Highly Automated Driving, Secondary Task Performance, and Driver State

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SPECIAL SECTION: Human Factors and Automation in Vehicles

Highly Automated Driving, Secondary Task

Performance, and Driver State
Natasha Merat, A. Hamish Jamson, Frank C. H. Lai, and Oliver Carsten,
University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom

Objective: A driving simulator study compared Introduction

the effect of changes in workload on performance in
In a bid to increase the safety and comfort of
manual and highly automated driving. Changes in driver
state were also observed by examining variations in
drivers and reduce congestion, there has been a
blink patterns. recent surge in the implementation of various
Background: With the addition of a greater number advanced driver assistance systems by vehicle
of advanced driver assistance systems in vehicles, the manufacturers. Examples include adaptive cruise
driver’s role is likely to alter in the future from an control (ACC), intelligent speed adaptation/
operator in manual driving to a supervisor of highly assistance, and lane keeping assistance systems
automated cars. Understanding the implications of such (LKAS). Recent European research projects
advancements on drivers and road safety is important. such as CityMobil and HAVEit have studied the
Method: A total of 50 participants were recruited effect of a higher level of vehicle automation on
for this study and drove the simulator in both manual driver behavior, where a number of such devices
and highly automated mode. As well as comparing
are combined to produce a system that can man-
the effect of adjustments in driving-related workload
on performance, the effect of a secondary Twenty
age all vehicle maneuvers, handling longitudinal
Questions Task was also investigated. and lateral control, reducing speed to avoid col-
Results: In the absence of the secondary task, lision with vehicles, changing lanes, and warn-
drivers’ response to critical incidents was similar in ing drivers if unable to manage emergency
manual and highly automated driving conditions. The situations (Reiner et al., 2008; Toffetti et al.,
worst performance was observed when drivers were 2009). The focus of such research is somewhat
required to regain control of driving in the automated different to past North American work on the
mode while distracted by the secondary task. Blink automated highway system (AHS), which relied
frequency patterns were more consistent for manual on infrastructural changes for its success and was
than automated driving but were generally suppressed considered too expensive to attract adequate sup-
during conditions of high workload.
port for deployment (Ioannou, 1997). Arguably,
Conclusion: Highly automated driving did not
have a deleterious effect on driver performance, when
more success has been achieved in the United
attention was not diverted to the distracting secondary States with driverless vehicles that do not rely on
task. dedicated infrastructure (DARPA, 2010).
Application: As the number of systems implemented A distinction is made here between the control
in cars increases, an understanding of the implications of such driverless cars relying on full automation
of such automation on drivers’ situation awareness, and highly automated vehicles that still require
workload, and ability to remain engaged with the driving some monitoring of the automated systems by
task is important. the driver (Flemisch, Kelsch, Löper, Schieben, &
Schindler, 2008). In essence, driving such highly
Keywords: blink duration, blink frequency, vehicle automated cars alters the driver’s role from an
automation, and driver behavior operator to a system supervisor who is simply
required to monitor the driving scene and resume
control of the vehicle, for instance, during emer-
Address correspondence to Natasha Merat, Institute for gency events, when the limits of the automated
Transport Studies, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT,
system have been surpassed.
UK; e-mail: n.merat@its.leeds.ac.uk.
Although monitoring the automation con-
trolling a vehicle in a quiet road might not be
Vol. 54, No. 5, October 2012, pp. 762-771 too onerous (McKnight & McKnight, 2003),
DOI:10.1177/0018720812442087 and easily achievable, even by novice drivers, a
Copyright © 2012, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. different state of affairs is envisaged when the
Highly Automated Driving 763

