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2022-2023 Fall

Module 4 (M 4)
Student Name, Surname: Salsabel A.ghani

Writing a Cause & Effect Essay

Dear Student,
Think of an environmental problem facing your country (pollution, drought, famine,
carbon footprint, etc.) and write a cause-and-effect essay in 220-270 words. In your
essay, include:
● What are the reasons for the problem?
● What will the consequences be if no solution is found?

First Draft
Iraqi heat crisis

If you look up on the Internet what’s the hottest country in Asia, Iraq is definitely one of those
countries on the top of that list. Summers in Iraq are dry with variations between hot and
extremely hot temperatures. According to the El Dorado weather the temperature exceeded 51
degrees Celsius-123.8 degrees Fahrenheit- in the city of Basra in the southern Iraq, which is the
highest temperature on earth. There are a couple of reasons to explain this abnormal high

•The northerly and northwesterly Summer wind, affects all of Iraq. It brings extreme dry air that
hardly any clouds form and the land surface is thus heated intensively by the sun.

•The fact that that land of this country has more of desert areas than greenlands.

•The fact that some lands has oil derivatives and other fuels.

•Lack of lakes and water areas; these factors-2,3 and 4-does a surprising effect on heat and
cause global warming.

•last but not least the lack of clouds in the sky makes the sun hit directly to the mainland.

2022-2023 Fall
Module 4 (M 4)

Heat back in my homeland has never shown mercy, especially in July and August, A lot of
people adapted with these weather conditions buying air conditions and trying to go out more at
nigh, but unfortunately that’s not enough and the government are not helping at al!

And one of the main consequences that can happen due to this heat if it continues with no
solution is the skin color of the people living in country borders; of Cours sun effects peoples
color and sometimes give them a bit of a tan, but if it continues every single day for a couple
months this would hit harder than just a temporary tan. And of course the two magnificent seas-
Tigres and Euphrates-that crossing this country been drying down since forever and will
continue to leaving areas dry and causing some serious global warming.

Final Draft

2022-2023 Fall
Module 4 (M 4)

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