
bedroom and a LEGO bed. There was LEGO bathroom with a LEGO toilet and shower-
and they worked! In the kitchen there was a LEGO fridge (but no stove), and there were
LEGO tables and chairs. There was even a LEGO cat. James May stayed in the house one
night and was surprised because the bed was pretty comfortable.
At first, a theme park called LEGOLAND planned to buy the house, but later they decided
not to. James tried to find another buyer. He started a Facebook page and asked other
people to buy it, but nobody wanted it. So, on September 22nd, they started to take the house
apart. A few days later, there wasn’t a LEGO house anymore.
James was not happy about it because more than 1,000 people worked hard to build the
house and everything inside it. Other people were not so sad. The television company
donated the three million LEGOs to a charity for children.
Here is a link to look at the inside of the house.

3. Answer the following questions.

3.1 How is the LEGOs house unusual?

It is very unusual because of the way it was created; its material is not the same as
that of the rest of the houses.
3.2 Why do you think people were not interesting in buying the house?
Because it´s a house that most likely wasn´t going to last long time, also it wasn´t
very useful.
3.3 What do you think of the fact that they took the house apart?
I think it was necessary because it was not going to be used, however they could
also leave it as a place to visit, since it was made with a lot of effort from the people.
3.4 If you had the chance to design a strange house, what is it would look like?
My house will be made of wood, it would have the shape of a dog, the kitchen and the
bathrooms would be on the legs, and the head would be the room

Session No 2
Writing section
1. Take a picture of your bedroom, upload it to this document, and write a
paragraph describing it using the prepositions of place and the vocabulary
about the parts and objects of the house.
My bedroom is small, there is a bed and a closet, a nightstand next to the bed, and
a mirror in front of the bed, there is also an air conditioning. And next to my room
we have a small office where there are two computers, and between the computers
a fan.
2. Using the map below to practice asking and giving directions in English.

1. How can I get from the bank to the aquarium? Turn right and go straight ahead
to Queen Avenue, then turn right and go straight ahead until you reach lane
street, turn right and take lane street go straight ahead, between the Italian
restaurant and the vet there is the aquarium.

2. How can I get from the school to the post office? Turn right and walk
Turn right, go straight ahead and when you go pass the police station, next to it.
3. How can I get from the shopping center to the church?
On the left, at the corner of the street you turn right to the corner, then you turn
right and next to the club is the church.
4. Where is the church? Next to the club and in front of the park.
5. Where’s the Korean restaurant? Between the bank and the public library.
6. Where is the chemist? Between the hotel and music shop, and in front of the

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