DIT Past Paper 19,20 & 21

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ONE YEAR DIPLOMA IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2% SEMESTER BATCH (Mar - Aug) EXAMINATION 2020 SUBJECT: CORE HARDWARE & PC MAINTENANCE (A+) @ SINDH BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION KARACHI Section “B” & “C” Hours Max. Marks: 60, Section : B (Short Questions & Answers) Max. Marks: 20 Q.No. 2:Attempt any four question for the following. All question carry equal Marks 1. Write the main functions of an operating system? Brief any two of them in detail, 2. What is the difference between GUI and command ~ driven operating system? Write down the configuration of straight cable in networking. 3. What is Bus? What are the function of External Bus, 4. Describe the working principle for optical disk drives? How they read & write data on optical disk like CDs and DVDs. 5: Define fragmentation 6. Define types of connectors use for networking, Section: C Wescriptive Questions & Answers) Mi Q.3: Attempt any two (2) questions from the following. All questions carry equal marks, 1, _ Write two points of difference between ISA and PCI expansion slots, 2. What are CPU Registers? Give at least two examples of general purpose and special Purpose registers. 3. What is telecommunication? Define wired and wireless media. b) What are advantages of using fiber optic cables over using twisted pair and coaxial cables? = 4. What is Topology? What are the basic Topologies? SINDH BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION KARACHI ONE YEAR DIPLOMA IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2%” SEMESTER BATCH (Mar - Aug) EXAMINATION 2020, SUBJECT: Data Base & Information System (SQL Server) Section “B” & “C™ Time: 2:20 Hours ‘(Short Questions & Answers) Q.No. 2:Attempt any four question for the following . All question carry equal Marks 1. Discuss SQL Logical Operators, 2, What are Heap tables in MySQL? . 3, In Ms-Access, between different data's what are the types of relationship can be formed? 4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using MySQL? 3. What do DDL, DML, and DCL stand for? 6. What is Network and its Topologies. Section: € {Descriptive Question & Answers) Marks: 40 ‘QNo. 3. Attempt ant two (02) Question for the following, All questions carry equal marks, 1, (@) What are the Types of Database? Explain each? (b) What are the techiieal features of MySQL? 2. (a) What are the 6 major components of Ms-Access? Explain each? (b) Discuss any Five (5) SQL Conversion Function with Purpose? 3. (@) What are the Queries and their types? (©) What is Backup and Recovery Operations? And why its important? 4. Write down the query of the following. 8) Display the deptno, from EMP table eliminating duplicate rows. b) To display all ename, job, Deptno whose ename length is less than 10 characters. ©) To Join to tables fields ename, job, ftom EMP table and Deptno, Dname from DEPT. 4) Display ename, job, sal from emp table whose job match with “Salesman” or “Manager” ‘and sal must be greater than 15000. ©) To pick and display “1ST™ from the string “PAKISTAN”, ONE YEAR DIPLOMA IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SINDH BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION KARACHI ® 28D SEMESTER BATCH (Mar - Aug) EXAMINATION 2020 SUBJECT: DATA COMMUNICATION & NETWORKING SECTION-B & C ‘Time: 2:20 Hours ‘Maximum Marks: 60 “Be (Short Answer Questions) ‘Max. Marks: 20 Q2. Attempt any four questions from the following. All questions carry equal marks, 1, Write down cross cable configuration side A & side B? 2. Explain network Tobologies? BUS topology, Star topology and, Ring topology’? 3. Explain types of Networks? 4. What is difference between Half Duplex & Full Duplex? 5. Describe types of Modes of Communication? 6. Describe Protocol? SECTION-C (DESCRIPTIVE ANSWER QUESTIONS) _Maximum Marks: 40 Se Q3. Attempt any four questions from the following, All questions carry equal marks. |. Explain NIC, HUB, Switches, router, gateway. 2. Write down classes of IP address & IP address ranges? . Explain analog data communication and digital data communication? Explain transmission media with types. 5. Differentiate between straight & cross cable. SINDH BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION KARACHI ONE YEAR DIPLOMA IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1°" SEMESTER BATCH(Sept-Feb) EXAMINATION 2019-20 SUBJECT: C-PROGRAMMING SECTION “BY & “C” ‘TIME: 2.20 HOURS MAX. MARKS: 60, ‘SECTION “B” (Short Answer Questions) “Max. Marks: 20 Q2 Attempt any Four(4) question for the following. All question carry equal Marks 1. Describe any five Logical operators. 2, State any four Features of C language. V3, Differentiate while and do while loops 4. Write the syntax of Defining a function in C. \S. Differentiate between overloading and overriding in tdanguage. V6. Define Strueture in C language. SECTION: C (DESCRIPTIVE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS) ‘Marks: 40 Q3: Attempt any Two(2) question for the following. All question carry equal Marks a (@) Define Data Types in C & niime the four basic data type according to their size & domain (b) Disferentiate while imi doswhile Loops. 2) (@) Define functions. ‘ite PDF and UDF? (b) What are Keywords in GP Write any 10 keywords, (3) (a) Write a program to'prft al PRIME NUMBERS upto 300 by using nested loops, (o)Weitea ich show the string (PAKISTAN) as follow PAKIST PAKISTA PAKIST PAKS PAK PAK PA P (4) Define the folowing functions with example. strep) putel)—stremp()— strlen) delayi) Setcolor() setbkcolor () fwrite() fread) felose() DIPLOMA IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1 SEMESTER (Sept-Feb) EXAMINATION 2019-20 ‘SUBJECT: OFFICE AUTOMATION (Word, Excel, Power point & internet) Section “B& C ‘TIME: 2:20 Hours MAX.MARKS: 60 0 SINDH BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION KARACHI SECTION“ BY (SHORT ANSWER’S QUESTIONS) ‘MAX. MARKS 20 QNo2: Attempt any four (04) questions from the following, All question carry equal marks. A. Explain how you can add auto shapes ina document? 