Intenship Report Tenhard India

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“Study on Marketing of E-media products by E-commerce and

marketing strategies”


Shruti Maheshwari

Name of The Organization:





“Study on Marketing of E-media products by E-commerce and

marketing strategies”

Shruti Maheshwari


A report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of


Company Guide:
Mr. Abhay Kumar




at “TENHARD INDIA PVT LTD” is submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement of

PGPM Program of IBS Gurgaon. The report is an authentic record of the Bonafede and

exclusive work carried out by SHRUTI MAHESHWARI with enrolment number 20BSP2336

of IBS Gurgaon at “TENHARD INDIA PVT LTD”. This report is free from plagiarism and

has not been submitted anywhere else for any other purpose.

Shruti Maheshwari


I would like to express my gratitude to my company head (Mrs. Parul Puri) and company guide

(Mr. Abhay Kumar) to enabling me to complete this report which has been a learning



I would like to thank TENHARD INDIA PVT LTD for giving me the opportunity to be a part

of internship programme.

I express my sincere thanks to my Faculty Guide for always supporting with his knowledge

and insights and for giving me their valuable thoughts to complete the project work within

stipulated time.

I wish to extend my special gratitude to all team members of Tenhard India for supporting

me and giving me experience of Corporate World. My hearty thanks to my friends and parents

who were always there with support and encouragement. Finally, I would like to express my

sincere gratitude to all those who have helped me in the completion of this humble effort.

Shruti Maheshwari


Authorisation 3

Acknowledgment 4

1. Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1. Abstract of the SIP 6

Executive Summary 7-8

List of Illustrations 9

2. Chapter 2: About the Industry

2.1. Overview 10
2.2. Challenges and limitations of the Industry 11
2.3. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 12-13
2.4. PESTEL Analysis 13-16

3. Chapter 3: About the Company

3.1. Overview 17
3.2. Products & Brands 18
3.3. Customer Profile 19
3.4. 4 Ps of Marketing 20
3.5. STP Analysis 21
3.6. SWOT Analysis 22
3.7. Competitor’s Analysis 23
3.8. Business Model and Vision & Mission 24

4. Chapter 4: SIP Projects (Tasks and Achievements Findings /

4.1. About project and Objectives 25-26
4.2. Sales Process 27
4.3. Main Text 28-36
4.4. Findings 38-44
4.5. Conclusion 45

5. Chapter 5: Learnings from the SIP 37

Attachments (if necessary) 46-49

References 50


As media is moving in to twenty-first century and the way of doing business and marketing
has changed, researcher's studies focus on Electronic Media meaning as a promotional tool and
how it Effects on consumer behaviour and observations. Through Internet, Electronic Media
allows public to access information and ideas quickly and usefully. The aim of this article is to
analyse Electronic Media importance and prepare classification of E-media.

B2B and B2C sales (Lead Conversion): Leads were provided by the company
and did sales calling. Called 40-50 customers every day. In B2B, sent proposals to
schools and colleges for collaborating with our company.

Digital Marketing: Learned the concepts of social media marketing and digital
marketing. Design posters for the company’s social media pages.

Market Research and Strategies: Performed primary research and design

strategy based on the marketing and sales experience.

Marketing & Sales: - Got practical exposure to apply the sales funnel strategy,
apart from this learned to apply the STP concept learned in the class to generate and
convert lead.


1. Organisation Description

Tenhard India Private Limited

Industry type: (E-Media (E-Commerce))
Address: 56/12, C Block, Phase 2, Industrial Area,
Sector 62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301


Marketing, Sales, Client Handling, Developing the brand are the integral parts of any business
organization for its growth and survival. Tenhard India makes sure that all these problems are
easily solved and serve its client to the best of their abilities.

