Nailah Rizka Apifah-Fitk

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(A Quasi-experimental Study at the Eighth Grade Students of MTs Yaspina
Rempoa-Ciputat in Academic Year 2017/2018)

“A Skripsi”

Written By
Nailah Rizka Apifah



Nailah Rizka Apifah (NIM 11140140000033). The Effectiveness of Using

Gallery Walk Technique on Students’ Speaking Skill: A Quasi-experimental
Study at the Eighth Grade of MTs YASPINA Rempoa-Ciputat in Academic Year
2017/2018. Skripsi of English Education at Faculty of Educational Sciences of
Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, 2018.

1. Devi Yusnita, M.Pd.
2. Yenny Rahmawati, M.Ed.

The purpose of this study is to know the effectiveness of using gallery

walk technique on students’ speaking skill. The method is quantitative method
and the design is quasi-experimental. Population of the research is the eighth
grade of MTs YASPINA that consists of 50 students. The writer used purposive
sampling because those classes almost have similar ability in English. VIII-1 as
the controlled class and VIII-2 as the experimental class. The instrument of this
study is speaking test and it was conducted before and after using the treatment.
The result of the data was analysed using Microsoft Excel. The mean score of
controlled class post-test is 69.44 and the mean score of experimental class post-
test is 72.2. Therefore, the end result is 2.338>2.011. The meaning is that to > ta (t-
observation is higher than ta t-table). That means Ho is rejected (Null Hypothesis) and
Ha is accepted (Alternative Hypothesis). To sum it up, the results shows that
gallery walk technique was effective on students’ speaking skill.

Keyword: Speaking Skill, Gallery Walk Technique.

Nailah Rizka Apifah (NIM 11140140000033). The Effectiveness of Using
Gallery Walk Technique on Students’ Speaking Ability: A Quasi-experimental
Study at the Eighth Grade of MTs YASPINA Rempoa-Ciputat in Academic Year
2017/2018. Skripsi Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan
Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarih Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Dosen Pembimbing:
1. Devi Yusnita, M.Pd.
2. Yenny Rahmawati, M.Ed.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keefektifan dalam

menggunakan teknik Gallery Walk terhadap kemampuan siswa kelas delapan
dalam berbicara dalam Bahasa inggris (Speaking Ability) di MTs YASPINA
Rempoa. Metode penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dan desain penelitian ini adalah
kuasi-eksperimen. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa-siswi kelas 8 MTs
YASPINA yang berjumlah 50 orang. Penulis menggunakan Purposive Sampling
karena kelas tersebut memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang hampir sama.
Kelas VIII-1 sebagai kelas kontrol dan kelas VIII-2 sebagai kelas experimental.
Penulis menggunakan Speaking Test sebagai instrumen penelitian dan test ini
dilaksanakan sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan Gallery Walk. Data penelitian
ini diolah dengan memakai Microsoft Excel. Hasil rata-rata posttest dari kelas
kontrol adalah 69.44 dan hasil rata-rata posttest dari kelas experimental adalah
72.2. Hasil akhir nya 2.338>2.011 dan to > ta (t-observation lebih besar daripada ta t-
table), Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Berdasarkan data diatas bisa diketatuhi bahwa
adanya keefektifan dalam kemampuan siswa-siswi dalam Speaking Ability dengan
memakai teknik Gallery Walk.

Kata Kunci: Kemampuan Berbicara Bahasa Inggris, Gallery Walk teknik.

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

All praises be to Allah, the Lord of the world, who has given the writer
His mercy, blessing, guidance, and strength in finishing the writer‟s “Skripsi”
entitled “The Effectiveness of Using Gallery Walk Technique on Students‟
Speaking Ability” (A Quasi-experimental Study at the Eight Grade of MTs
Yaspina Rempoa-Ciputat Academic Year 2017/2018). Peace and blessing be upon
to our Prophet Muhammad SAW, his families, his companions and his followers.
This “Skripsi” is presented to the Department of English Education,
Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University
Jakarta as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of S.Pd. in
Department of English Education.
The writer would like to express the deepest gratitude to her beloved
parents, Mr. Ahid and Mrs. Kartini, who always give her endless love, support,
motivation and guidance. Moreover, the writer also would like to express the
greatest honor and gratitude to her advisors, Mrs. Yenny Rahmawati, M.Ed. and
Mrs. Devi Yusnita, M.Pd. for the valuable advice, suggestions, comments and
support during completing the “Skripsi”.
Besides the writer would like to express sincere thanks to:
1. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, M.A., as the Dean of Faculty of Educational
2. Dr. Alek, M.Pd., as the Chairman of Department of English Education.
3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum., as the Secretary of Department of English
4. The lecturers at Department of English Education for giving the
knowledge, guidance, patience, and motivation for the last four years.
5. The Headmaster of MTs Yaspina Rempoa, Mr. Husni Thamrin, S.Sos. and
all the teachers and staff in Mts Yaspina who gave permission to conduct
the research.

6. All friends of DEE 2014, especially her beloved „Fortuna Major B‟
classmate, who always share their knowledge, give never-ending support,
motivation and inspiration. Thank you and I love you guys.
7. All people, whose names cannot be mentioned, thanks for the help and
support during doing the “Skripsi”.
Finally, the writer confesses that her writing is far from being
perfect, but it is expected to be useful for the readers. Therefore,
constructive thought, suggestions, and critiques are welcomed to make the
better “Skripsi”.

Ciputat, 1 Oktober 2018

The Writer,

Nailah Rizka Apifah

NIM: 11140140000033


ENDORSEMENT SHEET .................................................................................... i

ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... iii
ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................... iv
SURAT PERNYATAAN KARYA SENDIRI ..................................................... v
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. vi
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................ x

A. The Background of Study 1
B. Identification of the Problem 3
C. The Limitation of the Problem 3
D. The Formulation of the Study 3
E. The Purpose of the Study 4
F. Significance of the Study 4


A. Speaking 5
1. The Definition of speaking 5
2. The Functions of Speaking 6
3. The Elements of Speaking 7
B. Gallery Walk Technique 8
1. The Definition of Gallery Walk Technique 8
2. Teaching speaking by using Gallery Walk Technique……..…………9
3. The advantages of using Gallery Walk

4. Previous Related
5. Thinking Framework 11
A. Place and Time of the Study 13
B. Research and Design 13
C. Population and Sample of the Study 13
D. Research Instrument 14
E. Procedure of Intervention 17
F. Data Collection Technique…………………………..………………… 17
G. Data Analysis Technique 18
H. Statistical Hypothesis 22


A. Research Findings 24
1. Data Description 24
2. Data Analysis 28
a. Normality Test 28
b. Homogenous Test 29
c. Hypothesis Test 29
d. The Effect of Size 31
3. The Discussion of the Results 31


A. Conclusion 33
B. Suggestion 33



Table 3.1 Rubric by David Harris 14

Table 4.1 The Pretest and Posttest result of Experimental Class 23
Table 4.2 The Pretest and Posttest result of Controlled Class 25
Table 4.3 The Result of Normality Test 28
Table 4.4 The Result of Homogenous Test 29


Appendix 1 Pre-Test and Post-Test Instruments 38

Appendix 2 Pre-Test Speaking Script 40
Appendix 3 Post-Test Speaking Script 42
Appendix 4 Experimental Class RPP 44
Appendix 5 Controlled Class RPP 55
Appendix 6 Pretest Homogeneity Test 63
Appendix 7 Posttest Homogeneity Test 64
Appendix 8 Frequency Distribution of Pre-Test Experimental Class 65
Appendix 9 Frequency Distribution of Post-Test Experimental Class……..66
Appendix 10 Frequency Distribution of Pre-Test Controlled Class 67
Appendix 11 Frequency Distribution of Post-Test Controlled Class. 68
Appendix 12 References Test……………………………………………….69
Appendix 13 Surat Izin Penelitian………………………………………….72


A. Background of Study
English acts as one of the most widely used international languages,
because the most of the world's population use English to communicate with
people from different countries. Meanwhile in Indonesia, English is the main
foreign language among other foreign languages such as Arabic, French, German,
Mandarin and Japanese. English is the main foreign language in Indonesia
because it is mostly used to communicate, to be learned, to be taught in
educational institutions, and mostly desirable to be mastered. In Indonesian
educational institutions, English is incorporated into curriculum. It becomes a
compulsory subject that required to be taught and to be learned from primary
school to university level.
However, English consists of four skill such as reading, writing, listening
and speaking. Each skills has a different difficulty, therefore those abilities are
taught gradually at the right level. Speaking is one of the skill that has high
difficulty for students. It is because, the different vocabulary, pronunciation, even
the accent. On the top of that, Florez in Achmad states “Speaking is a key to
communicate”. As statement above, speaking is considered as one of abilities
which important to be learned by students since it is a key to understand what
people says in English.
Nevertheless, In the 2013 curriculum, on the third basic competency in
English subject, stated that the eighth grade students of junior high school are
required to be able to mention, state and ask for a particular topic by using verbal
or written. However, students are more difficult in stating, mentioning and asking
something in verbal form, especially in English. Therefore, students usually have
difficulties to speak in English.

Achmad, The Use of Role-Play to Motivate Students to Speak: A class Experience.
Jurnal Humaniora, Sains. Pendidikan dan Pengajaran, (2012) Volume 1 (1), p. 1.

