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Facultad de Contaduría Pública y Administración

Subject: Management Fundamentals

Teacher: Saenz Garza Nancy Margarita

Activity: Investigation of the Administrative Process of an organization

Team members:

Mejía Hernández Víctor Alejandro 2062903

Fabián Eugenio Chávez Garza 1997166

Reyes Espinosa María Fernanda 2046298

Elizondo Silva Fernando 2056012

Rodríguez Guerra Paola 2050186

Moreno Almeida Vania Yanet 2134148

Team number 7

Group: 1 DI

Date: 07/11/22

Introduction 3

Theoretical framework of the administrative process 5

The planning stage 5
The organizing stage 6
The leading stage 6
The controlling stage 7

Knowledge of the selected company 8

National history COPARMEX 8
Coparmex Values 10
COPARMEX Vision and mission 10

Interview 11

Context and Internal and External key factors of the organization 13

Internal key factors 13
External key factors 13

Administrative process of COPARMEX 15

Planning 15
Organizing 20
Organizational structure of COPARMEX 20
Problems with the organizational structure of COPARMEX 21
Leading 21
Controlling 22

Strategies developed to increase the competitiveness of the organization 23

Individual conclusions 24

General conclusions 26

Annexes 28

References 30

In the study of contemporary management, topics such as the different types of
organizational structures that exist, the way managers treat their employees, the steps
to make changes in the company's processes, and even how to monitor those changes
after having carried them out, to make sure if they have worked or not. A whole world
of factors goes into an organization's decision-making and how it performs on the
inside and outside business spectrum. We know that there are four basic functions of
administration, which are: planning, organizing, leading and controlling. Each of these
functions carry out different actions that lead the company to become efficient and
effective, so that managers can achieve their proposed goals and thus be competitive
in the market and with themselves. To establish this advantage, the fundamental
elements of competitive advantage are needed, which are: innovation, quality, level of
customer response and efficiency. All that we have already mentioned, when put
together, they form a perfect administrative process that must be carried out by
managers and by the workforce, by a leader who guides them all and keeps the
company on its path. In our integrative learning product, we will carry out a critical
analysis applied to a case where the way in which the administration of an organization
(COPARMEX) is carried out, to subsequently formulate strategies that allow the
organization to be competitive in the market considering ethics, social responsibility
and environmental sustainability with the analyzed information collected from the
investigation of the administrative process of the company, for which our team applied
an interview to an administration manager of said company. Our interests in the
investigation and elaboration of this final course project have been of an academic,
personal, informative, and professional nature, since we seek to successfully conclude
the subject of Fundamentals of Administration, and at the same time we seek to retain
all the topics seen in class provided by our professor and by the bibliographic material,
since as students of a Bachelor of International Business we see ourselves with the
moral obligation to apply our knowledge in the world of work in an ethical and
responsible manner, thus complying with the values of our university inside and
outside of it, which are an attitude of service, ethics, honesty, integrity, justice,
responsibility, respect, solidarity, teamwork and truth. The methodology used in our
final project has been teamwork, in the way that is stipulated in our work rubric, and
the strategies used have been research in bibliographic material (the textbook of the

subject) and in web pages, which are referenced later in our document. The intention
of our integrative learning product is to collect information about the selected company
(COPARMEX), to later analyze said information and thus be able to propose ways in
which the company can improve its organization and/or administrative processes to
improve its efficiency. and efficacy. Another of the objectives that we want to achieve
with our research is to cause a thoughtful interest in both readers and writers,
preparing our document in a way that is readable and that the information is

Theoretical framework of the administrative
It is important to apply the administrative process in companies, whether lucrative or
not, since it is the one that allows the creation of the bases of the different ideas that
arise about the company or the organization. It refers to the administrative process to
the set of stages or steps that must be followed for the management of internal
resources, which include human, technological and financial capital. It is the one that
dictates the procedures so that they are carried out more efficiently and in line with the
objectives that are proposed in the same organizations or companies.
The stages of the administrative process: organization, direction and control are
designed to support the achievement of the company's objectives, so planning must
precede all of them, because it lays out the bases or guidelines on which they should
be conducted.

