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PROGRESS IN THE DESIGN OF LOW DRAG AEROFOILS By FX. Woarmass “To propertin ofan arf scion can best be secs from its velocity dizeibuton From the knowe velocity ditrbucon ata gven angle fei ‘nes follow appteximaely the ift and moment of the aerfol section; the ‘elo dibs for other ange of inedence can be derived hy potential Theory With sme esperence i penble o sit broadly the shape and UB of the wing ection witout dete aviation, Finally and hin isthe main reason why the starting point forthe design of x modern aeofoil, section always the velocity distibuion—it is only possible to discuss ‘heretical the development of the hoandary layer in hese term an there= by obean drag andthe pla diagram (lt-rag curve) ofthe ert section, “The desig of an aero section, therefore cosine of aleting Sram the Juege number of poole velacty distabtios those which wil ead to am rofl ection approximating moet cee to th requirement fn respect ‘of shape and seaynamic chtsctrisics, The process of election pre= ‘Suppor the existence of theoreti methods uae for evan he shape ‘fe wing ection and the chaacer ofthe boundary layer fn the veloc ‘Gaebuton ie demands, in praia eatefl experimental check of theo reseal method and dedictions. The weltknown N.AC.A. lina of low drag scofis, which were developed some fiten years ago inthe U.S.A, ‘wee theft sea for which the velocity ditrbaton war ssleced with Frimary exphatis on desced charset of the boundary layer, the ‘Soatour wan derved as second step. Te was Known a that tie tht the boundary layer could he maitane laminar within a vegin of slight favour able prsare gradients; therefore, on sero where the peak ston ‘ecured far alt a deren in rconal dag waste expected. Inf, the UALCA. lowedug croft atid 2 3030 per cont ler inion rofl drag, depending on choise location of tact peak and Reyes ‘umber, compared with wing sections ofthe oer types Since these aero- Fos were widely known in the pst and are today sl edo «very large sumer of subsonic azerf they provide a uct saring point for the Progen the Deg of Low Drag Aeeels 9 following reflections howe simi t point out adiinal poss which Hive no yet been expat “The erphan in hese considerations which are focused onthe oli problem of bani mini drag ed maser Ht placed les on devving some ES et than on dscnsing the basic pinciies to achieve boundary Bre conrel by nese of aerofl geometry. For better understanding of wha follow, 2am ofthe known relation- ship ig connesion wa the flow arindserfl sections wil be bei e- ‘Sea Figure! shavs the wloctydtibtiansof ecver erent NA.CA. ‘ng sections, hich all pores he same mau thickness chord ration WD per ent. Acrofit 0012 i = wing section af the older type the other ho sctong, having pea suction Further af re low-deng sero of the NAGA 6series, pa ae vo sgh of eee “The extensive favour presare gratin of low-drag arf stabiies ‘he laminas bouadaty layer sd dla teason unl the region of highest apereloctyoreached. A corresponding deems in foal drag results moving peak suction further af i, weve, no panacea since beyond the pak the unfavourable peesure gradient became steeper and steeper. The ‘r, Nona has recy publi a cmpebenive rte of he "ee 70 FX. Woeruae load on the Boundary layer which i tarbulent within thie rogion increases ‘respondingy. Fall, pressure drag inceaer at higher rt thn the frictional rug decrees, for agiven aerfol thicknew and given Reynole ‘umber thee ext in respect of eg, optim Hint the hots Prion of peak suction, The eft of patie setting of 5° the ela disdain over the suction side ofthe serfal tion is shown in Fig. dete ine, For the Tow-drg aerofoils peak suction now acre tthe leg ede The eb sequent alin veloetydestaiie he laminar boundary ayer the tase Point ean jump far forward and causes sudden increase n dra. This process Imhich occurs in the sume way at negative angler of incidence ie respon forthe characteristic indentation in the curve of pele drag of he ection hich is called "Tow-drag range” or “low-drgbuclet™. Older serfs, Sich for example, the alkeady mentioned 012 scrofa how, in general, ‘no ireulries because the poston othe rant pint changes gadaly {nd on the whole only very lil "The width ofthe low-drag bucket is clsly connected withthe minimus rag. 8 fr example in Fig. we tart wi constant srt hicks, item be sen dat section 66-012 ha infact the sles drag becave peak ‘suction our farther ft but, athe same time, alo has the aromest ow drag bucket. With peak suction frat the favourable peste