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Refund (v): a sum of money that Policy (on st) (n): a plan of Entire = Whole (a): including

is paid back to you, action agreed or chosen by a everything, everyone or every

political party, a business, part
Ex: Can I get a refund for this Ex: The company has adopted a
purchase? firm policy on shoplifting.
Dough: a mixture of flour, Craft delectable pizzas
water,.. that is made into a
A large beverage
loaves of bread or pastry
To make an appointment: Passenger (n): hành khách Priority (n):
Ex: The main priority of pulic transport
is the salety of passengers.
Prior to: khi, trước khi An in-person interview Get a taste of st
Ex: get a taste of this pizza
Suceed (v): kế nhiệm Checkup = examination Tenant: người thuê
Ex: I will suceed Thomas after Landlord: chủ nhà
his venure ends
Accidentally (adv): vô tình Failure (to V): việc k làm gì đó (v, Disregard (v): not to notice,
thất bại (n) Disregard for/of (danh từ)
Ex: I accidentally deleted all of Ex: His failure to complete this Ex: Firefights work with a complete
my documents. checkup made him do it again. disregard of their own safety.

As needed (adv): Affordable = reasonable: able to Durable (a): sturdy, strong

As-needed (a) be paid for Nghĩa là:
+ make on as-needed basis: Ex: My priority is to find a laptop Ex: This laptop is made of durable
thực hiện dựa trên cơ sở khi cần at reasonable prices. materials.
Recur (v): occur again Lessen (v)= reduce = dercease Stay on top of: to know the latest
Stock: (kho) dự trữ, tích trữ Therefore be opening a branch: Facilitate st (v): make an action
In stock: còn hàng Mở chinh nhánh easier
Out of stock: hết hàng Ex:.. more rapid economic
Turnaround = change One-of-a-kind: có 1 không 2 Virtually: hầu hết
Ex: one of a kind shop
For the sake of st: Upcoming (a): Time-saver (a): tiết kiệm thời
Ex: I gave up smoking for the Ex: Upcoming the minister’s gian
sake of my heath. election will be recured in VN Ex:
Double-check (v): an act of Definitely: there is no doubt Flagship: cửa hàng chính
checking st for a second time

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