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Revisions Highlighted

Society on the Japanese archipelago changed drastically from the Jōmon to the
Asuka perl innovation gradually leading from the loosely connected Jōmon culture to a
more powerful and centralized imperial state.

The earliest evidence of people living in Japan is found during the Jōmon period
(approximatr its primary technological and cultural advancement of rope patterned
pottery. People lived in small, hunter-gatherer societies with little to no hierarchical
structureor food preservation, cond salt production along with stone tools meant for fishing
and hunting. Overall, tis was a largely affluent period that saw a tenfold increase in popars.

Around 400 BCE a gradual transition to the Yayoi period occurred, characterized by
the increased importaurred in the south of Japan due to interactions between the Jōmon
people and migrants from the Korean peninsula, se influence can be found in many places
including a shift in the style of pottery and the use of new materials such as iron, bronze,
and glass. Increase in the size of communities led to the emergence of political units,
violence between these units, and new technology for enacting this violence. This period is
also marked by an increasingly hierarchical societal structure as evidenced by remains
found with mirrors, jewelry, and other markings of importance in their tombs. In China, the
first external records of the Wa people, the residents of the archipelago, can be found
painting them as an inferior and barbaric culture.

In around 200 CE, another cultural shift occurred leading to the designation of the
Kofun (Tomb) period. This period was named for the large burial mounds that were
constructed with techal use. Society on the archipelago became increasingly hierarchical
based on occupation which led to the creatif an elte class and the Yamato court. Warfare
was also quiteis period with troops bal politichting due to a lack of clear lines of succession
in the Yamato court. Towards the end of the Kofun period, the Soga gained a monopoly of
the Yamato court and established a hereditaal lineage that lasted into the mid Asuka period.

Following the Kofun period is the Asriod which ranges2-710 and is defined by an
increase in government strend unity as Japan moves towards becoming a Chinese style
imperial statence that characterized the relationship between Japan and China and was
seen as a huge sign of disrespect. Once the Soga lineage was removed from the throne, there
was a large increase in formal government power in the form of taxation, administration,
and the beginnings of espital cings such as medicine, the calendar, and history. Warfare
oKorean peninsula caused an influx of refugee immigration into Japan by the Korean strtant
consequences of this immigration was the increase in literacy of the Japanese court due as
well as another increase in bureaucrcture due to the perceived threats on the Korean
peninsula. This period also saw an increase in class distinctions in society that were shown
with clothing, diet, as rious groups lived in relation to the capital whi as the center of the
worlsovhe gods to rule Japan, now known to themselves as Nihon, also emerged during this

The earlynings of an imperial state with strict hierarchy, a unified culture, and a
clearly defined ruler. This change can be attributed to a large amount of technological
advancement as well as contactd Korean cultures as Japan attempted to solidify its
presence in the world.

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