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Republic of the Philippines


(Formerly Northern Bukidnon Community College) R.A.11284
Manolo Fortich, 8703 Bukidnon • 0975-3032951•
Creando futura, Transformationis vitae, Ductae a Deo


NAME: Mariel Kaye L. Mansibugan COURSE: BSBA-MM Score: /25


Instructions: Read the article below. Identify the features of the selection, “Pastor Lapa: Ban Muslims”
based from the table provided. Make sure to apply critical reading strategies and the ways of critically
analyzing a text.
Republic of the Philippines
(Formerly Northern Bukidnon Community College) R.A.11284
Manolo Fortich, 8703 Bukidnon • 0975-3032951•
Creando futura, Transformationis vitae, Ductae a Deo

Contextual Features

● Purpose

The purpose of the article was to make the general population aware of important happenings.
Particularly about the issue of Christian and Muslim relations in Papua New Guinea.

● Subject matter

The article's focus was on the current event in Papua New Guinea, in which Pastor Lapa, a prominent
Christian figure and the chairman of the Papua New Guinea Evangelistic Association, spoke out against
Muslims during his speech at the organization's launch, which he emphasized that Muslims shouldn't be
permitted entry into the country.

● Roles and relationships between the writer and reader

The writer or reporter provides the reader with information so they can be informed about the event
that has taken place.

● Mode (written or spoken)

The article was in written form.

● Medium (newspaper, journal, magazine, etc.)

The medium that was use for this article was newspaper.
Republic of the Philippines
(Formerly Northern Bukidnon Community College) R.A.11284
Manolo Fortich, 8703 Bukidnon • 0975-3032951•
Creando futura, Transformationis vitae, Ductae a Deo

Textual Features

● Structure of the newspaper (you can search internet the structure of a newspaper)

The news article's title appears in the headline. The headline should be concise, clear of unnecessary
content, and effective at attracting readers in. The core idea or subject of the article is attempted to be
summarized in what is typically not a whole sentence. The main words are capitalized and frequently
printed in larger letters than the rest of the article. In the Article that we tackle, the headline of it was
“Pastor Lapa: Ban Muslim”.

The author of the article is identified in this line. Along with the author's address, it could also have the
name of the magazine or news outlet for which the author writes.

Lead Paragraphs:
The article's opening sentence serves as the lead paragraph. Who, what, when, why, where, and how
are quickly addressed in the lead. This is also serves as the ‘skeleton' of the article.

Supporting Paragraphs:
These are the sentences that come after the lead. They expand on the concepts raised by the lead and
provide additional material in the form of justifications, details, or quotations. These paragraphs can be
found on succeeding pages in many online magazines.

The article may include direct quotes from people involved in the action, the article of “Pastor Lapa: Ban
Muslim”, you can clearly see the quotation that has been included in the article.” a different belief, a
different savior who was known as Muhammad and their teachings encouraged war and violence”,
Pastor Lapa.

In newspaper articles, the content is usually written in columns as obviously seen in the tackled article.

The article's conclusion might discuss outcomes and/or future developments.

● Grammar (verb tenses used, are the sentences active or passive, language used; time, place, and
people involved)

Verb Tense: While the narration of the news item is in the past tense, the title is written in the
present tense to pique the reader's interest.

Active & Passive Voice: In the article, the author uses active voice as the subject of the sentence,
which is Pastor Lapa who performs an action.

Despite the fact that the language can be impartial, reporter frequently express her biases,
because she only stated the side of the Pastor Lapa rather than to get the side of the Muslim
Republic of the Philippines
(Formerly Northern Bukidnon Community College) R.A.11284
Manolo Fortich, 8703 Bukidnon • 0975-3032951•
Creando futura, Transformationis vitae, Ductae a Deo

Related to the events: The place involved in the article was Papua New Guinea and United States that
was mentioned by Pastor Lapa as he called out for the government to reconsider the section of the
National Constitution that protects "freedom of religion”. While the people involved are Pastor Lapa as
the main subject, the Muslims, the PNG government and the Papua New Guinea Evangelistic


Features identified – 10

Organization – 5

Grammar and Mechanics – 10

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