In this Internship, I was working under my company guide Mr. Abhay Kumar (Sub-Manager).
Day to Day work at Tenhard India includes cold calling, taking follow ups, pitching its client
for subscriptions and customer retention. I was assigned the work of sales which included
Business to consumer and Business to Business sales. Using the concepts of sales like STP
(Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning) and by market research the sales task was
accomplished. Some leads were provided by the company and some were self-generated i.e.,
Family and friends. Also, I was working as a graphic designer for the company. In B2B Sales
where in the sales take place between the two business entities. I used to propose our product
to different colleges and schools for collaboration. I contacted our potential clients and pitched
them about our product and services and tried to bring them on board with us by giving them
special B2B prices and offers that can be profitable to them. In B2C Sales where in the sales
take place between the business and customer which ensures customer satisfaction. We receive
a lot of queries on our social media handle, official page of Tenhard India on daily basis. I
contacted all our potential clients and pitch them about our product by giving them the best
services at the best rates and convince them to take subscriptions of different newspapers,
magazines and books, also we even provided special discounts on special occasions to boost
up the sales of the company. Brand Activation aims at creating awareness amongst the people.
I run different campaigns on the company’s social media handles to boost up the sales of the

company and also for customer engagement. The main objective of brand activation is not to
provide impetus to the sales growth but was to create brand awareness and customer
engagement that arises the brand consciousness in the minds of the customers resulting in

3. Methodology Used

The project is based on secondary data provided by the company. Sources of secondary data
includes the data provided by the company collected from different websites relating to the
topic which included data for B2C and B2B sales. Used Outbound lead generation and
Inbound via social media marketing.

1. Made the use of Microsoft excel for recording data for sales.
2. Using social media for the company’s promotion and brand awareness.
3. Using SEO concepts for analysing the company’s reach on social media.
4. Using Photoshop and Canva for creating posters.

4. Findings and Conclusions

The services being provided by the company are of great use and it can help the consumers
at a great level in the upcoming time. It is totally a digital platform and anyone can access
it anywhere anytime and is also cost effective. During Covid-19, when offline buying is
somewhat difficult so these services are best in use at the time.

5. Recommendations
On the basis of my learning throughout the internship period I would like to recommend
few points:
1. The company should have some small joint ventures to grow faster as it is a start-up
company of 2020.
2. It should host more giveaways and contest as that creates a lot of brand audience with
top influencers. Also posts like questions, quiz and posts which engage audience should
be used more as it will enhance page reach through like, comments and share.


E- media Fig. 1 Page no. 10

Challenges of E-media Industry Fig. 2 Page no. 11

Porter’s Five Forces Fig. 3 Page no. 12

Pestel Analysis Fig. 4 Page no. 13 & 16

Tenhard Logo Fig. 5 Page no. 17

Products of the company Fig. 6 Page no. 18

4 Ps of Marketing Fig. 7 Page no. 20

STP of Tenhard Fig. 8 Page no. 21

SWOT Analysis Fig. 9 Page no. 22

Business Model Fig. 10 Page no. 23

Excel sheet (Cold Calling) Fig. 11 Page no. 25

Excel sheet (Proposals) & Lead Fig. 12 Page no. 26

generation and conversion
Personal selling Screenshot Fig. 13 Page no. 27

Designed posters Fig. 14 Page no.28

Findings and attachments Page no. (32-41)


About E-Media Industry

The Indian E-Media industry is a sunrise sector for the economy and is making significant
strides. Proving its resilience to the world, Indian M&E industry is on the cusp of a strong
phase of growth, backed by rising consumer demand and improving advertising revenue. The
industry has largely been driven by increasing digitisation and higher internet usage over the
last decade. Internet has almost become a mainstream media for entertainment for most of the
people. Media is consumed by audience across demographics and various avenues such as
television, films, out-of-home (OOH), radio, animation, and visual effect (VFX), music,
gaming, digital advertising, and print. India’s advertising revenue is projected to reach Rs. 789
billion (US$ 10.81 billion) in FY22 from Rs. 726 billion (US$ 9.94 billion) in FY20. India’s
advertising revenue is forecast to expand at a CAGR of 4.3% between FY20 and FY22. Digital
advertisement revenues are likely to outweigh TV advertising revenues by FY21; an
achievement previously projected to occur only by FY23. Digital advertising emerged as the
second-largest advertising medium in India; generated revenues worth Rs. 199 crores (US$
2.73 billion) in FY20.


Lack of Transparency.
Compliance with laws/regulations.
Challenges with respect to taxation.
Threat to media channels.
Hurt and life threats to people working in the industry.
Concern relating to Data Privacy.
Licensing requirements.
Copyright and piracy issues.
Adaptation challenges.
Lack of financial support.
Discrimination and lack of efforts.


