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Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology (2016) doi: 10.1111/nan.


Effect of systemic transplantation of bone

marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells on
neuropathology markers in APP/PS1 Alzheimer mice
€ger‡,1, C. Fabian*,†, C. Leovsky*, A. Blu
Y. Naaldijk*,†,1, C. Ja € her*, L. Rudolph*, A. Hinze*
and A. Stolzing*,†,§
*Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology (IZI), †Translational Centre for Regenerative Medicine
(TRM), University of Leipzig, ‡Paul Flechsig Institute for Brain Research, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
and §Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK

Y. Naaldijk, C. J€
ager, C. Fabian, C. Leovsky, A. Bl€
uher, L. Rudolph, A. Hinze and A. Stolzing (2016)
Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology
Effect of systemic transplantation of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells on
neuropathology markers in APP/PS1 Alzheimer mice

Aims: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) have recently for NGF, in MSC recipients. Also, we investigated for
attracted interest as a potential basis for a cell-based the first time and found no changes in expression of IL-
therapy of AD. We investigated the putative immune- 10, CCR5, BDNF, VEGF and IFNc. PTGER2 expression
modulatory effects in neuroinflammation of systemic levels were increased in the hippocampus but were
transplantation of MSC into APP/PS1 transgenic mice. reduced in the cortex of MSC recipients. While there
Methods: 106 MSC were injected into APP/PS1 mice were no transplant-related changes in pE3-Ab plaque
via the tail vein and histological analysis was per- numbers, a reduction in the size of pE3-Ab plaques
formed for microglia and amyloid (pE3-Ab) plaque was observed in the hippocampus of transplant recipi-
numbers, glial distribution and pE3-Ab plaque size. In ents. Conclusion: This is the first study to show reduc-
addition, a biochemical analysis by qPCR for pro- tion in pE3-Ab plaque size. pE3-Ab plaques have
inflammatory, chemoattractant and neurotrophic fac- gained attention as potential key participants in AD
tors was performed. Results: MSC are associated with due to their increased aggregation propensity, the pos-
pE3-Ab plaques. The effects of transplantation on sibility for the initial seeding event, resistance against
microglia-associated pathology could be observed after degradation and neurotoxicity. These findings support
28 days. Animals showed a reduction in microglial the hypothesis that MSC-transplants may affect AD
numbers in the cortex and in microglia size. Gene pathology via an immune-modulatory function that
expression was reduced for TNF-a, IL-6, MCP-1, and includes an effect on microglial cells.

Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease, Amyloid, Astrocytes, mesenchymal stem cells, microglia

Correspondence: Alexandra Stolzing, Wolfson School of Mechani-
cal and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease
Epinal Way, LE113TU Loughborough, UK. Tel: 0044-1509- marked histopathologically by amyloid b aggregations,
227577; E-mail:
neurofibrillary tangles and neuronal impairment finally
Shared first author.
Institute at which the work was performed: Fraunhofer Institute leading to memory impairments [1]. Some reports
for Cell Therapy and Immunology (IZI), Leipzig, Germany. suggest the role of oxidative and inflammatory stress
© 2016 British Neuropathological Society 1
2 Y. Naaldijk et al.

together with microglia changes preceding the onset of Material and methods
clinical and pathological AD symptoms [2–5].
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) have recently Animals
attracted interest as a potential basis for a cell-based
Transgenic mice overexpressing human amyloid precur-
Alzheimer therapy [6–8] but apart from their clinical
sor protein (APPKM670/671NL) and presenilin-1 (PS1L166P)
potential their mechanism of action has yet to be ascer-
under Thy-1 promoter control (age 12–15 months)
were obtained from University of Leipzig (Prof. Bech-
One potential approach is to study the impact of
mann) and the German Centre for Neurodegenerative
MSC on microglia, the resident macrophages of the
Diseases (Prof. M. Jucker,) T€ ubingen [19]. C57BL/6
brain. Microglia show early signs of dysfunction in AD
from the MEZ of the University of Leipzig or Charles
[9]. The microglia can either be neuroprotective or
River were used as a source for bone marrow-derived
neurotoxic depending on the secretion profile and sur-
MSC. GFP-transgenic mice (12 weeks) were from the
face marker expression [10,11]. Activated microglia
Paul Flechsig Institute for Brain Research, University
secrete a variety of pro-inflammatory cytokines includ-
of Leipzig. The experiments were approved by the
ing interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumour necrosis factor-a
local Animal Welfare Committee of the University of
(TNF-a), which induce neuroinflammation [12]. Micro-
Leipzig and by the local governmental authorities
glia also participate in the recruitment of cells into the
(Landesdirektion Sachsen, permit numbers T70/12,
brain and to AD-associated amyloid plaques through
T72/13, TVV 07/08).
chemokine secretion, such as monocyte chemotactic
protein-1 (MCP-1) [13–15]. However, microglia are
also known to produce neurotrophic factors such as MSC preparation
brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neuronal Bone marrow was cultured in DMEM low glucose
growth factor (NGF) and vascular endothelial growth (Gibco, 21885-108) with 10% foetal calf serum
factor (VEGF/A), providing trophic support to neurones. (Hyclone, SV30160.03) and 1% penicillin/streptomycin
Previous studies in AD mice have been performed (Gibco, 15070-063). Briefly, mouse bone marrow cells
using intracranial application of MSC. These studies were obtained by centrifugation from tibiae and femu-
showed promising results, however, they had several rae and cultured according to the methods of Dobson
drawbacks including the use of human cells in an ani- et al. [20]. MSC were isolated by the methods of Sekiya
mal model and an invasive intra-cerebral transplanta- et al. [21]. MSC were passaged when they were 70%
tion delivery method [16,17]. There have at present confluent using trypsin (Trypsin-EDTA 0.25% Gibco).
been no studies using systemic MSC injections. One Identity was confirmed by staining for MSC-specific
study used systemic injections, however, the cells used markers (CD11, CD45, CD44+, CD90+, CD105+,
were described as bone marrow-derived cells and not CD133+, CD146+, sca-1+) and mesodermal lineage dif-
described or characterized as MSC. In addition, in the ferentiation (data see supplement). MSC were used for
same study the animals were also irradiated [18]. transplantations at passage 1–2.
In summary this demonstrated the need for a study
that systemically applied MSC via injections to an AD
Mesodermal lineage differentiation
mouse model. Also for translational purposes we were
interested in testing a minimally invasive method of Murine BM-MSC were analysed for their differentiation
cell administration using systemic injection. potential at passage 3.
We found that MSCs were able to migrate into the
brain and reduced the amount of middle sized pE3-Ab
Osteogenic differentiation
amyloid plaques. Microglial numbers were not chan-
ged, however, we found that microglia and astrocyte Cells were seeded at 1 9 104 cells/1.9 cm2 (24 well-
activation levels were decreased. In addition, the plate, GreinerBioOne, 662160) and cultured with osteo-
expression of several important inflammatory markers genic medium (DMEM low glucose (Gibco, 21885-108);
were reduced in AD mice transplanted with MSC in 10% FBS (Hyclone, SV30160.03); 1% Pencillium/
comparison to control animals. Strepromycin (Gibco, 15070-063); 10 nM dexametha-
© 2016 British Neuropathological Society
Alzheimer stem cell therapy 3