highly automated vehicle interacts with more by sudden and high overload. Although the effect
complex road and traffic environments, for of changes in workload on manual driving has
example, to avoid collision with other nonauto- been extensively studied, less is known about the
mated vehicles or pedestrians or cyclists per- effect of such transitions in workload during
forming unexpected maneuvers. Here, drivers highly automated driving. We know from studies
must understand the functionalities of the auto- on automation in other domains that it is inaccu-
mated system to ascertain if they should resume rate to assume a direct reduction in workload by
control of the driving task. Therefore, drivers automation and that automation is in fact likely
need to be aware of what is taking place in the to lead to a “redistribution of workload” during
road, how surrounding traffic is behaving, and different stages of a task (Sarter, Woods, &
whether the automated vehicle is responding Billings, 1997). For example, studies from avia-
effectively. Such good situation awareness (SA) tion suggest that although automation can sup-
by drivers involves the perception and compre- port pilots during situations of low workload, it
hension of the current conditions as well as pro- may actually be problematic by failing to pro-
jection of future actions (Endsley, 1995). vide the right support during conditions of higher
However, previous studies, for example, in avi- workload, at “time-critical, highly dynamic”
ation, suggest that automation can have a nega- phases of a flight (Sarter et al., 1994). Using mal-
tive effect on SA because of overreliance on the leable attentional resources theory (MART),
system, reduced vigilance, and lack of under- Young and Stanton (2002) propose that perfor-
standing of the system’s capabilities (Endsley, mance degrades in such situations because auto-
1997). mating a task causes a temporary reduction in
Much of our understanding of the implica- attentional resources, which are not as necessary
tions of such high levels of vehicle automation when automation is in charge. Such reduction in
on human behavior has relied on work on pilots, resources is then detrimental to performance if
nuclear plant operators, and air traffic controllers workload suddenly intensifies, for example,
(e.g., Hancock & Parasuraman, 1992), although because of unexpected changes in the driving
there is now emerging work on the effect of environment.
highly automated vehicles on factors such as A variety of objective and subjective tools
driver fatigue (Desmond, Hancock, & Monette, have been used to observe the effect of changes
1998; Saxby et al., 2008) SA (Merat & Jamson, in workload on operator state and performance.
2009a, 2009b), physiological state (Rauch, One attractive methodology, which provides a
Kaussner, Krüger, Boverie, & Flemisch, 2009), timely and objective understanding, is measures
and workload (Young & Stanton, 2002). A com- of drivers’ psychophysiological state. Examples
mon theme across many of these studies is under- of such measures include (a) evoke-related poten-
standing drivers’ interaction with ACC (Ma & tials, (b) eye-tracking measures, including fre-
Kaber, 2005; Rudin-Brown & Parker, 2004; quency, interval, and duration of blinks, and (c)
Seppelt & Lee, 2007; Stanton & Young, 2005), heart-related measures, including heart rate and
although results are conflicting. For example, heart rate variability (Wilson & Russell, 2003).
although Ma and Kaber (2005) showed reduced Because of their ease of use and less intrusive
mental workload in the presence of ACC and nature, heart- and eye-related measures are used
safer driving behavior with respect to speed and extensively for studying physiological response
headway measures; Rudin-Brown and Parker to operator workload, fatigue, and stress (e.g.,
(2004) suggest that such reduced workload was Byrne & Parasuraman, 1996; de Waard, 1996;
likely to lead to dangerous underload, creating Recarte, Pérez, Conchillo, & Nunes, 2008; Ryu
unsafe driving behavior when participants were & Myung, 2005; also see Neumann & Lipp,
required to respond to a hazard. 2002, for a review). Unfortunately, findings from
One area that merits better understanding in such psychophysiological measures are some-
this domain is how highly automated vehicles what conflicting. For example, workload has
affect driver workload and how performance been reported to increase (de Waard, 1996) and
changes when periods of underload are followed decrease (Brookings, Wilson, & Swain, 1996;
764 October 2012 - Human Factors