According to Penny Ur, there are some difficulties in English speaking
such as, fear of making mistakes, shyness, students‟ have no motivation, lack of
vocabulary, they prefer to use their mother tongue and tend to have low
participation in the class.2 Indeed, those problems above really happened in the
real life. During teaching practice for four months, the writer found out that
students, mostly, showed those problems during English class. Even, it was
difficult to encourage them to speak in English.
As a teacher, after knowing and learning students‟ difficulties in speaking,
teachers should help students to overcome their problems. One of ways to help
students is applying appropriate technique in the classroom which makes the
students interested to start speaking in English. In addition, there are many
techniques that can be used in teaching speaking, for instance, gallery walk,
storytelling, jigsaw, role-play, numbered heads together, talking stick, etc. Those
techniques are cooperative learning techniques which requires discussion and
cooperation in each group. One of the alternative techniques that can be conducted
in the classroom is gallery walk technique.
The gallery walk is a flexible discussion technique which keeps students
active in the classroom. By using the gallery walk in the classroom, students are
not allowed to sit as usual because they have to go around the class, view the ideas
of each group, create ideas, and present them in class. This technique can be
collaborated with various media, such as computer, carton, paper, or graph.
Moreover, this technique can be run for fifteen minutes for several class periods.
However, by using this technique, students have the opportunity to share ideas, to
interact with their friends, to make an active class. Therefore, teacher can use this
technique as an alternative technique in teaching speaking.
Furthermore, according to Jennings and Caulfield, the gallery walk
technique is one of ways for students to add comments, questions and answers
written on paper mounted on a wall by rotating clockwise in the classroom. This
can provide an opportunity for students to participate in the classroom. Students

Ur, P., A Course in Language Teaching. Practice and Theory. (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. 1995) p. 121.

can evaluate peer work after visiting every idea on the wall, making comments
and suggestions.3 By using gallery walk technique in the classroom, students can
work together, interact with their friends and increase their creativity.
Moreover, the gallery walk technique can be used by teacher in the
classroom as an alternative way to overcome students' difficulties in speaking.
From the explanation above, the writer is interested to do a research about gallery
walk technique. In hopes, this technique can help students to overcome their
problems in speaking. The writer makes a research entitled "The Effectiveness of
Using Gallery Walk Technique on Students' Speaking Skill".

B. The Identification of Problem

Based on the background of study, some problems identified are:
1. Students are not interested in learning English.
2. Students are fear of making mistakes to speak in English.
3. They are lack of vocabulary.

C. The Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification of problem, the limitation of the problem is
limited on the effectiveness of using gallery walk technique on students‟ speaking

D. The Formulation of the Problem

As the limitation stated, the problem could be formulated as:
“Was the use of gallery walk technique effective on students‟ speaking skill at the
eighth grade of MTs Yaspina in academic year 2017/2018?”

Caulfield and Jennings, Bridging Tthe Learning/Assessment Gap: Showcase Teaching.
ScarecrowEducation Lanham. (Maryland. Toronto. Oxford 2005) p. 61.

E. The Purpose of the Study
Based on the formulation of the problem, the purpose of the study is to
find out any effectiveness of gallery walk technique on students‟ speaking skill at
the eighth Grade of MTs Yaspina.

F. Significance of the Study

The result of the study hopefully can be useful not only theoretically, but
also practically for:
1. Students
By using gallery walk technique, students will be fun and enjoy the
lesson. If they feel fun and enjoy, the technique will be useful for students
to encourage them in mastering their speaking ability.
2. Teachers
From this research, it is expected to give benefits for all English
teachers in which they know new knowledge and information about new
technique which is appropriate to teach speaking.
3. Further researchers
This study can also be a reference for the next researchers who want to
conduct a further research that related to teaching speaking ability through
gallery walk technique.


A. The Definition of Speaking

According to Grognet A.G, speaking is one of the English skills that have
to be mastered by students in learning English. Speaking is an essential tool for
Moreover, Hornby defines that speaking is an essential part of everyday
interaction. Even one's first impression, most often, is based on the ability to
speak fluently and comprehensively.5 So, as a teacher we should be able to help
students to practice speaking inside or outside the classroom.
On the other hand, Burns and Joyce states that “speaking is an interactive
process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and
processing information. Its form and meaning are dependent on the context in
which it occurs, including the participants themselves, their collective
experiences, the physical environment, and the purposes for speaking. It is often
spontaneous, open-ended, and evolving.”6
From those statements above, it can be synthesized that speaking is one
of the most important abilities to be mastered, because it is a requirement to
communicate in English. However, it is difficult to speak in English for EFL
learners like in Indonesia. Teacher has responsible for training or helping students
to speak English. Practicing speaking also does not have to be in the classroom, it
could be outside the classroom.

Shahram and Leila, The Usefulness of Pictorial Aids in Developing Female Iranian
Intermediate EFL Learners’ Speaking Proficiency. (International Journal Education &Literacy
Studies. Volume: 6 Issue: 1. 2018) p. 39.
Ibid, p. 39.
Zyoud, M., Theoritical Prespective on How To Develop Speaking Skill among University
Students. (An International Multidisciplinary Journal, volume: 2 Issue: 1. 2016) p. 2.

B. The Functions of Speaking
According to Richard, there are two main functions of speaking. The first
is interactional function of speaking which serves to establish and maintain social
relations, and the second is transactional function, in which focus on the exchange
of information. Moreover, speaking has three communicative functions; talk as
interaction entertain, talk as transaction, and talk as performance.
Talk as interaction refers to what we normally mean by “conversation”
and describes interaction that serves a primarily social function. When people
meet, they exchange greetings, engage in small talk, recount recent experiences,
and so, on because they wish to be friendly and to establish a comfortable zone of
interaction with others.
Talk as transaction refers to situations where the focus is on what is said
or done. The message and making oneself understood clearly and accurately is
central focus, rather than participants and how they interact socially with each
The last type of talk that can usefully be distinguished has been called
talk as performance. This refers to public talk, that is, talk that transmits
information before an audience, such as classroom presentations, public
announcements, and speeches.7
As all the explanation above, it can be unified that speaking has three
different functions. That means everyone has a different purpose when they are
communicate each other. Either they want to say something like regular
conversation, or they want to need information to be gained or just to provide
information to others.

Richards, J., Teaching Listening and Speaking: From Theory to Practice. (Cambridge
University Press: 2008) pp. 21-38.

C. The Elements of Speaking
According to Harris, there are five elements of speaking ability concerned
with comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, fluency.
a) Comprehension
For oral communication, it certainly requires a subject to respond, to
speech as well as to initiate it.
b) Grammar
It is needed for students to arrange a correct sentence in conversation. It is
in line with Heaton, that students‟ ability to manipulate structure and to
distinguish appropriate grammatical form in appropriateness. The utility of
grammar is also to learn the correct way to gain expertise in a language in oral
and written form.
c) Vocabulary
Vocabulary means the appropriate diction which is used in
communication. Without having a sufficient vocabulary, one cannot
communicative effectively or express their ideas both oral and written form.
Having limited vocabulary is also a barrier that precludes learners from
learning a language. Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without
vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. So, based on this explanation, the
researcher concluded that without mastering vocabulary sufficiently is English
learners will not be able to speak English or write English properly.
d) Pronunciation
Pronunciation is the way for students to produce clearer language when
they speak. It deals with the phonological process that refers to the component
of a grammar made up of the elements and principles that determine how
sounds vary and pattern in a language. There are two features of pronunciation;
phonemes and suprasegmental features. From the statement above, the
researcher concluded that pronunciation is the knowledge of studying about
how the words in a particular language are produced clearly when people
speak. In speaking, pronunciation plays a vital role in order to make the
process of communication easy to understand.

e) Fluency
Fluency is the ability to read, speak, or write easily, smoothly and
expressively. In other words, the speaker can read, understand and respond in a
language clearly and concisely while relating meaning and context. Fluency
can be defined as the ability to speak fluently and accurately. Fluency in
speaking is the aim of many language learners. Signs of fluency include a
reasonably fast speed of speaking and only a small number of pauses and
“ums” or “ers”. These signs indicate that the speaker does not have spent a lot
of time searching for the language items needed to express the message. From
the ideas above, the researcher concluded that another important component is
fluency. Fluency means the capability of someone speaks fluently and
accurately with little using pauses like „ums and „err and so on.8
To be brief, it can be synthesized that the five elements are needed in
speaking. Indeed, if people mastering those five elements, it will makes the better
communication for them.

D. Gallery Walk Technique

1) The definition of Gallery Walk Technique
According to Jennings and Caulfield, The gallery walk technique is one of
ways for students to add comments, questions and answers written on paper
mounted on a wall by rotating clockwise in the classroom. This can provide an
opportunity for students to participate in the classroom. Students can evaluate peer
work after visiting every idea on the wall, making comments and suggestions.
According to Bower and Keisler, gallery walk is a technique requires the
students to visually represent their knowledge to unit of study. This technique
allows students to explore the usage of academic language in a low stress
environment while receiving feedback from their peers.9

Harris, D. P., Testing English as a Second Language. (McGraw-Hill: 1996). p. 81.
Bowers, Erica.and Laura Keisler. Building Academic Language Through Content Area
Text. (Huntington Shell Education Publishing, Inc: 2011) p. 158.

The gallery walk is a flexible discussion technique which keeps students
active in the classroom. By using the gallery walk in the classroom, students are
not allowed to sit as usual because they have to go around the class, view the ideas
of each group, create ideas, and present them in class. This technique can be
collaborated with various media, such as computer, carton, paper, or graph.
Moreover, this technique can be run for fifteen minutes for several class periods.
Furthermore, Klippel supposes that gallery walk is a technique which can
make the students identify the concepts or issues about significant learning from
the topic under consideration.10
As theories above, it can be synthesized that gallery walk techniques can
encourage students to be active in the classroom. Students can share their ideas,
they also interact and communicate with their friends, and they can be as free as
possible to ask questions and answers to a related topic.

