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+ Sounds and spelling es Future forms + Conjunctions in time clauses * Commonly confused words + Phrasal verbs - types 2 and 3 ree Future forms 1 Question tags Match a sentence in A with a question tag in B. a 1 0 witve B see you next week, does You going to work harder from now on, Kate’ leaving soon, wont we? "ol ng when you gt there, are your + (ur plane aks of at 4pm, wont The painters wilhave fished by next week, | she? 3 ‘You aren‘ getting marred next week, wort you? &| We wort need tits to gtin, sont 4 ‘Well be milionares one day, wilher +O} Max wont be coming arentyou? "T just have a feeling that my son isnot going to grow up to be a farmer." 2 will or going to? ‘Complete the conversations with will or going to in the correct form. Sometimes there is more than one answer, 1 A Tim geimg to make myself a sandwich, Do you want one? B No, thanks. 1! have something later. 2. A. Marco and Lia‘re, 6%, tospend their honeymoon in Venice. B_ How wonderful! 'm sure they Will love it 3A Bye Mum.1 ‘meet Tom and Mel, 1h be back at about ten otlock, B_ OK, but dorit be late again or I! be really annoyed. 4A Jo‘S guing tube furious when she finds out Tve crashed the ca. B shel understand if you explain that itwasntt your fault. 5 A. I've just seen the weather forecast and it *SQsin gto be chilly again. B think take acoat then 6 A Fmtired think I" 0 to bed. B T'seu_ Qing ty watch the news, then I ‘i___join you. 7 A My boss has told me tem gping abe promoted. B Congratulations! We! have to celebrate! 8 A. Mr Smith, now you've won the lottery you " be the fifth-richest man in England. How do you feel about that? BI! tell you next week. I'm too shocked at the moment! Units + Looking ahead 31 3 What does ohn say? Write what John actualy says future form 1 He sees some very black clouds inthe sky. 2. His sister has just reminded him that it is his grandmother's birthday soon. 3 Hehas decided to study hard for his final exams. 4. Hes made an appointment to see the dentist next Friday. He predicts a win for his team, Manchester United, on Saturday. 6 He's stuck in a traffic jam, He’ late for a meeting. He rings his office 7. His sister is pregnant. The baby is due next March, 8 His plane ticket for next Sunday says: Departure 7,30a.m. London, Heathrow. 9 Hecan see himself lying on a beach in Spain next week at this time. 10 He predicts hot weather there. in these situations. Use a Tehink it be hot there _ 32. Unit S + Looking ahead Future Continuous or Future Perfect? By the time m30... @ Listen to Tommy ('), Jack ), and Millie (M) talking about their futures. Who wants to... become a pilot? I work in the US? live in the north of, England? move to London? travel the world? study law? buy a farm? win an Olympic medal? imix with celebrities? design swimwear? marry a film star? live near the river? buy a penthouse fat? go clubbing and partying? @ Listen again and complete the sentences about what ‘Tommy, Jack, and Millie will have done or will be doing by the time they are 30. By the time Tommy is 3, ... 1 hl ying for Britich Airways. 2 hewil have moved to London. 3 4 5 By the time Millie is 30, 1 she 5. An inspirational teenager Read the interview and DreamsCan * Come True ee cae) fea Pea Band Des | Helle, Noah tis good of you tobe ntenewed today. kow you have abusyssacing schedule IN ThotsOK I take couple of dgssat anyway 25 ts my brtnoay Tomorrow? fp gore | Only 18 andyou've accomplished so much already! You ven abrrae neta be Euanes Cenpbries it Year and know you (be ong) gold at the next Osage That's what Keeps me gong through the hous of traning. keep telingyselt ile worth tif QUA wil in gold Fret en option. 