GNC OzoneFactSheets EcosystemEffects

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Photo - Gina Mills, CEH

Global Challenge Network on Tropospheric Ozone

Ecosystem effects of ozone

How does ground-level ozone Key Facts

affect vegetation? Ground-level ozone affects
ecosystems as follows:
Ground-level ozone damages ozone-sensitive
vegetation. Effects include visible leaf injury, „„ Reduces biomass in sensitive
increased or premature die-back and reduction in species, e.g. reducing timber
growth and seed production of sensitive species. production in forests;
These can result in an increase in abundance of „„ Reduces the occurrence
ozone-tolerant species and effects on the functioning of sensitive plant species,
of ecosystems and the services they provide. potentially affecting
Ground-level ozone is formed by a series of complex
chemical reactions which take time to build up ozone „„ Reduces carbon uptake
in sensitive vegetation
concentrations. High concentrations are therefore
resulting in a positive
found in rural and upland areas, some distance feedback stimulating
downwind of cities and other areas where the further global warming;
chemical precursors of ozone are emitted. Hot, sunny
weather leads to the highest concentrations. „„ Changes water cycling in
vegetation, affecting water
flow at the catchment scale;
„„ Changes the timing of
Examples of ozone-induced leaf damage on trees and grassland flowering and floral scent
Photos: Gina Mills, Marcus Schaub ( trails, potentially affecting
pollination by insects;
„„ Vegetation affected by
ozone might become
more susceptible to other
environmental stresses such
as drought, high wind, pests
and diseases.


Recent developments What is needed?
Background concentrations of In the past, many studies have
ozone due to intercontinental been conducted on individual
transport are rising whereas peak plant species at high peak ozone
ozone concentrations during ozone concentrations to identify ozone-
episodes are declining across sensitive species. However, less
Europe, including the UK, due to is known about the impacts on
the implementation of European ecosystems of chronic exposure to
air pollution abatement policies. background ozone concentrations
Background concentrations are with lower peaks.
now at a level where they can
affect sensitive species. Therefore, there is a need to
assess the impacts of ozone on
Critical levels of ozone for plant ecosystem processes (including Open air ozone exposure facility at the
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Bangor
species have been defined plant and soil processes) and
based on the uptake of ozone services (including carbon
by leaves rather than based sequestration, biodiversity, food
on the ozone concentration in and timber production) in field- warming, increased drought,
the air. The uptake of ozone by scale ozone exposure systems. elevated carbon dioxide), taking
vegetation through the leaf pores into account the interactions with
is affected by light, temperature, More information is needed
about the impacts of ozone on other pollutants such as nitrogen.
air humidity, soil water availability
and plant development. vegetation in a future climate and To better estimate the costs of
in interaction with other pollutants. ozone pollution on vegetation,
Methods have been developed there is a need to further develop
to quantify ozone impacts on Hence there is a need to study
impacts of ozone on ecosystems and improve methods to value
timber production, carbon (in monetary and non-monetary
sequestration and in simulated future climates (e.g.
terms) impacts of ozone on
livestock yield (via feed ecosystems and the services
production), allowing they provide. This will improve
economic implications cost-benefit analyses of control
to be assessed. measures put in place to reduce
A smart-phone ozone pollution.
application has been Considering that ozone is a global
developed to record pollutant, control measures to
and map incidences reduce ozone pollution need to be
of ozone leaf damage implemented world-wide.
across the globe.

App for recording ozone injury on vegetation

The Ozone Challenge

Ozone is formed in the lower atmosphere by the action of sunlight on nitrogen
dioxide (NO2), which is naturally present from lightning, biomass burning Other Fact sheets
and soil emissions; man-made contributions to NO2 from burning fossil fuels in the series:
dominate in developed regions. Ozone formation is accelerated by the presence „„Ozone monitoring
of organic gases, both biogenic and man-made. Ozone is toxic to plants,
animals and humans; toxic concentrations are found in polluted air, downwind „„ Ozone modelling
of NO2 sources and especially in strong sunlight. Ozone is removed from the „„ Health effects
atmosphere by deposition to plants, and also by reaction with nitric oxide (NO) of ozone
to form NO2.
„„ Agricultural and
Further information and contact details: crop-effects of ozone

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