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EMDR Therapy's Efficacy in the Treatment of Pain

Jonas Tesarz
University Hospital Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
Manon Wicking
Kathrin Bernardy
Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany
Günter H. Seidler
University Hospital Heidelberg

Chronic pain is the most common global cause of functional and quality of life limitations. Although
there are many effective therapies for the treatment of acute pain, chronic pain is often unsatisfactory.
Against this background, there is currently an urgent need to develop innovative therapies that enable
more efficient pain relief. Psychosocial factors play an important role in the development and persistence
of chronic pain. Especially in patients with high levels of emotional stress, significant anxiety, or relevant
psychological comorbidity, classical pain therapy approaches often fail. This is in line with the results
of recent pain research, which has shown that dysfunctions in emotion processing have a significant
influence on the persistence of pain symptoms. The recognition that pain can become chronic through
maladaptive emotional processing forms the pathophysiological basis for the application of eye movement
desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) in the treatment of chronic pain. In this sense, EMDR can be
used as an established method for desensitizing and processing of emotional distress from trauma therapy
specifically for processing emotional stress in patients with chronic pain. Against this background, it is
not surprising that the implementation of EMDR for patients with chronic pain is expanding. However,
the increasing clinical use of EMDR in the treatment of chronic pain has also led to a reputation to test
the efficacy of EMDR in pain management through randomized clinical trials. In addition to numerous case
control studies, there are now also six randomized controlled clinical trials available that demonstrate the
efficacy and safety of EMDR in the treatment of different pain conditions. However, in order to overcome
several methodological limitations, large multicenter studies are needed to confirm the results.
Keywords: eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR); pain; treatment; narrative review

hronic pain is one of the most serious health In a considerable number of patients, the pain per-

C problems worldwide (Buchbinder et al., 2018).

It is estimated that more than 20% of the
world’s adult population suffer from chronic pain,
sists despite adequate treatment of the underlying dis-
ease. This is especially the case in patients with comor-
bid mental disorders and in patients where psycholog-
and every 10th person is diagnosed with chronic pain ical factors play a major role. These patients are com-
every year (International Association for the Study plex, cost-intensive, and represent a major challenge
of Pain, 2012). Chronic pain is therefore one of the for clinical care. Various therapies are available, and
most common causes of disability and quality-of-life a multimodal treatment principle based on a biopsy-
impairments worldwide (GBD 2016 Disease and chosocial model is generally recommended. How-
Injury Incidence and Prevalence Collaborators, 2017). ever, the treatment of chronic pain is usually difficult

Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, Volume 13, Number 4, 2019 337
© 2019 EMDR International Association
and the treatment outcomes unsatisfactory (Williams, other EMDR-unspecific pain-relieving therapeutic ele-
Eccleston, & Morley, 2012), with small to moderate ments (exposure, relaxation and hypnosis techniques,
effect sizes. While some patients benefit significantly improvement of coping skills, cognitive restructuring,
from generic treatment approaches, others do not etc.) that can be adapted to the individual needs of
benefit or even incur adverse effects. This is especially the patient due to the patient-centered character of
true when comorbid mental disorders such as anxiety, EMDR. Against this background, it is not surprising
stress-related disorders, or depression are present, and that EMDR is used increasingly to treat patients with
psychological factors play a major role in the chronifi- chronic pain (Tesarz et al., 2014; Tesarz, Seidler, &
cation. However, especially in these patients the appli- Eich, 2015). In addition to a large number of uncon-
cation of eye movement desensitization and reprocess- trolled observational studies, there is now also a grow-
ing (EMDR) seems to be highly effective in reducing ing number of randomized controlled trials that have
pain symptoms. Whether EMDR is an effective inter- investigated the efficacy of EMDR in pain therapy.
vention here and in which pain patients the method
works is an important question for both EMDR prac-
tice and research. In this brief narrative review, the cur-
rent scientific evidence on the efficacy of EMDR in the
treatment of chronic pain is presented.
Scientific Evidence for the Use of EMDR
in the Treatment of Pain
Why EMDR for the Treatment of Pain?
In 2014, a systematic review was able to identify a
The treatment of pain represents a promising and total of 2 controlled trials and 10 observational stud-
recently growing field for the use of EMDR therapy. ies (Tesarz et al., 2014). Since then, 4 more ran-
Psychotherapeutic care of patients with pain has long domized controlled trials have been published. Thus,
focused on their dysfunctional coping strategies and there are currently a total of six randomized con-
maladaptive behavior patterns. However, the signifi- trolled trials that have investigated the clinical effi-
cant influence of stressful life events and/or emotional cacy of EMDR in pain therapy. An examination
stress on pain perception and central pain processing of the case and controlled studies reveals promis-
has been neglected (Tesarz et al., 2015; Tesarz et al., ing results, especially for phantom pain (De Roos
2016). In addition to the purely sensory dimension, et al., 2010; Schneider, Hofmann, Rost, & Shapiro,
physical pain usually contains a substantial emotional 2008; Rostaminejad, Behnammoghadam, Rostamine-
dimension. This emotional dimension not only deter- jad, Behnammoghadam, & Bashti, 2017; Wilensky,
mines the levels of intensity and/or stress with which 2006), headache (Konuk, Epözdemir, Atçeken, Aydin,
pain is experienced, but it can also contribute signif- & Yurtsever, 2011; Marcus, 2008; Mazzola et al.,
icantly to the maintenance—that is, chronification— 2009), acute postoperative pain (Maroufi, Zamani,
of the pain symptomatology. Recent neurobiological Izadikhah, Marofi, & O’Connor, 2016), and chronic
studies have shown that the process of pain chronic- musculoskeletal disorders (Allen, 2004; Gerhardt et
ity in the brain leads to a shift away from classical al., 2016; Grant & Threlfo, 2002; Nia, Afrasiabifar, &
pain-processing regions towardemotional neural net- Behnammoghadam, 2018). These studies consistently
works (Hashmi et al., 2013). This “emotional” shift is showed a significant improvement in pain intensity,
held responsible for the fact that pain, similar to “flash- with overall high effect sizes following EMDR inter-
backs” in posttraumatic stress disorders, settles in and ventions. The effect sizes varied significantly depend-
is unable to disappear. ing on the disease entity and duration of treatment.
The understanding that the process of pain chronic- With regard to the sustainability of the therapy effects
ity is closely linked to maladaptive emotional process- achieved, the follow-up studies showed stable effects
ing forms the pathophysiological basis for the appli- or even further improvements, which provided pre-
cation of EMDR therapy in the treatment of chronic liminary evidence that EMDR appears to be sustain-
pain: an established method for processing emotion- ably effective. However, whether specific mechanisms
ally stressful experiences in trauma therapy can be are responsible for the effects remains unclear. Possi-
specifically used for processing emotional stress in ble unspecific effects like increased attention of health-
patients with chronic pain, thereby processing and care professionals, distraction, or relaxation might
resolving this dysfunctional “emotional shift.” In addi- have driven the results. Note that methodological lim-
tion to the EMDR-specific element of “desensitiza- itations within and between studies require a cautious
tion and reprocessing,” EMDR contains numerous
interpretation of these impressive results. See Table 1.

338 Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, Volume 13, Number 4, 2019
Tesarz et al.
TABLE 1. Characteristics of the Randomized Controlled Studies

A = Experimental group, Type of Pain No of
Study B = Control group Targets N (f/m) Sessions Findings

Estergard A Standard EMDR Pain-related Unspecified 6 sessions EMDR > TAU for pain
(2009) B TAU disturbing chronic pain (90 minutes), measure
memories  37 (33/4) 1 week apart.
Marcus A “Integrated EMDR Interoception/focus Severe 1session EMDR reduced/eliminated
(2008) treatment protocol” on diaphrag- migraine (60 minutes) migraine pain. EMDR >
B Standard care matic breathing 43 (41/2) standard care medication for
medication pain reduction, speed of
effect at posttreatment. No
adverse events were reported
Maroufi A Standard EMDR Negative beliefs Acute Single EMDR treatment
et al. B Neutral interview or images (postsurgery) session (60 significantly decreased pain
(2016) associated with pain minutes) intensity. Control reported

the surgery 56 (28/28) about 3 no improvement
hours after
Gerhardt A Standard EMDR Pain-related Chronic back 10 session EMDR treatment
et al. B TAU disturbing pain (60 minutes) significantly decreased pain
(2016) memories, 40 (28/12) fortnightly intensity posttreatment, and
negative beliefs, at 6-month follow-up; 50% of
or images patients in the intervention
associated with group improved clinically
the pain, the relevant and rated their
physical situation as clinically
sensation of the satisfactory improved,
pain itself compared to zero patients in
the control group. No
adverse events were reported

TABLE 1. Characteristics of the Randomized Controlled Studies (Continued)

A = Experimental group, Type of Pain No of
Study B = Control group Targets N (f/m) Sessions Findings