The planning stage

Consists of setting a course to be followed, as long as it establishes the principles
responsible for guiding it, the sequence of operations to carry it out and the
determination of times and the data that are necessary for it to be carried out. finished.
The elements that make up the planning are the following:
- Mission. It is the purpose or reason of a company, since it defines what it
intends to accomplish in its environment or social system in which it operates,
what it intends to do and for whom it is going to do it.
- Vision. Define and describe the future situation that the company wants to have.
- Objectives. They are the specific long-term results that a company aspires to
achieve, they are qualitative and must be achieved within a time limit.
- Values. Defines the set of principles, beliefs and rules that regulate the
management of the organization. They constitute the institutional philosophy
and the support of the organizational culture.
- Goals. It quantitatively and specifically defines the verifiable values that allow
us to verify or demonstrate that we have achieved part or all of the objective.
- Strategies. Fundamental principles and routes that will guide the administrative
process to achieve the desired objectives.

- Business Policies or Rules. They constitute general statements that guide the
correct decision-making, consistent with the stated objectives and likewise
contribute to their fulfillment.
- Programs. They are a set of goals, business rules, procedures, task
assignments, steps to follow, resources to employ and other elements
necessary to carry out a course of action with the support of budgets.
- Budgets. It can be expressed in financial terms or in terms of man-hours,
product units, machine-hours, or any other numerically measurable term.

The organizing stage

In this stage, it is established who, when and how the tasks proposed in each planning
stage are carried out, it can be by the formation of work groups that each worker will
find or individual task assignments depending on their skills and abilities. The areas
that are established must comply with the plan drawn up by the board of directors of
each organization, so that each link in the company is developed in a synchronized
manner and the necessary tools should be provided for each of the assignments that
correspond within the administrative plans. Some of the questions that can be asked
- How is work divided?
- Who does what

The leading stage

The third stage is the one that is responsible for the convincing involvement of people
for the contribution to the planning that must be carried out within the company. It
implies commanding, influencing and motivating all employees so that the essential
tasks that must be carried out, this must be done through the appropriate channels of
communication together with leadership, which causes motivation to achieve the
objectives for the benefit of all employees. members who are part of the organization.
address elements: Leadership Motivation and Communication

The controlling stage
It is very important since it will be considered the final link to the functional chain of
each of the activities that occur within the administrative process, managers through
this stage can notice if the organizational goals have been met or not and the why of
the answer to the previous question. All the results of the season are recorded and
measured and compared with the programmed ones, if necessary, corrective actions
are implemented that will allow the company to go on the right track without the need
to deviate from its goals. The rules and guidelines are used as a means of control for
the actions of employees

Knowledge of the selected company

Confederación Patronal de la República Mexicana (COPARMEX)
The Confederación Patronal de la República Mexicana (COPARMEX) is an
employers' union of voluntary affiliation, which brings together businessmen from all
sectors, who seek through it their representation in the labor and social sphere. It is
an organization that enjoys total independence and that seeks to achieve harmony in
the relationships of employers, among themselves and with the workers.
Coparmex Nuevo León is one of the 65 Business Centers that make up COPARMEX.
It represents around 1,500 companies that employ more than 180,000 workers.

National history COPARMEX

The birth of the Union of Employers of the Mexican Republic occurred after a meeting
of the National Chamber of Commerce, which brought together representatives of
various chambers of commerce, industry, mining, agriculture and livestock to study
the projects of the time. The President of the Republic, Emilio Portes Gil, regulates
article 123 of the Constitution, which regulates labor relations in the country, on which
the federal labor law is based. In the Assembly
The founder of the company, Mr. Luis G. Sada, proposed the formation of an
employers' union that would serve the representatives of the company in the sense of
the provisions of article 123 and its regulations. In general, the defense of the
legitimate interests of its members against the different orders and powers of
government and organizations of all kinds. It was born after a proposal to establish a
merchants' association could not be accepted by the political and anti-business class.
For this, our founders found in the "union" a legal form that allowed freedom and
autonomy by definition: "an association of workers or employers gathered to
investigate, defend and improve their interests" (cf. LFT 256) For many years, the
union was the most important defense mechanism against the independence of
employers to pursue their legitimate interests and strengthen good relations between
employers and workers. Currently, the nature of the union allows active and

representative work to continue on three key fronts: investigation of employers'
working conditions; “improve the conditions for the well-being of all Mexicans”; and
protect our legitimate interests as citizens.