Van Orden, Limbert, Makeig, & Jung, 2001) eye drove 24,370 miles a year on average (SD =
blink frequency. Although there is some argu- 17,732 miles). Following ethical approval from
ment that such eye-tracking measures should be the University of Leeds, participants were
used only to estimate the effect of visual and not recruited using a newspaper advertisement and
auditory workload on drivers (de Waard, 1996), were paid for taking part in the study.
the continued use of various sound-based info-
tainment systems in the car increases the need to Equipment and Automated
understand the effect of nonvisual secondary Controllers
tasks on driver performance and workload. One The University of Leeds Driving Simulator,
recent account for the mixed results on the rela- incorporating an eight-degree-of-freedom motion
tionship between workload and blinks is pro- system, was used for this study. The vehicle
vided by Recarte et al. (2008), who distinguish cab, based around a Jaguar S-type vehicle, has
between the effect of the visual aspects of driving all driver controls fully operational and is
on eye blinks and that of cognitive (nonvisual) housed within a 4-m diameter spherical projec-
aspects of the driving task. These authors specu- tion dome. The front road scene encompasses a
late that blink rates can distinguish between horizontal field of view of 250o, and three rear
visual and mental workload and that an increase projectors display the scenes in the rear-view
in visual workload (e.g., by driving or a visual and side mirrors. The simulator is also equipped
search task) leads to blink inhibition. Participants with Version 4.5 of the Seeing Machines
are thought to suppress blinks to help decision faceLAB eye tracker, with its cameras mounted
making and response to a task. However, because on the vehicle dashboard (see Figure 1).
such blink inhibitory mechanisms rely on atten- To transfer from manual to highly automated
tional resources, blink rate increases when atten- driving, participants used a button on the steer-
tion during a visual task is taken away by a ing wheel to engage the automation. Disengage-
demanding cognitive task. ment of automation was possible by pressing
the same button, or by turning the steering
wheel more than 3o, or by pressing the brake
The aim of this study was to examine the pedal. Pressing the button engaged both the lon-
effect of driving a highly automated vehicle on gitudinal and lateral controller of the vehicle at
driver behavior and observe how transitions the same time. Design of the longitudinal con-
from quite low to unexpectedly high levels of troller was based around an ACC with a fixed
workload influence driving performance and desired target speed of 70 mph and a set head-
physiological state. Changes in workload were way of 1.5 s, although drivers were able to
manipulated by (a) using a non-driving-related adjust this speed once at the start of the experi-
in-vehicle secondary task (Twenty Questions ment. The lateral controller design was similar
Task; TQT) and (b) choreographing an incident to an LKAS and kept the vehicle in the center of
in the lane occupied by the driver, encouraging whichever lane they were driving in at the time
participants to change lanes at designated of its engagement.
points. The effect of vehicle automation and
workload on drivers’ awareness of the driving Experimental Design
environment was also assessed by comparing A fully within-subjects, three-factor repeated
their response to the critical incident in manual measures design was used to study the effect of
and automated driving. vehicle automation and secondary task perfor-
mance on driving performance and physiologi-
cal state. The three independent variables used
Participants in this study each had two levels as follows:
A total of 50 participants were recruited for drive (manual, automated), secondary task per-
this study. They ranged in age from 28 to 68 formance (TQT, No TQT) and scenario (critical
years (M = 47.38, SD = 10.37). Participants had incident, no critical incident). Therefore, for all
more than 10 years of driving experience and participants the manual and automated drives
Highly Automated Driving 765

