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Ribbeck, Scaenicae Romanorum Poesis Fragmenta, ii. (1898).

of the Institute of Chartered Accountants. (J. G. GR.)

notable work, both as a debater in the synods and assemblies

the Radstadter Tauern (5702 ft.) and the Katschberg (5384

psvchol. Lehre'' in Philos. Jahrb. (i. Fulda, 1888, pp. 24-55,

MS., 6 vols. 4to; Reid's Presbyterian Church in Ireland, iii. 234.

he had retired from the service, and became sub-editor of

Souls. His reputation for learning had gradually been

undergoes some decomposition forming dehydracetic acid

complete army corps. Consequently the rounds of each kind

official hypocrisy; a Church in which conduct counted for

devoted himself to securing peace with France, much against

Abgar. Eusebius also states that in due course Judas, son of

from the French, printed by Richard Pynson about 1407.

historicae, chronologicae, dogmaticae (26 vols., Paris,

of influence.'' The Catholic sovereigns applied to Pope

they were reduced to submission by Brazil. Various disorders

act of parliament has to be obtained for the purpose, unless

1858 he became professor of mathematics at St Andrews, but

places; but Huelsen calculates that the seats would accommodate

The nickel-covered bullet, when used in a modern small-bore

conscience which constrained him to leave Teresa, for his next

as distinctly and legibly written or printed, unless it is

locality. The land belonged from early times to the see of

Alps are represented by the glacier lakes of the Marjelensee

and of medium quality, but the limits are from 2 3/4 to 10 3/4

acid. The hydrochloric acid which is formed carries with

Abdur Rahman soon became distinguished for ability and daring

father in 1112, and was placed under the tutelage of his

a railway from Madrid. Pop. (1900) 47,326. The city occupies

travelling doctor, and displayed great skill in disputations

some of the West Indian islands, Hawaii and the Andamans.

Shibar route be adopted) much exceeding 10,000 ft. That this

urban population was only 74,069. Agriculture is successfully

nevertheless the servant of the shipowner, who is not

wheel or turned in a lathe; the groove for the driving band

adult form, is the proembryo. It will be remembered that in

elaborate investigation of Thatcher, the facts seem to be as

with two daughters, Laurence and Anna, both of whom afterwards

Odysseus, and in the end the victim of the vengeance of Athene,

work. As a means of grading progress among the various

value of G, as in the names Gaius and Gnaeus. Y and

however, approximate only. The southern portion of the

so-called Conceptualism and his attitude to the question of

that the appeal shall be to the king in Chancery, ``and

Euxine. The emperor was a convinced Monophysite, but his

under insanitary conditions due to overcrowding. (JNO. W.)

Abbasids. In the general confusion of the caliphate produced

of his drawing of nude figures. He was successful as a portrait

Delphi, and not far from the Thessalian Larissa. During the

(Thesmophoriazusae) and in Plato's Symposium, which describes

of the hairs may bear this pigment according to the pattern

His first appearance as a poet was in Egypt, but as he failed

process is that of the fuel required for the last operation.

with a right ascension nearly equal to that of g Draconis,

third attack at the synod of Loudun in 1659 met with no better

found in the existing practice of rewarding counsel by fees

solutions, if the absorption of the solvent is negligible, the

has been already mentioned, was provided for in the charter of

sometimes amounted to more than half of the total cost of the

weight of an animal by the sounder method of obtaining the

porphyritic, poikilitic, vesicular, &c.) gradually fade away,

off of exports is due to the decreased demand for China

come to lose whatever had been its distinctive character. The

in many cases encouraged by the importer, for it lessens his

of atmosphere or environment led (though this is disputed

gentleman of the old school. He was without question a

resort to the terrace system of cultivation with remarkable

rebuilt, on the original lines, in 983, by the emperor Otto

any clerk or registrar; then more particularly the secretary

the James moved towards Richmond on the same day on which the

learning but impotent for literature. The intellectual life

Leiden. These works exhibit great originality and mark an

m. The eastern portion of the district is generally flat,

and a good conversational knowledge of English, French and

do not make purchases of stores, that work resting with the

exquisite beauty. The academy of the arts, which had been

succeed. It has been recommended by C. Darwin, and at

that a spendthrift life-owner shall not be able to scatter

these energetic and skilful farmers spread rapidly, and

Shibar, a pass which is considerably lower than the Irak and

the Negroids, with whom they appear to have intermingled to

dragged on for six years longer and was then concluded by a

as was done by Titus at the inauguration of the Colosseum.

traces back the hostility of the two states to a dispute

be brought under the conception of the ideal grandeur and

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