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Some people say that having jobs can be of

great benefit to teens.

Today, many teenagers choose to get part-time jobs. Most parents encourage their children to work;
others think that their kids need to focus on their studies. Is it really a good idea to get a job while still in

In my opinion, jobs offer a lot of benefits to young people. Firstly, teenagers who work learn to manage
money. Secondly, they learn valuable employment skills, such as dealing with other people’s problems
or showing up to work on time. Thirdly, teenagers learn to work as a team and to interact with all types
of people.

However, some people say that balancing work and school can be difficult. Having a job may hinder
young people’s academic performance because many teenagers get tired after work and do not have
enough time to complete their assignments. In addition, teenagers with jobs do not have an opportunity
to relax and to exercise and spend less time with their families and friends.

Anyway, I think there is no reason why teenagers should not have jobs, as long as they work hours that
allow them to finish their homework, to participate in extracurricular activities and to socialize with their
peers. Besides, as young people with jobs have less free time, they are less likely to get into trouble.

To conclude, having a job teaches young people about responsibility and helps them acquire skills that
will be useful in the future. Teenagers with jobs often develop a sense of maturity and self-confidence
and gain work experience. I think that the jobs young people choose give them a chance to try different
things and help them define their place in the world.

a part-time job – არასრულ განაკვეთიანი სამუშაო

to focus on – ყურადღების მიპყრობა / კონცენტრირება რაიმეზე

to deal with – საქმის დაჭერა / ქონა

to hinder – ხელის შეშლა

as long as – რადგან

to define – განსაზღვრა; დადგენა

academic performance – აკადემიური მოსწრება

to socialize with – ვინმესთან ურთიერთობის დამყარება

a sense of maturity – სრულწლოვნების გრძნობა

There is no doubt that appearance plays an important role in modern society. Some people think that
the external image is important and judge others by the way they look and how they are dressed.
However, opponents of this view say that it is unwise to form an opinion about a person by his or her
appearance. Let us examine each of these points in details.

In my opinion, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” To begin with, it is wrong to judge others by the
clothes they wear. I would like to prove my point of view with the following example. Lots of rich people
do not pay attention to their external appearance. It is not uncommon for millionaires to wear baggy
and cheap clothes or to drive used old cars. Secondly, pretty face does not mean pretty personality. Lots
of good-looking people are selfish, rude and self-focused. I am convinced that true beauty is not a pretty
face or a lovely figure. It is in the character of a person.

On the contrary, some people often judge the personality of others by looking at their appearance. In
their opinion, clothing can reveal a wearer’s character and personality. Besides, they insist that well-
dressed people tend to be more attractive, confident and easy-going.

Personally, I strongly object to this statement. There are lots of talented people, for instance, Lady
Gaga, who wear weird clothes and make-up. I think it is no more than the way of self- expression.

Taking into account all mentioned above, appearances are often deceptive. Jean Paul Gaultier, once
noted, “It is always the badly dressed people who are the most interesting.”

1) external image / appearance – გარეგანი გამოსახულება / გარეგნობა

2) to judge – განსჯა

3) Don’t judge a book by its cover – ნუ განსჯი წიგნს ყდით

5) it is not uncommon – უჩვეულო არაა

9) self–focused – თავის თავზე კონცენტრირებული

10) traits of charaცter – ხასიათის დამახასიათებელი თვისებები

11) to reveal – გამჟღავნება; აღმოჩენა; ჩვენება

12) weird – უცნაური

13) the way of self-expression – თვითგამოხატვის გზა

14) deceptive – მომატყუებელი, მაცდურიressed

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