16 Some People Think That Success in Life Comes From Hard Work and Determination

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16 Some people think that success in life comes from hard work and

determination, while others think that there are more important

factors such as money and appearance. Discuss both views and give
your opinion.
Few individuals believe that one can achieve success in life through
hard work and determination and on the other hand people believe
that success come from money and appearance. I believe that success
in life comes with adapting changes with the time because we are living
in a dynamic world both the views are discuss here.
In today’s world everyone wants overnight success. Because no one
have patience in life and they give up very quickly but no one knows
overnight success story has taken many years of life full of struggles and
sacrifices for example Thomas Alva Eddison 10000 times while make a
bulb and he said that I did not fail 10000 times while making bulb I
knew 10000 ways of bulb that fails.
Few people believe that success come through appearance and money
yes there are some professions in which looks matter a lot like model
and actors but they also need to work hard to maintain their physique
to exemplify Akshaya Kumar is one of the famous Bollywood actors
and he use to wake up at 4 am daily and workout at least 2 hrs. in a day
to maintain his looks and physique.
According to my opinion a person can only gets success if he or she
keeps on learning and able to cope up with the changing environment
for example in this covid times education patten has completely change
and shifted to online mode. Teachers who all were able to adapt the
change survived rest all failed.
I would like to conclude that hard work is only the key to success.
Success without hard work is next to impossible

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