- To contribute to the establishment of conditions for the prosperity of all
Mexicans that foster growing social cohesion, so that companies can develop,
multiply and fulfill their job-creating and wealth-creating function with social
Company's purpose
- to bring together businessmen from all sectors, who in turn, have the purpose
of finding their representation within the labor and social sphere.
- Luis G. Sada, an industrialist from Monterrey, presented to the congressmen
an initiative to create an employers' association, different from the "independent
institutions of public law with legal personality" mentioned in the Law of
Chambers of Commerce. industry.
Labor union
- The proposal refers to entrepreneurs, who could unite all people of a
commercial nature. He stated that the existence of such a nature allows him to
study the various social problems arising from the relations of capital and labor,
which are necessary for progress.
- In the interest of the Conventionists, extraordinary meetings were convened,
chaired by Luis G. Sada, to draft the Constitutional Articles.
First year
- The Confederación Patronal de la República Mexicana would have a
government. The first president was Luis G. Sada, the promoter of the
organization, who would bear the responsibility until March 1 of the next year.

Coparmex Values
Common benefit:
- Organized, guaranteed and permanent set of conditions of moral, cultural,
legal, political and economic order, which allows the best achievement of its
- Justice consists of the permanent intention to recognize, respect and give each
person what corresponds to him: his dignity, his rights and obligations.
- Freedom, understood as the exercise of the ability to choose between good
alternatives, commits every person to himself and to society, making him
- Service Quality is understood as meeting the needs and expectations of the
client, or in this case, affiliate. It implies service orientation and the
understanding that it is the generation and granting of value, which allows
offering quality services.
- The dignity of each person must be promoted, defended and protected,
because only free from oppression, misery, vice and ignorance, they can fully
tend to fulfill their duties, achieve their goals and exercise their rights.

COPARMEX Vision and mission

● Mission: To represent and defend the legitimate interests of companies and
their workers in order to generate economic, labor and social welfare.

● Vision: To be a leading business institution for its representativeness in labor

matters, based on principles and values that promote free enterprise, the
common good and democratic development.

Interview with: Rosalinda Rodriguez Guerra
Age: 26 years old
Position: Head of Intern Administration

Here are the question that were asked to the interviewee

1. What actions do you take to motivate your employees?
2. How does good leadership influence behavior among your employees?
3. What is the relationship between leaders and their staff?
4. Why do you think that motivation is important in the success of a company?
5. What type of communication is handled in the company?
6. Who is the main authority in the company?
7. How does the authority of your superior impact the company's decision making
8. How do you attract new customers?
9. What is the main channel of communication in the company?
10. How does teamwork influence the performance of activities in the company?

At COPARMEX our main objective is to promote justice and greater harmony in social
relations. One of our main challenges is to improve the competitive environment in
Mexico. Personally, on my part, it is to promote quality education with equity. Promote
actions that favour improvement in professional and technical training and that in turn
promote the strengthening of companies and the generation of more employment for
Mexican talent. Starting with looking for students who want to grow in the workplace.

We motivate our employees to want to continue with us. According to the needs of the
partners of each Business Center, specific services are offered at a preferential rate
such as: training, consulting, job vacancies, business events, management of
procedures, among others. The representatives of the companies can achieve a link
and relationships with other businessmen and local actors through the different events,
as well as participate in the Work Commissions that the Business Center has to
promote a particular proposal or initiative.

We are an independent, non-partisan and voluntary employer union that brings
together businessmen of all sizes and sectors, united by a deep commitment to
Mexico, and those we represent in the labour, economic, social and political spheres,
inside and outside the country.

We represent more than 36,000 companies nationwide before the Labor Courts as
well as before Federal and Local agencies.
As a company, we provide up-to-date and reliable information for your company's
decision-making, as well as events for linking with partners and through our services
we can defend you legally, develop your talent and support you in your human
resources processes.

Coparmex measures its results through the effectiveness indicator;

This indicator helps us and allows us to measure the achievement of the proposed
results. In other words, it allows us to compare what was delegated to a person against
what that person delivers as a response to the initial request;
This indicator helps us and allows us to measure the achievement of the proposed
results. In other words, it allows us to compare what was delegated to a person against
what that person delivers in response to the initial request.