sone (Sigma-Aldrich, D4902, Hamburg, Germany); 50 lg/ and stained with the following antibodies: IgG-FITC (Serotec
ml ascorbic acid 2-phosphate (Sigma-Aldrich, A8960-5G). STAR70, 1:200), CD11b-FITC (Abcam ab99671, 1:50),
Medium was changed every 2 days. After 14 days CD44-Alexa 488 (Biolegend 103015, 1:50), CD45-FITC
qualitative analysis was done: Cells were fixed with (Biotec 1660-02S, 1:50), CD90-FITC (1:100; 4°C; 30 min;
70% Ethanol (VWR445363) and stained for alkaline Serotec), CD105-Alexa 488 (Biozol 120405, 1:50), CD133-
phosphatase with Fast Red (0.2 M Tris (Sigma-Aldrich FITC (Abcam ab97022, 1:200), CD146 (BD Bioscience
459836); 1 mg/ml Fast Red (Sigma-Aldrich 51503); 50 lg/ 553336, 1:50) and sca-1 (BD Bioscience 562196, 1:50).
ml naphtol phosphate AS-BI (Sigma-Aldrich) for 1 h. MSC were then analysed using the personal flow cytometry
system (Beckman Coulter, Krefeld, Germany).

Adipogenic differentiation
Cells were seeded at 2 9 104 cells/1.9 cm2 (24 well-
plate, GreinerBioOne, 662160) and cultured for 7 days For histological analysis 106 MSC in 150 ll NaCl from
with a 1:1 mixture of culture medium [DMEM high female/male donors were injected per male animal (day
glucose (Gibco, 31966-047); 1% Pencillium/ 7 n = 3 and day 28 n = 4) via the tail vein and for
Streptomycin (Gibco, 15070-063); 10% FBS (Hyclone, biochemistry analysis 106 MSC in 150 ll NaCl from
SV30160.03)] and adipogenic medium [culture medium male donors were injected into female recipients (day
with additionally 10% insulin-transferrin-selenium 28, n = 3). The control mice were injected with 150 ll
supplement, (Sigma-Aldrich, I3146-5ML) 10 nM dexam- NaCl (n = 11). After 7 or 28 days animals were sacri-
ethasone (Sigma-Aldrich, D4902); 0.5 mM isobutyl- ficed and the organs isolated for biochemical or histo-
methylxanthine (Sigma-Aldrich, I7018); 100 lM logical analysis. In some cases we used MSC from eGFP
indomethacin (Sigma-Aldrich, I7378-10G)]. After 7 days transgenic mice.
cells were cultured only in adipogenic medium. Med-
ium was changed every 2–3 days. After 14 days qual-
Tissue preparation
itative analysis was done: Cells were fixed with 4%
buffered PFA (Thermo Fisher, 28908) and stained Mice were perfused 7 and 28 days after transplantation.
with 0.45% Oil Red O (Sigma-Aldrich, O0625) in iso- For biochemistry, mice were perfused transcardially
propanol (Applichem). after death with 0.9% NaCl. Brains were removed,
divided into five regions (hippocampus, cortex, cerebel-
lum, brain stem and olfactory bulb) and stored in
Chondrogenic differentiation
peqGOLD TriFastTM (PeqLab, 30-2040, Erlangen, Ger-
Cells were seeded at 5 9 104 cells/3.9 cm2 (12 well- many) at 80°C until further use as well as pieces of
plate, GreinerBioOne, 662180) and cultured with osteo- nine peripheral organs.
genic medium (DMEM high glucose (Gibco, 31966-047); For histology, mice were perfused transcardially after
10% FBS (Hyclone, SV30160.03); 1% Pencillium/Stre- death with 0.9% NaCl followed by fixative containing
promycin (Gibco, 15070-063); 100 nM dexamethasone 4% paraformaldehyde and 0.1% glutaraldehyde in 0.1
(Sigma-Aldrich, D4902), 150 lM ascorbic-2-phosphate M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4). Brains were removed and
(Sigma-Aldrich, A8960-5G), 20 lM linoic acid (Sigma- immersion-fixed overnight in the same fixative at 4°C.
Aldrich, L1012) and 10 ng/ml TGF-b (Invitrogen, Brains were cryoprotected in 30% sucrose in 0.1 M
PHG9214). Medium was changed every 2–3 days. After phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) with 0.1% sodium azide, cut
14 days qualitative analysis was done: Cells were fixed into 40 lm slices with a cryomicrotome in frontal
with 4% buffered PFA (Thermo Fisher, 28908) and plane. Slices were collected in 0.1 M phosphate buffer
stained with Alcian blue under acidic conditions (pH 2.5). (pH 7.4) with 0.1% sodium azide.