2. Differentiate between protcct sheet & protect workbook in MS Excel? YS. Define Web Browser? What are the diferent Browser! salable? 4. Deseribe the advantages of E-mail? Top $ websites which provide email? ‘5. Specify the order of operations used for evaluating formulas in Excel {6 In MS-Fxee! 2003 and 2007 Maximumgtiow nny rows, columns and shet ean be define? SECTION “Cc” MARKS: 40 ‘QNNo3: Attempt any two (02) questiods forthe following, All question earry equal marks. 1, Wit are the bul by fanetionsin MS Exes? Define Built-in function and expla the allowing @ suMiFs —GilPCOUNTIFS Gi) REPET GvPMT ()DAYS360—_ (vi) HYPERLINK 2. Write down steps to create presentation by design template? Explain different views of MS Power Point? 3. What are the advantages of Microsoft for small business? ONE YEAR DIPLOMA IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1" SEMESTER BATCH (Sept - Feb) EXAMINATION 2019-20 SUBJECT: OPERATING SYSTEM ] SECTION B&C @ SINDH BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION KARACHI ‘Time: 2:20 Hours Seetion (Short Questions and Answers) Q.No2: Attempt any four (4) questions for the following. All question earry equal mark V1, Desetibe the objective of muhiprogramming, ~ ~2, How are server systems classified? * XS. Define asymmetric clustering? ~) 7 LZ) A Describe RR scheduling algorithm? 5 3 5, What are necessary conditions which ean lead ta deqdlock situation ina system? Se ‘What isthe basic function of paging? x . SECTION:C vt rer. Marks: 40, ie Q.NO:3 Attempt any Two (2) questions for the following. All question carry equal marks, (1) (a) How t8access the computer management console? * (b) Define monitoring events logs? < N= (2) (@) _ Explain use of Task manager to monitor system resources?” (b) What is an application server software. » (3) (@) write the role of ISA server 2000 in the network environment? ~~ (b) Write five steps of troubleshooting. Describe functions of each layer of Networking model? a @ (b) How to sct permissions on ISA objects? ~ SINDH BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION KARACHI. Ht DIPLOMA IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1 SEMESTER (Sept- Feb) EXAMINATION 2019-20 SUBJECT: WEB DESIGNING. GET ‘Section "B & C” (Objective) ‘Time: 2:20 Hours MAX. MARKS: 60 SECTION: B (SHORT QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS) ‘Marks: 20 ‘O.No2:_ Attempt any Four (0) question fr the following, Al question carry etal Mark, MA Briefly define (any three) (3): (@) Internet, private Network and public network. (©) Web pages, web browsers and web servers. © HTML wa css? (@) Whats responsible meb pages? a 0 (6) Define HTML, code to insert a P. Teen ta Wiese an i cing NM ie ee 4, Bsplain about HTML, CSS, lava cpt idecripsing and PHP as server side scripting. fs. Wit soe in HTML to crete the el (shor wy eK BALOCHISTAN 5, Write «complete PHP codéip collet to «datshase 6 Write complete PHB code #9 cocnest to database, where host name is “Joeal host” database mars is “Master” user fame is 9" and password is" abc 123” — Section: C ESCRIPTIVE, QUESTIONS & ANSWERS) MAX Marks: 40, Cin Aap ay Ft cots yo leg Agent cog Da. 1 Win rat oa tre gin sa eps Bes ik ere ata ff 2 Write java seripting code to change capting of Browser tile * Welcome”. 3. Write a PHP code generate display number from 1 to 10 in browser. 4, Write acode to establish data base connection with My SQL from PHP. SINDH BOARD OF TECHCHNICAL EDUCATION KARACHI ONE YEAR DIPLOMA IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1 SEMESTER (Mar - Aug) EXAMINATION 2021 Section “A” (Objective) INSTRUCTIONS: ‘TIME: 40 MINUTES > Attempt all questions, MAX.MARKS: 40 > All questions carry equal marks. > Question paper must be return back to invigtlator with in schedule time. (Q.NOA. a) Fill in the blanks: 1 In data type occupies bytes. ave isa jn C language. 3. Amy index starts from 4.000 is used for 5. isa/an operator. 6M while” isa in C Language. 7."&& isa/an operator. 8. this in __ operator. 9, Syntax of Multi 10, Switch isa Statement .e comment is 11, Precise sequence of steps to solve a probes called 12.°%" this is called in € Language. 13, Computer understands only janguage. 14, Precise sequence of steps to solve a problems called 15.__is me to clear the soreen in C Language. Q.No.l (by: Encirele “I” True and “F" for False: 1. The max range ofint 531888558. — ar) 2. Clanguage isnot eResensitive ve) 3. Tisalogieal Operator ar 4. “P'semigpion is wed to terminate the statement. (re) 5. Cis ste programming language ~———- oR) 6. There are three types of Loops in € Language me 7. Do While loop is available in C language ar Cont: Page 2 8, The calloc() memory allocation function modifies the previous allocated space_(T)(F) 9, ‘The “Break” statement is used to terminate the control from the loop. Om) 10. “+4%is an increment operator -eene=--——eeee——— ar) i used to terminate the funetion declaration (Fy 12. Char string: is valid variable name. am © 13. C language can be used for System Programming. ar) 14. Case sensitive means any alphabet in small leter is different from its capital letter (T)(F) 15. “int num!" is not a valid variable name. — —— (Tf) ‘QNo.1 (c): Multiple choice questions, 1. Which of the following can be float data type values a) 899 b) 9696845 ©) “valie’, 2. Comect way of declaring char