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Based on the different epidemiological and experimental research designs

discussed in Module 4, design a research study on the following scenarios:

I. Death anxieties among healthcare workers who are attending CoVid-19

A. Because it gathers information that can be used to describe a
population or group, this method is classified as descriptive research.
B. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of healthcare
workers' death fears.

II. CoViD-19 vaccination among pregnant and postpartum women

A. The term "analytical research design" is used because it implies an
emphasis on analyzing data and information in relation to the study at
B. To gauge the significance of the Covid-19 immunization among pregnant
and postpartum women.

III. Neurological consequences of CoVis-19 disease

A. This study employs an analytical research approach since it provides a
mechanistic explanation for the neurological effects of Covid-19.
B. For the purpose of evaluating the Covid-19 disease's impact,

IV. Home quarantine and isolation for suspected and confirmed CoVid-19 cases
A. Designing studies analytically allows for more in-depth explanations.
B. How has the practice of isolating people who were suspected of or
proved to have Covid-19 affected their health?

V. Expert credibility and persuasiveness on CoVid-19 Public Health Policy

A. This method of study seeks to explain phenomena rather than test
hypotheses; it is therefore descriptive in nature.
B. The way in which the Covid-19 public policy was carried out and
implemented by specialists.

Answers should just be limited to formulating a research purpose or question first,

and then the identification of an appropriate research design for each scenario and
one to three sentences of explanation.

Additional credit/points will be given to those who can provide dummy tables to
illustrate what and how data shall be analyzed.

Descriptive Analytical

I. Expert credibility and I. Home quarantine and isolation

persuasiveness on Covid-19 Public for suspected and confirmed
Health Policy CoVid-19 cases
II. Death anxieties among II. CoViD-19 vaccination among
healthcare workers who are pregnant and postpartum women
attending Covid-19 patients III. Neurological consequences of
CoVis-19 disease

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