MSC phenotyping Immunohistochemistry

Murine BM-MSC were analysed for their CD phenotype Histochemistry was performed with free-floating
at passage 1. Cells were harvested by trypsinization sections. Brain slices were washed once with PBS
© 2016 British Neuropathological Society
4 Y. Naaldijk et al.

containing 0.05% Tween20 (Sigma-Aldrich, P2287- were stained without immunohistochemical enhance-
100ML) (PBS-T). All washing steps were performed ment for immigrated eGFP+ MSC.
three times for 5 min in PBS-T. Quenching of endoge- Immunohistochemistry for astrocytes was performed
nous peroxidase enzyme activity was performed by as followed: brain slices were mounted on the cover
using 2% H2O2 (VWR Prolabo, 23622.298) in 60% slides. Autofluorescence quenching was performed by
methanol (VWR Prolabo, BDH1135) for 60 min for incubating the brain slices with Image-IT (Life Tech-
staining with 3,30 -Diaminobenzidine (DAB, Roth, nology, I36933) for 30 min. After that, brain slides
CN75.1). Sections were incubated in blocking solution were washed twice with PBS followed by incubation
consisting of PBS-T plus 2% bovine serum albumin with blocking solution for 30 min. Then, rabbit anti-
(Serva, 11930), 0.3% milk powder (Roth, T145) and GFAP antibody (1:700; DAKO, Z033429-2) in blocking
0.5% donkey normal serum (Jackson Immuno solution was added to the brain slices and incubated
Research, 017-000-001, West Grove, PA, USA) for over night at 4°C. Next, brain slices were washed three
30 min prior to incubation with the primary times with PBS and incubated with donkey-anti-rabbit
antibody. Northern Lite 557 (1:200; R&D, NL004) for 1 h
All slices used were incubated overnight at 4°C in followed by washing three times with PBS. The
blocking solution and primary antibody. The primary nucleus was stained with 0.5 lM Sytox Green (Life
antibodies used were: anti-Iba-1 (rabbit, 1:600; Wako), Technology, S7020) for 30 min. Brain slices were
anti-pyroglutamate-beta amyloid (pE3-Ab) (mouse, mounted using ProLongâ Gold Antifade mounting
1:500; Synaptic Systems, Göttingen, Germany) and medium (Molecular Probes, P36934, Eugene, OR,
anti-GFAP antibody (rabbit, 1:700; DAKO, Hamburg, USA). Immunofluorescence for GFP was carried out
Germany). After washing three times in PBS-T, the with goat anti-GFP overnight, followed by secondary
biotinylated secondary donkey-anti-mouse IgG antibody antibody donkey-anti-goat Cy2 (Dianova, 1:250, 705-
(1:1000; Dianova) or donkey-anti-rabbit IgG antibody 225-147) for 1 h.
(1:1000; Dianova) was applied for 1 h in solution
containing 50% blocking solution and 50% PBS-T.
Thioflavin-S staining
Sections were washed three times in PBS-T and
incubated in peroxidase-coupled extravidin (1:2000, Brain slices were incubated in 0.5% Thioflavin-S
Sigma-Aldrich, E2886) for 1 h in 1 part blocking solu- solution (Sigma, T1892-25G) for 5 min at room
tion and two parts PBS-T, followed by washing and temperature. Sections were then washed with 70%
incubation with 0.05M Tris-buffer pH 8 for 5 min. ethanol followed by 50% ethanol. Each washing step
Subsequently, brains were placed in 10 ml 0.05M Tris- was performed at room temperature for 5 min. After
buffer (pH 8), 4 mg DAB and 5 ll 30% H2O2 until a the ethanol washes, the sections were washed once
colour change was visible. For pE3-Ab staining with water for 5 min at room temperature. Sections
diaminobenzidine with nickel ammonium sulphate were dried and mounted with entellan (VWR,
(Sigma-Aldrich, 7785-20-8) enhancement (DABNi) 1079600500).
was used. A solution of 10 ml Tris-buffer with 40 mg
of nickel ammonium sulphate was prepared followed
Microscopy and image processing
by the addition of 4 mg DAB. After that 5 ll 30%
H2O2 was added to the mixture. Brain slices were incu- Tissue sections were examined with the Keyence
bated in DABNi for 30 min. Sections were finally BZ-9000 microscope equipped with a BZ-9000 Analy-
washed, placed on glass slides, dried and mounted with ser software (Keyence Corporation, Itasca, IL, USA) for
entellan in toluol (Merck, 108323, Darmstadt, Ger- light and fluorescence microscopy. Haze reduction and
many). white/black balance were used to process the images
Immunofluorescence for microglia was carried out with minimal alterations to brightness, sharpness, col-
with rabbit anti-Iba-1 (WAKO, 1:500, 019-19741) our saturation and contrast. Fluorescence labelling
overnight, followed by secondary antibody donkey- (Fig. 1) was examined with a Zeiss confocal laser scan-
anti-rabbit Cy3 (Dianova, 1:250, 711-165-152) for ning microscope (LSM 510, Zeiss, Jena, Germany). For
1 h. Slices for LSM double fluorescence images (Fig. 1) secondary Cy2-labelling (green fluorescence), an argon
© 2016 British Neuropathological Society
Alzheimer stem cell therapy 5