It leads to individualism. People spend too much time on the internet and watching
television. As a result, socialization with friends, family and neighbours is affected.
Some media contents are not suitable for children. Limiting children’s access to such
content can be difficult.
Newspaper is geographically selective.
Increase in advertisements in television and radio is making them less attractive.
Internet as a form of media opens up possibilities of imposters, fraud and hacking.


Porter’s five forces theory is based on the concept that determines the competitive intensity
and attractiveness of a market. It is a strategic tool useful in identifying the areas of strength,
to improve weaknesses and to avoid mistakes.


 Competitive Rivalry
 Threat of New Entrants
 Threats of Substitutes
 Bargaining power of Suppliers
 Bargaining power of Customers


• Increase in number of private players in the market has led to increased competition.


• Big threat of new entrants in the industry.

• Number of players has increased considerably in recent times.


• Customers may go for other subscriptions which are inexpensive.

• Customers may change their taste and preference according to the budget or trend.


• The bargaining power of suppliers in E-media industry is low since suppliers overseas will
provide the same services for a fraction of the cost, with varying degrees of quality.

• The industry has also seen an increase in the number of suppliers as a result of increased
outsourcing, which also results in lower bargaining power of supplies as competition at their
level increases.


• In the E-media industry, the bargaining power of buyers (consumers) is high.

• Consumers have a very wide selection of programming to choose from and ease of access
through increased online programming and sources of entertainment.


Deep dive SWOT analysis of Tenhard India, by trying to put myself in the shoes of customers.
Pestel analysis is basically a framework used for scanning and analysing an organization’s
external macro environment by considering factors which include political, economic, socio-
cultural, technological, legal and environmental.

Over the past year the media industry has continued to witness increased political
interest because of the recognition of the media industry economic importance to the
overall economic growth of the country. Changes of administration or political
principles have changed along with the media industry making it to be freer than before.
Each generation of Tenhard put emphasis on how to improve the user experience, lower
the cost and try to find a solution to improve the adoption of its e-books and other content.
Factors are:
• Political stability and importance of Media sector in the country's economy.
• Risk of military invasion
• Level of corruption - especially levels of regulation in Consumer Services sector.
• Bureaucracy and interference in Media industry by government.
• Legal framework for contract enforcement
• Intellectual property protection
• Trade regulations & tariffs related to Consumer Services

The Macro environment factors such as – inflation rate, savings rate, interest rate, foreign
exchange rate and economic cycle determine the aggregate demand and aggregate investment
in an economy. While micro environment factors such as competition norms impact the
competitive advantage of the firm. Tenhard can use country’s economic factor such as growth
rate, inflation & industry’s economic indicators such as Media industry growth rate, consumer
spending etc to forecast the growth trajectory of not only --sector name-- sector but also that
of the organization. Economic factors that should consider while conducting PESTEL analysis
are –
• Type of economic system in countries of operation – what type of economic system there is
and how stable it is.
• Government intervention in the free market and related Consumer Services
• Exchange rates & stability of host country currency.
• Efficiency of financial markets – Does Bloomsbury Publishing Plc needs to raise capital in
local market?

• Infrastructure quality in Media industry

The impact of intense media attention has brought about a more revolution in the social aspect
and created a society which is more enlightened and which appreciates the industry. Society’s
culture and way of doing things impact the culture of an organization in an environment.
Most of the reader audience owns a mobile phone, computer or a tablet. Through these
technical tools, you can easily read the news, search for articles or search for a niche subject.
People want to have information fast, and are not willing to wait for a month to wait for a
magazine. The step is very low to read and download an online magazine app. Social factors
that leadership of Tenhard should analyse for PESTEL analysis are –
• Demographics and skill level of the population
• Class structure, hierarchy and power structure in the society.
• Education level as well as education standard in the Bloomsbury Publishing Plc ’s industry
• Culture (gender roles, social conventions etc.)