2) Teaching of Speaking by Using Gallery Walk Technique

Eller and Sheila stated that there are steps of gallery walk technique as
following: First, gather up information related to the topic. Second, enlarge this
information, or list them on a chart paper. Third, place the enlarged information or
charts on the classroom. Fourth, when the students come into the classroom, talk
about the success of the topic and why it is successful. Then, divide the students
into smaller team, or two or three people. After that, give the teams time to walk
around the room examining the information or charts and holding discussion
related to the success of the topic. As teams are engaging in this gallery walk, play
motivational music lightly in the background. Finally, once all of the information
or charts have been examined, have the entire group talk about the success of the
topic.11 As statement above, gallery walk technique can make the students actively

Gebi Loiren., Teaching speaking by combining gallery walk with round robin strategy
at senior high school. Staff Pengajar Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI
Sumatera Barat. p. 2.
Eller, Jhon E. and Sheila Eller, Creative Strategies to Transform School Culture. (New
York: Pearson Education. 2009). p. 137.

learning English, freely speak each other, also make a good interaction in the

3) The Advantages of Gallery Walk Technique

Gallery Walk technique has several advantages, as following: the gallery
walk technique have many solutions and answer to questions, it energizes a class
and provides for creativity. Also, the teacher can see immediately how much
students have learned or miss learned.12 By using this technique, teachers and
students can experience directly the advantages of walking gallery techniques. In
brief, the gallery walk technique can facilitate students to speak in English in the

E. Previous Related Study

Gebi Loiren wrote “Teaching Speaking by Combining Gallery Walk and
Round Robin Strategy at Senior High School”. Her research shows that the
combination of gallery walk and round robin makes students have good skill in
daily conversation since it has an action step where the students should practice
their oral ability with his/ her friend in front of the class. From this, the writer
assume that the implementation of gallery walk technique in class can also reduce
students‟ anxiety because it is a fun activities.
Moreover, Chintis Depega wrote “Teaching Speaking by Combining
Gallery Walk and Study Group for X Grade at Senior High School”. His research
shows that the Gallery Walk has advantages as follow; have many solutions and
answer to questions, it energizes a class and provides for creativity. With gallery
walk, the teacher can see immediately how much students have learned or miss
Furthermore, in 2014, A‟in Ratna Mulyani as an Alumni from Universitas
Negeri Semarang conducted a similar topic with the writer entitled “Teaching
Written Announcement through Gallery Walk Technique”. She did also a quasi-
Jenning, Caufield, Bridging the Learning/assessment Gap: Showcase Teaching.
(Toronto: carecrow Education 2005) p. 62.

experimental study. The results of her thesis shows that gallery walk technique
can give some advantages such as, give more chance for students to communicate
each other, fun, got students, and so on. Moreover, the gallery walk technique can
give improvement to the students in making written announcement.
From three previous study above, in brief the writer believes that
communicative technique can give a chance to the students to speak more. In
addition, the fun activities or technique can makes students more enjoy in
classroom and it makes a meaningful learning for students.

F. Thinking Framework
Speaking is one of the most important abilities to be mastered, because it is
a requirement to communicate in English. However, it is difficult to speak in
English for EFL learners like in Indonesia. Teacher has responsibility or training
or helping students to speak English. Practicing speaking also does not have to be
in the classroom, it could be outside the classroom.
In addition, speaking has three different functions. That means everyone
has a different purpose when they communicate each other. Either they want to
say something like regular conversation, or they need information to be gained or
just to provide information to others.
Moreover, the five elements of speaking such as comprehension, grammar,
vocabulary, pronunciation and fluency are needed in speaking. Indeed, the more
people mastering every element, means the better also the way they are
As explained above, speaking has five elements that must be done if
students want to communicate well. The existence of a gallery walk technique is
to help students in English speaking. Some of these elements are in the gallery
walk technique. In accordance with the gallery walk‟s advantages that prioritize
cooperation and interaction with friends also problem solving. Group cooperation
makes students interact more often with their friends by using English. They
trained their comprehension since they tried to understand what their friends said,
and of course it can help them in adding vocabulary. Also, it can help students for

the pronunciation and fluency. Even though, some of them were still wrong in
saying a word, but when they were practice continuously, their pronunciation and
fluency seems better. And for grammar, the writer did not prioritize grammar, the
most important thing is they understand each other and try to practice
continuously, but the writer must keep reminding if there are grammatical errors
in their speaking.
However, it is difficult to speak in English. Therefore, the gallery walk
technique can be an alternative way to teach speaking in English classroom. In
addition, this technique has some advantages that facilitate teacher and students.
The gallery walk techniques can encourage students to be active in the classroom.
Students can share their ideas, they also interact and communicate with their
friends, and they can be as free as possible to ask questions and answers to a
related topic.


A. Time and Place of the Study

This study was conducted at Mts. Yaspina. It is located on Jl. Pahlawan
No.18, RT.1/RW.7, Rempoa, Ciputat Tim., Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten
15412. It was implemented on the second semester, from Januari until April in

B. The Research Design

This study used quantitative research design which is a quasi-experimental
study since the writer wants to know the use of gallery walk technique on students
speaking ability. In addition, pre-test, treatment and post-test were used in this
research. The research used normality test, homogeneity test, and t-test to find out
the comparison of speaking ability between experimental class and controlled

C. The Population and Sample

The population of this study are the 8th Grader of MTs. Yaspina, which is
78 students in total. In taking sample, the writer chose class 8-1 as a controlled
class which has 25 students, and class 8-2 as experimental class which has 25
students. So, the writer used 50 students for the sample.
The writer used purposive sampling as the sample collection technique.
The reasons for choosing purposive sampling is because the writer has own
determined criteria to get representative sample.
The writer chose class 8.1 as the controlled class and class 8.2 as the
experimental class. The writer has the purpose in choosing class for this research,
it is because the two classes have almost the same English language skills. To
compare something, the difference should not to be too far, it must be almost the
same. However, when the test took place, the experimental class was indeed 2.88

points higher than the controlled class. Although their average ability is almost the
same, the experimental class is slightly higher 2.88 points compared to the
controlled class in the pre-test. And for post-test, experimental class still slightly
higher 2.76 points rather than controlled class. After seeing the difference in
scores obtained by both classes, it can be concluded that the experimental class
ability is slightly higher to the controlled class

D. The Instrument of the Study

Oral test was used as an instrument in this study. The writer gave an oral
test on pre-test and post-test. Pre-test was given to measure students‟ speaking
ability before the treatment. Meanwhile, the post-test was given to measure
students‟ speaking ability after getting the treatment. The test was given to the
both experimental class and controlled class students. The topic of the pre-test and
post-test were about activities that they did several times ago. The writer made the
different topics like last holiday, last night, yesterday and so on. For the test, the
rubric was needed to assign some grades for the students.

Table 3.1
Students’ Speaking Skill Rubric

No. Criteria Rating Scores Description

1 Pronunciation 5 (95-100) Has few traces of foreign language.
4 (85-94) Always intelligible, thought one is
conscious of definite accent.
3 (75-84) Pronunciation problem necessities
concentrated listening and
occasionally lead to
2 (65-74) Very hard to understand because of
pronunciation problem, most

No Criteria Rating Scores Description
frequently be asked to repeat.
1 Below Pronunciation problem to serve as to
65 make speech virtually unintelligible.

2 Grammar 5 (95-100) Make few (if any) noticeable errors of

grammar and word order.
4 (85-94) Occasionally makes grammatical
errors or word order errors that do
not, however obscure meaning.
3 (75-84) Make frequent errors of grammar and
word order, which occasionally
obscure meaning.
2 (65-74) Grammar and word order errors make
comprehension difficult, must often
rephrases sentence.
1 Below Errors in grammar and word order,
65 so, severe as to make speech virtually
3 Vocabulary 5 (95-100) Use of vocabulary and idioms is
virtually that of native speaker.
4 (85-94) Sometimes use inappropriate terms
and must rephrases ideas because of
lexical and equities.
3 (75-84) Frequently uses the wrong words
conversation somewhat limited
because of inadequate vocabulary.
2 (65-74) Misuse of words and very limited
vocabulary makes comprehension
quite difficult.
1 Below Vocabulary limitation so extreme as

No Criteria Rating Scores Description
65 to make conversation virtually
4 Fluency 5 (95-100) Speech as fluent and efforts less as
that of a native speaker.
4 (85-94) Speed of speech seems to be slightly
affected by language problems.
3 (75-84) Speed and fluency are rather than
strongly affected by language
2 (65-74) Usually hesitant; often force into
silence by language limitations.
1 Below Speech is so halting and fragmentary
65 as to make conversation virtually
5 Comprehension 5 (95-100) Appears to understand everything
without difficulty.
4 (85-94) Understands nearly everything at
normal speed, although occasional
3 (75-84) Understand most of what is said at
slower-than-normal speed with
2 (65-74) Has great difficulty following what is
said. Can comprehend only „social
conversation‟ spoken slowly and with
frequent repetitions.
1 Below Cannot be said to understand even
65 simple conversational English.

E. Procedure of Intervention
The intervention of the treatment (gallery walk) was done for 4 times.
Below are the brief explanations:
1. First meeting (14th March 2018) First, the writer carries out the speaking pre-
2. Second meeting (15th March 2018). Students are form into groups, each group
has 5 students. Students are asked to make their ideas about “what did you do
on the last weekend?”. They asked to draw or write their ideas on the carton,
explain it to their friends and present it in front of the class.
3. Third Meeting (21th March 2018) Students are asked to make their ideas
about “what did you do last night?”. They asked to draw or write their ideas
on the carton, then explain it to their friends and present it in front of the
4. Fourth Meeting (22th March 2018). Students are asked to make their ideas
about “what did you do yesterday?”. They asked to draw or write their ideas
on the carton, then explain it to their friends and present it in front of the
5. Fifth Meeting (5th April 2018) Students are asked to make their ideas about
“what bad habits that you did when you were child?”. They asked to draw or
write their ideas on the carton, then explain it to their friends and present it in
front of the class. After finishing the task, the students are asked to do Post-

F. Technique of Data Collection

The writer used pre-test and post-test to collect data. Pre-test and post-test
were given to the both of experimental class and controlled class.
The procedures in this quasi-experimental design are as follows:
a. Pre-Test
In this research, before the treatment, the writer gave an oral test by asking
question to both experimental and control class about their activities in the past.

b. Treatment
Both of the class will treated differently. It can be explained as follows:
a) Experimental Class
In this class, the gallery walk technique was applied as a treatment
for teaching about past participle and recount text.
b) Controlled Class
In this class, the writer taught about past participle and recount text
with discourse technique.
c. Post-Test
The post-test was conducted in the last meeting to measure students‟
speaking ability after getting the treatment. The writer gave an oral test again.
Similar with the pre-test, the both students of experimental class and controlled
class describe their activities that they did in the past.