raion be= ‘umes fatter and is more quickly transformed into an unfavourile one by Increasing the angle of incidence han by an inially steeper favourable pressure gradient ion che ether hand eran ft poston ofthe peak usin inti, the low drag ange can, ined, become wider with increasing scrofl thick: es but the drag must le icreare athe same te. ean be wen tit with NVA.CA. lowedag serfs soe ieapectire of acofll ype «ven sidth ofthe low-deg bucket always sociated ‘wth given dag within the range. No advance can be lined wl this Interdependence hat been altered, ie. una smaller drag ha en obtuned i he sme ange or ier ow ig rng hat ben aed ih ie tie deg. Tn the following frequent reference will he made to comparable scott sections eis hereby asc tht either ofthe two named chinertes ‘inform the basis ofa comparison. The sera thicknes, aortas fom 2 struct point of view, neo not be considered separately see etal ‘ero thickness i alway necenary for a desied with of low-drag range hist he revere ot tue ‘With increasing Reynelds numbers the laminas Boundary layer becomes lea sable andthe with of the low-drag bucket reduced, The lw-ag bucket can completely dppear at Reynolds numbers Re > 10" The "tn Geman “Dele”. Progr i the Design of Loe Drag Aeefls 7 numerical valve relates to the Reynolds number formed by the aerfet ‘hord cand the fee steam velocity U® When comparing experimental ‘Eta it mrt be borne in mind that the width ofthe lw-drg range i sub nly dependent om the degen of taulene ofthe fee ream, In general te misma drag becomea sale with inreae of Reyolde number. This isthe result of two opposing elects An incre in Reynolds number redes onthe one hund the frictional dag tefered to stagnation preeue ad allow the boundary layer to become thinner and the alealy tall presue deg to becomes smaller, On the other hand the easton Doin ean move formar de tothe dressing stability othe laminar bo= Sy lye, thus casing an nereave in iimim dag Rothe are approxi= ‘ately eQul for Reyolde numbers ofthe eeder 23% 10"; at ger Rey- ‘olds numbers one usualy bverves slight increse in minimum dap “The sult ofan aero for high subsonic pedi inthe fist pce, determined by it rita Mach number which fet msniy depends on the magnitude of the highest super-velcity. In general a high crcl Mach Iimber is axoeated with slow supe-reloiy. Amongst those scrofa of ‘ual shicnew piven in Fig. 1 the NACA. 66 crf for example, wll ve de laren cruel Mach number, not only a ne ange of incidence But ‘within whole range of angle. The elacty diatbuton favourable to acteve {abst repon with liar ow aaa hee to achieve high ert Mach number’ When exceeding the range of angles of incidence lrenéy mentioned ‘roc peak occur a he wing leading eg which roe the ext Mach umber very rapidly. When plating ental Mach number of = low-drg ‘eral against Le ob obtain a cheaters indentation mrt he Lot drag bucket For NVA.C.A. low-dawing sections the same connexion is ‘ali fortis Mach umber age ss that expressed above fr the Low-diag, range: almost independent of the type of aerfol given erica Mach umber is always ssocited with given width and Teton of the Bach umber spe 1, FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF LOW-DRAG AEROFOILS A MR-Aerfoile if magnitude and rear chorvse poston of pk suction are the given design parameter, the veloctydinrition wpetresm of the sietion pak ‘st he choren 20 dha becomes constant on one side ofthe aerofel aan gle of ineidenee a. The veloc gradient then remains postive for all * these distin apo tthe et oh text a the iat {Th eign fer ra fo fem su ht eon mst etn at she ines of in ines i he os eee eli oy Jind bythe ghar oa Mac mrmber owing seston fh nd 12 FX, Worn smaller angle of incidence and thus favourable for antaining the bound. tyler linac, When the velocity decreas ft ofthe suton peak i ao prtecribed 1 must be chosen compatible withthe so-called condition of oars, In this cate the low deeg backat Bacomes a mrximum for these ‘sign parameters, The ame shoold then also apply tothe Mach number range ‘uch MLR. innimum rang) wing sections, which otherwise are very similis othe NAC.A. sections, have been suggested by B, Tavarrs® and Esvongst other yy ME J. Lion’, In order to calle the transition from one sac dribion in potential Row Us) or Ug) respects at tiange of nsidence a that = an angle of incidence wg one wes the wel Keown relation Usp) _ cos(42~a0) Td) cox( G22)” where the nondimensionl ciate (with respect tothe serail chord) Inthe ose of symmeti aerofle 1» Hl cong), and x mesure fromm