A firm should not only do technological analysis of the industry but also the speed at which
technology disrupts that industry. As in the social factors, the new fast technique and the wide
range of information available on internet, have really put loyal print magazine readers to a
test. An online magazine allows you to read it on your phone, computer or tablet. But those
who want to be creative and use the ideas from the online magazines cannot cut things out,
colour-in, take pen to paper or stick it on your wall. Technology analysis involves
understanding the following impacts –
• Recent technological developments by Tenhard India competitors
• Technology's impact on product offering
• Impact on cost structure in Media industry
• Impact on value chain structure in Consumer Services sector
• Rate of technological diffusion

Before entering new markets or starting a new business in existing market the firm should
carefully evaluate the environmental standards that are required to operate in those markets.
Some of the environmental factors that a firm should consider beforehand are –

• Weather & Climate change
• Laws regulating environment pollution
• Air and water pollution regulations in Media industry
• Recycling
• Waste management in Consumer Services sector
• Attitudes toward “green” or ecological products
• Endangered species
• Attitudes toward and support for renewable energy

The media industry in India is not highly regulated as such, but there are laws and regulations
which are enforced for the industry to comply.
In number of countries, the legal framework and institutions are not robust enough to protect
the intellectual property rights of an organization. A firm should carefully evaluate before
entering such markets as it can lead to theft of organization’s secret sauce thus the overall
competitive edge. Some of the legal factors that Tenhard India leadership should consider while
entering a new market are –
• Anti-trust law in Media industry and overall, in the country.
• Discrimination law
• Copyright, patents / Intellectual property law
• Consumer protection and e-commerce
• Employment law
• Health and safety law
• Data Protection


Tenhard India Pvt Ltd is a leading name in the e-media industry. We are publishers of renowned
titles like Tenhard Traveller and Food. We provide digital versions of media from various
publishers. Using the latest technology, we help people get the latest news, digitally. We also
provide a huge platform to those who want to make their career in sales, marketing, content
writing or blogging by promoting their talent on our e-media platform.

Maybe you can hold a bundle of magazines in hand or read two newspapers at the same time.
But, to stay connected with this rapidly pacing world, you need to change your old school mode
of reading. Tenhard brings you a wide collection of hundreds and thousands of magazines and
newspapers from leading media houses from across the world. Everything is just one tap away
at Tenhard!

Tenhard’s sole aim is to take digital reading to the next level and provide you with a one-stop
destination for all your reading needs. No more searching for your favourite magazine or
newspaper on different sites. Just read on the go from a myriad of categories. We have listed
the magazine from every genre to make your search easier. Be it regional or international; you
will find every newspaper on our digital newsstand.

Reach out to our blog section to go through our freshly brewed quality blogs on topics that
intrigue, excite, and entertain you. Tenhard has also started its own issue of magazines that will
satiate all your reading needs. From travel, food, business, sports to celebrity and lifestyle, you
can find it all here!

With the current pandemic situation, going digital seems to be the ideal way to stay protected.
We believe in digitalization. Hence, we bring you everything you want to read under one roof.
Read, subscribe, shop; Tenhard is your next-door reading buddy that understands all your


Ms. Parul puri


Company Type- Privately held

Industry Type- Media


E-Newspaper E-Magazines
(Food, Travel, lifestyle & Fashion)

E-Books Premium stories

All these products are available in the form of subscriptions on the company’s website in
monthly and yearly basis.


Geographic Urban and Rural


 Age- 18-25, 25-35, 35-50

 Gender- Males & Females
 Occupation- Students, employees and professionals


 Degree of loyalty- Soft core loyal’s, Switchers

 User-status- Non users, first time users


 Social class- - Working class, middle class and upper class

 Lifestyle- - Struggler, Mainstreamer, Aspirer, Succeeder,
 Interests- Explorer
- Magazines and newspapers


1. Product

Products sold by Tenhard India are digital products which are available on its website. The
products are E-Books, E-Newspaper, E-Magazines. All these products are available in the
form of subscriptions monthly and yearly wise. The books and magazines are available in
different categories like technical, social, political, food, lifestyle, etc. Newspapers include
The Hindu, Financial Express, Deccan Chronicle, etc.

2. Place

The products provided by Tenhard India are provided online on its website. Anyone can buy
anywhere anytime. In this digital world it’s easy to carry large quantity of digital products
than carrying physical products.

3. Price

Pricing of the products is done genuinely which starts from INR 399 per month and it ends at
INR 4999 per month. The prices are graded according to the subscriptions with blogs and
without blogs.

4. Promotion

The way that a company choose to communicate with its audience and promote its products
or services will have a direct impact on the success of the company. Tenhard India promotes
its products through social media like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.


SEGMENTATION: Market segmentation of Tenhard India Private Limited can be done

on the basis of:

1. Nature of Business: According to nature of business various start-up business can be

contacted by the company for their promotion.

