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In my opinion a parent should be 50% permissive 50% strict cause as a teenager I know that having a

strict parents makes you more good at lying .it feels like you can’t tell them anything about your life
cause u think that they will judge you ,that’s why parents get mad , but they don’t understand that being
strict isn’t that good for their child, plus that if child is growing up with strict parents she/he will be
stressed all the time. I think that between child and parents relationship must be trust , if they trust each
other its more easy to communicate. If teenage knows that their parents will understand them in any
situation , she/he will tell their parents about their life problems . BUT I’m not saying that parent should
be permissive all the time , if they will be like that, a child will become spoiled and not responsible for
their own actions.

In conclusion parent should find a way to be a friend and a parent at the same time to their child.
As a teen I know, that amazing feeling when you can tell your family everything , and you know that they
wont judge you, they will have ur back and give u advice. So dear parents, don’t be 100% strict or 100%
permissive , be both .

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