data type variable is 2) char abe by char abe="G"P c)eharube=sa; 3. Sytam of declaring Array in Cis 2) intare(3] »)intar(3} ©) ina 4. B language isthe inital name of language, a)B ye oc 5. nC language there are typedef loops 92 »)3 o4 ‘6, Which of the following header file contain string related functions. a) char bystringsh charstring.h 7. Sytanx of declaring ArrayinC is 2) intare (3) bp intars(3] ©) intan 8. Syntax for loading head : 2) #inehude) Sinciude ¢) Sinelude 9. C language is developed by Labs 2) Kalvin Labs b) Bell Labs c) Microsoft labs 10, Which of the following is corect code of single line comment. «)\eomments b)\* comments")? Comments Signature of Candidate ‘Seal of Examination Centre ‘Signature of invigilator SINDH BOARD OF TECHCHNICAL EDUCATION KARACHL DIPLOMA IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1% SEMESTER (Mar - Aug) EXAMINATION 2021 Section “B& C” MAX.MARKS: 60 sacyON a (SHOKT ANEWERPS QUESTION TYPE) MAX MARKS Q.No2: Attempt any Five (05) questions for the following, All question carry equal marks. Discuss AND & OR Operators in C language? 2, Define Decision Making and its strcture? 3. What isthe purpose of printf & scant? 4. Define Array & also its syntax? 5. Discuss logical operators? 6. What is Structure define it? "7. Define Interpreter & Compiler 8, Discuss User Defined Functions? SECTION “C” (DESCRIPTIVE TYPE) MARKS: 40 Attempt any two (02) questions for'the following, All question earry equal marks. 1. (@): Define stlen() and stringepy() with program example. (b): Define header file in'detil, 2 (@): Define Joop and itstypes with program example. (by: Write a note Om program Life Development Cycle. 3. Define the following header files. @Suion YG) String (i) Mah Gv) conic 4. (@): Briefly Explain Increment & Decrement Operators with program example? (b): Write a short history of € language. ss0The Ende 1 SEMESTER (Mar - Aug) EXAMINATION 2021 SUBJECT: INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Section “A* (Objective) INSTRUCTIONS: ‘res > Attempt all questions, > All questions carry equal marks, > Question paper must be return back to invigilator with in schedule time. Q.NO1. a) Fill in the blanks, +1. The. is the program that manages the hardware of the computer system, including ‘the CPU, memory, storage devices, and inpuvoutput devices 2.__sq.__software helps vou camry out tasks, such as typing a document or creating a spreadsheet 3. (Physical parts of computer is known as 4. The base of Octal Number system is s. 6 the fastest and most expensive computer ‘A computer gathers data, processes it, outputs the data of formation, and the data or information, Aset of rules that govems data communication is known as 8, Communication between a computer and a keyboard inyolves_ 9, The binary language consists of two digits and 10,_is the set of computer insteetions'wr programs that enables the hardware t perform different asks. TL HITTP stands for 12. Binary number system has Base 13, When you connect to the Intervet service provider (ISP) S.__. your computer is communicating with a server at your 4 is tbe foiens@'val attempts to ereete machines thet will emulate the human thought process 15, A process known as _ tracks trends and allows retailers to respond to consumer ‘buying pattems, (b) Encirele “I for True and “F* for Fal 1. Digital camera is input device used to take photographs 2. FAX stands for First Away Xerox 3. WPA stands for Wired Protected! Access 4. Windowr server isa Server Operating System 5. Whaling / Whaling ack isa kind of phishing atacks that target senior executives and othe high Profile to access valuable information, 6. Freeware is software that is available for use at no monetary cost. 7. 196 Internet Brotocol address is represented as eight groups of four Octal digits. 8. The hexadecimal number system contains digits fram I-15. 9 10. , 2. 18 14 18. Router and Switeh are same. MAC address is of 48 bits. In Wireless Ad-hoe network access point s mat required. ‘To tice orto cheek a network connectivity we ean use PING Physical address of two device can be same. (Octal number system contains digits from 0-7 MS Word isa hardware ‘(© Mutiple Choice Questions. L 10, Which of the following is correct Hexa Decimal Number. A) ATO 478, G7 Computer understands only language 2) Mecsine Language b) High Level Language ©) English Getting instructions from the user is known as ke 2) Oust | 1) Input Storage “The aumber of layers in ISO OST reference mydel as 7 rin Coomassie ence foci gw olo bai bocdie si 1) Motherboard Hallboand ©) Father Board (167238 a ni 2) Octal By Hexa ©) Binary ‘TCPAP model was developed “Sy the OSI model ayafter ultaneons to €) prior to Printer isthe _¢ ype of ouput. a) softeopy ») Hard copy ©) Audio, Which ofthe following is an operating system. Linux b) Adobe Photostop ©) Media Player converts a program code into machine code 1) Word Processor) Compiler ©)C Language Seal of Examination Centre SINDH BOARD OF TECHCHNICAL EDUCATION KARACHI. DIPLOMA IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1 SEMESTER (Mar - Aug) EXAMINATION 2021 TECHNOLOGY | Section “B& C” MAX.MARKS: 60 SECTION «BY (SHORT ANSWER'S QUESTION TYPE) MAX. MARKS 20 Q.No2: Attempt any four (04) questions for the following, AML question carry equal marks. |. Differentiate between, CD and DVD 2. Differentiate between First & Second Gens CoPRputer 3. Define any two input devices and output devies Wh examples 4. Difference between Hard copy and Soft copy. 5. Define web Browser. (6, What are the advantages of C rks? SECTION *C* (a): Brief CPU Yor computer with the help of Diagram, (8) Difference between Hardware & Software 3. Distinguish berwoen any wo ofthe following, 1. Maingiame and mini computer 2 System Software snd Application Sofware 3. Compilers and Interpreters 4 RAMA ROM Perform the following arithmetic operations as wth directed with solution process 675). 