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Relevo, Princess Margareth B.


Contemporary Philippine Art has its “past” and “present” yet it still continues to develop by
various contemporary artists. The past history of Philippine Art has gone through various process for its
production. With their different context in terms of style, history, and cultural, the symbols and meanings
of the artworks are depicted.
Traditionalism encompasses a wide range of artistic expressions that reflect traditional culture,
including folk architecture, maritime transport, weaving and carving, folk performing and visual arts, folk
graphic and plastic arts, ornament, textile or fiber art, pottery, and other artistic expressions that reflect
traditional culture. The term "Philippine art" refers to the works of art that have evolved and accumulated
in the nation from the beginning of civilization in the country up to the current time period. Painting,
Sculpture, Literature, Architecture, Theater, Film, and Music are the seven diverse art genres represented.
Philippine art is distinguished by the fact that it is indigenous to the country. The artist felt that by
showing images from ordinary life and the surrounding environment without idealizing them, he would
be able to capture the genuine essence of the Filipino soul and home place. The magic realists in the area
preserve a sense of genre, which prevents them from being wholly derivative of other works.
Our historical history distinguishes us from our ASEAN neighbors, yet Philippine visual art does
not have a single aesthetic; rather, it is as diverse and rich as the numerous parts of our archipelago, which
makes it unique.
Our historical history distinguishes us from our ASEAN neighbors, yet Philippine visual art does
not have a single aesthetic; rather, it is as diverse and rich as the numerous parts of our archipelago, which
makes it unique. Mindanao was the star of the show this year, with artists like as Romulo Galicano and
Kublai Millan (the latter of whom is from Mindanao himself) representing the island group in a variety of
styles that stood out from the others.
According to the findings of the interviews, the visual character which is alibata infused into the
artwork is a crucial defining factor in modern Philippine paintings. One further component is the topic
matter, which depicts current happenings in the nation.
As a result, they represent the wide spectrum of creative influences on the country's culture,
including indigenous forms of art, as well as how these influences have sharpened the country's aesthetic
expression. Traditional arts and non-traditional arts are two separate disciplines of the arts that are
distinguished from one another.

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