Resident microglia and immigrated GFP+ MSC 28 days after transplantation

Iba-1 GFP Overlay



Iba-1 GFP Overlay



Iba-1 GFP Iba-1 GFP DAPI



Figure 1. Migration of transplanted mesenchymal stem cells into the brain of APP/PS1 mice. Intravenously transplanted eGFP+-MSCs
were able to migrate into the brain parenchyma. eGFP+-MSCs (Anti-GFP; green) were found associated with activated microglia (Iba-1;
red) but not showing IBA-1 immunoreactivity. Lower row, right picture: Overlay with orthoview based on stack analysis, supplemented
by nuclei staining (DAPI, blue).

laser with 488-nm excitation was used and emission 570 nm was detected applying a high-range band pass
from Cy2 was recorded at 510-nm applying a low- (560–615 nm). Photoshop CS2 (Adobe Systems, Moun-
range band pass (505–550 nm). For secondary Cy3- tain View, CA, USA) was used to process the images
labelling (red fluorescence), a helium–neon laser with with minimal alterations to brightness, sharpness,
543-nm excitation was used and emission from Cy3 at colour saturation and contrast.
© 2016 British Neuropathological Society
6 Y. Naaldijk et al.

Stereology was manually set at a maximum threshold where

background was barely present. Threshold was estab-
Microglia (Iba-1) and plaque (pE3-Ab) numbers were
lished independently for each mouse. Areas located on
evaluated for the whole cortex and hippocampus
corners and holes were manually excluded to reduce
using Zeiss Axio Imager microscope (Carl Zeiss) and
noise in the analysis. After setting the brightness
quantified by Stereo Investigator 8 software (MBF Bio-
parameters Iba-1+ covered area was obtained for every
science, Williston, VT, USA). The distance between each
picture. Covered area was calculated as the mean of all
counting frame was 350 9 350 lm and a counting
images determined for every mouse.
frame of 250 9 250 lm was used for counting micro-
glia and plaques with 209 objective. Where the results
were unclear a higher magnification (409 or 639) was Astrocyte covered area measurement
used to distinguish cells residing below another.
Analysis of the total area covered by astrocytes labelled
Nine sections per animal, taken from beginning to
with GFAP antibody was performed in the cortex and
the end of the cortex and hippocampus were examined,
hippocampus. Single pictures of the whole brain area
at a serial interval of every 10 slices, with a counting
were taken at 49 magnification and merged using BZ-
frame for the cortex ~200 and hippocampus ~70 per
II Analyser Software. Then, the regions of interest were
slice. The whole left cortex and hippocampus were
cut out and analysed using the Hybrid Cell Count of
counted and the numbers multiplied by 2 to cover both
the BZII Analyser Software. Settings of brightness and
threshold were adapted and applied for all measure-
ments. The threshold was set to identify astrocyte clus-
Measurement of pyroglutamate-beta amyloid (pE3-Ab) ters. To determine the covered area as a whole, the
plaque size picture was re-analysed with the threshold reduced to
a minimum to include the whole area.
To determine the amyloid plaque size, pictures from the
cortex (4–5 pictures) and hippocampus (3–4 pictures)
were randomly taken from one slide of each animal. RNA isolation and quantitative RT–PCR
Analysis was performed in the anterior, middle and Total RNA was extracted from hippocampus and cortex
posterior hippocampus and cortex. Photos were taken using peqGOLDTrifastTM reagent according to the man-
at 209 objective with BZ-9000 Keyence microscope ufacturer0 s instructions (PeqLab, 30-2040). It was trea-
and analysis performed with BZ-II Analyser Software ted with DNaseI (Life Technologies, EN0521) to remove
(Keyence). Plaque diameter was determined by measur- genomic DNA contamination. This procedure was
ing the distance between two opposite points at the pla- followed by cDNA synthesis using SuperscriptIII-reverse
que edge. A line was drawn from the beginning to the transcriptase (Life Technologies, 18080085) and Oligo
end of the plaque and diameter in lm was obtained for (dT)18-Primers (Thermo Scientific, SO132) at 50°C for
each plaque. The software automatically calculated the 1 h. cDNA was used as PCR template in a 1:10 dilu-
diameter based on the length of the drawn line. tion and each sample run in triplicate. Quantitative
PCR was performed using Express SYBR GreenER qPCR
Supermix Universal (Life technologies, 1178401K),
Microglia covered area measurement
additional 19 SybrGreen (Life technologies, S-7567)
Microglia covered area was determined using Keyence and 0.2 lM primer each on the DNA engine Opticon2
BZ900 microscope and BZ-II Analyser Software (Biorad) (primers see Table S1) with the following cycle
(Keyence). Pictures of Iba-1-positive cells (microglia) conditions: primary denaturation at 95°C for 3 min,
were taken randomly in the cortex (5 pictures) and 35 cycles with 30 s at 95°C, 30 s at 60°C and 30 s at
hippocampus (4 pictures) for every mouse. Analysis 72°C followed by fluorescence measurement. Absolute
was performed using the Hybrid Cell Count software quantification was performed for every single gene with
module in BZ-II Analyser Software. Settings for bright- three technical repeats per sample. Serial dilutions of
ness and threshold were adapted and applied for plasmid controls with known molecule concentrations
all measurements. Brightness of Iba-1 fluorescence were used as a positive control and to generate
© 2016 British Neuropathological Society
Alzheimer stem cell therapy 7