2. Size of Operation: According to size of operation, segmentation can be for various

businesses which fall in the same category (small business).

TARGETING: Targeting our customers can be done in two ways:

1. Consumers: Most of the consumers in the urban area which can be the best customers for
the company and even they can contact the people in the rural area and tell them the
advantages of their products to them which can help them in future.

2. Businesses: Those businesses which are ready for joint venture or ready for promoting

POSITIONING: It determines how a brand is to be perceived to fit into the lives of its
target customers. Our company offers a value for money product as it is very easy to use
technology. The consumers can simply download any of the newspaper, magazine or book
and read it anywhere anytime.


SWOT analysis is a strategic planning process used to help an individual or organization get
hold of their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to business competition
or project planning.

 Feasible.  Focus on E-commerce
 Price, value and quality. only.
 Accessibility: delivered  Geographical position
& stored information (Rural and Urban).
anywhere anytime.  Learn to generate traffic.
 Global audience.  Need Consistent
 Wear Multiple Hats.

 Target market.  Market demand.
 Business/product  Competition.
development.  Google Algorithm
 Growth & Sales. Changes.
 Social Media  Innovation in
Marketing. technologies.
 Networking.


The objective of the analysis was to understand the digital presence of brands and gather
insights on their strengths and weaknesses and competitor’s digital presence and analysis.


Magzter Inc. is the world’s largest and fastest-growing digital e-learning platform, which was
established in June 2011 by Girish Ramdas (CEO of the Company) and Vijay Radhakrishnan
(President of the Company). In a nutshell, Magzter is the market leader in this industry.

Customer Base:
Magzter- 75 million
Tenhard India- 1 Lakh
Magazines and Newspaper collection:
Magzter- More than 5000
Tenhard India- More than 200
Languages available:
Magzter- More than 40 languages
Tenhard India- More than 4 languages
Mobile App:
Magzter- has its own App
Tenhard India- No App
Books and Novels:
Magzter- It does not provide any
Tenhard India- It provides books and novels
Magzter- It does not provide blog options
Tenhard India- It provides blogs for their subscribers


In the model, the only course of revenue generated is via subscription selling of
different periodic flavours available.
It's only B2C since the launch of Tenhard, but we are working on B2B, as we are cold
calling schools and NGOs.
B2C is the segment that is sold the most because an individual subscription is a service
that's selling the most right now instead of bulk selling that happens in B2B in schools/
colleges, Corporates, NGOs etc.
We give 10-15% percent of the book's price to Publishers per month to upload their
books on our website/Platform to increase the contents at Tenhard.


To be the brand leader in our category.

To be the customer's first choice.
To engender customer loyalty.
To offer great services at the best value.
To provide outstanding customer service.


E-commerce can contribute to enhancing the relationship between a company and its
customers from both a short-term and a long-term perspective.
It is a way to engage customers which will involves furnishing customers with relevant
information about the products and the business as well.
Branding includes techniques to create an image, by covering a place in the patrons’
It is done with the aim of setting up a significant existence in the market to attract
customers and retain them for a long time.


Companies need to find their target customer segments and adopt an appropriate
customer relationship management strategy to attract and keep customers.
Maintaining a database of customers brand specific reaching out to them and updating
through E-mailers and SMS.


Regular and frequent posts on all platforms which enhances uniformity.

Regular reinforcement of the posts on various platforms.
Use of the right hashtags for Instagram
Use of creative contents for the post, blogs, and websites which adds value, also helps
in analysis of the right target audience.
Using features like highlights, IGTV, stories options.


To understand consumer behaviour and customer interaction.

To identify and define the common as well as the unique business terminologies in

Studying the overall marketing strategy of Tenhard India

Apply marketing concepts to problems and issues within the industry.

Interpreting the company's' goal to assist in creating a marketing plan.

Understanding the digital side of marketing prominently.

Carry out proper segmenting, targeting, and positioning strategies in order to

generate leads and convert them.

To understand Digital Marketing techniques and use them for the company.
To create Brand Awareness.

Assist in updating different marketing databases and implementation of

competitive investigation.

Understanding and Implementing the social networking methods and functionality to

meet and exceed the requirements of a variety of forums & groups.