4224, (111001), Gooi0n, (32D)e (B36. (110011), + at001), (7676)8- (0524 DIPLOMA IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1“ SEMESTER (Mar - Aug) EXAMINATION 2021 [—“‘SUBIECT: OFFICE AUTOMATION (Word, Exeel, Power point & internet) ——] Section “A” (Objective) INSTRUCTIONS: TIME: 40 MINUTES MAX.MARKS: 40 © SINDH BOARD OF TECHCHNICAL EDUCATION KARACHI, > Attempt all questions. > All questions carry equal marks, > Question paper must be return back to invigilator with in schedule time. ‘Q.NOAL. a) Multiple Choice Questio | The miiroumn zoom pereentage in Ms Power Poiat is 100% ——(&) 200% (©)300% (a) 400% 2, Where footnotes appear in « document, 2) End of heading (O) mone (end o (@ bottom of a page 3. Color and patiem used to fill closed shape is called. a) Shape (b) word Art_() Fill Back (4) Sill sy 4. Which item is printed atthe botion of each page. iapareenrtcate an EN ee ee Foe eS Gee» ie 4 Matcha eters ee mauneadl a) Text line (b) (©) Text wrapping (@) Text Align nce een ace ee a a ae ee a) None (b) both C and D- (0) footer (d) Header Se tiem PET een aee tT sm aay 17. The space left between the margin and the start of a paragraph is called! Cont: Page 2 18, To apply ceeter alignmen’ toa paragraph we can press: a) Cul E Wculs @CaA @euc 19. The process of removing unwanted part of 1 ivage is called “a) Cropping —-—(@) Bordering (©) Cuting (@) Deleting 20, in which view headers and footers are visible 4) Print Layout (b) Page layout view (e) Draft view (@) Nowmal view QNO.1 (by Fill inthe Blan. (MARKS 10) ‘Wecan apply page brea with in paragraphs by wing, _shogeuthey Ta delete the selected text press ‘ {include the selected text inthe index of thaycu! 1 2 3 4, To see the document before the printout is taken, use 5 5. Portait and Landseage are the 6 key is uso to delete characters to the lef of thecursor? 7. Tosce the document before the printout is take, 0 8 file are contents readymade styles What can be used for a word document 9, Word processing software allows to ith 2 miniroum of effort. 10. A spelling checker is also called QNO. 1 (C) Encirele #1” for Tene a (MARKS 10) 1, =rand Q is a valid fimetion in (TYP) 2, BS*VLI"is a valid sizeof, * ATV) 3, To.use click and type yougigh Shia blank area ofthe document window-———————-—-(T)(F) 4, CTRRL+BCTRE+] ae all shortcut keys for formaiting paragraphs TE) ‘5. bibliography lists all pubfeation information sbout the source 6. A. manual page break is also known asa sot page break: 7. From within word, you can search through various forms of reference information 8, Acconling to the MLA styl, the first Line ofeach entry on the works cited page begins atthe lft 9, By default, your documents print in print view mode 10, You ean detect spelling and grammar err by shift + F7 Signature of Candidate SINDH BOARD OF TECHCHNICAL EDUCATION KARACHI. DIPLOMA IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1* SEMESTER (Mar - Aug) EXAMINATION 2021 [SUBIECT: OFFICE AUTOMATION (Word, Excel, Power point & internet Seotion "B& C” ‘TIME: 2:40 Hours MAX.MARKS: 601 SECTION B” {SHORT ANSWER'S QUESTION TYPE) MAX. MARKS 20 QuNo2: Attempt any four (04) questions for the following. All queétion carry equal marks 1. Wate the Advantages of MS Office? 2. Why we thems vans in Ms Bot Poa? Q 2: Deemed nein Wor? 4. Differentiate between iter and Advance ey 5, What is a URL? Define word wide web. (6. ‘What are the advantages of subiota ee SECTION *C* Q.No3: Attemptany two (02) qi 1. Explain Data validtion, consolidate & Goal seek in Ms Excel? 2, What isthe differen@bberween HIT? and HTTPS and FTP? 3. What is plagiarism in computer seience? 44, What are the ways to calculate sum in Ms-Exeal. Also Explain conditional sum and its application through Example, SLND BUAKY UF LEUILNICAL BUULALIUN BAKAULHL ‘ONE YEAR DIPLOMA IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1% SEMESTER BATCH (March - Aug EXAMINATION 201 SUBJECT: OPERATING SYSTEM SECTION A, "Tene AM INSTRUCTIONS: ee a, > Attempt all questions > Allquestions carry equal marks. > Question paper must be return hack to invigilator with in scheduled ime, Q.Ne (3) Flin the blanks jie oper system ace systems that respon to iat immediatly. 2 operating system is the system that allow two or mre than user on different computers. orang sy ” m 3 iste ability ofan operating system to execute the diffrent pars ofthe program, “4. When job is loaded into memory and it s ready for execution then ti calle 5. The allocation of CPU time to different jobs to be processed onthe compute is called 6 cable user divide a physical disklito scetion \sone of smal et of data holding pace tht ar pat of the computer processor, BA ‘may hold an instruction, storage adres or any Kind of data. 9 ‘converts the source code wrttn high-level language into machine code ‘ps sued wo transfer data Berween digs, 11, Allows sage wor to work on two or mare application that reside in memory at same time is called : 12. Sra program hat els operating system Bow to comsmnicte witha devices called __. 