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Quarter 1 – Module 4

Evaluate Finished Product

(Egg Dishes)

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What I Know

After learning all the ways and means in preparing egg dishes, you are
now ready to rate the finished products using rubrics. A rubric is an
assessment tool that clearly indicates achievement criteria across all the
components of any kind of student work, from written to oral to visual.

Let us check if you can still remember the important aspects of egg
dishes by answering the following activity.

Activity 1

Watch the link of the video “Perfect Egg Rolls Recipe Tamagoyaki –
Eugenie Kitchenate” and rate the performance in the video using the rubric

1 2 3
Did not wash Either failed to Washed hands
Preparation hands; kept wash hands or kept properly at the
pushing stray hair pushing stray hair beginning and
back. Apron off. back. Apron off at throughout the lab;
Score: ______ times. well-kept hair was
left alone. Apron on.
Ingredients, Ingredients, Ingredients and
Ingredients, equipment equipment partially equipment either
Equipment insufficiently assembled; had to assembled in
assembled or not interrupt procedure advance or readily
readily available to get items that available when
when needed. should have been needed.
Score: ______ available.
Preparation, Preparation, Preparation, cooking
Time cooking and clean- cooking and clean- and clean-up were
Management up were not up were completed completed in a
completed in a in a somewhat timely manner.
timely manner. timely manner, but Activities
could have made coordinated to make
Score: ______ better use of the full use of the time
time allowed. allowed.
Didn't break egg Egg was tapped a Egg is cracked from
Egg Breaking correctly, way off little too hard on side of pan or
Method from hole, got a lot side of pan or counter and
of shell pieces in counter, egg is a perfectly put into
yolk. Didn't tiny bit far from the the center-hole of
Score: ______ attempt to break hole, few pieces of the bread, no sign of
egg once. shell got in yolk. shells in yolk.
Flipped way too Flipped a little too Flipped bread correctly
Flipping/ fast and fast and too hard, at proper pace, and kept
Cooking completely broke broke a little of the yolk intact. Cooked until
Time the yolk. Didn't yolk, but still some both sides were evenly
keep on long intact. Cooked a
enough, bread not little too long, egg is golden and toasty brown
Score: ______ yet toasted and a bit overcooked. and egg is no longer
egg is still clear clear and perfectly
and raw. Didn't white.
even try to attempt
flipping or cooking.
Food product was Food product was Food product was
Finished inedible. edible, but lacked prepared correctly,
Food Product flavour; or errors resulting in
were made in the appropriate taste,
recipe during the texture, appearance.
Score: ______ cooking process.
Didn't follow safety Tried to use Demonstrated safe and
Safety rules. Didn't use equipment safely correct use of all kitchen
safe food handling and correctly. equipment used for the
techniques. Didn't Careless at times; lab. Careful to follow
use kitchen didn't always follow safe food handling
Score: ______ equipment in a the rules. procedures.
safe manner. Occasionally
followed safe food
Dishes, utensils, Dishes, utensils Kitchen clean and
Clean-Up equipment left washed; but orderly; equipment
unwashed; equipment/counter washed/put away.
Score: ______ counters/tables s unwashed. Dishes/utensils
not cleaned well; Laundry may or washed. Counters
used towels and may not be picked clean and dry.
dishcloths left up. Some Laundry taken care
lying around. equipment not put of properly
Equipment not put away.

3 Evaluate Finished Product
What’s In

In your previous lessons, you were able to identify the market forms of eggs,
explain the uses of eggs in culinary arts, cook egg dishes, select suitable plates,
present egg dishes hygienically and attractively using suitable garnishing and
side dishes sequentially within the required time frame. This time, using your
knowledge form the previous lesson, you are going to evaluate the performance
of presenting egg dishes following the standard rubric.
Activity 2:
True or False. Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is
_____ 1. The quality of the egg matters to the outcome of the egg dish.

_____ 2. Preparing the ingredients should be done ahead of time.

_____ 3. In cooking egg dishes, time is not important.
_____ 4. You can break the eggs however you want it.
_____ 5. Egg dishes are good source of nutrients.

What’s New

Activity 3: Recall your activities in the previous lesson while cooking an egg
dish. Check if you have or did the following:

Egg dish: __________________________________ Time allotted: _______________

Check Description
1. I covered/tied my hair.
2. Washed my hands before cooking.
3. Prepared the ingredients and tools/ equipment ahead of time.
4. Broke the eggs properly (no cracks of egg shells in the egg dish).
5. I followed the ingredients carefully
6. I observed the proper time required in cooking the dish.
7. The egg dish was edible.
8. The egg dish looked nice.
9. I used the right plates for the dish I cooked.
10. I restored all the tools and equipment after I used.

What is It

What is a rubric?

A rubric is an assessment tool that clearly indicates

achievement criteria across all the components of any kind of student
work, from written to oral to visual. It can be used for marking
assignments, class participation, or overall grades.
In this lesson, you are going to make a rubric which ideally must be
followed by someone presenting an egg dish. Consider the standard
requirement you have learned in your previous lesson in this module such as:
market forms of egg, quality ingredients of egg dishes, safety, and sanitation.

How to make a rubric?

Decide what criteria or essential elements must be present in the work to

ensure that it is high in quality. For each criterion, component, or essential
element of quality, describe in detail what the performance at each
achievement level looks like. Leave space for additional, tailored comments or
overall impressions and a final grade.

Let the previous rubrics set as an example of a good rubric in evaluating

an egg dish.

What’s More

Activity 4: Evaluate the egg dishes you have prepared.

Direction: Mark YES when the food meets the standard and NO when it does
not. Mark NA (Not Applicable) when a specific quality standard does
not apply to the food being evaluated.

Egg Dish: ____________________

Quality Standard YES NO N/A

Product appears moist, but not watery
No oil or fat is visible
Egg yolk is bright yellow and white is opaque, with no
evidence of greening
Texture or Consistency
Product is fork tender
Product is moist, not dry
Food items within the product have a defined texture.
Egg mixture is soft, without accumulated water (weeping)
Flavor and Seasoning
Ingredients have a balanced taste.
Product is free from a burned taste or off
Seasonings are well blended
Service Temperature
135 °F or higher.
What I Have Learned

Reflection: Complete the statement below.

1. In this lesson, I learned that …

2. I like this lesson because…
3. The difficulties I found in this lesson are…

What I Can Do

Activity 5

Use the rubric you in Activity 1 .Watch the video “How To Make
Perfect Scrambled Eggs - 3 ways by Jamie Oliver” in Youtube and evaluate
his performance. You may use the link below.



Direction: Make a rubric in cooking sunny-side up egg dish. You may use the
table provided or make your own.

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