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Heres a document to my backstory:

ive alwais wanted to try out to play as a kid character its the only experienced i haven't
learned yet from RP and i think its time to start make that move and learn from it i placed a
link to the backstory aswell dropping it in here:

Nathan is a young kid by the age of 10 who's born in a small village. He mastered the art of
beeing a stablehand with his father. Every mid day they both went out to tame animals.
Being trained by his father Nathan learned how to master the bow, how to track by footprints,
trampled grass, the noise, the birds anything that tracks a live animal from a distance to
tame. After months of training taming and breeding one night Nathan woke up with a letter in
his hand:
''Nathan it's time for you to move on by yourself. You have almost fulfilled your training in
becoming a great stablehand. Now you must head to a special land where you will be
moving on. Love Father''
Without thinking Nathan jumped out of the bed, took his bow and ran in the forest screaming
for his father. After hours of searching he found a trail of footprints. Following the footprints
for some time it brought him to a tree where he saw his own father Hanged. Nathan burst
into tears. Nathan had no clue on what to do he has no questions or answers. He did what
his father asked him to do and started to look for this special land to learn the mysteries and
adventures on new creatures.

i wanna play on RPFirst as its one of the top servers in RP that there has been i have no
clue why i never made the move earlier but probly because other servers were big aswell
and was mostly a fan of themed servers like Game of Thrones for example but a change
must happen and time to move on here on RPFirst i have a couple of friends people who
have been asking me for a while to apply for RPFirst and here im doing it now to be able to
play with them but also especialy to make new friends.

Ive played on serveral servers for a while RP is the only thing i do these years with many
hours on different kind of servers i spend almost 15+ hours a day for RP and i love it its
starting to be part of life but also the joy to meet new people and make new friends are part
of it, heres a list of RP servers ive been playing for some time
Madmorph Sub Server
Lord of The RolePlay
Critical Gaming
Aurora RP

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