Rostaminejad A Standard EMDR Disturbing Phantom 12 sessions EMDR treatment

et al. B TAU memories limb pain (60 minutes) significantly decreased pain
(2017) associated with 56 (28/28) over a intensity posttreatment, and
the initial injury, 1-month remained stable until 24-
the amputation period month follow-up, whereas
or memories of the control group tended to
difficulties in experience an increase in
functioning pain; 46% of the patients in
because of the intervention group could
ampuation, the achieve a complete healing

physical of their pain, and another
sensation of the 40% reported a “substantial”
pain itself improvement compared to
0% in the control group. No
adverse events were reported

Nia A1 Standard EMDR Pain-related Rheumatoid 6 sessions Guided imagery and EMDR
et al. A2 Guided imagery disturbing arthritis mus- (45–90 could reduce pain in
(2018) B Waitlist memories, culoskeletal minutes), rheumatoid arthritis
negative beliefs, pain held once compared to waitlist, but
or images 75 (64/11) per day pain reduction was more
associated with following the EMDR than
the pain guided imagery. No adverse
events were reported
Note. TAU = treatment as usual.
Summary of the Randomized Controlled Trials which unfortunately has not yet been published in a
peer-reviewed journal, the efficacy of six sessions of
The efficacy of EMDR in the treatment of chronic
EMDR was compared with a treatment as usual wait-
pain has so far been investigated in a total of six
list control in a coordinated two-group design. The
randomized controlled trials. One of the first ran-
participants were matched to their baseline pain levels
domized trials investigated the effect of a modified
and randomized to EMDR or a waiting list group with
EMDR short-term intervention on the course of acute
delayed treatment. The experimental group received
migraine attacks (Marcus, 2008). For this purpose,
six 90-minute EMDR sessions over a period of 6 weeks,
the influence of an “integrated EMDR” treatment
and the control group waited. The patient population
intervention was compared with standard medica-
and EMDR treatment are unfortunately not described
tion. While the EMDR intervention group (N = 26)
in more detail in the article. The results showed that
was not allowed to take any pain medication dur-
EMDR was significantly superior to the waiting list
ing the observation period, the comparison group
in terms of reducing pain and improving dysphoria.
(N = 26) received its individual acute medication
This study is of particular importance for two rea-
to cope with the migraine attack. Instead of med-
sons: Firstly, this study showed the efficacy of the clas-
ication, the EMDR intervention group received a
sic EMDR protocol in pain patients for the first time,
single EMDR short-term intervention, which con-
and secondly, the effects with an effect size of hedges
sisted of a combination of diaphragmatic breathing,
g = 1.12 [-1.82, -0.42] can be considered as clinically sig-
external rhythmic head compressions, and bilateral
nificant. One weakness is certainly that the work has
eye movements. All participants were treated during
not yet been formally published, and therefore rele-
the mid to late stages of a migraine attack, and pain
vant information (such as type of pain, age of patients,
conditions were assessed by an independent evalua-
or therapy targets) remains unclear.
tor before, after, 24 hours, 48 hours, and 7 days after
In the authors’ own study, patients with non-
treatment. Both the standard medication and the inte-
specific chronic back pain who reported previous
grated EMDR treatment groups showed a reduction
experiences with psychological trauma were random-
in migraine pain immediately after treatment and 7
ized to standardized pain-focused EMDR in addi-
days later. However, the integrated EMDR treatment
tion to routine care or routine care alone (control;
reduced or eliminated migraine pain more rapidly
Gerhardt et al., 2016). The results of this RCT showed
and showed significantly greater improvements com-
that pain intensity decreased significantly after EMDR
pared to conventional medication. No adverse events
treatment and effects remained stable at 6-month
were reported. A limitation of this study, which makes
follow-up. On an individual patient basis, the analysis
comparison with other EMDR studies difficult, is
showed that about 50% of the patients in the interven-
certainly the modified form of EMDR intervention
tion group had clinically relevant improvements and
used in this study. This began with the participant’s
assessed their situation as clinically satisfactory com-
use of diaphragmatic breathing in conjunction with
pared to no patients in the control group. Notably,
rhythmic head compression carried out by the ther-
secondary analyses of the healthcare utilization behav-
apist. After this introductory phase, the therapist
ior during the study period showed that patients in
stopped the rhythmic head compressions and started a
the control group had on average twice as many addi-
set of bilateral stimulation in the form of slow and fast
tional appointments with healthcare providers than
eye movements in a figure of eight for 30–90 seconds.
patients in the EMDR intervention group, indicating
The entire session usually lasted between 12 and 30
significant cost effectiveness. However, it must also be
minutes. In this respect, this intervention differs signif-
mentioned that this study was designed as a feasibility
icantly from a classical EMDR therapy, and it remains
study with small sample size, and was therefore not
questionable to what extent these results generalize to
sufficiently powered for confirmatory decisions about
classical EMDR therapy.
efficacy of EMDR. Furthermore, EMDR was not com-
Another interesting randomized trial is described
pared to other psychotherapeutic treatments in this
in the doctoral thesis of the American psychologist
study but compared to a wait-list control group. It has
Linda Estergard (2009), which examined the effective-
been noted that such designs may overestimate inter-
ness of a classical EMDR intervention on pain symp-
vention effects, thus results might be biased.
toms in pain patients for the first time. In this thesis,


Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, Volume 13, Number 4, 2019 341
EMDR Therapy's Efficacy in the Treatment of Pain
To avoid this limitation, Nia et al. (2018) conducted fact that a rather relaxing (EMDR) and a potentially
a three-arm study in patients with chronic muscu- stressful (60-minute interview) procedure were com-
loskeletal pain due to rheumatoid arthritis. In this pared makes it difficult to evaluate the results in
randomized controlled trial, 75 pain patients were respect to the natural course of postsurgical pain.
allocated into two intervention groups and one These results suggest that EMDR may be an effective
treatment-as-usual control group. EMDR and guided treatment modality for postoperative pain.
imagery were provided in an intensive manner, with
six daily sessions of 45–90 minutes. Results showed Discussion
that EMDR (in addition to multimodal rehabilitation
treatment) was significantly superior not only to mul- In summary, the use of EMDR in the treatment of
timodal rehabilitation treatment alone, but also to pain is still very much in its infancy. At the same time,
guided imagery. Guided imagery and EMDR both it must also be emphasized that with a total of six
reduced pain in rheumatoid arthritis over and above randomized controlled trials, there is now consider-
the multimodal rehabilitation treatment, but pain able evidence that EMDR appears to be effective in
reduction was larger following EMDR than guided the treatment of pain. However, the studies are gen-
imagery. erally characterized by lack of active control groups,
Particularly remarkable results were reported from monocentric design, and small sample size, and usu-
a randomized controlled trial on the efficacy of EMDR ally conducted by very experienced and specialized
on phantom limb pain in patients after limb ampu- institutions—so that it remains particularly unclear to
tations (Rostaminejad et al., 2017). In this study, a what extent the sometimes very impressive results can
total of 60 patients with amputations were allocated be transferred to broader application in general clin-
randomly into experimental or control group. Con- ical use. Thus, there is currently an urgent need for
trol group patients were allocated to routine care, a large multicenter study with a sufficient number of
whereas the EMDR group received 12 1-hour ses- cases and a suitable comparison group.
sions distributed over a period of 1 month. The mean In addition to conducting methodologically robust
pain intensity decreased in the experimental group clinical studies, the focus of future research should
between the first and last session, whereas the con- also be on a better understanding of the underlying
trol group tended to experience an increase in pain. mechanisms. At present, it has not been conclusively
The differences were statistically significant and clin- clarified which mechanisms EMDR uses to influence
ically highly relevant. In the 2-year follow-up period, pain. However, a better understanding of the underly-
over 86% of patients in the EMDR intervention group ing mechanisms of action could also lead to important
reported a complete or almost complete pain relief implications for clinical application. At present, many
with just 12 sessions of EMDR therapy—compared questions remain unanswered: Which therapy targets
to 0% in the control group. These impressive results should be focused on in pain patients? In which order
are impaired by several methodological biases, that is, should the targets be processed? For which group of
a lack of information on statistical, procedural, and pain patients is EMDR more suitable and for which
therapeutic details, which make it hard to evaluate the not? Which form of EMDR protocol should be used?
quality of the data. The current state of the studies does not provide a
Interestingly, there is also preliminary evidence clear answer to these questions.
that EMDR is effective in acute pain conditions.
Maroufi et al. (2016) explored the effect of a single
Types of Pain Treated With EMDR and
session of EMDR for acute postoperative pain man-
Treatment Targets
agement in adolescents. The majority of patients
reported at least moderate levels of pain postsurgery, It is astonishing that EMDR appears to be effective
despite being on medication. In this randomized con- for a wide variety of pain disorders, regardless of the
trolled study, 56 adolescent surgical patients were underlying cause. For specific pain syndromes such as
allocated to EMDR treatment or a non-EMDR (con- phantom, postoperative, or inflammatory pain, good
trol) procedure in which patients underwent a 60- efficacy of EMDR has been demonstrated as well as
minute “neutral” interview. Following EMDR treat- for nonspecific pain conditions. Similarly, there is pre-
ment, there was a significant decrease in pain inten- liminary evidence for the efficacy of EMDR in both
sity, while the control group reported slightly higher chronic pain and acute pain. These results suggest
(though nonsignificant) levels of pain on average. The that it is not so much the original origin of the pain
that is important for the treatment response as the