Prospecting: Given a comprehensive list of prospective clients in each segment. The

list consisted of all the details of the clients including name, email id and phone no.,
Pre-Approaching: Started approaching customers. Did cold calling, pitching them
about the product and the benefits.
Presentation: Provided all the necessary information to the customers regarding the
company subscriptions and detailed information about the benefits of taking the
subscriptions. Offered them the deal of having a trolley bag with every subscription of
Proposal: Framed a proposal to offer the customers and for collaborating with
schools and colleges.
Follow-up: Took follow-ups everyday to know if the customer shows interest in
buying the subscriptions.








Business to Consumer (B2C)

Throughout the SIP, I contacted all our potential clients and pitch them about our
product by giving them the best services at the best rates and convince them to take
subscriptions of different newspapers, magazines and books, also we even provided
special discounts on special occasions to boost up the sales of the company. In the
whole SIP the total revenue generated by me was INR 10,200. So, the B2C task was
carried out well.

Business to Business (B2b)

In B2B, I was assigned to send proposals to different schools and colleges for collaboration. I
contacted our potential clients and pitched them about our product and services and tried to
bring them on board with us by giving them special B2B prices and offers that can be profitable
to them.


Created a Promotional banner to promote the product of our company and generated
leads for the company through personal connections and social media and pitched
them with our product. Inbound and outbound Working on ATL and BTL activities-
ATL (Above the line) to raise brand awareness and reach more people and BTL
(Below the line) aimed at individuals.


Promoted the product through my specialized product knowledge to my

friends and family members and generated revenue worth Rs. 10,200. It
helped me understanding the relationship between a customer and
business. I also learned about various tactics for pitching the clients.


One of the primary responsibilities of a designer is to accomplish tasks while under the
supervision of more experienced colleagues. Apart from doing sales, I was assigned to
design and create posters and banners for the company’s social media presence and
advertisement. I used Photoshop and Canva for designing and creating. I created an
excel sheet where I listed all the important days of a month. Design digital promotional
banners, Facebook cover photos and brochures for affiliate product offers in
collaboration with the marketing and design teams. Created new designs for direct mail
advertising and internal projects comprised of brochures, books and posters.
I have pasted some of my created designs made for Tenhard India and Magnik India
which were made for different events and for advertisement and marketing purpose of
the company.

 MOTHER’S DAY POSTER: Prepared social media posters, provided with

posters of Tenhard and Magnik Pvt Ltd.

 EARTH DAY POSTER: Prepared social media poster for Tenhard India.

 RABINDRANATH TAGORE JAYANTI: Prepared social media poster for

Tenhard India.

 ADVERTISEMENT POSTER: Prepared social media poster for advertisement

and marketing purpose of Tenhard and Magnik India.

 INTERNATIONAL NURSES DAY: Prepared social media posters, provided

with posters of Tenhard and Magnik Pvt Ltd.

 BLOG COVER: Prepared blog cover pages which were posted on company’s

website as blog covers.

Travel Blog post

This blog cover was made based on Travel anywhere.

Food Blog Post

This blog cover was made based on the best Delhi street food.


Learned About SEO

SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization.” It's the practice of increasing both the
quality and quantity of website traffic, as well as exposure to your brand, through
non-paid (also known as "organic") search engine results.

a) On Page
b) Off Page
c) Universal
d) Technical
e) local

Types of Searches:
 Navigational search
 Informational search
 Transactional search

PPE (Pay Per Click): PPC stands for pay-per-click, a model of internet marketing
in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. Essentially, it's a
way of buying visits to your site, rather than attempting to “earn” those visits
organically. Search engine advertising is one of the most popular forms of PPC.

Backlinking: Backlinks (also known as “inbound links”, “incoming links” or “one

way links”) are links from one website to a page on another website. Google and other
major search engines consider backlinks “votes” for a specific page. Pages with a high
number of backlinks tend to have high organic search engine rankings.

Domain Authority: Domain Authority (DA) is a search engine ranking score

developed by Moz that predicts how likely a website is to rank on search engine result
pages (SERPs). A Domain Authority score ranges from one to 100, with higher scores
corresponding to a greater ability to rank.

Page Authority: Page Authority (PA) is a score developed by Moz that predicts
how well a specific page will rank on search engine result pages (SERP). Page authority
scores range from one to 100, with higher scores corresponding to a greater ability to


It helped me understand the areas of improvement for the brand.

I was able to observe the customer experience.