the er it angle ‘Wien elelsting the veloc distribution of NLR aerofls one sta, of cour from the veloty sumo oe constant slong certain part of the ‘Sord sta certain given angle of incideer; veloc distuibutions for othe {gle ae then cela withthe lp of Eg (0) 'M.Retions give, theoreti, about 1°28 per cent greter low drag range than the NAA.GA.Tow-dra terol where the veloc does at, a howain Fig 1 by dotted tins, change monotony itn seonsant dit tion Adnitedly he leading’ odge radius of N.Rosecton i even sale tha af dhe American wing ections, where a lrger leading edge radius was ‘tind in view of maximum ify The quosion whether te M.R-aerofols thang an inerete ofthe low dra range fora reduction in maxi it ‘des not appear to hare been extnnodexpeientally. Theoretically one ‘igh even reach the opposite conclusion, o Ocha te @ 3.2, Aerofi of erable contour ‘Wits gven range NACA low-deag aero havea partially sll rag. W. Prenncr 80 found a salation wing diferent means, He choe ‘inte more peer ce rte pec by Bertone wats at ot oui ge lyase en to cso md ‘tars ange of incidence. For one parle amen the ncn 9 cay of ‘eity alder ler mas of ace ten flow forte cent ss es iow oe heat — Progr in the Design of Low Drag Aeros 78 forhis designs wey ft postive velocity gradient. Thus, the low-drag range tor dy aval butte maxim super-tloiy andthe laity decrease ese te taling edge aso remain anal than for the scion of the SERIA fry, the same serofod thine and the same fe ostion of ‘Nak Seton are speed. According, condtins forthe turbulent boundary “Wcturefaourele thn nthe cate of the N'A.CA, secon. The to= ‘Sled width ofthe low-drag Bucket is obtained by deetng a soll ap EASG sched of about 10 percent ofthe wing chord A ean be sen from ys combined eect of fap detexson tad change of angle f incidence eo alter, within cera lini, the velocity ference between upper and See Lead 1.2. Mel in dis ewe iW Fe “thord. At Ce = O714 the fap & deflcced downwards by 8 = 4°, once surfs and hence the lt but the dtference rms almost constant lng the chord. "The favourable resmue gradient which essential fr keep- Jog the Boundary lye ania, thovgh all, ca therefore, be aistined treravhule rage of it cofiients. igure shows tat the dag of the 17 ferent thick Pennines wing section, basing pprowimatey the mame width EF the boundary bucket at Re = 1's 108 a8 section NACA. 65415, i Shout 1214 per cent amar, The Lit-og carve (polar diagram) of the ‘Prenningersettion the envelope ofthe individual hit-drag curves obtained ‘wih a costa ap sting the later Being varied within the ange TSH cp os {A disadvantage of fat postive pressure gradient is tht i does not help much to sabia the laminar ountary leer. Whit on NA.CA. sections _—_ 14 F. X, Worrasse Progen the Das of Low Drag Aero 18 t arog fh lig ngs sd wince of Rgl]_The pa sie pny 5 ns of Sy tr pr seo ens of ee va etapa ale neti tome ees croee um dag wil ie prematurely. With gad to entcal Mach number such those veloty dtrbutions where the relevant turbulent boundary layer ee ee ee a a eS ety nee sel Ron ce sanuren sataiee eer cs Sake ea renee cement nes age eee retina a aera ee eee ge ee eee Sn eS ob fs cb end 7 pee pig poem epee gre t 2 say dno, on oan ano pion Fr, 3. Compan of the ir care 417 per cn ck Peoingee ‘esion with nS pero the NACA. eon S28 0 Re = FS ‘Theift“rn cur he Bening oct the coven of eh "ines wih ed Sap Sens 8, wth Bein he ge aS cre to, 53, Conta of the tarbalnt Boudry layer and the tamiton pine "The NAGA, low-rag wing seclont were developed wih the primary ‘bject of keping the boundary layer Inminar over certain chordie ‘intanc, Inti ttn i wil be shun hat arf conte of the turbulent boundary lnyer and of the transition pint by meas of sutble velocity Aisputions can bring considerable addonal improvements, As erly a 1944 A. Walz studying the fect of contour changes cleulted the ine fence on the velocity distrsbution and the boundary ayer development of to medications tote tail end of x synmcical nero ection, He four that st Re = 3% 10" with concave tall end (usp) the turbulent boundary layer wae thinner tan when the all end was convex. "The shape parrstr, indistive of separation, showed, however, an unfavurble end in both ‘ies; whist with the convex tail end separation threatened a he tain ‘edge withthe eoeaely curved tal pice contons were eral atthe joint Fo. Deveapnent fh trblent Duna leyer fortwo ern wy Detnise thre the decreas in velocity was unnecomarly large ad see, afte RE 10%" mona sin Hf = shape perme 136 FX. Wormunoe “Two resus ofthese alton are