13. tbl of information tat opera Water uss i cate les ona disk sealed 14, System software tha perfoms a spi taki ales 15. operating system manage le includes & program caled 16, Prevents unauborzed Rees opograms and data hy meaning of 17.4 signal that tthe attention BF CPU I called 18, You cen ete & Conitysilein DOS by coding erst 19, Nest perting te rns on 20.Jn Ms- Widow you ca vst is DOS hy wing command (04 (0) Mark True and Fakes 1) When thle save he operating system saves on 2) The wer inert is the pint of buman-compute interaction. ry 3) The operating syste ues iliy programs fr maintenance and epi. wie, 44) ‘There are Five (05) types of system software _ a7 '5) Windows application architecture allows the operating system to run multiple 6) applications a the same time, ‘ am 7) FAT is the standard filesystem of Windows 2000, an 8) Each task runing under Windows isnot capable of running multi threads. (T'/F) 9) "The purpose of a computer language translator isto translate source code 10) zeros and ones. rey 11) na iiitiprogramming and multitasking environment all programs use the CPU 12)af the same tine ae) 13) We genifally write programs using Low-Level-Language, ney Q.1 (¢) Multiple Choice Questions: 1. A-unique value tat identifies the process tothe operating system i called. {@) Process Db) Memory Address) Bus _d) Register 2. The total amount of time all threads inthe process have eecull (@) Run Time) Process Time ©) Execution Time) None of These BOA alloys many users to share the computer rescanes simultaneously. (@) Time Shating b) Real Time Sharing ¢) Processing d) None of these" 4, The software in such a way’so that it ean eontfOland work with computer hardware is called. (a) System Software 4) Utility ©) Appligation Software 4) Program 5. ____is the volatile computer mermd8y'Which is very nearest to the CPU. a)ROM b)RAM —_) Cache’ 4) Register 6 Inthe system will cheek all the hasdwarc’s and software's those ae installed or attached with the System and this Wil so load all the Files those ire needed for running a system. (@ Booting _—) Configuring) Loading 4) Scheduling 7. The main memory acedimmodate® acPu b) User Processes) Operating System d) All of the mentioned 8. What isthe maximufflength ofthe filename in DOS? @ 5 ys 92 6 9, The size of inal memorY is based on which of the following? @ ceu RAM ©) Address Bus) Data Bus 10, Which ofthe following is group of programs?” Paint 6) Ms-Word ©) Accessories d) None ofthese INU HUARD UF 1ELHINICAL EULA SION RARACII Te cre reoxrenearauerooeuizcrecaocony I SEMESTER BATCH (March - August) EXAMINATION 2021 SUBJECT: OPERATING SYSTEM. SECTION B & C Time: 2:20 hours MAX.MARKS: Section B: (Short questions and answers) Marks: 20 Q.No 2: Attempt any Four (04) questions for the following. All question carry equal marks. 1. What are the features of System Software. 2. Diference between Internal and Extemal Commands in DOS, 3. How Virus disturbed your System and Files 5, What isthe zole of BIOS during booting? 6. Write down the Five (04) E ternal Commands and its Purposes. SECTION:C DESCRIPTIVE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Marks: 40 QNO:3_Attempt any Two (2) questions for the following, All question carry equal marks. 1 (@ What are the core functions of an Operating System. (6) What are the types of Operating Systems. 2. (a) How Operating System tan be Classify? (b) Define Utility Programs and its features. 3. (@) What do you understand by term “Disk Repair” an when itis needed. (b) What is data Comipressiof and when itis needed, (a) What type of operating systems used for large systems, Explain with examples. (b) What ate the features of operating systems used for Mobile Phones. Define some important features: see END | SINDH BOARD OF TECHCHNICAL EDUCATION KARACHI, DIPLOMA IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 4°" SEMESTER (March - August) EXAMINATION 2021 SUBIR ‘WEB DESIGNING AND DEVELOPMENT (HTML, CSS, PHP) Section “A (Objective) INSTRUCTIONS: ‘TM: ao RANUTES MAX.MaRES: 40 Attempt all questions. “All questions carry equal marks. > Question paper must be return back to invigiator within scheduled tine. ‘Q.NOA. a) Flin the blanks. 1. protocol sa oplisition layer protcco inthe internet provetoco suite model for distributed collaborative, hypermedia information systems. 2, _____ isthe standard aarkup language for doesent to be displayed in a Browser. 24 ema iewing web pages. 4. tna syle sheet language used for deseribingte penton of document waten in arash language such as HTML, 8 Weenie miso a inv ne wh tag in HTML, 6 righ aes SR LS / 7, Wese commonly ran 8 is sed to insert comments 9, Weite any tres input tye use in Form Tag i 3 10. 8S can be added to HTML 6 ae as 11. We ean insert Java Serip thos 12. All global binaeaiee send =e automatically become members ofthe _ object. 13. ASP and PHP are the ____ side senting {41a PHP we use statement for output 1S. PHP sorpts ae 16. We mark inser and_____ tag nen for insering PHP srg. 17. To pet dae aa tine from server we use _ functions in PHP. 18,____ is free and opensoureeerose-patform web server solution stack package developed by apache 19, web design is about creating web pages that look good om all devices 120. MySQL. is____souree relational datahese management system. (bs Following are the abbreviations of: 1}, DHTML, 2. ree 3. css 4. EP 3. DOM 5 a 8 PHP. sQh — XAMPP 9. URL 10. RGB cont Page QNO: 1(@): Encirele “1” for TRUE & *F* for FALSE: 1 HIM isatext Markup Language: me 2.” Jeva Serptis used fr client side serpting?. me 3. PHP is used for server side scripting —— — ce) 4. Google chrome and Firefox are web served me) HIP and FTP are the par of TCPAP protocol oe (Cal spacing and cell pading are the i table tg. me 7. ePxteral CSS file extension sees cory 8 Extention of PHP filo i PAP. ee 9. MySQL isa pete Hicesed database me) aysie TAF) Signature of candidate | Sienature of tevilator i] DIPLOMA IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2 SEMESTER (Mar - Aug) EXAMINATION 2021 Subject: Core Hardware & PC Maintenance (A+) SECTION A (Objectives) Instructions: Tse «NTS "atom questions. Max MARS > “All quetion cory morks as mention apt eck gustin. > “Question paper mus be reurn bak io igor within sched te Q. Nout (a) Fill in the blanks with appropriate. MARKS: 20 1) One GB is equivatent MB. 2) Acollestion of wines connecting the CPU with mein memeyy thai usc to identify the particular locaton is us 3) Oneetock eye per second is 4) Speedof Laser Printer is measured in 5) CMOS stands for 6) Mobile (SIM) is an aerony of 7) The action of ereatng tracks & sectors inealled 8) Xecon is ~ ~/ =) : 9) Laser printer is en example of types of printer, 10) DVD isan acronym of. 1) PCT has a bus width of 12) The action ofcreaing 13) BNC stands for 14) Thespest ot 15) bits is eallod ich isthe nit of. is alo caled voile memory. 