G. Technique of Data Analysis

The writer used T-test to find out the differences between the students‟
scores which were taken from pre-test and post-test in experiment class and
controlled class. Before calculating the hypothesis testing, the researcher first
calculated students‟ writing score based on Analytical Scoring Rubric which is
adapted from J. B Heaton, and then measure normality and homogeneity test.
1. Normality Test
Normality test will be done towards two classes; those are experimental
class and control class. It is used to know whether the data from both sample
groups which is examined comes from the population of normally distributed
or not. In this study, Lilliefors test (by significant α 0,05) using the following
formula is used to know the normality of the data13;
( )

Sujarweni and Endrayanto, Statistika untuk Penelitian, (Yogyakarta: PT. Graha Ilmu,
2012), p.49

Symbols Explanation:
X2 = Chi Square test
fh = Expected Value
fi = Observed Value
Normality test has two criteria, which are;
1. If Ltable > Lobserve, then the data distribution is normal
2. If Ltable < Lobserve, then the data distribution is not normal.

2. Homogeneity Test
After normality test gives indication that data is distributed normally,
homogeneity test is needed to be done. It is used to know the similarity of the two
conditions or population. This study uses Barlet test on Riduwan14 with
significance level α = 0.05, with db1= (N1 -1) and db2 = (N2 -1).


Terms homogeneous:
If Fo ≤ Ft, then Ho is accepted (homogeneous) and Ha rejected.
If Fo≥Ft, then Ho is rejected (not homogeneous) and Ha accepted.

3. Hypothesis Test
For The Hypothesis Test, the researcher uses T-Test to find out whether
there are the differences between two variables in this study. After gaining the t-
value, the writer compares T-value and T-table using formula for the manual
calculation as Sudjiono stated on his book as follows:15

to =

to = The value of “t observe”

= Mean of the difference of experimental class
= Mean of the difference of controlled class

Riduwan, Dasar-dasar Statistika, (Bandung:2010), pp.184-186
Anas, Sudjiono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan., (Jakarta: Rajawali Pers, 2010). p.284

= Standard error of experimental class
= Standard error of controlled class
Before accounting the data using t-test, the procedure of
calculation will be as follows:

a) Determining mean of variable X:

b) Determining mean of variable Y:

c) Determining standard of deviation score of variable X:


d) Determining standard of deviation score of variable Y:


e) Determining standard error of mean of variable X:


f) Determining standard error of mean of variable Y:


g) Determining standard error of difference of mean of variable X and

h) Determining to:

to =

i) Determining ttable in significant level 5%, with degree of freedom:

df = (N1 + N2) – 1
Specification :

M1 : The mean of gain score of experimental class.

M2 : The mean of gain score of controlled class.

: The total score of experimental class‟ gain score.

: The total score of controlled class‟ gain score.

: The total of experimental class‟ gain score minus M1.
: The total of controlled class‟ gain score minus M1.

SD1 : The standard deviation of gain score of experimental class.

SD2 : The standard deviation of gain score of controlled class.

SEm1 : The standard error mean of experimental class.

SEm2 : The standard error mean of controlled class.

N1 : The total number of students in experimental class.

N2 : The total number of students in controlled class.

4. Formulation of the Effect Size

In order to assure whether the effect of the treatment was strong,
Cohen‟s formulation on Muijs was adopted as follows16:

( )
( )
Pooled Standard Deviation =

After obtaining the results, it can be interpreted based on the


0–0.20 = weak effect

0.21–0.50 = modest effect
0.51–1.00 = moderate effect
>1.00 = strong effect

Daniel Muijs, Doing Quantitative Research in Education with SPSS, (London: SAGE
Publication, Ltd., 2004), p.136-137.
Ibid, p.139.

5. The Statistical Hypothesis
The hypothesis of statistic that used in this research is:
Ha: There is a significant effectiveness of using gallery walk technique on
students‟ speaking ability.
H0: There is no a significant effectiveness of using gallery walk technique on
students‟ speaking ability.
The assumption of the hypothesis as follows:
1. If t-test > t-table in significant level of 5%, the null hypothesis is rejected
and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. It means that there is significant
difference between the students‟ speaking ability by using gallery walk
technique and the students‟ speaking ability without using gallery walk
technique at the eighth grade students of MTs Yaspina Rempoa-Ciputat.
The use of gallery walk technique is effective to enhance students‟ speaking
2. If t-test < t-table in significant level of 5%, the null hypothesis is accepted
and the alternative hypothesis is rejected. It means that there is no
significant difference between the students‟ speaking ability by using
gallery walk technique and the students‟ speaking ability without using
gallery walk technique at the eighth grade students of MTs Yaspina
Rempoa-Ciputat. The use of gallery walk technique is effective to enhance
students‟ speaking ability. The use of gallery walk technique is not effective
to enhance students‟ speaking skill.


A. Research Findings
1. Data Description
In the data description, the writer described the test result to the sample,
the students of MTs Yaspina Rempoa. The result was used to get empirical
evidence about the effectiveness of using gallery walk technique on students‟
speaking ability at the eight-grade of of MTs Yaspina Rempoa in academic year
2017/2018. The result of the research is presented as data description based on the
test result. The data analysis result obtained through speaking test.
Here is the table description of pre-test and post-test scores;
Table 4.1
The Students’ Pre-test and Post-test Scores in Class 8-2
Experimental Class

Pre test Post test Gained

No Students X2
X1 X2 X

1 S1 70 80 10 100

2 S2 50 60 10 100

3 S3 65 65 0 0

4 S4 50 55 5 25

5 S5 60 65 5 25

6 S6 50 55 5 25

7 S7 75 80 5 25

8 6 65 5 25

Pre test Post test Gained
No X2
Students X1 X2 X

9 S9 65 65 0 0

10 S10 65 70 5 25

11 S11 80 85 5 25

12 S12 80 85 5 25

13 S13 80 85 5 25

14 S14 80 85 5 25

15 S15 80 85 5 25

16 S16 65 70 5 25

17 S17 80 85 5 25

18 S18 75 80 5 25

19 S19 70 75 5 25

20 S20 65 70 5 25

21 S21 65 70 5 25

22 S22 65 70 5 25

23 S23 50 60 10 100

24 S24 50 60 10 100

26 S25 70 80 10 100

Amount 25 Students ΣX1 = 1.665 ΣX2 =1.805 ΣX = 155 ΣX2 =1.075

66.6 72.2 6.2 43


∑X1= The Total Pre-test score of students in the Experimental Class
∑X2= The Total Post-test score of students in the Experimental Class
∑X= The Total gained score of students in the Experimental Class
∑X2= The Square of the total gained score of students in the Experimental
Based on the table above, it showed that the score of pre-test and post-test
in experimental class were different. The students‟ pre-test mean was 66.6, with
the lowest score 50 and the highest score 80. Meanwhile, the post-test mean was
72.2, with the lowest score 55 and the highest score 85. The writer got ΣX1 =
1.665 for total pre-test score, ΣX2 =1.805 for total post-test score, ΣX = 155 for
total gained score and ΣX2 =1.075 for the square of total gained score. The results
is used to find out t-test in data analyzing.
Here is the table of students‟ score in controlled class;

Table 4.2
The Students’ pre-test and post-test Score in Class 8-1
Controlled Class

Pre test Post test Gained

No Students X2
X1 X2 X

1 S1 50 60 10

2 S2 50 60 10

3 S3 50 60 10

4 S4 60 65 5

5 S5 75 75 0

6 S6 80 85 5
7 S7 50 70 20 400

Pre test Post test
No Students X2
X1 X2 X

8 S8 70 75 5

9 S9 65 70 5

10 S10 85 87 2

11 S11 85 88 3

12 S12 85 86 1 1

13 S13 65 70 5

14 S14 60 65 5

15 S15 70 70 0

16 S16 48 50 2

17 S17 70 75 5

18 S18 65 70 5

19 S19 70 75 5

20 S20 50 65 15

21 S21 60 65 5

22 S22 60 65 5

23 S23 50 55 5

24 S24 60 65 5

26 S25 60 65 5
Amount 25 Students ΣY1 = 1.593 ΣY2 =1.736 ΣY = 143 ΣY2 = 1.293
Mean 63.72 69.44 5.72 51.72

∑Y1= The Total Pre-test score of students in the Controlled Class
∑Y2= The Total Post-test score of students in the Controlled Class
∑Y= The Total gained score of students in the Controlled Class
∑Y2= The Square of the total gained score of students in the Controlled Class
Based on the data in the table above, it described that the controlled class
score between pre-test and post-test were different. The pre-test mean was 63.72,
with the lowest score 48 and 80 as the highest score. Moreover, the post-test mean
was 69.44, with lowest score 50 and 88 as the highest score. The writer got ΣY1 =
1.593 as pre-test score in total, ΣY2 =1.736 as post-test score in total, ΣY = 143
for total of gained score and ΣY2 = 1.293 for the square of gained score. The
result is used to find out t-test.
As explained above, the average score of both experimental class and
controlled class were increased. However, the experimental class‟ score had
increased more slightly than the controlled class. This can be seen through the
range points by the two groups. The experimental class gained 155 points and the
controlled class gained 143 points. The progress of the two classes can be seen in
the diagram below;

70 69.44

68 66.6
63.72 Experimental
64 Class


Pre-Test Post-Test

Figure 4.3
The Difference between Students' Scores in Experimental
and Controlled Class

2. Data Analysis
Based on the data obtained, the writer analyze the test score of the
experimental class and controlled class by calculating the formula t-test. Before
using t-test, it is necessary to find out the normality and homogeneity values of
the data. The normality test is needed to know whether the data has been normally
distributed. After the normality test, the homogeneity test is needed to know the
data were homogeneous or not.
a. Normality Test
Normality test is one of some requirements that should be fulfilled before
conducting t-test. The aims of normality test is to know whether the data from two
classes have been normally distributed or not. The writer used Lilliefors table in
doing normality test. The data is normally distributed if it has significance 5%
(0.05) or Ltable is higher than Lobserve. The result can be seen below;

Table 4.3
The Result of Normality Test
Pre-test Post-test
Statistic Experimental Controlled Experimental Controlled
Class Class Class Class
Sample (N) 25 25 25 25
Mean 66.6 63.72 72.2 69.44
Ltable 0.173
Lobserve 0.104 0.156 0.145 0.157
Conclusion Normal Normal

