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Being: A Limited Being
Reflection on «My Body»
A. The Relation of I and the body
 Human being is conscious that he or she is limited because he or she is
constantly connected with his or her body. He or she thinks, feels and acts
through his or her body. The capacity of human being to think or even to feel is
the very basis of consciousness of the “I” of its existential existence.
 Human being’s consciousness of its existence is manifested through his or her
body. “My Body” is the manifestation of my existentiality, of who I am.
 My body is intertwined with my subjectivity, of what I am and of who I am. My
body and I are one in the act of expressing. Through my body, I am different from
all the existent bodies. My body becomes the manifestation of my uniqueness,
my self-identity my self-being.

Gabriel Marcel
(December 7, 1889-October 8, 1973) •French Philosopher
•Christian Existentialist (First French Existentialist)
•A playwright (wrote 30 plays)
•His Father is an atheist and his Mother is Jewish.
•He was an Atheist until his conversion to Catholicism in 1929
• He focused on the modern individual’s struggle in a technologically dehumanizing
•He prefers the term “Philosophy of Existence” to define his own thought.
•“The Mystery of Being ” is a well-known two volume work by Marcel.
The Primary Reflection:
 the process of “ob-jectum” (“thrown in front”). This is a Cartesian
approach. The body is analyzed, systematized and conceptualized.
 the body becomes no longer my body but a body. “A body” is an objective
idea apart from me. I have nothing to do with it nor does it have anything to
do with my life.
 In this manner, the body studied in primary reflection is no longer my body
but “a body”.
 This is the body talked about in anatomy, physiology and other sciences.
 Because this is an objective and universal idea, this can be the body of anybody
else, and consequently, of nobody.
 Nevertheless, primary reflection about the body is important.
 Had it not because of primary reflection, there could have never been any
development in medicine and in other sciences as well.
The Secondary Reflection:
 the process of “sub-jectum” (“thrown beneath”). “I am part of the thing I
am investigating.” I have something to do with it and has something to do
with me.
 - What exist is not just “a body” but “my body.” My body that is uniquely
mine alone. This is a starting point of Marcel’s philosophy of the body.
 In using secondary reflection, I discover that what exists is not “a body”
but “my body” – my body that is uniquely mine.
What is meant by Marcel’s “my body” statement?
1. My body is mine and mine alone: I own my body.
2. I have a responsibility over my body and I take care of it, e.g., nourish it, let it sleep,
bathe it, etc.
3. I have control over my body: I can do whatever I want it to do if it can, e.g., sit, walk,
4. “My Body” has two possible connotations: I have my body and I am my body.
B. I have my body
 The experience of oneness of my body and I is manifested in the claim “I have
my body.” It affirms the existence of my body, and it is not apart from me. The
claim “I have my body” implies possession. I own my body; it is mine.
Nonetheless, this shows not only authority over it but also great responsibility for
 Upon consideration of secondary reflection, it does not make sense to treat our
body as an instrument.
 Since I possess my body, no one can claim it as his or her own. I am only the
one who has the right to claim it, for it is “my body.” My body and I are one; thus,
I can claim “I am my body.”
C. I Am My Body
 The union between my body and I is not just a mere relationship of two
organisms or entities. This union is existential existence to my body and to
myself. My body cannot exist alone apart from me; and that I cannot exist apart
from my body.
 “My body” as a material reality acts and does things with inherent power. The
capacity for my body to exist, think and act is coming from I; my subjectivity. This
is the original source of all my body’s powers and capacities. On the other hand,
“my body” is the in-fleshing of my "I."
D. Transcendence and My Body
Transcendence – the existence that is present beyond the normal or physical level. e.g.
Spirit & Soul
 The relationship between my body and I reveals an encounter with other
subjectivity or I. In this encounter with another subject outside of myself, my body
will existentially relate with this subject or I.
 Every time my body relate with other embodied beings, I am directly and
immediately relate with other subjectivities or with I’s. Thus, in my relationship
with the Transcendence, I can only relate with this Being through my body. I only
encounter the Transcendence because my body encounters it.
 My body becomes intermediary with another subjectivity and with the other
 Intermediaryconnotes two meanings: as a bridge and as wall

E. Myself and the World

 My existence is existential. I appear to the world and relate with it through my
body. I touch, see, taste, smell, grasp and affect the world through my body in
a particular way. I am present in the world through my body; I am here and now
through my body.
 My constant relation with the world through my body, the world becomes my
world. As the world is present to me, I am present in the world though my body in
a particular and unique way.
 As the appearance and expression of my subjectivity, my body has a unique
value and dignity. It directs me not only to the world and to others but also to God.
Finitude and Historicity of Human Being
A. Human Being in Time
 One of the limit situations of human being is the situation where he or she is in
time and in a certain place. His being in time and in a concrete place are always
part of his/her historicity.
 Human being is constituted by his/her past, present and his/her future. His/her
presence was, is and will be part of his/her historicity. The past was once his/her
present; his/her present was once his/her future. These three expressions of
presence unveil the temporality of human being.
 My past situations and realities determine my present; which in turn determine
my future situation and realities.
 Each of my past, present and future is not isolated from each other.
 The past is the basis of the present; the present bears the past and unveils the
glimpse of the future.
 One does not exist without the other.
Historicity of Human Being
 Human being is a historical being. He or she is the matrix himself/herself of the
realities of the past, present and the future. He is capable of integrating these
three dimensions of time to himself/herself. Human being experiences all the
boundaries of existence through his/her body, such as suffering, anxiety,
guilt, death and communication.
 In these situations, human being is a conscious, creative and responsible being
that can make the past realities exist in the present moment, and can make the
possibilities of future come to actuality. It is an experience of remembering; but in
the act of remembering, the past becomes alive in the present.
 The historicity of human being is also established through the shared meaning,
values, beliefs, and social or cultural worldview with other people who live in a
specific time and place.
 Human being’s historicity reveals that his/her way of living, of perceiving, valuing
and acting is influenced and determined by the society where he/she lives.
He/she becomes the manifestation of the beliefs, traditions; the language, the
worldview of the society; indeed, he/she manifests the society itself.
 For Karl Jaspers, the community is also a context where the past, the present
and the future events and possibilities are unified and harmonized.
 Human being’s historicity reveals that his/her way of living, of perceiving, valuing
and acting is influenced and determined by the society where he/she lives.
Who you are today is a result of all the decisions you’ve taken in your life. That
includes everything you’ve done, thought and said in the last few days.
So is the way your life looks like, the relationships you have and whether you’re happy
or not.
The thing is that the little decisions that eventually lead to actions, are what defines
how your life will look like some day. So with everything you do, you’re creating your

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