Mini's Backstory Wildling

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Name: Cariad

Age: 21
Class: Wildling

Cariad traveled towards the south as far as she could ending up close to the wall to
seek refuge from the attacks of the whitewalkers. She’s a FreeFolk… or wildlings as
many people like to call them. Cariad has walked for many days through the bittering
cold the snowstorm ending the snow up to her knees the struggles she had. The
closer she got to the wall the better the weather would be she found a small shack
near a snowy forest close to the wall. a fire was lit inside the house. She knocks on
the door and whispered ‘’hello?’’ but no one answered she decided to walk in and sit
by the fire to warm herself up.

She gazes her eyes around the house seeing black fur on a chair, weapons and
bows against the wall that did not look wildling made, She started to panic thinking
she might have ended up in a crows nest. She quickly searched for food in the
house to leave tired as she already is not fit enough to defend herself in any
circumstances. She turned around towards the door with some food in her hands as
she dropped it on the ground seeing a crow standing at the front door, he pulled out
a dagger from his pockets and slowly walked towards Cariad screamed in fear as
shortly after the crow got stabbed in the back by a man in white/red furs

‘’No time to waste, more are on their way. Come with me to the mountains’’ without
hesitation she picked up the food she dropped and followed the man to the
mountains he was definitely a freefolk just like her. he brought her into safety in the
cave he lives in, trained her how to survive properly hunt for food, training to become
a fighter. He explained to Cariad how difficult it is to live alone in the blithering cold
with threats of crows. Both became close friends and decided to stick together in
search for other freefolks and to hunt those that wear black clothing...

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