The result shows that the data of two classes were normally distributed.
Both of experimental class and controlled class have almost the same ability in

b. Homogeneity Test
After getting the normality test, the next step is homogeneity test. It purposed
to test the similarity of the sample in both classes. The formulation is if Ftable is
higher than Fobserve, it means that the data were homogeneous with significance
level α = 0.05. the result can be seen as follows;

Table 4.4
The Result of Homogenous Test

Pre-test Post-test
Statistic Experimental Controlled Experimental Controlled
Class Class Class Class
Sample (N) 25 25 25 25

Varians 114 140.5433333 104.3333333 95.25666667

Ftable 1.955447207 1.955447207

FObserve 0.811137727 1.095286419

Conclusion Homogeneous Homogeneous

The result of the data in the table above showed that the Ftable was
1.955447207. Fobserve in pre-test was 1.955447207 and Fobserve in post-test was
1.095286419. Therefore, the data of pre-test and post test both of two classes was
homogeneous because the Ftable was higher than Fobserve.

c. Hypothesis Test
After finishing the normality and homogeneity test, in order to know the
significant difference between experimental and controlled class, the data was
calculated by using t-test. The writer used t-test formula with significance level
5% in some steps as follows;

1) Determine mean of Variable X with formula:

M1 = = = 72.2

2) Determine mean of Variable Y with Formula:

M2 = = = 69.44

3) Determine Standard Deviation of Variable X with Formula:

SD1= √ =√ =√ = 0.639

4) Determine Standard Deviation of Variable Y with formula:

SD2= √ =√ =√ = 0.624

5) Determine Standard Error Mean Variable X with formula:

SEM1 = = = = = 0.130
√ √ √

6) Determine Standard Error Mean Variable Y with formula:

SEM2 = = = = = 0.127
√ √ √

7) Determine standard error of difference of mean of variable X and


= √( ) ( )
= 1.18
8) Determining to:

to = = = =2.338

9) Determining ttable in significant level 5%, with degree of freedom:

df = (N1 + N2) – 2 = (25+25) - 2
= 50 – 2
= 48

The value of df is 48 at degrees of significance 5% (0.05). It means the
Ttable is 2.011. Furthermore, the hypothesis was tested based on the statistical
hypotheses as follows;
Ha = to > tt
= 2.338 > 2.011
From the calculation above, writer assumed that Hα was accepted means
“Gallery Walk Technique is effective in teaching speaking”.
The result from calculating the data is to= 2.338 and tt= 2.011. It means, to
higher than tt in significant 5%. So, the null hypothesis is rejected and the
alternative hypothesis is accepted.

d. The Effect of Size

In order to assure whether the effect of the treatment was strong, the writer
uses Cohen‟s formulation.

Pooled Standard Deviation

( )

= 0.30
After obtaining the results, it can be interpreted that Gallery Walk
Technique has a modest effect on students‟ speaking ability text because the
results is 0.30 which is between interval 0.21-0.50.

B. The Discussion of the Result

After collecting the research data, the writer analyzed all of them by using
Microsoft excel. In the data described above the data was taken from 25 students
both of controlled and experimental class. Table 4.1 described the pre-test and
post-test of experimental class, with mean score 66.6. the lowest score was 50 and
80 for the highest. After the treatment, the mean score achieved 72.2. the mean

score of post-test was higher than pre-test. Students‟ lowest score for the post test
was 55 and 85 for the highest score. Moreover, table 4.2 presented pre-test and
post-test of controlled class. The mean score was 63.72, with 48 as the lowest
score and 85 as the highest score. After getting the treatment, the mean score
achieved 69.44 with the lowest score 50 and the highest score 88.
Moreover, the data from Table 4.1 and 4.2 also shows that minimum
gained the score both of the experimental class and the controlled class was 0. The
average gained the score of the experimental class was 6.2 and for the controlled
class was 5.72. It proves that using Gallery Walk Technique is effective on
students‟ speaking skill.
In addition, based on the calculation of the t-test that Ho was rejected and
Ha was accepted as formulated if to > tt. Based on the calculation, the result of to
was higher than tt, which was 2.338 > 2.011. Therefore, Ha was accepted and Ho
was rejected. This is supported by the test of size effect which resulted 0.30 means
that the effect is categorized as modest because it was between interval 0.21-0.50.
Thus, there is a significant difference between the students‟ score in students‟
speaking skill that learned by using Gallery Walk Technique at MTs Yaspina
Rempoa Tangerang. It means, the Gallery Walk Technique had a significant effect
on speaking compared to those who did not learn with it.
In brief, for the final result, it is proved that there was a significant effect
of using Gallery walk Technique on students‟ speaking ability. Therefore, the
final result answers the question “Was the use of gallery walk technique effective
on students‟ speaking skill at the eighth grade students of MTs Yaspina in
academic year 2017/2018?” This is related the title of the research, “The
Effectiveness of Using Gallery Walk Technique on Students‟ Speaking Skill”.


A. Conclusion
This study is aimed to get empirical evidence about the effectiveness of
gallery walk technique on students‟ speaking skill, especially for the eighth grade
students of MTs Yaspina in academic year 2017/2018. It is needed to do this
study to prove the theories and previous related studies that had been mentioned in
the previous chapter.
Based on the finding, it can be synthesized that the Gallery Walk
Technique has a significant effectiveness on students‟ speaking skill at Eight
Graders of MTs Yaspina Rempoa. There was a significant difference in the
speaking score of students who were taught by Gallery Walk Technique and the
other who did not. It is proved by the result of hypothesis test by using
significance 5% (0.05). Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected because t0 (2.338) was
higher than tt (2.011). It is also supported by the test of effect size which resulted
that the effect is categorized as modest effect because the calculation presented
In conclusion, it could be interpreted that Gallery Walk Technique on
students‟ speaking skill was effective for Eight Graders of MTs Yaspina in
academic year 2017/2018.

B. Suggestion
When taking the data at the eighth grade students of Mts Yaspina, the
author experienced some difficulties in applying the gallery walk technique.
Below are some difficulties that occur when the author applied the gallery walk
The first difficulty, students were quite difficult to team up and sharing
discussion groups. Group discussion is one of the requirements that must be exist
in this technique. But some students always complain when choosing discussion
groups. They just want to group with close friends and they complained if there

were no close friends in the group. The female students complained more often in
group division. When the group was first divided, some female students looked
angry at the writer because they did not want to be separated from their close
friends. In overcoming this, the writer tried to talk kindly to students who cannot
be invited to work together in group selection. The writer tried to talk to them, that
all students in the class were their friends so they cannot to be picky in choosing
friend. Also, the writer told them that it will be more fun if they were closer to
each other, so they will have many friends. After giving those understanding, they
slowly want to follow the writer‟s instructions.
The second difficulty, students who difficult to follow the writer‟s
instructions. There were some students who too lazy to walk around the class
because they were accustomed to learning by the discourse method. Students
usually only listen to the teacher‟s explanation and rarely do the activities that
involved the whole body to move. So, students did not want to get out of their
comfort zone when studying. The writer must encourage the students who are lazy
to follow instructions directly. To overcome this, the writer gave the
understanding to students who are lazy, that what is learned today will be benefit
for them one day, and tried giving them rewards after the lesson so they were
excited when doing activities in class.
The third difficulty, the class condition that was not conducive. When this
technique applied, students have to go around the class, visit each carton in class
and ask what is in the carton to their friends. Sounds easy but difficult when
practiced. When this technique was applied, the class atmosphere became
crowded and not conducive because some students ran and joked with their
friends. So, the writer has difficulty in getting the attention of students since the
classroom atmosphere was not conducive. The writer also found it was difficult to
give instructions that they must do next when the class became very crowded. In
addition, the size of the class and the number of students also determine whether
or not this technique is conducive. If the class is narrow and the number of
students is large, it will be very difficult to conduct this technique in the class. It's
better to look for a wider room to use this technique. But fortunately, in this case

of the writer, the class was quite wide and the students were only 25 students. To
condition the class when this technique applied, the author tried to provide
understanding to students to do activities quietly and also gave them rewards if
they did the activities calmly.
The fourth difficulty, students found it was difficult to speak in English.
The writer asked students to speak English. When the writer speaks in English,
some of them understand what the writer talking about. But, some of them many
did not understand English at all. When the treatment takes place, the author asked
students who can speak English to teach students who cannot. The main factor
was the students was lack of vocabulary. To overcome this, the author advises
students to look for words they did not know in the dictionary so they can
The last difficulty, students were afraid to make mistakes when speaking
English. Many students were afraid of being wrong when speaking English. They
were shy, not confident and did not want to use English in front of others. Even
though some of them, understood what the writer said in English. But, when the
writer gave the, questions in English they answered in Indonesia. When using this
technique, the writer encourages them to say whatever English words in their
minds without fear of being wrong. The writer gave them understanding that when
we are wrong, that means we are learning.
Those are the difficulties experienced by the writer when applying the
gallery walk technique at the eighth grade students of MTs Yaspina. Despite many
difficulties, the writer found the solutions to overcome those difficulties.
Here are suggestions which the writer hopefully, are useful for the
students, English teacher and other researchers who are interested in teaching and
learning speaking by using gallery walk technique. The suggestions as follows;
1) For School
a. For English Teacher
The English teachers should be chosen an appropriate technique in the class.
The gallery walk technique is recommended for teaching and learning speaking.
The students will be active participants in the class and it makes students

confident to share their ideas. Furthermore, English Teachers should be more
understanding the condition of their students, if the students in the classroom are
bored with the teacher‟s technique or method, the teacher has to find out another
the appropriate method or technique.
b. For Students
The students can improve their speaking skill by learning with gallery walk
technique. It is hoped that students have a long-term improvement in their
speaking skill.

2) Further Researchers
It is expected the future researchers can be conducted with similar theme
by using both of quantitative and qualitative method. The interview and
questionnaire can be given to know the perception of teachers and students related
to the use of gallery walk technique in speaking. Moreover, this study uses two
classes from a school as the sample. Hence, it is hoped that future researchers can
use a bigger population from more than one school as the research sample.