Our company uses the linear structure as its organizational structure; this model is
based on the principle of hierarchy. With this type of organization the concept of
authority is reinforced in which each superior has a unique and absolute jurisdiction
over our subordinates.
The advantages of this type of structure is that it is formed by a simple and easy to
understand structure, in which authority is perfectly defined.
The major disadvantages are that it is a rigid and inflexible model, since the executives
are the only ones who have the authority and make the decisions. In addition, it lacks
the ability to operate in dynamic environments.

Context and Internal and External key factors of
the organization
COPARMEX is a very strong organization in too many administrative areas, whether
internal or external they must achieve such untouchable keys that most increment their
value as an administrative organization. We know, therefore, that internal factors are
those that the company can control and manipulate, either through the managers, the
products or the processes they manage. In its counterpart, external factors are those
that do not depend on the company, as its name indicates. Below we will mention
some of the most outstanding.

Internal key factors

it increases the union between the entrepreneurs of the same organization around
common convictions and commitments which have to help us to finally promote their
participation with other social sectors.

On the other hand, an internal administrative key that they use is that they motivate
companies to adopt innovative practices that increase their competition. Because as
we saw earlier, the four fundamental factors of competitive advantage are innovation,
quality, level of customer response and the quality of your product. And by applying
the right resources in the right divisions, the company can become more competitive
in the marketplace, making this example a good example of an internal performance

In the same way, the establishments of norms and practices that promote efficiency
and competition in business activity have an influence so that its members maintain
the highest standards in all their public and private relations.

External key factors

One of the external factors that are key for the company are the customers it has. By
keeping customers as such, they ensure that their business continues to have
something to stand on. In short, people give life to the company.

The second external factor is technological progress, such as the improvement in the
effectiveness of the company's communication, both in its internal and external
structure. In this case it would be the improvement of communication with customers
through new communication channels. Another aspect in which technology can help
is in the organization of data, communication, transportation of resources, etc.
Another external factor may be the company's competitors, since like any company, it
is in a state of competitiveness in the market. We know external factors as variables
that cannot be controlled by the company or its processes, and the emergence of new
competitors in the market or their improvement in competitiveness is part of these

Administrative process of COPARMEX

Coparmex is a company whose mission is to represent and defend the legitimate
interests of companies and their workers to generate economic, labor and social well-
being. In turn, its vision is to be a leading business institution for its representativeness
in labor matters, based on principles and values that promote free enterprise, the
common good and democratic development. Like any company, coparmex has
different objectives for its operation, which are:

- Strengthen the representativeness of Coparmex Nuevo León and its influence

as a business institution.
- Give value to members through quality services in labor and human resources.
- Promote conditions that favor the generation of more companies and better
formal jobs.
- Promote harmony and optimal labor relations for the benefit of workers and
- Defend business freedom as a foundation for economic and social growth and
- Promote quality education for all.
- Promote democratic development, the rule of law and the fight against
- Train and integrate leaders with social responsibility.

Coparmex priorities
Priority 1
Democratic state and citizen participation
- Its objective is to encourage the participation of business centers in the
preparation, monitoring and evaluation of state and municipal development
plans, as well as in legislative initiatives, organizations and citizen councils.

- Effective integration of the consultation mechanism in the elections in
accordance with the federal popular consultation law
- citizen observatory
- Create work tables in the CEs to follow up on the state development plan

Priority 2
Institutional strengthening
- The objective is to coordinate actions aimed at the growth and strengthening of
the leadership of the business centers and their membership, finances, work
and operation commissions.
- State meeting of commissions
- Creation of CEs in Rosarito and Tecate.
- Establish COPARMEX representations in the region of San Quintín, San Felipe
and Valle de Mexicali.
- Develop an informative organ of indicators of it. Economical

Priority 3
Transparency and accountability
- The objective is to achieve the legal framework that fosters a system of access
to public information that facilitates a change in culture towards greater
transparency and accountability, of officials and people who use public
- Reform to the Law of Transparency and Constitution of the State.
- Initiatives that promote the State to the 1st place in terms of transparency and
- Digital platform for transparency.
- Create a citizen observatory dedicated to monitoring the performance of the
transparency committees and all regulated entities

Priority 4
Quality in Education and development of leaders
- The objective is to influence the improvement of educational quality in Baja
California by participating in the development and implementation of public
policies, through civil society organizations.
- Mexican Model of Dual Formation in Baja California.