342 Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, Volume 13, Number 4, 2019
Tesarz et al.
association of pain symptoms with stressful memo- more clarity in this area and thus perhaps to make
ries, thoughts, or feelings. the therapy protocols even more efficient and patient-
Much more important than the question of the type centered.
of pain seems to be the question of whether the pain
must be related to psychological traumatization or
whether the pain itself is not a kind of “trauma” that Conclusions
can be processed “trauma-therapeutically” with the
help of EMDR. The current state of studies seems to In summary, it can be stated that the consistent
indicate that both is possible. Most studies used the findings across the existing studies show a good to
standard EMDR protocol to focus on the processing very good efficacy of EMDR in the treatment of
of traumatic memories associated with pain (De Roos chronic pain. In recent years, several randomized con-
et al., 2010; Gerhardt et al., 2016; Grant & Threlfo, trolled trials with sufficient sample size have been
2002; Konuk et al., 2011; Maroufi et al., 2016; Maz- completed that support the positive effects of EMDR
zola et al., 2008; Wilensky, 2006) or traumatic mem- for different pain conditions. However, caution is
ories completely independent of the pain (Gerhardt needed when interpreting the results as these stud-
et al., 2016), or on possible pain triggers (Gerhardt et ies comprised different pain conditions and EMDR
al., 2016; Maroufi et al., 2016; Schneider et al., 2008). protocols (including varying numbers of sessions) as
In addition, numerous studies (De Roos et al., 2010; well as methodological limitations (see Table 1). Large
Grant & Threlfo, 2002; Kavakci, Semiz, Kaptanoglu, multicenter studies, which test the use of EMDR
& Ozer, 2012; Marcus, 2008; Mazzola et al., 2008) in pain therapy outside specific centers, are lack-
have reported that the pain itself can be targeted and ing to date and are an important area for further
processed by using modified “pain-specific” protocols. work.
In such protocols, special attention is often paid to
the processing of pain-associated fears, as well as to
enabling changes in pain sensations and developing References
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is superior to another. However, it can be assumed Woolf, A., Schoene, M., … Croft, P. (2018). Low back
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group. Gijsman, M., Van der Wee, N. J., Zitman, F. G., …
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Despite increasing scientific evidence, many ques- reprocessing in the treatment of chronic pain (Unpublished
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in patients with pain. This concerns in particular the versity.
question of the selection and modification of “special GBD 2016 Disease and Injury Incidence and Prevalence
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require a greater variety of goals and more flexibil-
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traumatic stress disorder. In addition, the exploratory Seidler, G. H., Eich, W., & Tesarz, J. (2016). Eye move-
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the goals for desensitization and reprocessing should usual for non-specific chronic back pain patients with
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the treatment of chronic pain. Journal of EMDR Practice
and Research, 3(2), 66–79. doi:10.1891/1933-3196.3.2.66 Disclosure. J.T. receives income from published books on
Nia, N. G., Afrasiabifar, A., & Behnammoghadam, M. EMDR therapy and for the training of licensed professionals
(2018). Comparing the effect of eye movement desen- in EMDR therapy.  G.H.S. receives income from book pub-
sitization and reprocessing (EMDR) with guided lications on EMDR and training licensed professionals in
imagery on pain severity in patients with rheumatoid this approach. The other authors have no relevant financial
arthritis. Journal of Pain Research, 28(11), 2107–2113. interest or affiliations with any commercial interests related
to the subjects discussed within this article. 
Rostaminejad, A., Behnammoghadam, M., Rostamine-
jad, M., Behnammoghadam, Z., & Bashti, S. (2017).
Correspondence regarding this article should be directed
Efficacy of eye movement desensitization and repro-
to Jonas Tesarz, Department of General Internal Medicine
cessing on the phantom limb pain of patients with
and Psychosomatics, University Hospital Heidelberg,
amputations within a 24-month follow-up. Interna-
Heidelberg, Germany, INF 410, 69120. E-mail: jonas.tesarz
tional Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 40(3), 209–214.


344 Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, Volume 13, Number 4, 2019
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