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Unit 1

Grado/Curso: 1st Paralelo: A and B

Nombre: Julián Ruales
Profesor: Yessica Cáceres
Fecha: September 15th 2022
1 Match the sentence halves.

1 A good friend will generally never e

2 We used to play in c

3 Why did you use to tell a

4 My older sister is always leaving f

5 When I was young, we would always go b

6 Only children tend to get spoiled d

a) me off ?

b) for long walks in the country.

c) the park.

d) by their parents.

e) criticise you.

f) me alone.4

2 Complete each sentence with one word.

would | use | tend | always | will | used

1 My parents ___used____ to tell me to concentrate on my homework.

2 Teenagers didn’t______________ to have so many tech gadgets and devices years ago.

3 Older children _______________ to be more con dent than their younger siblings.

4 My older brother _______________often look aer me when I was li le.

5 My classmates were ______________ making fun of my hair.

6 Younger children ________________________ generally look up to their older siblings as role models.

3 Correct the underlined words.

1 Lisa use to be very shy

___Lisa used to be very shy______

2 My dad is always criticise me for being lazy


3 When we be small, we would swim here.


4 I didn’t used to have a lot of free time.


5 Parents will always telling their children to study


6 Would kids use to have more freedom?


4 Complete the sentences with the adverb of the words in brackets. Use the letters.

-ly | - tably | -fully | -ly | -tedly | -ingly

1 ___Honestly__ _ , I didn’t want to hurt your feelings. (honest)

2 admittedly, I wasn’t the easiest student in the world to teach. (admit)

3 obviously , even close siblings can ght with each other. (obvious)

4 annoyingly , he just wouldn’t leave me alone. (annoy)

5 hopefully , teenagers will recognize bullying and stand up to it. (hope)

6 regrettably , there is a certain amount of bullying in every school. (regret)

5 Complete the paragraph with the words.

hopefully | would | admittedly | tended used to | complaining

I am an only child and I often ____1 used____to wish that I had a brother to play with. I was always
2______________ that I didn’t have any friends. At school, I 3 __________________to be quiet and I 4
________________always have my head in a book. 5 ____________________, I could have tried harder to
make friends. 6 _____________________I’m better at making friends now!

6 Complete the conversation with the words.

why | can’t | will | important | upset | really

A: You 1_____can’ t_____be serious! Why did you tell everyone that I failed the audition? It’s 2
B. I just didn’t think it was that important.
A. Important? Of course it’s 3_________________ ! Now everyone 4 ________________think that
I’m a failure, won’t they?
B. No, they won’t.
A. 5 _______________did you do that? I'm really 6 ________________about it, I really am
B. I'm sorry. I didn't know it was a secret.

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