- Project for the creation of the Training and Education Institute for Teaching
- Training program for teachers in teaching methodologies for reading, writing
and mathematics.
- Baja California Society Model.
- Insert in the educational programs of the State System assignments that
stimulate entrepreneurship.

Priority 5
Competitiveness, economic development and entrepreneurship
- As an objective Develop and promote forums, training, workshops, congresses,
exhibitions that promote the border economy and promote entrepreneurship by
creating new companies in our state.
- Create a government-business commission that analyzes and proposes
solutions to the inhibitors of competitiveness.
- Homologize incubators in business centers.
- Model of creative economies.
- Activation of the Competitiveness Council.
- Baja California Young Entrepreneur Award.

Priority 6
Public security
- The objective is to establish indicators and actions to combat crime and
corruption, monitoring the performance of officials, and managing best
practices. Promote values in children and young people.
- Support the functioning of the State Public Security Citizen Council and
promote the proper functioning of municipal committees.
- Values and anti-bullying program.
- Promote a comprehensive crime prevention program at the state level.

Despite the different objectives of the COPARMEX company and the many projects it
seeks to put into action, it still makes good use of the available resources. As we saw
in previous stages, a fundamental part of the planning stage of a company is how and
where they are going to allocate the resources they have in order to achieve the
company's organizational goals. We can see that the company's priorities are to
increase its competitiveness in the market, to have quality education in the training of
leaders, to have more citizen participation and to make its company stronger internally.

To achieve all this the company must invest in the right divisions. In this situation we
notice that it does it most of the time, but there are times when they want to achieve a
performance goal and do not know very well in which direction to send the monetary
resources, which can represent a problem for the company as a whole. long-term
performance. We must always take into account the factors of competitive advantage,
and if you want to be more competitive in the market you must have quality, have a
good level of customer response, an efficiency that is reflected when comparing your
actual performance with that established in the planning and maintaining constant
innovation, whether in its form of communication, in its products, etc. And all this is
what COPARMEX tries to carry out in its planning stage.

The organization stage in the administrative process tries to establish relationships
between tasks and authority that allow employees to work together to meet the goals
of the organization. Like any company, the COPARMEX organization also manages
an organization system among its workers, which is reflected in the organizational
structure of the company itself.

Organizational structure of COPARMEX

The COPARMEX company, being a company with a large number of employees,
managers and partners, applies a fairly broad organizational structure, which is the
type of functional structure, which in turn is a high organizational hierarchical linear
structure, as shown in the image found in our annexes (1).
At first instance, we can see that the entire company is governed by the president of
COPARMEX (José Medina Mora). The president of this company is the president of
all other sets of people in the organization. From there follows the CEO of the
company. At the top we can see that there is the assembly, the council, the executive
and the general secretary, who, despite being placed at the top, the president is still
their boss. Then we can see that the following sections continue downwards, which
are the subordinates or divisions of the company, such as committees, directors,
federations, etc. A very important issue when talking about the organizational structure
of a company is communication, the way in which ideas are transmitted within the

company. When we have large companies, it is sometimes difficult to get our ideas to
the top, to the general managers.

Problems with the organizational structure of COPARMEX

According to the interview we did, we could see that the COPARMEX company has a
direct communication system, how is this? It means that the communication channels
or networks through which ideas reach the general managers are more by formal
means than by informal ones. It is not very common that we see communication
between the workforce and the president in this organization, which can happen, but
we cannot guarantee it. And what could be a problem with this kind of structural
organization? Well, as we mentioned before, there may be problems when trying to
communicate messages to other levels of the company, this happens because the
message must go through many people to reach its destination. Along the way, the
message can be distorted or it can change its meaning completely, so it is something
that the company should try to improve.

In the leading stage, what a company seeks is (as we saw in the theoretical framework)
to motivate and coordinate the members of the company so that they work together
and achieve the goals of the organization. This entire stage should be led by the
company or division manager (depending on where leadership is applied). Something
very important to consider is the attitude that the leader has about the workforce and
the power that he applies over them, since this is something that can strongly affect
the effectiveness and productivity of the company. In the case of the company
COPARMEX, we note that it is about motivating employees by making them want to
stay longer in the company, providing them with endless specific services to ensure
their stay. This is, in fact, a very good move on the part of the company to achieve this
retention of human capital and make it possible, working together, to meet the goals
of the organization. We also know that COPARMEX makes good use of leadership
powers by helping and guiding its interns and employees, such as expert power, or
reward power (which is the predominant power in this company).
In summary, we can say that COPARMEX has a good follow-up of this stage of the
administrative process. We see that you keep your employees in the company so that

they can reach their performance goals using the right leadership in each manager of
the different divisions of the company.

