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Zane Tallhart

Far north in Torrhen’s Square the tallharts a noble

house from the north where Zane was born a man now
at the age of 20 with only family left his older brother.

His parents died when Zane turned 10 having his older

brother taking care of him during the cold winter.
Zane has been very interested in his childhood to
become a knight one day. He trained day and night with
his brother to learn the basics of fighting one day the
glovers stumbled upon the 2 and setup a camp with a
fire to meet eachoter. We had been invited to live with
them after telling them our story of what we have been
through for many years Zane and his brother lived with
the glovers considering the two family friends.

Zane had his eyes on the lady glover a beauty of a

northern woman they met and talked each and every
day sharing the same interests for the love of bears,
They’d walk each day through the thick snow while she
offered Zane to squire under her father.

As soon as they reached back to the family Zane

accepted the offer to squire and began his knighthood.
After many training sessions and even winning a
tournament he was declared a knight.

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