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Knowledge for everyone



55 21 2024-6009 55 21 98318-8909 55 21 999211909

Knowledge for everyone

Student name: _________________________Date:______________

1) List DP elements and DP subsystems (MSC 645 page 4)

2) Define Redundancy? (MSC 645 page 5)

3) The equipment class of the vessel required for a particular operation should be
agreed between some parts. Which parts are involved?
(MSC 645 page 7)

4) Define consequence analysis. For which classes this function is used? (MSC 645
page 11)


55 21 2024-6009 55 21 98318-8909 55 21 999211909

Knowledge for everyone

5) Define DP Classes. Main difference among DP classes (Quantity, Main

components and etc.) MSC 645 PAGE 7-13

6) Which class of DP vessel may be susceptible to many points of failures that will
result in inability to maintain position?

7) What does mean ASOG? (MSC 1580 PG 5)

8) What does mean time to safely terminate (operations)? (MSC 1580 PG 7)

9) Explain WCFDI and WCF. (MSC 1580 PG 7)


55 21 2024-6009 55 21 98318-8909 55 21 999211909

Knowledge for everyone

10) What`s the Philosophy of IMCA M 103? (page 9)

11) Explain Active components and static components. (IMCA M 103 page 9)

12) For equipment class 2, a single failure includes: and for class 3? (IMCA M103
page 9/10)

13) Define the Key elements of fault-Tolerant design (IMCA M103 page 11)

14) Testing DP system is an ongoing process and begins with analysis the
redundancy concept on paper before any hardware or software is available. This
achieved by FMEA.
List the key processes in testing redundancy: ( IMCA M103 page 13)


55 21 2024-6009 55 21 98318-8909 55 21 999211909

Knowledge for everyone

15) Under certain conditions the low engine response could result in engine
shutdown or auxiliary system disturbances. How many percentage of load capability
could cause engine failure? ( IMCA M 103 page 14)

16) DP equipment class 3 requires _______ bus tie breaker. (IMCA M 103 page 17)

17) Regarding to PMS, what will happen with the system if a DP vessel operates with
sufficient spinning reserve? (IMCA M103 page 17)

18) In accordance with IMCA M103 page 19, Thrusters and their control system can
fail in such way and cause a drive off. If a larger thruster fail to thrust when is
insufficient spinning reserve, what will happen?


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Knowledge for everyone

19) List the VMS advantages: (IMCA M 103 page 15).

20) Comment about field station connection: (IMCA M 103 page 20).

21) The means by control over the thruster is changed from manual to DP to
independent joystick system (IJS) is a potential weak point in any DP system. The
control selector forms a common point between all thrusters. The design should
ensure that a failure cannot cause the control mode transfer from auto DP to another
mode. For DP class 3 it is important to ensure no single failure of the control selector
switch, because should cause unexpectedly transfer to the DP backup.
How to avoid this failure? (IMCA M 103 page21)

22) In accordance with IMCA M 103 page 21, Is the Consequence analysis a
requirement for which DP classes?


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Knowledge for everyone

23) Fire and gas detector have to be fitted to all DP vessels? (IMCA M103 page 24)

In accordance with IMCA M103 page 27 regarding to ASOG, CAM and TAM:
A DP MODU may operate in ________ where time to terminate an operation in a
emergency is long, such as when non-sharable heavy wall drill pipe is passing
through the BOP, but _______ when time to terminate is short. _______, _________
and __________ are recommended for all DP class.

24) According to IMCA M 166, What is the FMEA objective? (IMCA M 166 page
3.5 – 3.2)

25) The reason for FMEA Testing are: (IMCA M 166 page 4.3-4.2)

26) Describe the uses of FMEA. (IMCA M 166 page 1-7 – 1.7)


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Knowledge for everyone

27) How should you check the vessel operation can be conducted with bus tie
breaker close/opened?

28) What is the worst case scenario according to FMEA analysis? (IMCA M 166
page 8-13).

29) What is the result of worst case scenario?

30) What is the effect on DP system if MSB440V is lost? (IMCA M 166 page 26-30)

31) What does IMCA M117 stands for?


55 21 2024-6009 55 21 98318-8909 55 21 999211909

Knowledge for everyone

32) What Key DP personnel stands for? ( pg 7-10)

33) What’s the aims of Emergency drills? ( pg 33)

34) What does IMCA M109 stands for?

35) List the external influences to the vessel that can initiate failures in the vessel’s
power plant and control system? ( MTS DP Vessel Design Philosofy Guidelines part
1 pg. 19)

36) There are 3 key elements in any redundancy concepts. List and explain. (MTS
DP Vessel Design Philosophy Guidelines part 1 pg. 19/20)


55 21 2024-6009 55 21 98318-8909 55 21 999211909

Knowledge for everyone

37) Define with your words the meaning of Autonomy, decentralization, orthogonally,
diversity and differentiation;


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Knowledge for everyone


ARTEMIS Microwave Position Reference System

CG Centre of Gravity
COR Center of Rotation
CW Clockwise

CCW Counter-clockwise
COS Common Operator Station
DGPS Differential GPS

DP Dynamic Positioning
DPO Dynamic Positioning Operator
DARPS Differential Absolute and Relative System
DQI Differential Quality Indicator

DSV Dive Support Vessel
EBL Electronic Bearing Line

FLP Floating Loading Platform

FPSO Floating Production, Storage and Off-loading vessel
FSU Floating Storage Unit
FLOTEL Floating Accommodation Vessel
GPS Global Positioning System
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System

HiPAP High Precision Acoustic Positioning
HDOP Horizontal Dilution Of Precision
HPR Hydroacoustic Position Reference
IAS Integrated Automation System
IMO International Maritime Organization
IMCA International Marine Contractors Association
LTW Light-weight Taut Wire

LBL Long Base Line
MOB Mobile transponder
OS Operator Station
PMS Power Management System

PSV Platform Supply Vessel

PRS Positioning Reference System
PME Positioning Measurement Equipment
RMS Riser Management System

FMCW Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (Radius/Radascan)
ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle

RPM Revolutions per Minute

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Knowledge for everyone

SBL Short Base Line

SSBL Super Short Base Line
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply

UTM Universal Transverse Mercator

VRS Vertical Reference System
VTW Vertical taut Wire
MRU Motion Reference System

WGS World Geodetic System
ASOG Activity Specific Operating Guidelines
WSOG Well Specific Operating Guidelines
CAM Critical Activity Mode
TAM Task Appropriate Mode
IMO International Maritime Organization
MSC Maritime Safety Committee
IMCA International Marine Contractors Association
MTS Marine Technology Society
OCIMF Oil Companies International Marine Forum
OVID Offshore Vessel Inspection Database
FMEA Failure Modes Effects And Analysis
FMECA Failure Modes Effects And Criticaly Analysis
VMS Vessel Management System


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