1 Youre very tough on yourself Noah That's alot of commitment ad hard work You stilyoung Surely you rust spend te with fiends. noastes & everything tome |* be traning Ki, tenswely for six years by the next Oymprs.3 1 The World Championships stagedin China next year competion? N Wel. Im good t the pommel horse and the parallel bars, i ele Se ince We oe banaa best event 1 wilyou By hove hoped for ammedal? N Yes, Clay fave Maybe siver or bronze 1 Youre such arole model for young people tadey Do you have eny advice for other young hopefuls? Yes, never lose aS cream if you work hard, you 2 willhave been! uccessful 1 Thankyou Noah. WWEYouall the best and Happy Birthday for tomorrow, Conjunctions in time clauses 6 Future time clauses 1 Notice that in dauses after if when, as soon as, unt before, after. once, and unless, we normaly use a present terse tO talk about the future A future form isnot used. IMiphone you when larrve NOT when Pi arrive | won't marry you unles you give up smoking! NOT unless youll give up 2. Toshow tat the fest action willbe completed before the second, We use the Preset Perfect. fx you the report as soon as Ive writen it Theyre going to erirate to Australia after the baby has been bor, Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the correct tense 1 Unless you @e@ur (eat) something, you pets get better. We Rem sgpe¥Rnot move) to Paris until we (find) a flat there to rent 3 eet tara Adam when you Smetae —_ (meet) him. He’ so funny. 4 AAA. you Lege (learn) to drive as soon as you ON. (be) 17? 5 The children WWW YP (not go) to bed unless they YW have) a glass of milk. 6 CHL eee least an hour before I Wont foi this report 7 tryout dp. (not do) well in the test, ML you \WDN® Yp. (have to) do it again? 8 Assoon as we Ose, (be) able to process the information, we WW deal. (deal) with your request 9 ‘The doctor says that I' (feel) much better once I (have) the operation. 10 Once yo WO Yyi QIN) ‘Glowhite’ toothpaste, you WNL nee never use) anything ese! we Unit + Looking ahead 33, K OK, sorry-1° kaye back what I said. tts not fai, iit? Some people have all the luck, D Come on! You've been offered a good part in Shrek the Musical. I think your acting career is about to” Yea e& of K Ws not a very big part. 'm just in the chorus. iD Taare cs Clea otreetrase tre : in enough effort, you'll become a star You've got a great singing voice, too. K Ob Daisy, do you really think so? D Yeah, Ido, Our music coach has really W ede to you. She thinks you've got real promise, You'l be famous one day. K We both will! Come on! Lets” _Qak our names down for this competition. D And if one of us wins, they'll have to © LOR the other out for a meal. K Deal! @ Listen and check. 9 Commonly confused words ‘Complete the sentences using the words in the box in the correct form. expect wait for look forward to 1a Wee, Wasting i. rain to stop so that we can play tennis, The weather forecast says alot of rain Scepah over the next few days setae ¢ Timyery excited. im \poikitng Starting my new job atthe bank pass spend waste 2a TNGSRumt too much time with my mates and not enough time with my girlfriend. b Tusually read the newspaper to aS} the time on train journeys © TNS 40) ny time at school. wish 1a tried harder and studied more. see watch lookat 3a RrostyouS@2m that new Spielberg film yet? The police set in their car. They _Wosbeqeds every move the men made. ¢ Lop k edt this picture little Amy has painted! actually atthe moment rely 4. A Whata shame James lost the match! B he won. b- Thekids are playing in the garden ok ne. swerme® © Love that dress. You _\egalN“W- look wonderful! lend borrow one 5 a Thavea student loan.I_e¥a® the bank £10,000, which is a big debt. bb Jed Spoywetsed¥s,000 from the bank to buy a car. € Could you len me £20 until the end of the week? Tim broke. angy nerous embarassed 6a sea@rbormathisaistas couldn't remember her name. bm very SMeXVONS about my interview tomorzow © Were with the government for not listening to us. Unit S + Looking ahead 35, 7 Checkit In these