16) Asmall within the range of a smal building or campus is called 1 ‘einer olds address of not instruction to be exceed by provesor. 18) The ful form of PnP is, ; * 19) Full dupler se vay data ansmission mechanism. 20) The chip contains basic informatio about your computer. ‘No.l (b) Encirele “T™ for True & “F” for False. ‘Marks: 10 1. DOS isan example of multi user Operating system. 2. Printers a device that converts hardcopy to soft copy 3. LED stands for light emitting diode ————-—- 4, Registers ae faster and smaller type of memory than cache memory: 5. Pavty biti an extra it stored in RAM that is used to check for erors when the datas rend back. 6. UPS stands for Uninterrupted Power Systern 7, The data transfer rate for USB 2.0 is 480Mbs? ——~ 8. COMI commonly use IRQ4?. 9, Decimal equivalent of binary number 100 is x-men 10, CMOS RAM is a Component of PC which maintains data and time, --—— Q.No.1 (c) Multiple choice questions (M(CQs). Tick the correct answers. Marks: 10 1. The hardwaze device commonly refered to a the “brain” ofthe computer : (@) sevondary storage (6) CPU {data 2. Information travels beoween components on the miothe:boakl through (@) Flash memory (6) CMOS (Bs (@ Buses 3. A__isused to read handwritten or printed text to ue a digital image that is stored in memory. (@)Touchpad ——(&) Laserbeam (©) Prinigr (@ Scanner 4 recs agene sence OOI @ROMBIOS —@)CPU Configsys (4) Boon 5. How many pins does « SIMM: @s0 wy (300172 @ 88 6. What type of connector it (@RAM chip juga telephone line into a modem? wcomt \ (ones ons Jn ace cosest (ven (a) see VO 6. Had Disk, DVD, CD-ROM ae be exampe ofa ype of Men? i (oP Sommer ePatema Case aly 9. Which IRQ does the disk controler omonly se? @u 1 2 @u 10, The proto! ued in E-Mail server rr (sare (sun (aPors Seal of Examination Centre Signature of Candidate Signature of invigilator ONE YEAR DIPLOMA IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY eo SINDH BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION KARACHI 2" SEMESTER BATCH (Mar - Aug) EXAMINATION 2021 SUBJECT: _ CORE HARDWARE & PC MAINTENANCE (A+) ‘Time: 2:20 Hours SECTION B& C MAX.MARKS: 60 mans (ier Qe nk Ane, Mork 30 — 1 Wath tne bee Wn 2 is eatine 9 vont DDR Ww? 4. Write the componens of: 5. Whats mean by parallel tion? 6. What s topology and’ No.3 Attempt any festions forthe following. AI question carry equal marks. 1 @ rive partitioning. (b) Des Ssoctors and cylinders of hard disk drive, 2 (®) Why every computer needs an operating system? (©) Write the main functions of an operating system and describe in your Sim words. 3 What are advantages of using fiber optic cables over using twisted pair and coaxial cables? 4. Differentiate any two (2) ofthe following. : Internal & External DOS Commands. i) CRT Moaitors and LCD Monitors ili) Impact & Non-impact Printers iv) Laptops verses Mobile Technologies (20) Roll No. Scipt No SINDH BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION KARACHI ‘DIPLOMA IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2st SEMESTER BATCH (Mar- Aug) EXAMINATION 2021 : ‘Subject: DATABASE ( MS- Access & SQL: Trstrastoas Section A ——_— Attempt all questions: “Time: 40 Minutes > All questions carry equal marks ‘Max Marks 40 > Question paper must be return back to invgilator within scheduled time TILL INTHE BLANKS ‘Maximum Marie 10 1. The dofelt SQL time format i, 2. Youcan communicate with RDBMS by using. age. 3. An___ ie define a perso, place ox thing. i eee Q 5. Disnet suppresses + 6 tives selected columns 7 Executing SQL statement place & Ne end ofte las clause, 8. In SOL column heoding for Data ant te default jostification is, 9. Resiie the row sretumed by 10, Usethe__ values ina ist. 11, Select wk 45,923,-0: a) . 12. SQL function, ROUND gS.jyl2021" MONTH" result wil! be B, Pro your dalabase agains: daa loss and reconstruc he data, should los occur, 14. DOL isashon of * 15, The first type of asi sql queries fe sol. a 1 () nsece “T* for Trad P™for false: ~ 1, The primary key generally cannot be changed. 2, Ne Duplicate values ar allowed in a primary key 3. Inolientserver envionment a wide rmge of computing resources canbe used 4. Tabs and indents can be used to make code more readablo———~ 5. MySQL is open sourse sffware—- 6 In SOL clauses are usualy placed on separate lines ~ 1 8 9. ‘SQL statements cannot be on one of more lines 1m SOL multipicetion and division take priority ove Adon and Subwrstion-— (TWF) Prompt mysql> means ready for new qucry ssc oe 10, A privilege is permission to access a named object in a preseribed manner (T(E) 1, Torimport a database dump means to estore data from such a file toa destination database-~ CIY(E) 12, Ms Access isa database managemen tool 13. Calculated fields were frst introduced in Ms Access 2010 version ———~- 14. In Ms-Access Text and memo folds have variable field value sizes —- 15. Use to store a hypectnk, such as an e-mail address or a Wob site URL ————~ 0.1 (e) Multiple Choice Questions: 1, Ms Access which field type can store photo: 2) Hyperlink —B)Oldobjece a) B ‘none of these 2. In Mysql prompt waiting tor next oe o> be } n> 3. In MySql street fo find out whet databases curently Exist onthe serve: 2) show by view ) wie ) disp ‘4. To-verify that your table wis created Dyer fest, we statement. 