learning how to switch between the two modes

and practicing the driving and TQT together.
The researcher was present throughout this
phase to answer any questions. This practice
session lasted around 45 min or until drivers
were satisfied with the workings of the simula-
tor and its automated system. Drivers then
drove the simulator unaccompanied for the
experiment session, with observation by the
researcher from the control room. Both practice
and experiment roads consisted of a simulated
three-lane U.K. motorway scene, with free-
flowing traffic conditions.
The experiment itself involved two drives
(manual and automated) lasting around 45 min
each, and to alleviate symptoms of fatigue, par-
ticipants were granted with a short break after
each drive. The order of drives was counterbal-
anced across participants, with half of the par-
ticipants having manual control of the car before
driving the automated vehicle, whereas the
Figure 1. Exterior view of the University of Leeds order of these drives was switched for the other
Driving Simulator and the vehicle cab, showing the half of participants. For the manual drive, par-
faceLAB cameras and the controller button. ticipants were instructed to observe the posted
speed limit of the road.
During the automated drive, participants
were encouraged to hand control over to the
consisted of (a) sections of road with “free” vehicle as soon as the drive began, although
driving—no TQT and no critical incident, (b) they were reminded by the experimenter if
driving-related workload imposed by the criti- this did not happen after around 1 min. On
cal incident, (c) non-driving-related workload pressing the button on the steering wheel, a
imposed by the TQT, and (d) high workload small LCD panel, integrated in the speedom-
where they were required to negotiate the inci- eter, lit up to indicate activation of the sys-
dent while also performing the TQT. Therefore, tem. Participants were also reminded that the
at least for the manual driving condition, we controllers were comfort devices that could
can suggest a hypothetical variation in work- only manage gentle maneuvers and were not
load, as shown in Table 1. designed to respond to critical and unex-
pected incidents.
Procedure The TQT was a guessing task that lasted 3
All drivers were provided with a brief min and was performed twice in each drive:
description of the experiment’s rationale, and once in combination with the critical incident
following consent to take part in the study, they and once in a similar section of road without an
were briefed on the safety and evacuation pro- incident. Based on a children’s parlor game,
cedures of the simulator. A familiarization stage participants are required to guess an item from
followed, whereby participants had the oppor- within an overriding category by asking a maxi-
tunity to test the functionality of the controllers. mum of 20 questions. The response to each
Participants were also briefed on the TQT and question is always only yes or no. This task is
practiced this task while seated in the stationary thought to utilize cognitive resources such as
simulator. They then drove the practice session, problem solving, planning, and working mem-
driving in both manual and automated mode, ory, whereas its “question and answer” format
766 October 2012 - Human Factors

Table 1: Hypothetical Changes in Workload by Task, for the Manual Driving Condition

Workload Task Likely Demand on Attentional Resources

Low Free driving Little demand on resources, no interaction with other traffic
Medium Critical incident Higher demand on resources because of a need to attend to
the VMS message, followed by deciding and acting on a lane
  Free driving + TQT Less demand from the driving task, but more resources likely
to be required for the TQT
High Critical incident plus Highest demand as attentional resources are divided between
TQT negotiating the critical incident as well as responding to the
Note. TQT = Twenty Questions Task; VMS = variable message sign.

is similar to a telephone conversation, where Results

performance is quantifiable (Horrey, Lesch, & Three sets of analyses are reported here. First,
Garabet, 2009). The TQT started automatically the effect of vehicle automation, secondary task
at a designated point within the drive. A prere- performance, and critical scenarios on vehicle-
corded message was played via the vehicle’s related metrics and driver behavior was exam-
speakers, announcing that the item to be guessed ined. Then, the effect of the above variables on
belonged to one of two categories (“fruit drivers’ blink rate and duration was observed.
and vegetable” or “animal”). The driver then Finally, drivers’ performance in the TQT was
attempted to guess the identity of the item with analyzed. In each case, unless otherwise stated,
a series of questions. The experimenter used a results were analyzed using a repeated measures
remote keyboard to provide the yes or no analysis of variance (ANOVA), where violations
answers to drivers. Drivers were allowed up to of sphericity were detected using Mauchly’s test.
20 guesses per item and were permitted to give Post hoc Bonferroni tests were used for paired
up and move to the next question, if they so comparisons. A summary of the main results is
wished. The number of guesses and correct provided in Table 2.
answers were recorded for each respondent.
The items chosen for this task were selected Driving Performance Measures
from a prepiloted list provided by Horrey Average speed was lower (67.62 mph) in the
(personal communication, June 29, 2009; see highly automated drive, compared to when par-
Horrey et al., 2009), although some of the terms ticipants drove manually (70.46 mph), F(1, 49) =
were Anglicized to ensure comprehension by 24.16, p < .0001, η2 = .33. There was also a sig-
our British participants. nificant effect of the TQT on mean speed, F(1,
The critical incidents involved an obstruc- 49) = 21.23, p < .0001, η2 = .30, with participants
tion in the driver’s lane, and drivers were pre- driving slower in the presence of the TQT (68.53
warned about the approaching incident via a mph vs. 69.56 mph). Naturally, average speed
variable message sign (VMS) that was placed was lower during the critical incident scenarios,
approximately 1,500 meters before the incident. F(1, 49) = 688.33, p < .0001, η2 = .93. The inter-
Drivers were required to react to the incident by actions between TQT and scenario, and TQT,
changing lane or risk being stranded in their drive, and scenario were both found to be sig-
lane because of maneuvers of the surrounding nificant, F(1, 49) = 8.35, p < .01, η2 = .15, and
traffic. This meant that in the automated drive, F(1, 49) = 7.50, p < .01, η2 = .13, respectively.
drivers were required to take control back from As shown in Figure 2, during automated driving,
the automated system, using any one of the participants reduced their speed by around the
three methods described above. same level in response to the CI scenarios,
Highly Automated Driving 767