In the control stage, we can see that the company has visible results in what they want
to achieve, that most of the time they manage to reach their performance goals and
that, once achieved, they continue to increase them. Precisely because this is a
characteristic of successful companies: if they did not have the desired performance,
they seek failure, and if they successfully overcame them, they continue to raise the
bar, although of course, always with realistic objectives. One of the ways in which
COPARMEX measures results is by using some of the different types of control:
results control and conduct control. The results control type is based on measuring
direct, rapid and routine results that are easy to measure. Although the company does
not have direct results, they can apply it to the sales area, where it is something that
can be calculated quickly and tracked. Speaking of behavior control, it is the type of
control that helps us measure, as its name implies, the behavior of employees,
customers, etc., and is based more on complex and not so routine results. This type
of control is applied by the company to know how the interpersonal relationships of its
employees are, to know how the employees treat the clients and to know the level of
satisfaction of the clients when buying their products or services, because the
feedback of the customers, in addition to being a very good KPI, is a fundamental
factor for the success of the company, since customers are the pillar that keeps the
company standing. They need to measure their results, know if they have had a good
performance or not, and if necessary, make changes either in their administrative
process, PPS development stages or in their organizational structure, this is precisely
what the administrative control stage is about. . We can say as a conclusion that the
company measures its results correctly and that it applies the changes that are
necessary when it is necessary to do so.

Strategies developed to increase the
competitiveness of the organization
● Strengthen the free market economy, competitive, sustainable, with
equity, labor stability and social responsibility.
The free market guarantees that the price of products and services exchanged
in the economy is established on the basis of supply and demand.
It promotes competition and makes better quality goods and services available
to the consumer at a lower price. This exchange model, together with the social
market economy model promoted by COPARMEX, ensures the efficient
allocation of resources in a sustainable and equitable manner, with labor

● A comprehensive and universal public health system.

Mexico must have a more comprehensive and homogeneous Health System
that eliminates fragmentation in the provision of health services, reduces the
cost of health care, and reduces the cost of healthcare services, reduces out-
of-pocket spending and promotes equity by guaranteeing access to health
services for the entire population.

● A more effective communication system in the organizational structure

As we realized in the analysis of the company, the communication of ideas can
represent a major problem in any of the administrative stages, so we would
create a special communication center within the company where all ideas can
reach their recipients. faster and without distorting the message. This would
help employees to feel more listened to by the higher hierarchical levels of the
company, which would increase productivity over time and improve the
company's performance, along with its competitiveness in the market.

Individual conclusions
● Mejía Hernández Víctor Alejandro
In conclusion, I can say that the organization we selected has a lot of
administrative fields for our study. After doing the interview and realizing all the
positive and negative aspects of the administration and how it works, you can
make a judgment. As for the organizational structure of the company it is very
broad and there were strategies that we were able to implement in that field, as
well as in the others. As this is our last activity of the subject I can say that I
understood all the topics we saw throughout the semester. I could see that the
company has an organizational structure that can be improved but that it is quite
strong, and as for the rest, I think that it follows the steps that must be followed
in a very good way. I hope to be able to apply all the topics that we saw during
this semester in a next semester or in my future work, since they are very simple
topics but too useful to know today.

● Paola Rodriguez Guerra

In conclusion, for me it is very important to know the strategies to solve the
problems that may arise in a business or company is very important because
with this you can keep track of what happens within the establishment and that
there is a good working environment or simply that the company works as it
should. Throughout the semester I have learned the correct use of information,
decision making and proposing solutions.

● Fabián Eugenio Chávez Garza.

In retrospect of everything collected in this investigation of the already very
repeated organization, we can realize how the administrative field is too
important in a company, since otherwise the administrative factors could not be
given order and there would be chaos within it. . The organization studied does
very well the administrative areas according to the correct regime and thanks
to this research one as a student can realize the keys and rules that an
organization has to have to stay afloat in the administrative area which will help
us a lot if in the future we would like to contribute or direct an organization.

