2 Qarabağ Müharibəsi in English

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The armed conflict in the Karabakh zone between the Azerbaijani and Armenian forces

started on September 27 and lasted for 44 days.

Our army�s successful operations in the field finished this conflict in 44
days, something that Minsk Group was unable to resolve for 28 years.
in the counter operation which called " IRON PUNCH"The Azerbaijani army liberated
five provinces, four settlements and 286 villages from the occupation until Nov. 9
launched in Karabakh
While the Armenian forces retreated with great losses, they left behind lots of
weapons and ammunition.

Many heavy weapons and warplanes destroyed by our army .we lost 2900 heroic
solider in this war .On November 10, the Presidents of Azerbaijan and Russia and
the Prime Minister of Armenia signed an agreement on the cessation of war . The
agreement included three main points: the return to Azerbaijan the control over
Nagorno-Karabakh; bringing Russian peacekeepers into the region; exchange of
prisoners and return of refugees.

Momentum is defined as the tendency of a body to remain in motion. In simple words,

momentum is your force or speed of movement. Inertia is defined as the tendency of
a body to oppose the change in its position. In simple language, inertia is what
keeps you going.
Momentum cismin h?r?k?td? qalma meyli kimi mu?yy?n edilir. Sad? sozl?, impuls sizin
guc v? ya h?r?k?t sur?tinizdir. ?tal?t bir cismin movqeyinin d?yism?sin? qars?
durma meyli kimi mu?yy?n edilir. Sad? dill? des?k, ?tal?t sizi davam etdir?n

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