Table 2: Summary of All Main Effects

Automation TQT Critical Incident

  Present (ACC) Absent (manual) Present Absent Present Absent

Speed (mph) 67.64 (0.73) 70.46 (0.83) 69.56 (0.74) 68.53 (0.72) 65.15 (0.70) 72.94 (0.77)
TQT — — — — 13.82 (0.48) 14.760 (0.52)
Mean blink — — 0.49 (0.03) 0.46 (0.02) 0.47 (0.03) 0.48 (0.02)
Mean blink — — — — 0.18 (0.0) 0.18 (0.0)
Note. ACC = adaptive cruise control; TQT = Twenty Questions Task. Standard errors are in parentheses.

78 initiated by the driver, as the traffic cones forced

drivers to change lane.
Mean Speed (mph)

72 Results showed that in the absence of the
70 Manual
68 Auto
TQT, the proportion of drivers changing lane
66 between the VMS and the first traffic cone in
64 the manual and automated driving conditions
60 was similar (83% vs. 81%), whereas when per-
No CI CI No CI CI forming the TQT, more drivers changed lane in
the automated drive (71% vs. 64%), χ2(1, N =
50) = 21.37, p < .0001. The time taken to change
Figure 2. Changes in mean speed in the two drives
lanes averaged around 30 s, regardless of driv-
as a result of the scenarios and the TQT. CI = critical
ing condition or TQT presence.
incident; TQT = Twenty Questions Task. Error bars
are standard errors. Performance on the Twenty
Questions Task
regardless of whether or not they were perform- The average number of questions and correct
ing the TQT. However, they reacted more effec- answers to the TQT were calculated for each
tively during manual driving, reducing their drive, and response during the critical incident
speed to a greater extent during the TQT, com- scenarios was compared by conducting a 2
pared to when TQT was absent. drive (manual, automated) × 2 scenario (No CI,
To compare participants’ response time to CI) ANOVA. Results showed a significant
the critical incident scenarios in the manual and effect of scenario on the number of questions,
automated driving conditions, their lane change F(1, 49) = 6.59, p < .05, η2 = .12, with more
maneuvers were assessed on approach to the questions asked in the absence of the critical
VMS. Here, the time at which drivers performed incident (14.76 vs. 13.82). Results also showed
their final lane change, as advised by the VMS, an interaction between drive and scenario, with
was calculated. The position of the VMS was more questions in the automated drive than the
used as the starting point for this calculation, manual drive when there was no incident,
with any negative values denoting lane changes whereas the reverse pattern was observed dur-
before the VMS and any positive values sug- ing the critical incident, with marginally more
gesting response to the VMS. It was also questions asked during the manual drive. There
assumed that only lane changes completed was no difference in the number of correct
between encountering the VMS sign and arriv- responses, with drivers averaging around .97
ing at the first traffic cone (denoting the start of correct answers (ranging between 1 and 4),
the critical incident) were those strategically regardless of drive type and scenario.
768 October 2012 - Human Factors

Driver State Measures 0.6

Mean Blink Frequency (Hz)