standard curves for the PCR. Expression of target genes hippocampus on day 28 (Figure 2C). No changes were
were normalized using 36B4 (large ribosomal protein observed in the cortex on day 28 (Figure 2B) and on
P0, RPLP0) as reference gene. day 7 (Figure 3A, left).

Statistical analysis Histology

Data are presented as the mean of the samples and The following observations were made in histological
standard deviation as standard error of the mean (SEM). analysis: Transplanted MSC (derived from GFP-
Statistical analysis was performed using the SigmaPlot transgenic mice) were found in and around amyloid
11.0 software (Systat Software Inc.) using one-way plaques (Figure 1; Figure S5). A lower amount of
ANOVA analysis with a P-value < 0.05, San Jose, Califor- pE3-Ab was found within vessels of the MSC-treated
nia, USA (*), P < 0.01 (**) and P < 0.001 (***) consid- group compared to controls (Figure 3B). In addition,
ered statistically significant. we observed pE3-Ab accumulation in large astrocytes
with processes (Figure 3C). These cells were mainly
seen around amyloid plaques and a reduction in the
Results presence of these processes-bearing astrocytes was
observed in the MSC-treated group compared to
Confirmatory tests (MSC profile & delivery to brain) controls. We observed in the histological analysis vari-
Prior to transplantation, MSCs were characterized by ability between the different animals transplanted with
flow cytometry for MSC-specific marker expression and MSC and controls indicating that even when all mice
differentiation potential. Mouse-derived MSC showed were close in age they behave independently.
positive expression for typical MSC markers CD44 and
CD90 and negative expression for CD11b and CD45 as
MSC transplantation effect on microglia
well as their ability to differentiate into osteoblasts, adi-
pocytes and chondrocytes (see Supplement). Up to It is known that MSC exert anti-inflammatory effects.
28 days after transplantation, GFP+-MSC were We therefore examined whether APP/PS1 mice
observed in hippocampus and cortex (Figure 1; receiving MSC-transplants showed a reduced micro-
Figure S5). In addition to the MSC found in the brain, glia activation measured by microglia size, repre-
MSC were observed in bone marrow, lung and liver sented by Iba-1-covered area. Quantitative analysis
(manuscript in preparation). GFP+ MSC were found showed that the total area occupied by Iba-1-positive
mainly around Aß plaques and seemed to be integrated microglia was significantly decreased in hippocampus
into the corona of resident microglia surrounding these and cortex of mice treated with MSC compared to
plaques. We did not observe transplant-related acute NaCl at day 28 (Figure 4D). No significant differences
toxicity or adverse events. were observed by day 7 in the hippocampus but
were seen in the cortex (Figure S3D). Microglia
numbers were significantly reduced in the cortex but
Amyloid content
not in the hippocampus of the MSC-treated group
We found no transplant-related changes in total compared to controls after 28 days (Figure 4B).
amyloid-b content as measured by thioflavin-S staining No significant change was observed after 7 days
of plaques at different sizes. However, we did observe (Figure S3B).
changes in the pyroglutamate-beta amyloid (pE3-Ab) We observed that in mice receiving MSC that micro-
sub-component of amyloid b plaques at day 28 (Fig- glia were more regularly distributed in comparison to
ures 2 and 3). When pE3-Ab plaques are categorized the more clustered distribution in the control group
as small (<50 lm), medium (50–100 lm) and large (Figure 4A,C; Figure S3A,D). In addition, morphologi-
(>100 lm) as described by Kim et al. [7], we found a cal changes were observed after transplantation. In
treatment-related increase in the number of small size MSC-treated mice, microglia were more ramified with
plaques, but decrease in medium size plaques in the more processes per cell (Figure 4C inserts).

© 2016 British Neuropathological Society

8 Y. Naaldijk et al.

A Amyloid plaque distribution after MSC transplantation

NaCl d28 MSC d7 MSC d28

B Amyloid plaque size – Cortex d28 C Amyloid plaque size – Hippocampus d28
100 100 *

% of total plaques
% of total plaques

80 80

60 60 *

40 40

20 20

0 0
<50μm 50-100μm >100μm <50μm 50-100μm >100μm

Small Middle Large

Figure 2. Transplanted mesenchymal stem cells alleviate pE3-Ab plaque size in brains of APP/PS1 mice (A) Brain sections from control
animals and MSC-treated AD mice stained for anti-pE3-Ab (control group, d7, d28). Cortex and hippocampus areas were analysed and
the level of pE3-Ab plaque size for the cortex (B) and hippocampus (C) areas was quantified at day 28. Small, middle and large pE3-Aß
plaques are shown exemplarily below. Data are representative as mean  SEM for BM-MSC (n = 4) and NaCl (n = 5). Statistical
significances are represented as *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 and ***P < 0.001.

