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Name: Aziel Westerling

Age: 20
Trades: Knight

Aziel Westerling heir of The Crag north-east of Casterly Rock on the

shores of the Sunset Sea.
On the age of 16 he officially started up his squireship under a loyal
knight of House Westerling, He was one of the greatest fighters they had
but beeing a squire was not an easy task in the beginning many things
to learn disipline, loyalty, respect all sorts of basic things what would
make you a proper knight. Providing the simplest tasks of getting the
armour polished and swords sharp and ready for the knight he squired
under accompany him to meetings, battles and all sorts but more
especialy the training he had to overcome. Day after day and night after
night training getting disarmed thrown on the ground waking up with
more bruces then ever. Aziel is able to take it and refuses to give up and
give on all he has to prove himself worthy. 4 years into training 20 of
ages his father calls upon Aziel into their throne hall. he was asked to
kneel before him as he commands his knight to do the honor and speak
the words.

‘’In the name of the Warrior, I charge you to be brave. In the name of the
Father, I charge you to be just. In the name of the Mother, I charge you
to defend the innocent. Arise Ser Aziel Westerling, a knight of The

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