given in Fig. 4 Distribution 1, whic corssponstoan NAGA. arf reas in 2 id inreme ofthe hap J we Pee changin Fp fects the Gag byalmat the sume stow. parunsterH sad the momentum thickness 8 at the eruing ee "The station is very diferente for dsesbuton 2; here the gaint of momentum tikes and shape prunes remain pracseally constant, and thihnes ay me Female Test ot drag compared with N.A.C.A. sctions which t Reynolds number ‘SFapprosinately 10" i = linge a2 de pereentagesrofd thickness {he boundary layer hikes atthe tring edge smaller than for the NACA. section ‘Quaitatvely, tis seule can also be drecly dvived from quadrature focrulae which ETatonenni har given fo eating the mont {Uickaes BI Ula the noninenoal ec drone the Postion of tansiton pint thea, according to Ret. 8 ntaucing 6. = (UA) and D = ONES Reet we fare for te manent tisk of th lent ondary ef Telco foe n+Djtsmas) ian : eee eee 8) ‘Tee inegand forthe dstiuon 1 ia Fg bcos of cae, erate is fdatbutne 2 Lethe tee the tng egy bel A use vec rt en nat of dbo be alld Ei touhde afte Scmone’ drut” with bape Petr ‘ining ost a abt P21 “te ef iret under deropnt ir he sera dingean at be sen ete wl in oe doe SQ wd ah sede which he Sensis Gg we Cn Wi of ing tinge? Co = A8UBMD 40 al ‘One mt not overlook the fact that a welcity deere typical for NACA, fection cannot be replaced simply by» concave dieutin singe otherwise Sh intrsectin of contours woud occur upstream of the tang ege The ‘ogy a the tealing edge most, therefore, be somewhat higher than for NIACA: sections fen 2 concive ditt is uso, Moreover, this slkertion dos no alors the Co vale a mich s might spear fom a.) by inserting Eq (3) 8 Ea (4) one obtains cow shut oS) Increasing velosity at the tlng edge i equivalent to a alight Satening of the cones velocity grace, whereby et forher reed by an amount ‘Ale. Experience has iat thatthe increase in U andthe reduction ia a oe Progr in the Design of Low Drag Aeros 181 bby a neal compensate one another in B20 at ial the diference pn which cane obtain depends manly on the aeofil “fn efecto it ehold be posbie o obtain a percentage de- ss Approximately EP denga af settee would be very wel i one could invert the calcalton ofthe boundary layer tnd, starting rom given shape parameter, ‘Stcalte the shape of concive velocity dstbason sanction af Reynolds ‘Sumber andchordwoe poston of the teasion point. Furthermore, i hou be posible so elelate ina rlable manne te development of 2) for dierent shape parameters and Reynolis number; for example when i Fr. Litre ce the 30 per can ier FXD (Ret 1) fo 40 BSS eS Pop mene pve efoto of aie Dtie Arr = 010 he tame meme ro ne ete “ET Spatton bef shut 020 Gate ih Seep t= 07 is deed to determine an optimum velty dstbuton. The author made attempt inthis diston which, however, war inconcasvebeeaue the {rpronimate methods used for elstng the turbulent boundary lye ate lo inocarae in the epee ofthe concave velocity isbn. Before ne ean tempt tackling such problems, careful expeiental research will Tee to be undertaken of the Kind recently Hniated by F. CLAGSERO® and B'S. SraarronD" 138 BX, Wows Beneits wil result nt only fom a rational testment of the srbulent boundary layer but also from a suitable coal of tanition. On NACA, Togedrag sections postive velocity gradient ange arpa late a mare or leu seep negative locity gradient, It is obsernedexprinntaly that a this point «separation bebe is formed, even at Reyna number of the Srder 10, ie laminar separation docs with sbseunt restchment 00 the upper surface af the aera ater the boundary layer has Bec tr holet. Formation ofa separation bubble eauee an unneseary thickening ‘i the inal eurbulet boundary lye, eis fteresting to observe By expernent what happens when this spare tion bubble i removed by forced teasion coiacdng withthe pant of ‘earn, F-. WorrsatN cbserved an nceasein dragon he NACA, (#18 section. B. He Canc found that the dng di ot change for the N-ALC.A. 65-02 seofl se. with = rleeper negative veloty gradient, With ceive velosig’ dnsibutions which have intly an eens see rien sditint redaction of drag was observed by moving the point of ‘Cuan further upsteam and aveding the separation bubble Thal hee cases would ave Bean est, of ours if the potion ofthe ‘wanton point hd bea left unchanged andi tnston had cured pee to tepaiton. The aced for such a contol of trston becomes the tate Imperative the steeper the decrease of vel ini the rant repon, Such ‘aac exit with canave ditibtin, and is worth mentioning ere that the velocity dstabution onthe