FaceLAB Version 4.5 was used for eye track- 0.4
ing. The mean number of blinks per second and 0.3
the mean length of time the eyes were closed 0.2
during each blink over a 60-s window were mea- 0.1

sured throughout the drive. As the quality of 0

eye-tracking data was poor for 6 of the partici- No CI CI No CI CI
pants, with many missing values, results are
reported for the remaining 44. Analyses showed
a main effect of TQT and scenario on the average
Figure 3. Changes in blink frequency in the two
frequency of blinks. Blink frequency was found
drives as a result of the critical incident scenario and
to be higher in the presence of the TQT (0.49 Hz
TQT. CI = critical incident; TQT = Twenty Questions
with TQT vs. 0.46 Hz with no TQT), F(1, 43) =
Task. Error bars are standard errors.
9.17, p < .01, η2 = .18, but a lower blink fre-
quency was observed overall when drivers were
required to negotiate the critical incident (0.47 0.190
Hz during the CI vs. 0.48 Hz in the absence of
Mean Blink Duraon (s)

the CI), F(1, 43) = 9.04, p < .01, η2 = .17. Mean 0.180
blink frequency was not found to be different in
the manual and automated driving conditions. Manual
0.170 Auto
However, there were highly significant interac-
tions between the TQT and drive, F(1, 43) =
42.25, p < .0001, η2 = .49, and the TQT and 0.160
scenario, F(1, 43) = 15.67, p < .0001, η2 = .27, No TQT TQT
and a three-way interaction among TQT, drive,
and scenario, F(1, 43) = 17.40, p < .0001, η2 = Figure 4. Changes in blink duration in the two drives
.29. As shown in Figure 3, in the absence of the as a result of the critical incident scenario and TQT.
TQT, blink frequency was higher during the CI = critical incident; TQT = Twenty Questions Task.
automated drive, and a further increase was seen Error bars are standard errors.
when participants were faced with the critical
incident. However, in the presence of the TQT,
although blink frequency remained high during absence of the CI. However, if they were
the automated drive in the “free” driving condi- required to negotiate the critical incident at the
tion (no CI), the pattern reversed during the CI, same time as performing the TQT, the reverse
where blink frequency was lower than that for pattern was observed for blink duration, where
the manual drive. longer durations of blink were seen for the man-
For blink duration, only a main effect of sce- ual drive (0.178 s) compared to the automated
nario was observed, F(1, 43) = 4.42, p < .05, drive (0.173 s; Figure 4).
η2 = .09, with marginally longer blink durations
in the absence of the critical incident (0.179 s Discussion
vs. 0.176 s). There was a significant interaction The main objective of this study was to
between TQT and scenario, F(1, 43) = 13.80, examine the effect of driving a highly auto-
p < .001, η2 = .24, and a three-way interaction mated vehicle on driver behavior, investigating
among TQT, scenario, and drive, F(1, 43) = how changes in workload affected driver per-
26.10, p < .0001, η2 = .38. In the absence of the formance. In addition to increasing driving-
TQT, blink duration was longer for the auto- related workload by adding a critical incident in
mated drive, only when participants were the road, supplementary workload was imposed
required to negotiate the critical incident. When on drivers by means of a distracting secondary
drivers were required to perform the TQT, the task. Young and Stanton’s (2002) MART was
same pattern was seen for blink duration in the used to examine how changes from relatively
Highly Automated Driving 769