8) describe dese 3 elit update 5 ‘ances gre sraaineaehtee eo? an OF: (rs (ors 6, ToDDeletetherabe in is used? 9) drop ) e)orase (@) opp 7. Clause can bo used ta sort in ascending and descending onder. 9) Asc ESC (sort ( ORDER BY 8. In Ms-Access wi lowing option erates a Dropdown list of values 8) Ole object (Hyperlink ——_(@) Memo (@) Mookup wizard 9. In SQL fomction soaves frst et of each word to upper and emining eters Lowercase. 8) Upper yinstr (©) initesp (@eaps - 10. Prefix the column name wih the table name when the same columa name appears is'more then one table? 3) join on @uonr (@ ConcaT Sieresectniaitor | SINDH BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION KARACHI DIPLOMA IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 21 SEMESTER BATCH (Mar Aug) EXAMINATION 2021 Subject: DATABASE (MS- Access & SQL 7 MySQL) ‘Time: 2 Hours & 20 Minutes MAX. Marks 60 Section B (Short Questions and Answers) Marks: 20 Q2: Attempt any Four (4) questions for the following. All questions carry equal marks. 1 2, 3 Sma bees niacin QD ‘What is meant by RECOVERY in dazabase? Define Template and forms in Ms-Access, N/ ‘Wha is diffrence between SOI. end = Section: C ‘Descriptive Question & Answers) Marks: 40 1 QNo. 3. Attempt ant two (02) Ques following, All questions carry equal marks. (a) What are the com ational Model? Explain eacs. (b) Discuss the pre al database, (a) Deseribe the types of BACKUPS? Define characteristics of each? (b) What are the some causes of failures database where we plan BACKUS? (a) What are the characteristie of Single Row Functions? a (b) What are the different types of queries in SQL? s ‘Write down the query of the following. 5 (@) To display all ename, Job Sal from emp table whose job match with SALESMAN/PRESIDENT ‘But sl must be > 1500 (©) Remove all privileges on EMP table from user “MAS”. (©) Grant the SELECT authority on the EMP table to all users, (@ clsplay ll colurans from table Land table 2, (©) To merge ename with ob from emp table with columa heading “ Emplyee Name”, 1° SEMESTER (Mar - Aug) EXAMINATION 2021 SUBIECT: DATA COMMUNICATION ATION Section “A* (Objective) INSTRUCTIONS: 2 “Te: Manure Ma Manis > Atempt all queens! > All questions carry equal marks, > Question paper must be roturn back to invigilator with n schedale tie. (©2.(a) Hila the blanks. Maris 10 1. TCP sands for. 2 he concep of sherngresoires service and applctons. 3. isthe process of tnatring oc resving dia frome pot 0 ohet 4 teased perwor, reoures are leaton axial sever ox grupo server SIP sands fo. 6 The tight signals ae tmnsmied by cable 7. Acomputer network sa group of computers ISP stands for 9. The ___ layer conta variety of protocol. 10 te be proocl of heer, 8.0 Bac fr Tr 7 fo Pa: Marks 10 ‘Poeriag meas that anton ISP does coder nation ISP to am an 7 ru) om) aor) 7. Virtua pivae networks pom uses to erate ermaent a ‘ortunnes though the Ine. ‘an 8 Dita gums ar comecton-reie nnn on 9. Multiplexing increase the cost of provisioning network iets ry 10, Winess LANs ue Carr Sense Mull Acces with Colson Detection (CSMA/CD) for mei acces contro ory QNOLL. a) Multiple Choice Questions: Line ‘counceton, mote than two devices can share a single link. 2 Point-to-point (by Primary (Multipoint @y Secondary 2, Communication beeen computer and a keyboard involves transmission = Fullduplex (6) Half-duplex (Simplex (@None of these 3. Which topology reguites a central controller oc hub? Star (Mesh (©) Bus (@ Ring 4. The {s te physical path over which « messaye travels. 4 Protocol (6) Medium (© Signal (@) All ofthe above 5, The information to be communicated in adata communications system isthe 2. Medi (©) Protocol (©. Transmission (d). Message 6. Frequency of failure and network reeovery time after a failure are measures ofthe __of a network. Performance (b) Security (Reliability (4) Feasibility 7.1n___ transmission, the channel capacity is shared by both communicating devices at allies. ‘8 Full-duplex _(b) Simplex (©) HalEduplex —_(@). Half Simplex 8. An unauthorized user is a network. issue, Performance (b)Reliability _(¢). Security (@) Allof the above 9. A television broadcast i an example of, transmission, @Halfduplex (6). Fullduples —_(@) Simplex (@ Automatic 10. A cable breakin a topology stops all transmission, 2 Mosh (0) Star (©) Primary SLi 11. The. layer changes bits into electromagnetic a, Physical (©) Transport (None of ve (4) Data ink 12. Mail services ae available to network users throtgh the layer. Datalink (b) Physical (©) Application (@) Transport 13. The layer lies between the network | application layer, 1 Data link (6) Physical (6) Trapsport @None of the above 14, Layer 2 lies between the physical layer layer. Data fink (Wy Network ) Transport (@) None of the above 15, Whats the main funetion of tbe a. Process-o-process deli (6) Nodeto-node delivery ©. Synchronization (@ Updating and maincenance 8¢ routing tables 16. The Internet model consis of. layers a, Three Five (©) Seven (Eight 17. As frequency in period 8, Decreases (b) Mibreuses (6) Remains the same (6) Doubles. 