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1 Ledge 3 giant rats humanoid footprints 75

2 Switchback Stairs
3 Crumbled Courtyard 1 giant rat (in pit) Pit DC15 DEX or trapped inside 23 sp, 4 gp, scimitar on corpse in pit loose masonry debris 25 (100)
4 Tower Shell Needle trap DC15 DEX or 1 DMG "Ashardalon" on wall Secret door to 5 (50)
5 Secret Pocket 3 skeletons 2d10 sp, 1d10 gp, (1) +1 arrow (x3) 150
6 Old Approach 1 giant rat Dragon door DC25 DEX to pick or DC30 STR to break (or key from room 21) 25
7 Gallery of Forlorn Notes Charm Globe (AC 10, 10hp) DC15 WIS or charm (flee to room 3)
8 Pressure Plate Arrow Trap DC15 INT or 1d10 (100)
9 Dragon Riddle Dragon Statue Secret door to 10
10 Honor Guard Quasit Open Pit with spikes 1d6 + 1d10 Secret door to 11 200
11 Secret Room Secret door to 12
12 Tomb of the Dragonpriest 1 troll (30 hp, regen 5hp/rnd) Latches DC15 Lid STR50 220 sp, 50 gp, dagger/amulet/rings(170) 4 spell scrolls 450
13 Empty Room
14 Enchanted Water Cache 1 ice mephit, 1 steam mephit locked door DC20 5 sapphires (10) 150
15 Dragon Cell Meepo 4 jade dragons (15)
16 Kobold Guardroom 3 kobolds Door trap DC10 CON or poisoned offal jug - poison 75 (50)
17 Dragon Chow 1 rat swarm
18 Prison 4 goblins (in chains) locked doors DC15 100
19 Hall of Dragons 3 kobolds (7hp) 75
20 Kobold Colony 3 kobolds + 24 nc kobolds 75
21 Dragon Throne Yusdrayl + 2 kobolds (7hp) 35gp, Quaal's feather token, 3 spell scrolls , Dragon Key to 6 250
22 Larder
23 Underdark Access 3 kobolds 75
24 Trapped Access Pit DC15 WIS 1d6 (100)
25 Empty Chamber tracks in dust
26 Dry Fountain scythe trap DC20 WIS 1d8 potion of fire breath (200)
27 Sanctuary 5 skeleton 6 gems (10), potion of resistance, candle, Night Caller 250
28 Infested Cells 3 giant rats 2d6-2 sp, 1d6-1 gp, 1d4-1 gem (5) (x3) tracks in dust 75
29 Disabled Traps Trapped fountain DC20 WIS 1d10 (2) open pit traps (200)
30 Mama Rat 1 diseased rat + 3 giant rats 312 cp, 68 gp, 3 gem (25) Karakas's body / ring 125
31 Caltrop Hall trapped door (bell) DC15/caltrops 200 caltrops can alert goblins in 32 (100)
32 Goblin Gate 2 goblins 50
33 Practice Range 3 goblins silver flask (50), keys to 34 75
34 Goblin Stockade 3 kobolds (in chains), Erky locked door / cage DC15 125
35 Trapped Corridor Pit DC15 WIS 1d6 gold ring (25) in pit (100)
36 Goblin Bandits 3 goblins 75
37 Trophy Room Calcryx - white dragon wyrmling jade dragon (20), goblet (5), silverware Scroll Case (100) 450
38 Goblin Pantry barrel "Elf Pudding"
39 Dragon Haze
40 Goblinville 4 goblins + 30 nc goblins agate statue (30) 100
41 Hall of the Goblin Chief Durnn, Grenl, + 3 hobgoblins Giant Hole DC10 80' drop Talgen's ring (20), potion healing -Durnn 2 spell scrolls - Grenl 550
Trapped Chest DC15 1d6+1 2 silver earrings (20), necklace (50) (100)
231 gp, 2 oynx (30) - in chest
42 Central Garden 2 skeletons + 2 twig blights 150
43 Great Hunter's Abode 1 bugbear, 2 giant rats 241sp, 54gp, weapons Underdark Access 250
44 Rift 10' drop
45 Rift Node Fire snake 2 sapphires (50) 200
46 Old Shrine
47 Belak's Laboratory (a-f) 2 goblins + 8 nc goblins healer's kit, misc. equipment 50
48 Garden Galleries 1 bugbear 1 potion healing 200
49 Arboretums (a-d) 1 goblin / 1 fire snake / 3 skeletons + 1 twig blight / empty 2 sapphires (50), fungi 400
50 Ashardalon's Shrine 1 shadow 34gp, 2 flask alchemist's fire 100
51 Dragon Library Tome dragon lore (150), 2 spell scrolls
52 Underpass
53 Belak's Study Trapped Book - Fire Lords locked doors DC20 or key in 56 365gp, 4 agate gems (20), Tome druidic lore (150)
glyph of warding DC12 5d8 2 spell scrolls (amongst papers DC15 WIS to find) (500)
54 Grove Gate 4 goblin 4 blights in 55 will investigate combat 100
55 Twilight Grove 10 twig blights 250
56 Gulthias Tree Belak, Sharwyn, Sir Bradford Gulthias Tree AC10, 35hp wand of entangle, 3 potions of healing , 2 vials antitoxin 775
1 giant frog + 3 twig blights Sharwyn signet ring (20), keys to 53

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