upper srfce a an arto at age angle of tac, ein the region of maximum li, corresponds toa concave one (2, Section 38). ‘What snpleant eects separation bubble which extends int region of seep negative velocity gradient may eae maybe illustrated by Fig. 8, This saws the Hedy curve af an aerofll on whch the postive veloc gradient changes dived into te steep negative grade asoesed with the Soneave velocty distbucin (ef. Ref. 11) Ae Re ~ 1/510" the separation bubble i removed by tip wifes and the lift-dag carve shows normal sharin, AP Re = 1-108 the tip wires are ealer than the rica oughnes eight and a cparaton bubble formed which although of emll ‘He only causes avery lage inereate in dra, ens be noted tt te tar= Telet boundary layer ft of the bubble remained compe atached to te cling de. FX. Wort has found tht i ps to control transition by rot connecting the postive and negative weacity grants dcecly bt by Inseting between them atrsnitoneementclled wtb range” where fae negative wc radian oir, Hy tis ans eopacetion ofthe lariat boundary layer ated, bata he sume tine» high depres of inability of dhe (aminar) boundary layer is obained. or the instabiley ange voy distributions ate chosen ofthe type Progr in the Design of Low Drag Aeris 79 Un aw, o which, 28s known, lead to so-called “smile” eltone of the Boundary Jaye uation with costant shape parameter, x and m are witable conta, For > ~ 0001 no separation ofthe laminar boundary layer ocr. The quantis wand reaultfom the conditions of conta point ofthe thaximam seo ea) = Ups) and jn) = 8. ‘Two parameters are decisive for determining the length of the instability range, the dre of turbulence of the fee rear, the magni of the ppreaching perturbations and the rate at which such perturbations ae ‘implied Jownsteam of the stability pint. fa this onnexion GRAN ‘afte diferent measurements in fw of very low turbulence. He found that ina positive pressure gradient Reg~Ry = ARQ, > 40 o where Rey js the Reynolds number forme with momentum thickness; the ffiaes¢ and refer to the trntion and instability point Fora rough Cstimate itis uitesulfient to cease the diference AR@ from the ‘hardvise positon of highest supcrvelociy anesthe instability point fala, ‘ea the atm veloey a long asthe velocity gradients, upetrnm and downstream of the peak suction, are aot to small, ‘With this asumption the length of the isabiltyzange sven in Table for several Reynolds numbers tas further been assumed thatthe mas- mum velocity Uy me 180 occur at ay = 05 and thatthe velocity decease ‘sing tabi follows from the egaton v= tie @ Inaudon the resaling diferene in velocity Us Us at the begining and ead of the fstab egion i given, ‘Tame 1 Relatiwsip Beacon Re mumber, length of “inti range” and difeence ‘eli the ein and end of theta range Hem Wen] ae | Unt tao | owe | oan Apart from the favourable inital condone forthe tubulent boundary layer the velocity decease Ui ~U, which i possible without teesion and FS, Wort Ferns eect smaller Reyolie number very ao leu gos ae So Metter tn fcion ote intl rng manaied oer pase usnade umber and even oer te whole range of angen of Bei eden te lowing range Tin Icy mu be Pests asapecal advantage ofthe tabi ge. 2 ot8 wing socton is 119.1 por ot ak FX ml ctf he PX ert eet of the ote tng deter’ fr fe 2109 tthe cone vty tb ofthe ep npr gn son ‘Pec Reyna mmr produce inthe houndy les cma shape pester = ‘An oampl illustrating the eplcaton of ideas dereopel above is given in Fig. 6. "The section Wab designed for a ange of Reynolds noni 10x10" & Ree 3% 10% This seston i compared with an NACA, wing section having approximately the sare low-drag bucket ‘These to seo ‘were tested “amongst other by the author” ina wind. tunel at 8°75 10" < Re < 1410. The reals are presated in the form of plat sagas for if and drag in Fi. Figure’ gies susan of eoticents of minima prof drag, Tecan be ace hat the 11 pe cent thik FX aero {oil as about 18 percent ess dag than the 18 per cen thick NACA. ate. {ei Tn adton, the mex it of the FX wing section sets to be oe what gente Una hat ofthe NAC. A. seta {For the mks of cht ely the mle distes of mmetal wing secon a ven in ip tT fc tne te arf a Fg? hd eal {Enber wih'eomane Lt darbon &ainparant forthe Smparaney See {ie arse of eit drag ere, pet nen Space pre Cx, ‘vine rca onchang Progra in the Dsgn of Le Drag Aeris 701 ho, 7. Compton oftheir ares of the NACA. 64418 and FX US I9i wing med tro Reyna sans a "The pr cnt "srl avapro prone ster dag tan the 8 yrs ik NRCC aut Fr. Saar a the inure prof dg coca in (Ret 11 