hippocampus only and no effect was found for IL-10

MSC transplantation effect on astrocytes
and IFN-c (Figures 5 and 6). IL-6 expression was
In addition to microglia we wanted to examine reduced in the hippocampus but not in the cortex.
whether transplanted MSC exert an effect on astrocyte Expression level of PTGER2 was reduced in the cortex
activation. The analysis revealed changes in astrocytes but elevated in the hippocampus of MSC transplanted
distribution/area after treatment with MSC compared animals compared to controls.
to NaCl controls. We saw a reduction in GFAP covered
area after 7 days; this effect was somewhat deregulated Neurogenesis/Trophic factors Expression of NGF was
by day 28 (Figure S4). reduced in the cortex but not in the hippocampus of
the transplant group compared to NaCl controls. No
transplant-related changes were observed in either
MSC effect on gene expression: inflammation,
brain region for BDNF expression levels or for the
neurogenesis, chemotaxis
angiogenesis gene VEGF-A (Figure 6).
Inflammation Expression of TNF-a was reduced in the
cortex and hippocampus of the transplant group Chemotaxis Expression of MCP-1 was reduced in the
compared to controls. IL-6 was reduced in the cortex and hippocampus of the transplant group
© 2016 British Neuropathological Society
Alzheimer stem cell therapy 9

A Amyloid plaque size – d7

90 Cortex 200 Hippocampus
80 180

% total plaques
% total plaques

60 140
50 120
30 60
20 40
10 20
0 0
>50μm 50-100μm <100μm >50μm 50-100μm <100μm

B Amyloid pE3-Aβ in vessels

NaCl – d7 MSC – d7 NaCl – d28 MSC – d28

C Amyloid pE3-Aβ in astrocytes

NaCl – d7 MSC – d7 NaCl – d28 MSC – d28

Figure 3. pE3-Ab plaque size at day 7 and distribution and presence of pE3-Abon vessels and in astrocytes after MSC transplantation.
(A) Analysis of pE3-Ab plaque size for the cortex and hippocampus at day 7 after transplantation. Presence of pE3-Ab in vessels (B) and
astrocytes (C) shown after transplantation. Red arrows indicate the presence of pE3-Ab in veins and pE3-Ab in astrocytes and black
arrows show the amyloid plaques. Data are representative as mean  SEM for BM-MSC (n = 3) and NaCl (n = 3).

compared to NaCl controls. No changes were observed Injection of MSC into the tail vein appeared safe
for CCR5 levels. and effective: the GFP+MSC could be observed around
Ab plaques and were seen to settle between the
microglial cells. This clearly indicates the potential of
MSC to migrate not just towards the brain but to
The role of neuroinflammation in the pathological pro- sites of inflammation therein. Second, we demon-
gression of AD has been widely discussed [22,23] as strated that one single treatment with systemically
well as the pro-inflammatory reaction of microglia trig- transplanted MSC leads to obvious changes in Aß
gered by Ab. In this study, we used the transgenic pathology.
APP/PS1 mouse model where amyloid plaques appear Recently, a study showed in the APP Tg2576 mouse
around week six and a full Ab pathology by 8 months model that human adipose stem cells labelled with
[19]. The age of the recipient animals used in this magnetic nanoparticles reached the site after 1 day
study ranged from 13 to 15 months. In comparison to [24]. Another group reported survival of transplanted
other AD mouse models the APP/PS1 mouse strain GFP+MSCs into a (PLP)-a-SYN mouse model of multiple
shows a stronger microgliosis, mimicking human system atrophy after 4 weeks of transplantation in sub-
microglial activation observed in AD [19]. stantia nigra and brainstem [25]. Our experiments
© 2016 British Neuropathological Society
10 Y. Naaldijk et al.

A Microglia distribution B Microglia number

Iba-1 NaCl Cortex Hippocampus

Iba-1 MSC
50000 50000

40000 40000
30000 30000

20000 20000

10000 10000

0 0
C Microglia morphology NaCl d28 NaCl d28 MSC
Cortex - NaCl MSC d28

D Microglia size

Cortex Hippocampus

Covered area μm2 (labelled)

45000 *
Covered area μm2 (labelled)
45000 *
40000 40000
35000 35000
30000 30000
Hippocampus - NaCl MSC d28
25000 25000
20000 20000
15000 15000
10000 10000
5000 5000
0 0
NaCl d28 MSC NaCl d28 MSC

Figure 4. BM-MSC trigger activation of microglia cells in cortex and hippocampus in the brain of APP/PS1 mice. (A) Brain sections
stained for Iba-1 in APP/PS1 mice transplanted with MSC or NaCl. (B) Quantitative stereological analysis for microglia (Iba-1) number in
the cortex and hippocampus of APP/PS1 mice transplanted with MSC or NaCl. (C) Representative pictures of microglia distribution and
morphology for cortex and hippocampus area. (D) Quantitative analysis of microglia activation on the basis of microglia size. Data are
representative as mean  SEM for BM-MSC (n = 4) and NaCl (n = 5). Statistical significances are represented as *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01
and ***P < 0.001.

