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Chapter 1: Worm

You might think being a worm is fairly good, being

able to catch prey and dodge predators by digging through
walls and all that, but being a worm like I am is not as
easy as you think. The speed of us worms is slow, so we
have to stay near walls and dirt ground to stay safe and eat
algae of the floor. The time I was there, I whipped out my
information desk and see how many people animals there
is. It says:
Animals: 10000
What?! I thought, just as a Barreleye swam towards me. I
ducked down into the dirt in a nick of time, and the
Barreleye smacked its head into the dirt, stunned. Serves
it right for trying to eat me, I thought. Then, I take the
advantages of it being stunned to eat it all up, leaving only
the bone.
Chapter 2: Crayfish
After the “worm” disaster, I get to evolve into a lamprey
or a crayfish, which was an easy choice for me: a
crayfish. The bad news is that I need to breathe air, and
there’s no air pockets as far as I can see. The good news is
that I can dig by boosting, so all I have to do is to find a
few algae, boost, and then I can breathe. There was some
yummy-looking dam food, but a Beaver was guarding it.
Rats, I thought. Then I realized: I could go onto land,
dodge a few Snakes, and ate the berries there. I’m a
genius, I thought, wolfing down the berries. A Seagull
swoops down, trying to eat me. What’s wrong with
seagulls? I thought, while dodging them. The Seagulls
have made it hard for me to eat any berries. Then, as if
that wasn’t bad enough, some Pelicans swoop down, kills
the Seagulls, and started circling me. They’re even worse
than those Seagulls. Then I spotted some more Crayfish in
the water. In Crayfish language, I say: “Help me, guys!”
They don’t have to be asked a second time. They come
up, and together, fight the Pelicans, and won.
Chapter 3: Jellyfish
Due to the mass of meat, we Crayfish all dive into the
water, evolved into different animals (mostly Jellyfish,
including me) and swam off. Us Jellyfish separated in
groups of twos, and left. Me and another Jellyfish, named
Jack, swam to the ocean, which is our favorite place to
hunt Lampreys and Crabs. It’s also good because I can
hunt for algae and plankton. As me and Jack swim
around, gobbling up algae, we see the Jellyfish’s biggest
fear. No… it couldn’t be! Not one, two, three, but four
Turtles was swimming towards us! “Run! I mean, swim
for your live!” I mouthed, and the two of us swim away.
Jack swims down, because we have a plan. As the Turtles
swim closer, I see something behind the Turtles, and it

looks like the Turtles have spotted it too. Ahuge gang

of Jellyfish swim behind the Turtles, chasing them. I
joined in the battle and in no time, the Turtles are wiped
out. We all got a fair share of the meat. Jack and I thanked
the Jellyfish, and plunge off. Wasn’t life sweet?
we’ve ate
loads of
we’re still
We’ve decided to go to the Arctic to evolve into Little
Auks. We swim there, swallowing as many algae as
possible. When we reached the Arctic, we are ready to
evolve into Little Auks. Jack and I departed, and I flew
into the sky.
Chapter 4: Little Auk
Being a Little Auk has its advantages and disadvantages.
It can fly and dodge predators. The downside is that there
is a little amount of food in the air. Whenever I swoop
down for a bite or two, a predator would try to bite me or
strangle me. I mostly searched for dam food near the
arctic. But that’s where Seals and Penguins hide, so they
might plan a surprise attack. I can swim fast, so
sometimes, I swam down beneath the water to get a bite.
That’s wear I saw the Lion’s Mane Jellyfish. The lucky
part is that it’s low on health, so I hit it. It dies and
produced loads of meat. But I was poisoned, and predator
was near, so I charged straight into the meat 🥩 and took
off 📴 like a rocket. I can choose to upgrade into another
animal now. I’ll choose an animal that doesn’t breathe
air now, I thought. I took a deep breath, and dived under
the swamp, into the deeeep, and choose to evolve into a
Chapter 5: Barreleye
Being a Barreleye is handy, because you can see animals
from far away. Right now, I can see what looks like… a
gang of Octopuses, heading in my way! I need to act fast.
I swam in the other direction, swallowing as many algae I
can. After what seems like ages, I found a gang of
Barreleye, and it seems like they’ve spotted the Octopuses
too. We hid, and the Octopuses swam past us, as if
nothing had ever happened. Then a group of Bobbit
Worms appeared out of nowhere and took some of us
under the ground.

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