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Appendix 1

Pre-Test and Post-Test Instruments

1. Pre-Test (Oral Test)

A. Interview
1) What is your name?
2) How are you today?
3) Did you have a good time yesterday?
4) Did you sleep well last night?
5) Were you busy yesterday?
6) Where did you go after school?
7) What the last book did you read?
8) What did you watch on TV last night?

B. Monologue
1) Self-Introduction
2) What did you do on the last weekend?

2. Post-Test (Oral Test)

A. Interview
1) Who was the last person you sent a message?
2) With whom did you spend the time yesterday?
3) What the last movie did you watch? Did you like it?
4) Where did you go for your last holiday?
5) What did you do last night?

B. Monologue
1) Tell about three things that you did on the last holiday!
2) Tell about three things that you did on the last weekend!
3) Tell about three things that you did yesterday!

3. Media
1) Recorder
2) Board
3) Marker
4) Pen
5) Paper

Appendix 2

Pre-Test Speaking Script Experimental and Controlled Class

Name Answers
1) Hello my name is Kautsar.
2) Fine thank you, and you?
3) Yes
4) Yes I sleep well
5) No
Kautsar Anwar 8.1
6) I am go house
7) IPA
8) Net ini talk show
9) Hello. My name is kautsar.
10) I play game hp and read.
1. My name is yudha.
2. I am fine and thank you.
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. No

Yudha 8.2 6. Go to home

7. English book
8. 86
9. My name is yudha. I am fourteen years
old. I am jalan aleraya 1.
10. I study and eat and playing
1. I am rafi.
2. Fine.

Rafi 8.1 3. Yes I am happy.

4. Yes
5. No

6. Playing
7. English book
8. The comment
9. My name rafi. I am fourteen years old. I
live gintung.
10. I played game with my friends and I just
lying in the home.

Appendix 3

Post-Test Speaking Script Experimental Controlled Class

Name Answers
1. My mother.
2. My friend.
3. Spongebob. Yes.
4. Bandung with my family.

Asti Asti 8.1 5. I pray tahajud.

6. Playing. Reading. Praying.
7. I am tapak suci and playing and
watching tv.
8. I am paskibra and go to school.
Rizky 8.2 1. My friends Bintang.
2. My classmate.
3. Spiderman. Yes.
4. I went to my uncle house in
5. Playing online games.
6. Watching anime, playing online
game and went to uncle house.
7. Playing with my friends, fishing,
reading comic.
8. Studying, reading English book,
playing with classmate.

Silvi 8.2 1. Azmi.

2. Class 8.2
3. Naruto. Yes.

4. Go to exchange mall
5. Playing handphone.
6. Go to mall and bandung and
7. I go to school and play saman
with my friends.
8. Go to school, studying and
playing with my friends.

Appendix 4

Lesson plan of experimental class



Satuan Pendidikan : SMPN/S

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Materi Pokok : Recount Text
Kelas /Semester : VIII
Tahun Pelajaran : 2017/2018
Alokasi Waktu : 8 JP (4 Pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Inti
KI 1 : Menunjukkan perilaku yang berterima dalam lingkungan personal, sosial
budaya, akademik, dan profesi
KI 2 : Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari
teks pendek dan sederhana
KI 3 : Berkomunikasi secara interpersonal, transaksional, dan fungsional
tentang diri sendiri, keluarga, serta orang, binatang, dan benda, konkret
dan imajinatif, yang terdekat dengan kehidupan dan kegiatan peserta
didik sehari-hari di rumah, sekolah, dan masyarakat
KI 4 : Menyususn teks lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana dengan
menggunakan struktur teks secara urut dan runtut serta unsur kebahasaan
secara akurat, berterima, dan lancar

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK)

Kompetensi Dasar (KD) Indikator Pencapaian
Kompetensi (IPK)
3.11 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur 3.11.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks social dan unsur
personal recount lisan dan tulis dengan kebahasaan beberapa teks
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait personal recount lisan
pengalaman pribadi di waktu lampau, dan tulis dengan
pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan memberi dan meminta
konteks penggunaannya informasi terkait
pengalaman pribadi di
waktu lampau, pendek
dan sederhana, sesuai
dengan konteks
3.11.2 Menyebutkan beberapa
teks personal recount

lisan dan tulis dengan
memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait
pengalaman pribadi di
waktu lampau, pendek
dan sederhana
4.11 Teks recount 4.11.1 Memperesentasikan teks
4.11.1 Menangkap makna secara recount
kontekstual terkait fungsi
sosial, Menulis makna secara
struktur teks, dan unsur kontekstual terkait fungsi
kebahasaan teks recount lisan dan sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
tulis, sangat pendek dan kebahasaan teks recount lisan
sederhana, terkait pengalaman dan tulis, sangat pendek dan
pribadi di waktu lampau (personal sederhana
recount) Membuat teks recount lisan dan
4.11.2 Menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan
tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana, terkait pengalaman
sederhana, terkait pengalaman pribadi di waktu lampau
pribadi di waktu lampau (personal (personal recount), dengan
recount), dengan memperhatikan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan struktur teks, dan unsur
unsur kebahasaan, secara benar kebahasaan, secara benar dan
dan sesuai konteks sesuai konteks

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Pertemuan Pertama
Setelah mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran peserta didik dapat:
 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial Kelengkapan dan keruntutan struktur teks
 Mengidentifikasi fungsi social dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks
personal recount lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait pengalaman pribadi di waktu lampau, pendek dan sederhana,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
 Mengidentifikasi ketepatan menggunakan struktur teks recount
 Menyebutkan struktur teks recount

2. Pertemuan Kedua
Setelah mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran peserta didik dapat:
 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial Kelengkapan dan keruntutan struktur teks
recount pada waktu lampau

 Mengidentifikasi ketepatan menggunakan struktur teks recount pada
waktu lampau
 Menyebutkan beberapa teks personal recount lisan dan tulis dengan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait pengalaman pribadi di waktu
lampau, pendek dan sederhana
 Memperesentasikan teks recount

3. Pertemuan Ketiga
Setelah mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran peserta didik dapat:
 Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan Teks recount
 Mengidentifikasi ketepatan menggunakan unsur kebahasaan dalam Teks
 Memahami unsur kebahsaan kalimat deklaratif dan interogatif dalam
Simple Past tense
 Memahami unsur kebahasaan adverbia dan frasa preposisional penujuk
dan penghubung waktu
 Menulis secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks recount lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana

4. Pertemuan Keempat
Setelah mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran peserta didik dapat:
 Membuat teks recount yang berisikan unsur kebahasaan preposisional
penujuk dan penghubung waktu dengan memerhatikan fungsi social dan
struktur teks
 Mengidentifikasi teks recount yang telah dibuat
 Membuat teks recount lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana,
terkait pengalaman pribadi di waktu lampau (personal recount), dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara
benar dan sesuai konteks

Fokus nilai-nilai sikap

 Peduli
 Jujur berkarya
 Tanggung jawab
 Toleran
 Kerjasama
 Proaktif
 kreatif

D. Materi Pembelajaran
 Materi pembelajaran regular
a. Fakta:
 Teks recount
b. Konsep
 Menjelaskan fungsi sosial dalam melaporkan dan mengambil teladan.
 Menjelaskan struktur teks recount
 menjelaskan unsur kebahasaan
c. Prinsip
 Menganalisis struktur teks recount

 menganalisis unsur kebahasaan teks recount

d. Prosedur
 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan teks recount lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan
sederhana, terkait pengalaman pribadi di waktu lampau (personal
 Menulis menggunkan struktur teks recount

 Materi pembelajaran remedial

 Menjelaskan kegunaan Adverbia dan frasa preposisional penujuk waktu pada
teks recount
 Materi pembelajaran pengayaan
 Membandingkan kegunaan Adverbia dan frasa preposisional penujuk dan
penghubung waktu dalam teks recount

E. Metode Pembelajaran
 Pendekatan : Scientific Learning
 Model Pembelajaran : Discovery Learning (Pembelajaran Penemuan)
 Metode : Gallery Walk

F. Media/alat, Bahan, dan Sumber Belajar

 Media/alat, Bahan Pembelajaran
a. Media LCD projector,
b. Laptop,
c. Bahan Tayang
d. Worksheet atau lembar kerja (siswa)
 Sumber Belajar:
a. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2016. Buku Guru Mata Pelajaran
Bahasa Inggris kelas. VIII Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan
b. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2016. Buku siswa Mata
Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas. VIII Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan
c. Buku teks pelajaran yang relevan.

G. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

 Pertemuan Ke-1

Kegiatan Pembelajaran Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu

Pembukaan 1. Guru mengucapkan
salam dan menanyakan
2. Guru membacakan daftar
hadir siswa, dan 5 Menit
membuka kelas dengan
3. Guru mengulas sedikit

pelajaran minggu lalu.
4. Guru menyampaikan
tujuan pelajaran pada hari

Kegiatan Pembelajaran Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu

Kegiatan Inti
5. Guru membagi siswa
menjadi 5 kelompok.
6. Guru memberikan materi
berupa what did you do
on the last weekend
kepada siswa.
7. Setelah diberi topic, 30 Menit
siswa diminta untuk
mengekspresikan ide
mereka ke dalam bentuk
gambar atau tulisan pada
karton yang tersedia.
8. Setelah selesai siswa
diacak kedalam
kelompok baru, dimana
ada perwakilan satu
siswa dari kelompok
9. Setiap siswa dari
kelompok lama, diminta
untuk mempresentasikan
apa yang mereka buat
kepada siswa di
kelompok baru.
(Associating &
10. Setiap kelompok diminta
untuk memberikan
minimal satu pertanyaan
kepada kelompok lain.
(Questioning &
Penutup 11. Guru memberi siswa
kesempatan untuk
menanyakan apa yang
belum dimengerti.
12. Siswa diminta untuk
menyimpulkan pelajaran 5 Menit

pada hari ini.
13. Guru menyimpulkan
ulang secara singkat dan
jelas tentang materi
14. Guru menutup pelajaran
hari ini dengan berdoa
dan mengucapkan salam.