document the presence of the transplanted MSC in the Alzheimer’s [17,26–29], however, most of these studies
brain parenchyma within 4 weeks of delivery. In used either intracranial transplantation of MSCs or
contrast to the direct access to the brain via stereotac- used human MSCs. They also showed a reduction in
tic injection, systemic delivery of MSC via tail vein amyloid plaques after day 7 [28]. The effect was no
injection appeared safe and effective. Transplanted longer observed after 28 days indicating a short term
GFP+MSC were observed around Ab plaques and effect of transplanted MSCs independent of the trans-
seemed to be integrated into the corona of microglia plantation method. However, previous studies have
surrounding the Aß deposits, which clearly indicates accomplished amyloid plaque reduction through either
the potential of MSC to migrate not just towards the multiple rounds of MSC transplantation or higher con-
brain but in addition they are attracted to other sites of centration of MSCs [8,16,17,30–32]. Systemic MSC
inflammation therein. This, on the other hand, reveals transplantation has only been tested in very young AD
a putative involvement in neuro-inflammatory pro- mice (4 months) when the mice had not fully devel-
cesses. oped the Alzheimer pathology [31]. Another study
There are three other groups studying the use of investigating systemic MSC transplantation did this for
MSCs in mice as a potential therapy set up for 6.5 months every 2 weeks for 2 months following
© 2016 British Neuropathological Society
Alzheimer stem cell therapy 11

Gene expression in cortex on day 28

6.E+01 2.E+02 2.E+04 2.E+03

1.E+02 2.E+04 2.E+03
Relative to 36B4

Relative to 36B4

Relative to 36B4

Relative to 36B4
2.E+04 1.E+03
1.E+02 *** 1.E+04 1.E+03
* 1.E+02 1.E+04
1.E+03 ***
3.E+01 8.E+01 1.E+04
6.E+01 8.E+03 * 8.E+02
2.E+01 6.E+03 6.E+02
4.E+01 4.E+02
1.E+01 4.E+03
2.E+01 2.E+03 2.E+02
1.E+00 1.E+00 1.E+00 1.E+00

7.10E+01 2.E+01
IL6 IL10 3.E+01 6.E+03
2.E+01 CCR5 BDNF
Relative to 36B4
Relative to 36B4

2.E+01 5.E+03

Relative to 36B4

Relative to 36B4
5.10E+01 2.E+01
1.E+01 4.E+03
4.10E+01 2.E+01
3.10E+01 3.E+03
2.10E+01 7.E+00 2.E+03
1.10E+01 6.E+00 1.E+03
1.00E+00 1.E+00
1.E+00 1.E+00

Figure 5. Treatment with BM-MSC resulted in changed levels in growth factors, inflammation and migration markers after
transplantation in the cortex of APP/PS1 mice. mRNA expression of chemoattractant MCP-1 & CCR5, growth factors NGF& BDNF and
inflammation markers PTGER2, TGF-b, TNF-a and IL-6 in cortex of APP/PS1 which received either BM-MSC (n = 3) or NaCl (n = 5).
Most markers showed a clear decrease in MSC-treated animals compared to the control group; however, IL-6 and BDNF revealed an
increase. Values were normalized to 36B4 level. Data are represented as mean  SD. Statistical significances are represented as
*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 and ***P < 0.001.

monthly applications starting at age of 7 months early prepathological time points, correlating with
[30,31]. In none of the publications was a single appli- enhanced activation of microglia [37]. In this mouse
cation of MSCs tested to demonstrate the efficiency. model, inflammatory changes also correlate with cog-
AD is characterized by the presence of increased nitive deficits and synaptic dysfunction [38,39] and
levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines [33] mainly overexpression of TNF-a made a major contribution
produced by aged microglia and astrocytes [34]. Here, to neuronal death [40], whereas inhibition of TNF-a
we sought to explore the effect of MSC transplantation in an AD mouse model resulted in lower amyloid
on general expression levels of genes related to inflam- beta levels and cognitive impairment [41]. In line
mation, neurogenesis and chemotaxis. with our findings, Kim et al. 2013 could also show
The fact that at each time point analysed some down-regulation of TNF-a up to 12 weeks after intra-
factors showed no transplant-related changes in gene venous administration of human amniotic (placenta
expression, inflammation (IL-10, IFNc), neurogenesis derived) stem cells in an APPswe (Tg2576) Alzhei-
(VEGF-A, BDNF), chemotaxis (CCR5) indicates clearly mer mouse model [7], others have demonstrated sim-
that the effects of MSCs are not ubiquitous or necessar- ilar effects after intracranial application of MSCs
ily on a broad spectrum and require a differentiated [17,42,43]. Less pronounced than for TNF-a, expres-
analysis. sion level of IL-6, another pro-inflammatory cytokine,
Yet in other respects, effects were found at each was also reduced in the hippocampus but not in the
time point observed. Most notably in the neuroin- cortex.
flammation group, we observed a transplant-related In the neurogenesis group, we found MSC trans-
reduction in TNF-a gene expression which is known plantation associated with a reduction in NGF expres-
to have a prominent role in AD disease progression sion. Perhaps surprisingly this could be construed as
maybe even initiating pathological changes [35,36]. having a potential therapeutic benefit. While NGF sup-
The increasing expression of TNF-a in the cortex was ports survival, regulation and differentiation of neu-
shown in a triple transgenic AD mouse model at rones and neuronal stem cells [44], it is also
© 2016 British Neuropathological Society
12 Y. Naaldijk et al.

