Education Our Right

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“If you educate a man, you educate an individual. But if you educate a woman,
you educate a nation. “
Girl Child Education. Education has been an asset to society that only the
privileged could afford. Education helps so much in the betterment of society.
As the one in power who is educated can take learned decisions that will be
beneficial for all. Yet half of the population that comprises society, that is the
girls are deprived of education.

In India, girls’ education, especially in rural parts, is relatively low. The

government has launched many initiative schemes like “Beti Bachao Beti
Padhao” to encourage girl’s education. Raja Ram Mohan Roy played a crucial
role in fighting for women’s education in our country. A country’s progress and
development depend on the rate of women’s education. With changing times,
girls are being educated in every family and enrolled for higher education too.

It was and still believed that a girl should only be set up for marriage and later
take care of their families. For so many years, patriarchy has shunned women to
have an identity of their own. And in the rural parts of our country, this practice
of preventing girl child education is still prevalent. And because they are not
educated and do nothing for their own sake they are not empowered enough. All
they end up is to be identified in association with a male relationship in her life,
either a daughter, wife and mother.
People seem not to realize that an illiterate mother and woman is only a liability
to the family and society. An educated woman is more informed about good
healthcare and nutrition to take better care of her children. At the same time
raising a family of educated children as well.

I have seen closely that when the girl child of our house helped discontinue her
studies because they felt it was better to save up for their son’s higher
education. And this illiteracy of girls in her family will continue in every
generation after due to lack of knowledge of the importance of education.
When a girl child is educated, nearly half the population is educated, thus
reducing illiteracy that seems to be quite high in our country. When these
educated women build careers it also adds to the socio-economic growth and
decreases the cases of child marriages. As they become financially independent,
they can take better care of their families eradicating poverty.
Here I would like to quote the example of my personal life. My mother is highly
educated. She equally works hard to give us a sustainable life style along with
my father. And where all my friends go to the coaching classes she not only
helps me for studies but always suggest the better alternative for prospective
Families will no longer view the birth of a girl child as a burden thus reducing
infant mortality.
You all must have heard about Malala Yusufzai who kept her life in risk to
educate the girls of her nation. There are many examples like such.
It is high time we advocate for girl child education. And this can be done by
fostering workshops for parents and communities explaining the benefits of
education. UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) campaigns for many such
issues and we must do our part to support it, by donating to organizations that
need financial aid.
So, here I will conclude my speech with the quote and would like to promote
the Girl Child Education.
“When women are educated, their countries become stronger and more

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