low to unexpectedly high workload during or their understanding of the automated sys-
automated driving affected drivers’ control of tem’s capabilities. However, when drivers were
the vehicle in response to a critical incident. As required to engage in the TQT, fewer lane
well as observing driving-related measures, we changes were made, overall, and especially
examined physiological changes, by measuring during the manual driving condition. When com-
drivers’ blink behavior. Here, we considered the pared with the results on average speed above,
theory put forward by Recarte et al. (2008), these results suggest that although participants
which suggests that although a demanding were able to promptly change lanes in the auto-
visual scene, such as the CI used in our study, mated drive, they were unable to follow this
can lead to blink inhibitions (to enhance driv- maneuver with a timely reduction in speed.
ers’ perception of the scene), the addition of a A trade-off between primary and secondary
demanding nonvisual (cognitive) task removes task performance was observed during perfor-
such inhibitory mechanisms and leads to an mance of the TQT, where drivers asked more
increase in blink frequency. questions during the “free” driving (no CI) sec-
Our study found that, in the absence of the tion of the automated drive, presumably because
TQT, drivers reduced their speed in response to the control of driving by the system reduced
the critical incident during both the manual and their overall workload. However, as circum-
highly automated drives. Participants were there- stances changed during the CI scenario and
fore able to comprehend forthcoming changes in drivers’ full attention was needed to regain con-
the driving environment and respond effectively, trol of the driving task, to change lane or slow
showing good awareness of their surrounding down, fewer resources were then dedicated to
environment during the highly automated drive. the TQT, and a fall in the number of questions
However, when required to perform the TQT, asked was observed. It is interesting that such
drivers slowed down more in the manual than the variations in workload did not have an effect on
highly automated drive, when faced with the CI. the number of correct answers.
Therefore, they might have been aware of their The changes in workload imposed by the CI
resource limitations during the manual drive and and TQT task showed some interesting interac-
reduced their driving speed to a level suitable for tions for blink frequency and duration. Overall,
managing the incident and performing the TQT. our results concurred with the arguments pro-
However, they were not able to reduce speed as posed by Recarte et al. (2008). For the manual
adequately during the automated drive, perhaps drive, when TQT was absent, increased com-
because their attentional resources were directed plexity of the visual scene (from no CI to CI)
away from the automated driving task and mainly led to a small fall in blink rate and duration, as
engaged in the TQT. Under these conditions, per- participants attempted to obtain as much visual
formance was found to deteriorate, when the information as possible during the CI. However,
relatively manageable workload required for adding the TQT increased blink rate during the
automated driving and the TQT was suddenly manual drive for both the no CI and CI condi-
and unexpectedly elevated during negotiation of tions, concurring with proposals that blink inhi-
the CI, prohibiting drivers from responding bition is suppressed when drivers’ attention is
appropriately and in time, when required to directed toward an attention-demanding nonvi-
regain control of the driving task (Young & sual task (Recarte et al., 2008). A more complex
Stanton, 2002). relationship is seen for blink frequency during
When performance of the secondary TQT was the automated drive, and changes in this mea-
not required, the proportion of drivers changing sure provide some insight into how sudden and
lane in response to the VMS messages was found unexpected alterations in workload might affect
to be similar for the manual and highly auto- this physiological state, and also where drivers’
mated drives and the time taken to change lanes attention is directed during such transitions
was also comparable. Therefore, driving in the from low to high workload between driving and
automated mode without the TQT distraction did the TQT. In the absence of the TQT and CI, the
not affect comprehension of the VMS advice rate and duration of blinks for automated
770 October 2012 - Human Factors

driving were very similar to those of manual the continued support of Anthony Horrobin and
driving. However, when faced with the critical Michael Daly for the driving simulator studies. The
incident in the automated drive, rate of blinks comments and feedback of Professor John Lee and
was substantially higher than manual driving. three anonymous reviewers is also much appreciated.
This may well be a feature of blink patterns in
automated driving, where participants do not Key Points
attend as much to the driving environment, as
•• Studies argue that changing the driver’s role from
this is dealt with by the automated system. On
controller to supervisor may have an effect on
the other hand, when engagement in the TQT
performance and situation awareness.
was required, although the pattern of blinks was
•• The interaction between changes in workload and
again similar for automated and manual driving
highly automated driving is currently not well
in the no CI condition, an interaction was
observed during the CI, where by far the lowest
•• This study showed good performance by drivers
frequency of blinks was seen. Here, blink sup-
in the highly automated condition, in the absence
pression was at its highest since a sudden
of the secondary task.
change in demand from the driving task and an
•• Performance in the driving and secondary task
unexpected need to regain control provoked
was found to be most impaired when the two
drivers to obtain as much information as possi-
were required together, and especially when driv-
ble about the visual scene, where moments
ers had to resume control, after a period of under-
before their attention may have been directed
load imposed by vehicle automation.
mostly toward the TQT.
To conclude, this study showed that when
drivers’ attention was not diverted toward a References
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for funding this research. They are also grateful for of Safety Research, 40, 7–12.
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