● Maria Fernanda Reyes Espinosa
With this report, I was able to identify how Coparmex works to achieve harmony
in the relationship between businessmen and workers, through the promotion
of a New Labor Culture; it also promotes the development of a market economy
with social responsibility; and always encourages the active participation of its
members. It is a company which has a lot of value in Mexico and which taught
me to be able to correctly analyze the administrative fields.

● Vania Yanet Moreno Almeida

After researching the research and relating everything we have seen in the
classes, I can conclude that coparmex is a company that occurs and its growth
is constant due to the organization and administration that must be done during
its growth. The administration process is an essential process for it and each
stage of it is responsible for the short and long goals and objectives to be met.

General conclusion
To finish our work, we will give our general conclusion. At first we knew very little about
the company, and for that very reason we decided to investigate it. As we investigated,
we realized the most important factors of said company and we were able to carry out
our critical administrative analysis (all taking into account the information on the topics
we saw during the semester). In the first instance, we realized that the organizational
structure of the COPARMEX company is, in short, linear. This means that it has many
hierarchical levels and is an extensive structure, so there can be communication
problems between employees. In this aspect, our strategy was to create a
communication center where ideas can move faster to where they need to go. We also
knew that the company made good use of its resources when carrying out the four
stages of the administrative process: in the planning stage it performs well by directing
the right resources to the right areas. In the organization stage it also has regular
performance (as mentioned above). As for the leading stage, we note that the
company has a special interest in training business leaders who are responsible with
the environment and who practice equity in their work fields, so they spend a lot of
time and effort in this regard. In this case, the company directs resources to the areas
of intern management and leader education. And this is exactly what we wanted to
see in the company, how it uses its resources in the right way to achieve its
performance goals, or in the case of COPARMEX, its priorities. And the managers in
charge of directing these areas in the company are known to be good leaders, what
does this tell us? That leaders or managers correctly apply their powers, such as
reward power or expert power, and this helps employees feel part of the company,
because connecting with them personally is necessary for their permanence . In the
control stage they mentioned to us that they measure their results through the
efficiency indicator, which is to measure the results obtained in comparison with the
proposed results. The company itself also applies a results and behavior control
system, constantly analyzing routine data (such as sales) and non-routine data that
have to do with behavior (such as employee socialization, customer satisfaction, etc.).
clients, etc). And another thing that we noticed was that when they notice that
something is not working correctly, they look for the fault to fix it. They also seek to
solve problems in the input, conversion and output stages. They do this by knowing
that their employees are well trained, that they have the right materials, by not making

desperate decisions when something goes wrong in the process, and by knowing how
to take feedback from customers once the product has been sold, because from there
we can improve. In conclusion, the company COPARMEX is a competitive company
in the market, with great opportunities for growth and that to date has been maintained
thanks to its good internal and external functioning, which will allow it to be a leader in
its field for the following years. For our part, this has been everything and we can only
say that during this semester we learned many new topics and things, which we hope
to apply in our working life and in the next semesters of the degree.




1. Home - Coparmex Nuevo León. (2017, julio 20). Coparmex.
2. (S/f). Recuperado el 7 de noviembre de 2022, de
3. Gareth, J. (2019). Administración contemporánea (10.a ed.). McGraw-
4. Aprobado en Asamblea Ordinaria 15 de agosto de 2019. (s/f). Recuperado el 7 de noviembre de 2022, de
5. ACERCA DE - Coparmex Nuevo León. (2022, 1 abril). Coparmex.
6. ACERCA DE - Coparmex Nuevo León. (2017, octubre 6). Coparmex.
7. Historia. (s/f). Recuperado el 7 de noviembre de 2022, de
8. Instituto Nacional para la Educación de los Adultos. (s/f).

Confederación Patronal de la República Mexicana (COPARMEX). Recuperado el 7 de noviembre de 2022, de


9. Llamamos a diputados a rechazar la reforma en materia eléctrica.

(2022, abril 13). Coparmex.


10. Zarate, D. (2021, diciembre 7). Proceso administrativo empresarial:

qué es, etapas y ejemplo.

11. (S/f-a). Recuperado el 7 de noviembre de 2022,


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13. (S/f-c). Recuperado el 7 de noviembre de 2022, de



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