Gene expression in hippocampus on day 28

7.E+02 6.E+01 3.E+03 4.E+03
6.E+02 4.E+03
Relative to 36B4

Relative to 36B4

Relative to 36B4

Relative to 36B4
2.E+03 3.E+03

** 3.E+01
1.E+03 2.E+03
2.E+01 *
1.E+01 5.E+02
1.E+02 5.E+02
1.E+00 1.E+00 1.E+00 1.E+00

7.E+01 2.E+02
IL6 1.E+02 IL10 CCR5 3.E+04
Relative to 36B4
Relative to 36B4


Relative to 36B4
1.E+02 3.E+04

Relative to 36B4
* 1.E+02 8.E+02
4.E+01 2.E+04
3.E+01 6.E+02
6.E+01 2.E+04
2.E+01 4.E+01 4.E+02
1.E+01 2.E+01 2.E+02
1.E+00 1.E+00
NaCl MSC NaCl MSC 1.E+00

2.E+04 VEGFA
4.E+01 IFNγ
Relative to 36B4

Relative to 36B4

6.E+03 2.E+01
4.E+03 1.E+01
2.E+03 6.E+00
1.E+00 1.E+00

Figure 6. BM-MSC resulted in changed levels of inflammation markers after transplantation in the hippocampus of APP/PS1 mice.
mRNA expression of chemoattractant MCP-1 & CCR5, growth factors NGF & BDNF & VEGF-A and inflammation markers PTGER2, TNF-
a, IFN-c, IL-10 and IL-6 in hippocampus of APP/PS1 which received either BM-MSC (n = 3) or NaCl (n = 5). Most markers showed a
clear down-regulation in MSC-treated animals compared to the control group; however, PTGER, IL-10 and CCR5 revealed an increase.
Values were normalized to 36B4 level. Data are represented as mean  SD. Statistical significances are represented as *P < 0.05,
**P < 0.01 and ***P < 0.001.

associated with disturbed neurogenesis in AD [45–47]. level of NGF in this study could be beneficial in regard
High NGF levels result in impaired neocortical choline to a lower level of proNGF.
acetyl transferase (ChAT) activity which is linked to The most direct indication of the complexity of MSC
dementia and might be correlated with the memory immune-modulatory effects is exemplified by our find-
loss observed in AD [48,49]. A reduction in NGF cor- ings for prostaglandin E2 receptor (PTGER2), a pro-
relates with changes in microglial morphology and dis- inflammatory factor, highly elevated in AD patients
tribution. It is known that reactive microglia and implicated in AD progression [52,53]. PTGER2 can
encourage pro-NGF expression resulting in detrimental be neurotoxic [54], but on the other hand PTGER2
effects [50]. signalling is implicated for its potential role in long-
Since we analysed the NGF expression on mRNA term synaptic plasticity and cognitive function [55].
level, we did not distinguish between pro-NGF and The observed MSC-related decreased expression of
mature NGF. Pro-NGF is elevated in AD patients [44] PTGER2 in the cortex while increased in the hippocam-
and is normally produced by microglia. The pro-NGF in pus requires further study.
AD is impaired [51] and subsequently induces apopto- During AD, MCP-1 expression is increased, attracting
sis in neurones. Hence, the reduction on the expression monocytes and microglia which account for pathologi-
© 2016 British Neuropathological Society
Alzheimer stem cell therapy 13

Table 1. Primer sequences used for qPCR

Name Gene Sense primer [50 –30 ] Antisense primer [50 –30 ] NCBI accession number


large P0 RPLP0
regulatory protein
MCP-1 (POU 1)
receptor subtype 2
growth factor A
transcript variant A
motif) receptor 5
neurotrophic factor

cal gliosis in AD [56]. Here, we show that transplanted In summary, these findings support the hypothesis
MSCs are able to down-regulate MCP-1 levels – and a that MSC-transplants may affect AD pathology via an
corresponding reduction in microglial numbers at least immune-modulatory function that includes an effect on
in the hippocampus was observed. Others in this field microglia cells.
have observed a transplant-related increase in micro-
glial levels [57] or no change over time [7].
While the number of microglia may not be a good
indicator of potential therapeutic action, changes in The work presented in this manuscript was made possi-
activation status might be more significant. Microglia ble by funding from the German Federal Ministry of
exist in many different activation states [58]. Aggre- Education and Research (BMBF 1315883), Fraunhofer
gated Ab is known to induce microglial activation [59]. Society and Dan Stoicescu as well as Longecity funding.
In this context, we find a transplant-associated reduc- We thank Dr. Markus Morawski from the Paul
tion in large-sized microglia which are deemed indica- Flechsig Institute for Brain research for providing
tive of an activated state [60]. Such an effect was also eGFP transgenic mice as bone marrow donors. Special
found by Kim et al. [31] following systemic injection of thanks for Dr. Sebastian Sethe for comments and criti-
placenta derived hMSC into APPswe (Tg2576) AD cal reading.
mice. The group observed an initial increase in micro-
glial size, later followed by a size reduction, indicating
Author contributions
that any studies into the immune-modulatory and anti-
inflammatory dynamics of transplanted MSC are very A. Stolzing, Y. Naaldijk, A. Hinze and C. Jaeger were
time point dependent. This is also demonstrated by our responsible for study design and transplantation over-
observations shown in the supplementary data. Ulti- view and A. Stolzing for the idea. Y. Naaldijk, C. Jaeger,
mately, to use the immune-modulatory properties of L. Rudolph, A. Hinze and C. Fabian carried out bone
MSCs for therapeutic purposes, the long-term effects on marrow isolation, MSC cultivation, transplantations,
AD disease progression will need to be investigated as perfusion, brain and organ preparation, histology stain-
well as the benefits of follow-up transplantation of ing and microscopic analysis. C. Fabian confirmed the
MSC. genotypic identity of the animals. A. Bl€
uher performed
© 2016 British Neuropathological Society
14 Y. Naaldijk et al.

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© 2016 British Neuropathological Society

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