 Pertemuan Ke-2

Kegiatan Pembelajaran Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu

Pembukaan 15. Guru mengucapkan
salam dan menanyakan
16. Guru membacakan daftar
hadir siswa, dan 5 Menit
membuka kelas dengan
17. Guru mengulas sedikit
pelajaran minggu lalu.
18. Guru menyampaikan
tujuan pelajaran pada
hari ini.
Kegiatan Inti
1. Guru membagi siswa
menjadi 5 kelompok.
2. Guru memberikan materi
berupa what did you do
last night kepada siswa.
3. Setelah diberi topic,
siswa diminta untuk 30 Menit
mengekspresikan ide
mereka ke dalam bentuk
gambar atau tulisan pada
karton yang tersedia.
4. Setelah selesai siswa
diacak kedalam
kelompok baru, dimana
ada perwakilan satu
siswa dari kelompok
5. Setiap siswa dari
kelompok lama, diminta
untuk mempresentasikan

apa yang mereka buat
kepada siswa di
kelompok baru.
(Associating &
6. Setiap kelompok diminta
untuk memberikan
minimal satu pertanyaan
kepada kelompok lain.
(Questioning &
Penutup 7. Guru memberi siswa
kesempatan untuk
menanyakan apa yang
belum dimengerti.
8. Siswa diminta untuk
menyimpulkan pelajaran 5 Menit
pada hari ini.
9. Guru menyimpulkan
ulang secara singkat dan
jelas tentang materi
10. Guru menutup pelajaran
hari ini dengan berdoa
dan mengucapkan salam.

 Pertemuan Ke-3

Kegiatan Pembelajaran Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu

Pembukaan 11. Guru mengucapkan
salam dan menanyakan
12. Guru membacakan daftar
hadir siswa, dan 5 Menit
membuka kelas dengan
13. Guru mengulas sedikit
pelajaran minggu lalu.
14. Guru menyampaikan
tujuan pelajaran pada
hari ini.
Kegiatan Inti
15. Guru membagi siswa
menjadi 5 kelompok.
16. Guru memberikan materi
berupa what did you do
on the yesterday? kepada

siswa. (Observing)
17. Setelah diberi topic,
siswa diminta untuk 30 Menit
mengekspresikan ide
mereka ke dalam bentuk
gambar atau tulisan pada
karton yang tersedia.
18. Setelah selesai siswa
diacak kedalam
kelompok baru, dimana
ada perwakilan satu
siswa dari kelompok
19. Setiap siswa dari
kelompok lama, diminta
untuk mempresentasikan
apa yang mereka buat
kepada siswa di
kelompok baru.
(Associating &
20. Setiap kelompok diminta
untuk memberikan
minimal satu pertanyaan
kepada kelompok lain.
(Questioning &

Penutup 21. Guru memberi siswa

kesempatan untuk
menanyakan apa yang
belum dimengerti.
22. Siswa diminta untuk
menyimpulkan pelajaran 5 Menit
pada hari ini.
23. Guru menyimpulkan
ulang secara singkat dan
jelas tentang materi
24. Guru menutup pelajaran
hari ini dengan berdoa
dan mengucapkan salam.

 Pertemuan Ke-4

Kegiatan Pembelajaran Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu

Pembukaan 25. Guru mengucapkan
salam dan menanyakan
26. Guru membacakan daftar
hadir siswa, dan 5 Menit
membuka kelas dengan
27. Guru mengulas sedikit
pelajaran minggu lalu.
28. Guru menyampaikan
tujuan pelajaran pada
hari ini.
Kegiatan Inti
29. Guru membagi siswa
menjadi 5 kelompok.
30. Guru memberikan materi
berupa what the bad
habits you did when you
were a child? kepada
siswa. (Observing)
31. Setelah diberi topic, 30 Menit
siswa diminta untuk
mengekspresikan ide
mereka ke dalam bentuk
gambar atau tulisan pada
karton yang tersedia.
32. Setelah selesai siswa
diacak kedalam
kelompok baru, dimana
ada perwakilan satu
siswa dari kelompok
33. Setiap siswa dari
kelompok lama, diminta
untuk mempresentasikan
apa yang mereka buat
kepada siswa di
kelompok baru.
(Associating &
34. Setiap kelompok diminta
untuk memberikan
minimal satu pertanyaan
kepada kelompok lain.
(Questioning &

Penutup 35. Guru memberi siswa
kesempatan untuk
menanyakan apa yang
belum dimengerti.
36. Siswa diminta untuk
menyimpulkan pelajaran 5 Menit
pada hari ini.
37. Guru menyimpulkan
ulang secara singkat dan
jelas tentang materi
38. Guru menutup pelajaran
hari ini dengan berdoa
dan mengucapkan salam.

H. Evaluasi

1) Aspek Pengetahuan



Siswa dapat menyebutkan jawaban dengan,lengkap dan benar.

Siswa dapat menyebutkan jawaban dengan baik dan benar, tapi kurang
lengkap. 2

Siswa dapat menyebutkan jawaban tapi salah sebagian besar.

Siswa tidak dapat menjawab dengan benar

2) Aspek Sosial

Pilihan Jawaban
No. Pernyataan Kadang- Tidak Skor
Selalu Sering
kadang Pernah
1. Memiliki semangat tinggi dalam
menuntut ilmu.
2. Sungguh-sungguh dalam belajar
3. Mengajarkan ilmu kepada orang
lain yang membutuhkan.
4. Mudah menjawab ketika ditanya

5. Tidak membanggakan diri
karena ilmu yang ia miliki.
6. Tidak membeda-bedakan
pergaulan atas dasar tingkat
5. Tidak membanggakan diri
karena ilmu yang ia miliki.
6. Tidak membeda-bedakan
pergaulan atas dasar tingkat
Jumlah Skor
Keterangan Nilai Nilai Akhir
= Skor
Pilihan 4 Negatif Skor yang
Selalu = Skor = Skor 1 diperoleh
Sering 3 = Skor 2 -------------------- X 100 = --
Kadang-kadang = Skor = Skor 3 ---
Tidak pernah 2 = Skor 4 Skor maksimal
= Skor

Tangerang, 27 Maret 2018

Guru Pamong Mahasiswa


Yuli Ambar Utami, S. Pd Nailah Rizka A.


Appendix 5

Lesson Plan of Controlled Class



Satuan Pendidikan : SMPN/S

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Materi Pokok : Yes, we made it!
Kelas /Semester : VIII
Tahun Pelajaran : 2017/2018
Alokasi Waktu : 6 JP (3 Pertemuan)

I. Kompetensi Inti
KI 1 : Menunjukkan perilaku yang berterima dalam lingkungan personal, sosial
budaya, akademik, dan profesi
KI 2 : Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari
teks pendek dan sederhana
KI 3 : Berkomunikasi secara interpersonal, transaksional, dan fungsional
tentang diri sendiri, keluarga, serta orang, binatang, dan benda, konkret
dan imajinatif, yang terdekat dengan kehidupan dan kegiatan peserta
didik sehari-hari di rumah, sekolah, dan masyarakat
KI 4 : Menyususn teks lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana dengan
menggunakan struktur teks secara urut dan runtut serta unsur kebahasaan
secara akurat, berterima, dan lancar

J. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK)

Kompetensi Dasar (KD) Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK)
4.12 Membandingkan fungsi 4.11.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi social dan
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks
unsur kebahasaan beberapa personal recount lisan dan tulis
teks personal recount lisan dengan memberi dan meminta
dan tulis dengan memberi informasi terkait pengalaman
dan meminta informasi pribadi di waktu lampau, pendek
terkait pengalaman pribadi di dan sederhana, sesuai dengan
waktu lampau, pendek dan konteks penggunaannya
sederhana, sesuai dengan 4.11.2 Menyebutkan beberapa teks
konteks penggunaannya personal recount lisan dan tulis
dengan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait pengalaman
pribadi di waktu lampau, pendek
dan sederhana
5.11 Teks recount 5.11.1 Memperesentasikan teks recount

4.11.3 Menangkap makna Menulis makna secara
secara kontekstual kontekstual terkait fungsi
terkait fungsi sosial, sosial, struktur teks, dan
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
unsur kebahasaan teks recount lisan dan tulis,
recount lisan dan sangat pendek dan
tulis, sangat pendek sederhana
dan sederhana, terkait Membuat teks recount
pengalaman pribadi di lisan dan tulis, sangat
waktu lampau pendek dan sederhana,
(personal recount) terkait pengalaman pribadi
4.11.4 Menyusun teks di waktu lampau (personal
recount lisan dan recount), dengan
tulis, sangat pendek memperhatikan fungsi
dan sederhana, terkait sosial, struktur teks, dan
pengalaman pribadi di unsur kebahasaan, secara
waktu lampau benar dan sesuai konteks
(personal recount),
fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan, secara
benar dan sesuai

K. Tujuan Pembelajaran
5. Pertemuan Pertama
Setelah mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran peserta didik dapat:
 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial Kelengkapan dan keruntutan struktur teks
 Mengidentifikasi fungsi social dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks
personal recount lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait pengalaman pribadi di waktu lampau, pendek dan sederhana,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
 Mengidentifikasi ketepatan menggunakan struktur teks recount
 Menyebutkan struktur teks recount

6. Pertemuan Kedua
Setelah mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran peserta didik dapat:
 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial Kelengkapan dan keruntutan struktur teks
recount pada waktu lampau
 Mengidentifikasi ketepatan menggunakan struktur teks recount pada
waktu lampau

 Menyebutkan beberapa teks personal recount lisan dan tulis dengan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait pengalaman pribadi di waktu
lampau, pendek dan sederhana
 Memperesentasikan teks recount

7. Pertemuan Ketiga
Setelah mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran peserta didik dapat:
 Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan Teks recount
 Mengidentifikasi ketepatan menggunakan unsur kebahasaan dalam Teks
 Memahami unsur kebahsaan kalimat deklaratif dan interogatif dalam
Simple Past tense
 Memahami unsur kebahasaan adverbia dan frasa preposisional penujuk
dan penghubung waktu
 Menulis secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks recount lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana

8. Pertemuan Keempat
Setelah mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran peserta didik dapat:
 Membuat teks recont yang berisikan unsur kebahasaan preposisional
penujuk dan penghubung waktu dengan memerhatikan fungsi social dan
struktur teks
 Mengidentifikasi teks recount yang telah dibuat
 Membuat teks recount lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana,
terkait pengalaman pribadi di waktu lampau (personal recount), dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara
benar dan sesuai konteks

Fokus nilai-nilai sikap

 Peduli
 Jujur berkarya
 Tanggung jawab
 Toleran
 Kerjasama
 Proaktif
 kreatif

L. Materi Pembelajaran
 Materi pembelajaran regular
a. Fakta:
 Teks recount
b. Konsep
 Menjelaskan fungsi sosial dalam melaporkan dan mengambil teladan.
 Menjelaskan struktur teks recount
 menjelaskan unsur kebahasaan
c. Prinsip
 Menganalisis struktur teks recount
 menganalisis unsur kebahasaan teks recount
d. Prosedur

 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan teks recount lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan
sederhana, terkait pengalaman pribadi di waktu lampau (personal
 Menulis menggunkan struktur teks recount

 Materi pembelajaran remedial

 Menjelaskan kegunaan Adverbia dan frasa preposisional penujuk waktu pada
teks recount
 Materi pembelajaran pengayaan
 Membandingkan kegunaan Adverbia dan frasa preposisional penujuk dan
penghubung waktu dalam teks recount

M. Metode Pembelajaran
 Pendekatan : Scientific Learning
 Model Pembelajaran : Discovery Learning (Pembelajaran Penemuan)
 Metode : Ceramah, Diskusi, dan Penugasan

N. Media/alat, Bahan, dan Sumber Belajar

 Media/alat, Bahan Pembelajaran
e. Media LCD projector,
f. Laptop,
g. Bahan Tayang
h. Worksheet atau lembar kerja (siswa)
 Sumber Belajar:
a. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2016. Buku Guru Mata Pelajaran
Bahasa Inggris kelas. VIII Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan
b. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2016. Buku siswa Mata
Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas. VIII Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan
c. Buku teks pelajaran yang relevan.

O. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

 Pertemuan Ke-1

Kegiatan Pembelajaran Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu

Pembukaan 19. Guru mengucapkan
salam dan menanyakan
20. Guru membacakan
daftar hadir siswa, dan 5 Menit
membuka kelas dengan
21. Guru mengulas sedikit
pelajaran minggu lalu.

22. Guru menyampaikan
tujuan pelajaran pada
hari ini.

23. Guru menjelaskan materi

recount kepada siswa.
Kegiatan Inti (Observing)
24. Siswa diberi kesempatan
bertanya jika belum
mengerti. (Questioning)
25. Siswa diminta untuk
bercerita sedikit 30 Menit
pengalaman yang
mereka alami.
(Experimenting &
26. Siswa diminta untuk
membuat teks recount
berdasarkan pengalaman
pribadi. (Experimenting)

Penutup 27. Guru memberi siswa

kesempatan untuk
menanyakan apa yang
belum dimengerti.
28. Siswa diminta untuk
menyimpulkan pelajaran 5 Menit
pada hari ini.
29. Guru menyimpulkan
ulang secara singkat dan
jelas tentang materi
30. Guru menutup pelajaran
hari ini dengan berdoa
dan mengucapkan salam.

 Pertemuan Ke-2

Kegiatan Pembelajaran Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu

Pembukaan 31. Guru mengucapkan
salam dan menanyakan
32. Guru membacakan
daftar hadir siswa, dan 5 Menit
membuka kelas dengan
33. Guru mengulas sedikit
pelajaran minggu lalu.

34. Guru menyampaikan
tujuan pelajaran pada
hari ini.
Kegiatan Inti
35. Siswa diminta untuk
mengerjakan latihan di
LKS. (Experimenting)
36. Siswa diminta untuk
membuat teks recount
tentang apa yang mereka
lakukan kemarin.
(Experimenting) 30 Menit
37. Siswa diminta untuk
bercerita tentang teks
yang sudah mereka buat.

Penutup 38. Guru memberi siswa

kesempatan untuk
menanyakan apa yang
belum dimengerti.
39. Siswa diminta untuk
menyimpulkan pelajaran 6 Menit
pada hari ini.
40. Guru menyimpulkan
ulang secara singkat dan
jelas tentang materi
41. Guru menutup pelajaran
hari ini dengan berdoa
dan mengucapkan salam.


Aspek Pengetahuan



Siswa dapat menyebutkan jawaban dengan,lengkap dan benar.

Siswa dapat menyebutkan jawaban dengan baik dan benar, tapi kurang
lengkap. 2

Siswa dapat menyebutkan jawaban tapi salah sebagian besar.

Siswa tidak dapat menjawab dengan benar

Aspek Sosial

Pilihan Jawaban
No. Pernyataan Kadang- Tidak Skor
Selalu Sering
kadang Pernah
1. Memiliki semangat tinggi dalam
menuntut ilmu.
2. Sungguh-sungguh dalam belajar
3. Mengajarkan ilmu kepada orang
lain yang membutuhkan.
4. Mudah menjawab ketika ditanya
5. Tidak membanggakan diri
karena ilmu yang ia miliki.
6. Tidak membeda-bedakan
pergaulan atas dasar tingkat
5. Tidak membanggakan diri
karena ilmu yang ia miliki.
6. Tidak membeda-bedakan
pergaulan atas dasar tingkat
Jumlah Skor
Keterangan Nilai Nilai Akhir

= Skor
Pilihan 4 Negatif Skor yang
Selalu = Skor = Skor 1 diperoleh
Sering 3 = Skor 2 -------------------- X 100 = --
Kadang-kadang = Skor = Skor 3 ---
Tidak pernah 2 = Skor 4 Skor maksimal
= Skor

Appendix 6

Homogeneity Testing of Pre-Test

Pretes Pretes
No eksperimen kontrol
1 70 50
2 50 50
3 65 50
4 50 60
5 60 75
6 50 80
7 75 50
8 60 70
9 65 65
10 65 85
11 80 85
12 80 85
13 80 65
14 80 60
15 80 70
16 65 48
17 80 70
18 75 65
19 70 70
20 65 50
21 65 60
22 65 60
23 50 50
24 50 60
25 70 60
Varian 114 140.5433333
F tabel 1.955447207
F hitung 0.811137727

Keterangan Homogen Karena F hitung < F tabel

Data =

Appendix 7

Homogeneity Testing of Post-Test

Post test Post test

No eksperimen kontrol
1 80 60
2 60 60
3 65 60
4 55 65
5 65 75
6 55 85
7 80 70
8 65 75
9 65 70
10 70 87
11 85 88
12 85 86
13 85 70
14 85 65
15 85 70
16 70 50
17 85 75
18 80 70
19 75 75
20 70 65
21 70 65
22 70 65
23 60 55
24 60 65
25 80 65
varians 104.3333333 95.25666667
F tabel 1.955447207
F hitung 1.095286419

Keterangan Homogen Karena F hitung < F tabel

Data =

Appendix 8

Frequency Distribution of Pre-Test Normality Testing Experimental Class

No Xi F Zn Zi F(Zi) S(Zn) S(Zi)
1 50 5 3 -1.55473 0.060005 0.12 0.060
2 60 2 5 -0.61815 0.268239 0.2 0.068
3 65 7 12 -0.14985 0.44044 0.48 0.040
4 70 3 15 0.318439 0.624924 0.6 0.025
5 75 2 17 0.786732 0.784281 0.68 0.104
6 80 6 23 1.255025 0.895265 0.92 0.025

L Hitung L Tabel
0.104 0.173

Keterangan Data

L Hitung < L Tabel Data Berdistribusi Normal

Appendix 9

Frequency Distribution of Post-Test Normality Testing Experimental Class

No Xi F Zn Zi F(Zi) S(Zn) S(Zi)
1 55 2 2 -1.6839 0.0461 0.08 0.034
2 60 3 5 -1.1944 0.116162 0.2 0.084
3 65 4 9 -0.70489 0.24044 0.36 0.120
4 70 5 14 -0.21538 0.414734 0.56 0.145
5 75 1 15 0.274124 0.608005 0.6 0.008
6 80 4 19 0.76363 0.777456 0.76 0.017
7 85 6 25 1.253137 0.894922 1 0.105

L hitung L Tabel
0.145 0.173

Keterangan Data

L Hitung < L Tabel Data Berdistribusi Normal

Appendix 10

Frequency Distribution of Pre-Test Normality Testing Controlled Class

No Xi F Zn Zi F(Zi) S(Zn) S(Zi)
1 48 1 1 -1.32601 0.092418 0.04 0.052
2 50 6 7 -1.15731 0.123573 0.28 0.156
3 60 6 13 -0.31379 0.376841 0.52 0.143
4 65 3 16 0.10797 0.54299 0.64 0.097
5 70 4 20 0.52973 0.70185 0.8 0.098
6 75 1 21 0.951489 0.829322 0.84 0.011
7 80 1 22 1.373249 0.915163 0.88 0.035
8 85 3 25 1.795008 0.963674 1 0.036

L Hitung L Tabel
0.156 0.173

Keterangan Data
L Hitung < L Tabel,
Data Berdistribusi

Appendix 11

Frequency Distribution of Post-Test Normality Testing Controlled Class

No Xi F Zn Zi F(Zi) S(Zn) S(Zi)
1 50 1 1 -1.99181 0.023196 0.04 0.017
2 55 1 2 -1.47952 0.069501 0.08 0.010
3 60 3 5 -0.96722 0.166718 0.2 0.033
4 65 7 12 -0.45492 0.324583 0.48 0.155
5 70 5 17 0.057377 0.522878 0.68 0.157
6 75 4 21 0.569675 0.715551 0.84 0.124
7 85 1 22 1.59427 0.944562 0.88 0.065
8 86 1 23 1.69673 0.955126 0.92 0.035
9 87 1 24 1.799189 0.964006 0.96 0.004
10 88 1 25 1.901649 0.971391 1 0.029

L Hitung L Tabel
0.157 0.173

Keterangan Data
L Hitung < L Tabel, Data Berdistribusi Normal


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