conversations, some of the future forms are ‘wrong. Find the mistakes and correct them. 1 IZLA Have you head? Sues going to havea baby. CB Really? Fargoinpto give her a ring this ore to congratulate her. 2 CA What depoead tis weekend? Mis es Maybe I'll give Paul aring and see what he’ doing, 3 BAA rilbe honest with you, Matthew. I don't think you're going to pass this exam, youl going op "hy (1B Ob,no! What al my 0 ‘a DIA tittrue darnachd wagons States to work asa nanny? B Yes, and guess what! Iam, too! 5 fA Or plane eaves at six clock on Saturday morning Cp votive to wake me up Tan never gst upil the mornings 6 wa {A ltsmy birthday tomorrow. 'm going tobe 30! 30! Thats ancient! You Stegelfing your pension sn, 7 (GEA My parents will bearing soon, and the house lokslike Ps. 5 ye, CB Doct worry. tl onl betang a few minutes toclear up 8 LA: Wil youheiguing sliing arummalater Christmas? B Not this yea. Its just too expensive, Waibstay athome. a 9 CA Firing you as soon as Harrve [WB Please do. We'll be waiting to hear you've arrived safely. 40 MTA. Are yom gly’ w Sah partyon Fidapt CB Yeah, unless I amgetting held up at work. er 34 Unit + Looking ahead He qangde Vocabulary 8 Hot verbs - take, put ‘Complete the conversation between Kerry and Daisy with the correct form of take or put. K Hi, Kerry. Are you thinking of | emuS'w_ part in that acting competition? Second prize i tickets for Emma Watson's new film. Youre a big fan of hers, arent you? D Shes my heroine. I think she’s just brilliant. Ifshe » Buk her mind tit, she can do anything. K Arentt you’ hher on a pedestal? She was ‘OK in the Harry Potter films, but she’s not that great. ‘D What! She's done so much more than Harry Potter. ‘She*_}Q© Kup modelling and won a People’s (Choice award for her latest film. K Pretty impressive stuf, I suppose. Isnt she studying as well? D She certainly is. She*_Lipy some time off. university to promote her films, but shes back there now and finishing her degree, Phrasal verbs 10 Type 2and type 3 Be aironecttaias He Peace ke ea pone ‘Take off your coat. Take ‘coat off. Fa a oo. ‘put on the DVO. | put the DVD on. | put ion. NOT tpi one me ‘The particle cannot move, Paes eae Mee eaarioen ices Dictionaries indicate the type of phrasal verb by the position ofthe particle in Ses enna ieareoa ea) look into sth The particle ts shown before sth (Type 3) Puta pronoun in the correct place in these sentences. 1 Listen to this song. I'll put it on = for you 2. I know you've gota lot of problems, but I'm sure you'll get — through them 3. Tcanit remember the directions. couldnt take MBs alin 4 There a problem with my computer. I'l sort_\* _out = tomorrow, pe ee __— your diay. 6. ‘There are clothes ll over your bedroom. Pease put HARA away_— If youre going out with your ltl brother, youd better look after Wie 8 T'm sorry you had a complaint about your room. Tl lok = into it right away, 9 ‘That was a mean thing you said! Take (4% back 10 liked Ann, but since you told me what she did, you've put me = off 36 Unit + Looking ahead Pronunciation TH Sounds and spelling 1 @® Listen and match the eters underlined in each word with the correct sound. 1 wont i) (fool) (Tai 2 walk i) (la) (iol 3 wonder (7a) (Tail) (To? 4 woman ul) (Tal 5 warm Taw) (iaxd word fail) (Tail wear eal) (el) (Tish 6 7 8 weight (Tail) (Veal) (Ze 9 want Fel) (iui) (To 10 work ii) (Tail) (Toul 11 wander — (7A?) (Toul) (To 12 women (Jol) (0!) (7 13. worm i) (ail) (5 14 ward Te) (ail) (5 15 weary (Vea) (Hist) (Hl 16 weird Ta) (Teil) (Hil 7 ane eee 1 If done phone won son 2 Jo/ would should good blood 3 fur/ move love prove groove 4 fav/ though through throw sew 5 fet weak break ache shake 6 fav/ flower power tower lower 7 {3:/ worth birth north earth 8 Jev/ hate wait weight height 9 Ito! fear near pear clear 10 /ea/ share bear fair hear

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