It helped me understand the branding and marketing strategies.

Gave me and understanding of employee relationship within.

knowing the concepts of marketing and digital marketing.

Learned advertisement.

Know the customers interest as every customer is different.

Influencing the customers to choose the right product.

Understanding consumer behaviour and designing work.

Learning about google analytics, types of searches and backlinking and

Search engine optimisation (SEO).

Helped me understand the negative business reviews and the importance

of encouraging happy clients to contribute more positive feedback.

Taught me importance to engage customer through brand awareness by a

consistent, creative message which helped me cope with huge surge of

engagement through the digital media by creating appropriate taglines and

creative content.

Importance of competitive advantage expression.

Empowers improved communication with the patrons.


TITLE: Consumer Behaviour for E-Books vs Printed Books


To analyse consumer behaviour towards E-Books and Printed Books.

To know actually people, prefer E-Books or Printed ones?

Types of Research Data: I have collected primary data by doing a qualitative research.

Research Methodology:

1. A questionnaire was designed consisting of open questions.

2. A google form was made consisting of all the questions.

3. The google form was circulated using social media to my friends and relatives.

4. Sample size of the number of responses was around 60.



Around 47 % of the respondents who filled the google form were of the age 21-23. The form
was circulated with my friends and relatives. The 45 % of respondents are of the age above 23.
In this digital world due to online classes and work from home digital reading is increasing


Most of the respondents read for just an hour or less than an hour. Around 37 % of the
respondents read for 1-3 hours in printed or digital form. Almost 12 % of the respondents don’t
read for pleasure. Due to work from home, it may affect reading of a person from time to time.


For school/office/college purpose around 34 % of the respondents read E-Books or books in

printed form. As online classes for the college and school students are going on so reading is
increasing in the form of online which is helping the students in their sessions and exams. 10
% are the respondents who don’t read for school/college/office purpose they must be reading
for any other purpose.


In general, around 75 % of the respondents prefer to read books in printed form. Some of the
respondents read E-Books. Everyone has different method of reading most of the respondents
like printed form of reading whichever suits to them.


As most of the respondents are readers, reading books in the printed form so 73 % have
completed just 1-2 E-Books in the last 1 year. 15 % of the respondents have completed 3-4
books in last 1 year. Most of them prefer to read from PDFs in PC.


Usage of pc and usage of phone is increasing day by day due to e-learning, work from home
and other activities. So, most of the respondents like to read e-books from their pc or their
phone (35 % - phone, 43.3 % - pc). For the participants that chose to read from e-books (digital
books) the majority of participants have full completed or mostly completed 1-2 E-books in
the last year.


Around millions of e-books, we can carry in our smartphone anywhere anytime. Carrying 10-
15 printed books is difficult to carry. Most of the respondents think that carrying multiple at a
time is the best reason for preferring e-books over printed books.


37 % of the respondents think that cost is not a factor which influences them to purchase e-
book over a printed book and for around 36 % respondents cost may be a factor for preferring
e-book over printed book. Some respondents who take care of cost of more think that cost is a
factor which influences to purchase an e-book over a printed book.


Less eye strain while reading is the most considered point for preferring printed book over an
e-book and preferring to read from physical copy is the second most preferred point. Actually,
preventing eye strain people prefer to read from printed copy so that they could easily spend
their day well without head ache.


Around 70 % of the respondents like to read the book in the printed form rather than in digital
form because they feel less strain on eyes while reading and 30 % respondents like to read it in
digital form.


Free time in home reading a book which is the best fiction seller respondents feel that the book
should be in printed form whether there is any difference in cost or not. Only around 14 %
think that the book should be in digital form.


The purpose of this study is to find out how people prefer print or digital books,
especially in the target market of college students within the age range of 18-23 years

From the survey we can find that e-books are preferred more than printed books while

According to me, due to work from home and a lot of screening the whole day some of
the respondents feel that eye strain leads to preferring printed books over e-books.

In the time of covid and lockdown all are now taking care of their expenses as e-books
comparing to printed books are less expensive so e-books are preferred more.

It can also be concluded that somewhere price is a factor when people choose e-books
over printed books, as e-books can at time be more cost effective than purchasing a
printed book.


Customer preference
Survey importance
Time management
Customer Behaviour
Sales pitch
Customer handling
Marketing tools to search primary data



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