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1st Quarter LEARNING MATERIAL IN GRADE 7-Enriched Science

WORKSHEET __: Measurement

Name____________________________________ Section_____________________ Score____________________

Teacher__________________________________ Date_______________________

❖ Measure an object correctly and accurately.
❖ Know the history of measurement.

SCIENCE CONCEPT/S: Measurement is a process of comparing an unknown quantity to a standard.

Standard is a fixed known quantity that serves as a basis for determining an unknown quantity.

Task 1: Measure using Body Parts

Material/s: Reference material such as book, ruler

1. Provided of an object, each member in the group will measure the object using their dali (length of the
thumb). Record your measurement in a data table.
2. Each member will measure the same object but this time with the use of a ruler in centimeters. Record
your measurement in a data table. Answer the guide questions below.

Length Width Length Width

Shun 5.25 28 300

Guide Questions

1. Compare the measurements of each member using their dali. Why do you think you have those results?

Prepared by: Ginarose V. Habal & Leticia B. Pinar

1st Quarter LEARNING MATERIAL IN GRADE 7-Enriched Science

WORKSHEET __: Measurement

2. Compare the measurements using your dali and the ruler. Why do you think you have those results?


Task 2: Get to know the history

Through a timeline, given the different era, site the contribution on measurement and the drawbacks of it.

Sumerians Numeral
System Contribution:

Babylonians/ Egyptians

English or Imperial

Metric System

Prepared by: Ginarose V. Habal & Leticia B. Pinar

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