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CLASS: I2 TEACHER: Dražen Jović

DATE: September,
TOPIC/unit/teaching content: Unit 1: Present Simple vs. Present continuous
LESSON TYPE: grammar practice
GOALS: students will revise previously acquired knowledge
EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Students will be able to recognize the types of re Present Simple vs. Present continuous
and to use them in an appropriate way
TEACHING METHODS: CLT (communicative language teaching), eclectic method, grammar-translation method
TEACHING MEANS/AIDS: Take a chance 1


Activity 1: (introduction) interaction pattern: teacher - students/ time: 15min

Teacher elicits previous knowledge about Present Simple vs. Present continuous.
Eliciting the answers to simple questions (What are relative Present Simple vs. Present continuous? What is the
difference between Present Simple vs. Present continuous? Give examples for…!) teacher writes the definitions
for Present Simple vs. Present continuous.

Activity 2: interaction pattern: student-student, pair work / time: 10 min

In pairs, student do Exercise 1 from Unit1 (take a chance 1).

Teacher checks.

Activity 3: interaction pattern: student - student / time: 15

Teacher gives out worksheet with exercises Present Simple vs. Present continuous . The worksheet is actually a
grammar quiz. exercises In groups of four, students do the exercises.
Teacher checks.

Activity 4: (final part) interaction pattern: teacher - student / time:5 min

Students, with the help if the teacher, revise the basic rules for Present Simple vs. Present continuous

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