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Name ……………….. Date………………………….

Gr …………….. Class
Be careful & good luck!
Written test 1
Marks 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Points 0-8 9 - 15 16- 21 22- 26 27- 31 32 – 36 37 -40

SECTION 1: Reading Part - Matching Paragraphs to Headings (7 points )

Read the passage and choose a heading for each numbered paragraph 1-7 from the list. There is one more heading
than you need.
A. A past problem? B. A double danger
C. It’s not too late D. Expert opinion
E. No hope for the future F. Another negative effect
G. Uses and abuses H. A step in the wrong direction
The ‘Cinderella’ Gas
1. The United Nations Environment Programme (Unep) has issued a warning about the dangers posed by nitrous
oxide, the so-called "laughing gas". In a report presented at global climate talks, Unep says the chemical is now
the biggest threat to the ozone layer. It says that thanks to farming and human activities, levels of the gas could
double by 2050. If this happens, it could reverse gains made to slow the thinning of the ozone layer and
exacerbate global warming.

2. Nitrous oxide is one of several greenhouse agents which are dubbed "Cinderella' gases, because their
contribution passes unnoticed. N2O exists naturally in the atmosphere but agriculture is by far the biggest human
source, producing two-thirds of emissions. It is also used in dentistry and surgery as an anaesthetic and a
painkiller. It is sometimes used as a recreational drug, called "nozz", and its abuse has been linked to permanent
neurological damage and deaths.

3. Now, researchers say that it has emerged as the single biggest threat to the ozone layer since
chlorofluorocarbons and other damaging gases were restricted by the Montreal Protocol signed in 1987. The
famous "hole" over Antarctica has started to recover as a result of the phasing out of the hair sprays and
refrigerants that contained these substances.

4. But according to this new report, if no action is taken, levels of nitrous oxide could increase by 83% from 2005
to 2050. "The continued build-up of N2O in the atmosphere will continue to deplete the stratospheric ozone layer
and in so doing will to a degree undermine the achievements of the Montreal Protocol," says the document.

5. Unep's executive director, Achim Steiner, warned that as well as posing a threat to the ozone layer, nitrous
oxide has a powerful global warming effect. "It's one of those elements in our modern life that we have not fully
understood in terms of its negative impacts. "If we can bring it to the attention of farmers, government and
industry, the importance of managing nitrous oxide more efficiently, and the climate benefits - it is a no-regret
option," he said. The research underlines the fact that nitrous oxide is the world's third most powerful gas when it
comes to global warming potential.

6. Dr Joseph Alcamo is Unep's chief scientist. He told a news conference here in Warsaw that the gas could not
be ignored any longer. "Nitrous oxide makes up only 6% of the greenhouse gases but in terms of CO2, it is the
equivalent to emitting three [billion tonnes] a year. "This is about 50% of the total amount of emissions from
every vehicle in the world."

7. However, the researchers were optimistic that both the warming potential and the danger to the ozone layer
could be swiftly curtailed if action was taken, particularly in agriculture. "In the agricultural sector, it comes
down to using nitrogen fertiliser more efficiently, a very simple idea, to improve the uptake by crops and
livestock," said Dr Alcamo."It has a lot to do with using the right fertiliser, in the right place."


2.1 Vocabulary ; Choose the items that best completes each sentences
1. The South American red belly toad is regarded as one of the most poisonous .......... in the world.
A amphibians B rodents C mammals D reptiles

2. Deforestation puts thousands of plant and animal species .......... risk of extinction.
A in B under C at D to
3. Can you hand me the dictionary? I want to look .......... a word.
A up B after C. down on D up to
4. He tried to put out the fire , but all he did was …………….....matters worse
A) Build B. Cause C. Make D. Do
5. He is planning to bring .......... the subject of new recycling bins at the next council meeting.
A out C about B around D up
6. The fact that Mr Benson donates a lot of his time and money to charity makes him a very .......... man.
A modest B generous C organized D patient
7. Close friends often ………………………their secrets with each other.
A. Share B. Divide C. Bring D. Give
2.2 Grammar. Choose the correct items 8 p
1. Let’s go home. That wildlife documentary .......... at 9:00 and I want to watch it.
A is starting B is going to start C will start D starts
2. You .......... on shirts for an hour! Can’t you make up your mind and buy one?
A ’ve been trying B ’re trying C try D ’ll try
3. Jason .......... really funny with his new spiky hairstyle.
A is looking B has looked C looks D will have looked
4. We .......... take the recyclables to the recycling centre, as a truck came and collected them.
A needn't B didn’t need to C mustn't D ought not to
5. He .......... his friends since they went to the concert last week.
A doesn’t see B hasn’t seen C won't see D has to see
6. All the lights have just gone out. I .......... an electrician immediately.
A call B ’ll have called C ’ll call D ’ve been calling

7. Why don't you come over to our house when you .......... some free time this afternoon?
A ’ll have B ’re having C ’ve had D have

8. The scientists .......... Antarctica to study the environment there for the next three months.
A have gone to B have been in C have gone in D has to see

SECTION III : Words formation

3.1 Complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold.
1. Your new hairstyle makes you look very .................................(attract).
2. He told a .................................. (fun) joke.
3. He wants to get on in his life; he is ......................................(ambition).
4. He is a good history teacher. His lessons are very ................................(.interest).
5. I hope you will alway be ................................................ to me (faith).
5 points
3.3 Complete the second sentences so that it means the same as the first.
1. Do you have plans for this weekend?
What ....................................................................................................................................
2. 4. Are you a member of a sports club?
Do you ...................................................................................................................................
3. Let`s go out.
4. Paul and his grandmother look like alive.
Paul ............................................................................................................. his grandmother.
5. I hate romantic comedies.
5 points
SECTION 4: Writing task 8 points
You recently received an email from your English friend, Alice. Read the part of the email and write your reply to
I`m really looking to meeting your sister when she comes to London in summer. I can show her round the
city. Please tell me something about her? Does she look like you? What1s she like and what`s she interested in ?
Hope to hear from you

1. Reading key
2. B. A double danger
2. G. Uses and abuses
3. A. A past problem?
4. H. A step in the wrong direction
5. F. Another negative effect
6. D. Expert opinion
7. It's not too late

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