of einae NAGA. Ohals and FX O19 ara Rael tambon —_ 7682 SA Inne of ft drain om minima drag andthe if-drag care of the ‘eng ection So far discussions were ciely Limited vo symmatiallow-drag aero ‘orto auch wing etins wherein shack-fee flow it distibtion semaine prstically constant slong the serach Although constant it distin: tion mores the centre ofthe low-drag bucket to poitive it coetiients its [ile induence onthe width ofthe Bucket and the minim ago syne ‘movie socion. Are this all poasbiitin for reusing drag exited? ‘Obviously not, since lie distubuon exn also have comiderabeinduence on drag, Acambeved serfal can have less dag than a comparable syste "This problem, numerially examined by the present stor in his die section is exluned in more deal n Fg 9, Te sould be noted that we te not dealing herewith perfect and raGed degra but only with five ‘epreeentative example in which such efinereny at fr example the nser= tion of insability ranges, were not incorporated Apart from the Ht co ‘cen, the sloction ix hmerernotarbitay; it fellows logy within fnrow tolerances when designing the sections with a postive weocty rien fora wipulted extension of low drag range ad s negative vely Fradieat of predetermined, always sindar shape parameter, "The lift ofthe diferenoe in velocities AU on per and ler surface eo ‘aed hat in ample (I) the whale itis rated on he rea al of the aero. {ei and in Example (5) on the forward hal ofthe serfe. Comespondingly, ‘the moment of Secon (1) i extremely lrg but that af Section (5) is Wry ‘all For Example 3) the it dtibtion ir constant. “The arithmetical mca of the rear chordie postion ofthe ection peak ‘on both sides ofthe aerfo is practically the sxoe forall exroplen. Hence ‘the proportion of the whole surface over Which the How ie aina i poe ‘mately the same in all designs. Inepite of thie thse sro ave drags of ‘widely iting magnitude. "This ie de partly to difering arofol thicknesses, partly to dering ‘ypes of lit distribution, The Inter inflence can be sen when piting {eripht hand side of Ea. (8), ito the evo diferent aneibutionn to drag Som ‘upper and lower surface of the serofal: Co (28602 ape (Ener o "Therefore, on setions of type (1) in Fig 9 a large momentum thickest 4s coupled wih «lw veloity on the ler rufa ote whieh the fw e turbulent; cn dhe upper surface the this boundary ner which as remained laminar i eoupled with large velocity tthe rang elge. The view of he favourable combination of boundary leer tices an velocity at de wal ing edge surprisingly small drag values ave obtained by esleulatin fr ths ttle type (cig 10 below) FX. Wornanes Progres i the Designo Le Drag eels 78 ‘he same combination accurein aerofoilsype (). The drag values for this type mist however be lager than those for spe (1). This can readily be understood since ow that the drag contrbuion of the concave {fstributon of spe (1) is approximately tice dat of he eomebution from ee the upper surface in pit ofthe low veloc athe ing ee. However, on eofed pe (9) the whe level ofthe conenv dstution ered, since the Ht i concerted eve the forward hal of the aerof. The large dag ‘contribution, therefore, becomes even larger and this increase eat be fompensted by a edution ofthe ready Sal deug contribution fom the turfs over which the ow is amin. 764 FX, Wormer Progress inthe Design of Loe Drag Acris 168 + ita with he th of ng se See boundary lye. we 9 shown hiner hat by ming ick ie sation is diferent for gerofol type (3) with constant distribution |* Canton forthe Boundary lave the best aru of great hhc re hanged besides the following rltion applies, {greater than tht of ingle conve dntebuton extending over ice the Wat < HUF IAUP SS (Ue SAUP (20) Epo nw dscns centred on he connexon beeen it dtu Shear ct hom ae eae ag hel pe ot aria goin he et th = 2710 | a Cheeta inst Seago SLE EIT ED.E se oti ee eTon a a oes ek te la Gln wo eke] SUURES ce dae see tend tyr 2° [alain | sees ne Wt owns ac he ar pane es “Acrofoils of types (1) and (5) are distinguished by having on each side of : at SE ning ean te wil oe tie rie utc yl fcc dae ov che sg o Lhe aaa eon emer pany eho Sma et sens. craetctt nt lott ng) one i eaty ut cana func pee vy r [ht ‘Tutlbution over the rar ba of the section is without kink and has, on the yn ‘whole, a shape similar to that of a concave distribution, Because of this rol ‘profile drag increase to one or the other side of the low-dirag bucket can ae sonia so |e ay pecan fr sre pe 1) whe the cube Baal il wii My ‘velocity distribution is on the upper surface. With