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& MAURITIUS LABOUR PARTY Member of The Socialist International 16 November 2022 1 HE. Volker Tiirk United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Palais Wilson, Geneva Switzerland Your Excellency, On behalf of the Mauritius Labour Party (MLP), which forms part of the official opposition elected in the Mauritius National Assembly, I wish to bring to your urgent attention, the serious violations of the core instruments of Human rights such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, by the Government of the Republic of Mauritius. It is with deep seated concern that the Mauritian population is witnessing the hostile attitude of the current Government towards independent journalists and the restraints on the freedom of expression in Mauritius. In fact, as a result of parliamentary probes conducted by the opposition as well as investigative journalists and reports by civil activists, the Mauritian public has taken cognisance of a series of gross breaches of good governance principles in the management of State affairs including interalia large scale corruption and allegations of violence against civilians and political opponents of the ruling regime. In retaliation, the ruling regime has embarked on a campaign of reprisals by making an abuse of Government agencies to intimidate and harass those journalists, covering stories which are not palatable to the current Government of Mauritius. In fact, several journalists have alleged that they have received death threats or been threatened with bodily harm to themselves or their family. Furthermore, civil rights lawyers who have been helping members of the civil society in pursuing legal cases against the regime for abuse of power and large-scale corruption, have been detained and/or charged with various offences based on flimsy grounds. Fearing imprisonment on the basis of fabricated charges, many members of the civil society have, on the advice of their lawyers, been forced to lodge a precautionary statement with the police to ward off any future attempt at arbitrary arrest by State institutions. oy 25, Reserves Street, Les Salines, Port Louis - Tel : 212 6691 Fax : 210 0189 Email : Website : http:\\ Member of The Socialist International Bet dee eae we aye ey As a nation that is accustomed to the rule of law, built on the provisions of international human rights instruments, the reprisals of the current regime have instilled fear and are seriously impacting the confidence of the multi-cultural and multi-ethnic population in its national institutions. e MAURITIUS LABOUR PARTY ff In short, an atmosphere of fear and instability is plaguing the Mauritian society and as a political party that brought independence to Mauritius and firmly installed and consolidated the democratic culture and tradition of this country, the Mauritius Labour Party feels compelled to draw international attention to the undemocratic measures and the climate of fear that is being instilled in Mauritius particularly to that segment of the civil society that represents the values propounded by the human rights instruments namely the freedom of speech, freedom of information and the fight against injustice. In view of the above, the Mauritius Labour Party, requests, on behalf of the people of Mauritius, the kind intervention of your office and of the human rights bodies of the United Nations to protect the Mauritian population and take stern measures against the ruling Government in Mauritius so that they stop the violation of democratic norms and of fundamental rights. We would appreciate the guidance of your office as to the recourse available to us and the requirements that have to be met for scrutiny of the human rights violations by the State of Mauritius. Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of our highest consideration. ) / je e Hon. Dr. Arvin Boolell, MP, GOSK Hon. Osman Mahomed, MP. Parliamentary leader Director for International Relations Former Minister of Foreign Affairs NX - 25, Reserves Street, Les Salines, Port Louis - Tel : 212 6691 Fax : 210 0189 Email : labour@intnetmu Website : http:\\

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