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Grade 9 Science

Lesson 4
Basic Concepts Associated with Force

What is force:
In physics, a force is an influence that can change the motion of an object.
Simply a force means a pull or a push.
Accordingly, by applying a force;
1. object at rest can be moved.

2. object in motion can be stopped.

3. the speed of motion can be changed.

4. the direction of motion can be changed.

5. the shape of object can be changed.

Magnitude of force:
Force is a vector quantity which has a magnitude (size) and a direction.

Hit slightly --- small force ----- Ball moves slowly

Hit harder --- Large force ----- Ball moves fast

Measuring the magnitude of force by Newton’s spring balance.

International System (SI) Unit = Newton
Symbol = N

1. Measuring the weight of an object.

2. Measuring the force given by a pull.


Some possible readings are as follows;

Force has a magnitude.

Direction of a force and the point of application:

The point of/direction of application of force also important as the magnitude of the
That means, the result of a force changes according to the point on which it is


Graphical representation of force:


Force in everyday life:

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