this type af aerofoil large eid caer crete atic ang gece ed raced ody_-o°S TRS cn ry Se tet er stat fw seo he se " of the acrooil (ef. next Section) this type, not only will profile drag be Ap pee aac ore cba, testo ery Hee of in i Be Sept pn tole nd amet te dent | cea, Om th sof ach promi ocr ich mre Sint ace aS ee Ra eal Ee Sn e_| preety Brun ane abe the deg Mat es | 5S atl ping ret for srl con." are . cee A eTEL snc nh ch ay tins eit she cafe! piney mt S.A 86:2 wit et Fg) sn wy er mon of st op ron ae nes sy dn’ enh wad ape fs | "A Cee ing con fen els we eri Math ber Bis ac is ac sac eer eg ASAE | win edi mnie in mm S10 be me Repae mer Fig 9 ht snot onan ie ditebtion which bes i edt eal — 706 FX, Weare Mach number, tis sometimes msntsined; the distibution of ype (1) ia ‘most Favourable and type (5) lea evra in hi expect "Finally ie should be stewed that the forging reece concerning the prof dag are aot invalidated by the effec which the hounday ayer ray exert onthe velocity dstbuton. Ie trv thatthe ante wloly jump a the tain edge shown in Fig. 9 daappears dve to the leveling ‘Hct of the boundary layer. However, whether tanston to fee seats ‘elocgy atthe tain edge takes pice suddenly in Torn of « dincotity Gr whether tension i more gradaly spread over $0 per cont of the ferofol chord his doc ot tet the mamentm tik a large diate Alownszean of the actofll and therefore lo not acts the dg 5.5. Conta of he los around the note ofthe aeefel ‘Ata large angle of incidence the laminae boundary layer may separate from the upper surface of the nose of the wing in Soro al upaation bubble: the turbulent Boundary layer may separate near the train edge thus forming an extensive wake. With further incre of angle intents tne ean observe avery diferent behaviour in these fro separtion fens: ‘The separation of the turbulent Boundary layer may more aomly toward the leading ede ch imitng the maxim it o the lamina axpaaton Dubble ca after a rise angle ar been exetded suddenly ten into ‘Tong bubble extending over the whole sero chord an, in conta to the st case, cause a sudden ella of the lift Ts kaowh today (for ‘xample, PR Ovi and L. Kisnran) tht the lamina ceparation buble mains short and hence innocuous a lng as the Reyolds number Reg” formed with the displacement thickness at the separation point reine frester than 400—S00. In acnrdance with te obsrvations im Section 34 (Gee Fig. 8), ech bubble which cure within a stegp negative velocity raion exerts an extemal unfsvourable Infence on the developinent of fhe rurbulert boundary injer; care should therefore, be taken a nti inthe ‘sign ofan acofell avoid laminar separntion athe nos of the scofl nother words, the velocity dintbution aver the upper surface ofthe aco {bil shouldbe such hata high angles of incidence an ietablty range fo formed near the lending edge. Therfore, exactly a in Seton 3 the ne stably and separation pint ofthe laminae boundary layer would have to ‘besuicienly dawn spurts dat tanaition cours nest the separation poi. ‘An example given in Figs, 1 and 12 to strate thee pont "The fll nee refer to the symmetial section NACA, 62-015, the oted ines toa modifention of this teof within 0012 {13a fre mold ston Th ower cee for 0 the per Fo, 12, enlopnent fhe pce hice with ceo na he Iie eno eS EA TESS eo a mi en 768 FX. Woxmasas ‘The results of the boundary layer cation are ilatstd in Fig. 12 Separation of the Ininar boundary layer forthe N.A.C.A. sete ccc already at x ~ 0016. Here Resi Re 08, Le. with (Reser = 400 the ning. separation bubble woud be innocuous for Rejoelds umbers ‘Re >0:25% 108 apd followed by an stached turbulent boundary lye. With the modied weacty distribution separation saver dowoseea to = 006, Now Rey is neal doubled and the crteal Reyne umber lowered to Re (46310, If one aguin assumes thatthe poston of the inability pont coincides wih that of peak ston then the tio Rey Re (up tothe wparation pent) becomes 0390, se. trom Re = 1108 ena ‘the transition point can coinsde withthe separation pint ofthe laminar boundary ayer A these Reynolds numbers 6 perce ofthe aerofol chord ‘fice for rendering unstable dhe laminar boundary ge formed onthe nose ‘ofthe wings he width ofthe lw dag Bucket hardy fected bythe sight ‘modication tothe veloiy distribution, "The magnitude ofthe eflectve gun ia maximam it obtsimable by cre- fully contelling laminae and turbulent boundary layers on the nese portion ofthe wing cane aly assed by wind tunnel tae, In view of herp incre of low velocities wih increase of angle of