LeND FrontChallenge

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Programming Challenge - Frontend

Hi, thanks for taking time to participate in our programming challenge session. With this exercise we expect
to assess, even a bit, your code skills. Don't worry about being correct. There is no right or wrong answer.
Good luck! ;)
After Covid-19 pandemic finish, the tech events are back and you want to be prepared to meet people and
make some networking with the participants. This way, you had the idea to build a simple searching UI for
GitHub using its API to be able to find the developers profile faster. See a preview bellow:

. All this section of the hiring process takes 1 hour
. The time you have to finish the challenge is 45 minutes
. Feel free to choose your favorite stack to build your solution (e.g. React, Vue, Angular)
. Take a look at GitHub API Documentation to understand how their API works:
Tip 1: If you get any Not Authorized or Bad Credentials error please, take a look on the
authentication section of Github docs (certainly you made more than 60 requests in 1 hour to
GitHub API)
Tip 2: To verify the number of requests remaining take a look on this instruction
. Take a look on the project assignment available on Figma (all the assets you need will be there)
. Please make sure you have your machine configured. You can use these CodeSandbox.io templates
to create your project:
React + TypeScript
Vanilla JS
Before you start
. While coding, take the opportunity to say out loud what you are thinking (if you are comfortable with)
. If you get stuck, just ask for help. Letʼs build the solution together
. Make sure GitHub API is up and running:

curl https://api.github.com/users/octocat

Expected output
. The User should be able to choose and change the GitHub profile by the browser URL, as route
param (e.g. http://localhost:4200/?user=octocat).
. You need to make a web interface that displays only the basic information for a given GitHub
Top 5 sorted by number stars count (descending order)
Evaluation Criteria
Architectural Decisions
Communication Skills
Project Structure
Good programming practices (DRY, YAGNI, KISS, variable/function names, comments if necessary,
Absence of Bad Smells
Error handling
Automated Tests
Questions that may be asked
Why did choose your approach over another?
What would you improve if you had more time available?
Do you think there is overengineering in your project?
How would you address code reuse for easy theming customization?

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