18, ATM stands for a 1. Automated Teller Machine (b) Automatie Teller Machine o Automatic Transfer Mashine (@ Automated Taller Machine 19, Something which has casly understood instructions is said to be 8 Information (b) Icon (© Word processing (d) User friendly 20, Bech computer have alan and some __ 4 Intemet Browsers, Document files () Operating System, Applicaton Programs © Hard Disk, Programming Programs (4) Operating system, Telly Signature of tnvigliator SINDH BOARD OF TECHCHNICAL EDUCATION KARACHI. DIPLOMA IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1 SEMESTER (Mar - Aug) EXAMINATION 2021 MAX.MARKS: 60) SECTION“ B" (SHORT ANSWER’S QUESTION TYPE) MAX. MARKS 40 Q.No2: Attempt any Eight (08) questions for the following. All question carry equal marks, |. What is meant by Data Communication and explain its chagneteristics? * sentation CD —— ‘5. What are the responsibilities of Network ; toe = meee ae oe pists oe vn ae 10, What do you mean by net topology’? SECTION “C” (DESCRIPTIVE TYPE) MARKS: 40 7 Attempt any two (02) questions for the following, AM question carry equal marks. 1. Define computer networks? Diseuss various types of networks topologies in computer network. Also discuss various advantages and disadvaniages of each topology. 2. Explain about the INTERNET history? 3. Explain the following LAN ») MAN ©) WAN ) —ARPANET: 4. Explain OS! reference model with neat diggram @ SINDH BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION KARACHI ‘ONE YEAR DIPLOMA IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2° SEMESTER BATCH (March - Aug) EXAMINATION 2021 ‘SUBJECT: Desktop Publishing (Adobe Photoshop C5, Corel Draw, Inpage) Section “A” (Objectives) TIME 4 Minutes INSTRUCTIONS: MAX: MARKS 49 > Atenpt al qustions Qvestion No.1 is computa 5 Ailgeesors ary eal mara 2% _Quenoe pope mis be bck vigor win ceded ne (Not (@) Fillin the Banks: 4 InCorel Draw we can use __tooLi his way tha slice an object to splitinto two separate objects, 2 Photoshop Lightroom is defined asthe 3. The___in Photoshop refers tothe. the image. 4. InCoretDraw “Text which can apply fects, uch as shadows. ‘5. In CorelDraw shapes, mages, Lines, Text, Curve or SymbolPare called 6. InCorelDmw____ is doit Fountain fi style & i's very wef for shading rectangular shapes to suggest ihting ona lane of 3D object. 7 In CorelDraw by Sill we color in 2 cocical shape, 8 In CoretDeaw, term, by merging multe colors together, 8. CorelDraw by ape Wl, we can draw sibbon objected explosion shape 10. In CorelDraw i imege which composed by grids of pixels n. that opens a group of reuted soos, 12, InCorelDmawisa__ raphe sofware . 13. Holding lows Jou to add as selection in Photoshop. 14. In Adobe he Je colors for foreground and backround ae 15. Blurtoo is 16. Term “Liqufj" in Adbbe Photoshop means a7 Extension refers to as Photahop document 18 InPuwe hotkey increase the sizeof selected font bl 29. InPage software language status/clection option is define on ide on imertace 20. ‘ol in Adobe Photoshop i used for rimming photo object. 2.1 (6) Mark True and False: 1. Cyan, Magenta, Yellow ar the three asic colors in Adabe Photosbop. on 2. JPEG, GIF ace he Raster based forma om 3. There are thre) atgnments Pallet in CoreDeew. an 4, Tem “yout” means ton that opens a group of ated tos on 5. Wecan design logos. posto, visting ards a workom Adobe Photoshop. (TY) 6. Radial fountain fil is useful in shading around object. ary 7, Square fountain fl produces an effect ofa Four-Point Sta-Burst. (TIED 8, Weean use Knife ool for freehand ctting an object, = un 9. Adobe Photoshop files supports 3K by 3K Pixels: wr 10, If you are not working on particular layer, you have Lock that layer so that it should not get affected. airy Q.1 (© Mule Choice Questions: 1. That program, CorelDraw, was initially released in i 1) 1989 by 1992 O19 a) 1985 2 CorelDraw. fs our latest version andi ever ) 2020 2019 ° 2021 3. Weeanused numbers of bitmap images in Corel a4 bs 36 O36 4. In CorelDraw Tool is using create s special coniol point, ) Bezier +) Artistic ) Rectangular 3. Weean draw a Polygon with up to side wich looks very much like star 9 50 500) a6 6 Key creates duplicate, is back to the top and right of the orginal object in Corel. aceic JC None ofthese 7, In Adobe Photoshop to ayer shortout keys wil be se a) Shin+Cu+ 0 ) CHEN e)ShiBHCHEN ©) ShiN+CHrYC 8. In Adobe Photoshop ‘ype of Lasso Tools, a4 03 a1 9. In Adobe (ows you to fx image imperieetions such as scratches, bletaishes ete Healing byBrush 6) Patch 4) Clone Stamp 10, In InPege the reference arc used to change default values for text formating. 1) Transformation) Rendering c) Typographic) Formatting ONE YEAR DIPLOMA IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. 2" SEMESTER BATCH (March ~ Aug) EXAMINATION 2021 SUBJECT: Desktop Publishing (Adobe Photoshop CS, Corel Draw, Inpage) Section “BY and “C> ‘Time: 02:20 Minutes MAX. Marks: 60 0 SINDH BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION KARACHI Section “BY (Short Questions aud Answers) Marks: 20 92) Attempt any Four (1 queton forthe following. AI questions carry equal marks. 1. Whats Arie in Adobe Photoshop. “2, Whatis the meaning of Image Adjustment in Abe P 3, Deine InPage Five (5) smart fetes. 4, Whats Liquefy in Adobe Photoshop? r 1 eee 6. What i the tecnica specitiation. rey oe Jobs? in CorelDraw, Section: C ive Question & Answers) Marks: 40 Q.No3 Attempt any Tw9 2)qbesion for he following, Al question carry equal marks, (a) 1. @) Whats Layee oshop? Why we ereate so many layers in our working, Explain in your own words and concept. ® (6) Adobe Photoshop, in how many formats you can save images. Explain indewal, © © 24@) What isthe use Fountain Fil Too n Corel Draw? What the types of Fountain Fil? Explain each, (©) Wimt are the options availble in nPage Men ba? Bey define. 3a) What rte Five () ere! shapes in CorelDraw? Expl each, (©) Why we recommend CortDe fr rein Logs, ising cal, Magazines and Book te? Explain in your ov word and concep. 44a) What is the use of Lasso Toot? What are the three (3) types of Lasso tools? Explain exch, (6) Difference between Type Tool and Pen Tool ane

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