incidence i i exeata to alte the shape ofthe nose very accurately ad to construct the Wing with eoresponding pression. tisinnatral whether the desied vost tribution onthe upper sur face in Fig. I ls obtained by choice of thicken dvtrbution ot shape ofthe ‘amber line or Ba combination ofboth, I would this be pose fo ota trea with thinner avooils veloctyacrbution sia to that in Fig 1 However, with decreasing sera eickes, wile mae diel oevid unfavourable vlcty distribution a amall angles of incidence onthe lower side Te may be argued that at high it oot tarbulent boundary layer scparting ahead of the taling edge will fect the elociy diebuton, ‘Bed on potenti theory, atthe nose of th section. It howerer, not Alice allow for this eet Te mey perp sfc to bear inti that ‘separation a the talng edge will exe al loses on the upper eface ‘ofthe wing aoe tobe lowered at about the tame rate that the shape of ‘he instability range romaine practilly unchanged. Iv haw already been ‘mentioned that the instability range in relatively iseitine to sal changes of fow conditions. One might therefore expect tht thie suggested method to increase imum lit might prove practise ‘Ae che Ita is Asada TH, Sata om bg epeinetal work {nm ewodimenion lo trblnse ind tele ite oat ‘ovily Ug ih an by rege at hen rence son it SIEISS wthenaycion Sina athe abe NACA Bane CaS mest Progra in the Desig of Low Drag Aeefel Ey coneLuston Staring fron the N.A.C.A. low-deag aro the possibilities of frther ‘improvements have Been diced. Tare and Lica havesogasted ‘wing actions mich promie a wierlow-drg bucket an Proxsiern hes ‘Shown capeimentaly tat aro ied with ap can have lea dug tan Comparble NACA. serfs, The shor as recerly developed the ex ‘fedecing the velocity distribution entirely from theoretical comierations ‘tboundaty lite characteristic and not only in prea i the exe of the N.LGA.and MR-serofl inorder to obtain 2 urther relueion in dag ‘The sim is no only for peal conditions favourable forthe mistenanee (fa laminar boundary lager but lo to contol na tional ay ration a Shel asthe devloitent of the trbulene boundary lye However, his Trantag can only be fly exploited if trnton ean be ford to acc up ‘Sream of the step negtve gradient charactrat for aconcave velocity is- ‘tution and if he formation of separation bubble ean be avoided. For ‘Sontling transition an inability rane, which daw inability and spartan pit ofthe mina boundary ayer efinty spar seems uit= She. Itprovdesssuliently large range of Reyoois number and angles tf incidence within which remains operational and especially a small, Reynoldesumbes it brings about a very dexrable elie for the trbutent, tbounday ayer, The fie experiments made by the author showed that the practical eplition of these conepon indated a ensemble reduction [thedrago!low-drag artes This improvement was not obtained the rice of secondary dindvantages. Tas been shown in etd discusion that, {ie lit dtl als a a strong infivens onthe dra ad the shape of the ifedrag curve, In the let section a spgertion ie made for wing he fnsably sage for increasing sain li REFERENCES 1.0L aur, Doman 8 Save Summary afl “evan Te en of wi din, Brave ly 1986, 5 BTieara: Ae nly fiw dng wings with inponed Crm, ARC, 4. Maj, Lica. Anew method of ¢wo-lincowonal seredymamic design, 5. We Prmicsian Uneruchingen ber Relbungreminderungen, an Tra gia tase et Tie van Goncsumsenee Ba ia ia Ne sew Srittan Bip on inn tn wr of 17 per ke ili: Tonic Wilronibeshning an snes Lamar it © A Mbicdncn Sdieanceomen, Ue SEN G4; val tach FW. Ris Nose Pe 107, cen 98). 770 BX, Worrases 7, FX. Wommon: Ein Belz so. Ente vn Lamimsprofien fi Seal urn we Hbucrabey 240,399 (O89. Beka MOS ae tony as 4 ETrocammmer ia Quadtreen sc Brcng der letn ond eniaren Rebs aga 3, OS. o. WIR Siar fe non of er ing fa 10,1. ec Zar tren Dera des Polite, Ith, Dick Iaplarorth 1 G59 11, 7 rommcot Eeperiente Utemehange sv nen Lanoarpsien ‘he neg ed char, 2 8 58 (9, MOS. 12, aE Canwene Sapient Ivegon of thik nina srl, ‘Son 86 or 1859. 18, Gutta The een of vic da of aie of sltin, Did ‘Tes Not ant Hap. No.0 (5D; suk HS ee “dears 9, Raabe (5 14, Reta: igs Brg Yo Trg Rpofen der Dries, Ingres 35,56 G5 15, pA’ Oma nd Ruan, On the nna boundary ler separation fen the eating a ofa tins 41.0, Carat Paper Ne, 16, FAH Gai, Taen bony yee mie pnt, J. Ae ‘Sigah 1 17, 8 Seaton Phe pion of eprion ote tet boundary le, fad Mc, 81130 18, 275, Stree! An petit ow with sr kin ttn thoughout te ssn of pros tes J Pad Mech 17 G99

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